Sky Dungeon

Chapter 831: Mute disabled

   However, what happened next was beyond all players' expectations, and everyone including Jing Tian was completely shocked.

   Before the game started, Lina Li stood up a little excited, looking a little nervous and restrained.

   This shouldn't have happened to a host, it was this sense of violation that caught the attention of all players.

She bowed deeply to all the players present, and then what she said was also broadcast through the headlines of various world channels and system channels: "Dear players, I am sorry to let everyone hear such a sad song. A little sad, a little confused... However, this song comes from the depths of our hearts and is a true portrayal of the world in our hearts, so we have to sing it for everyone, and don’t want to hide it. In fact, all 108 of us are in your mouth The dumb disabled people often talk about!"

   An uproar sounded instantly!


  Are you sure today is not April Fool's Day?

   turned out to be dumb?

How could    be dumb?

  What international joke?

   Such a natural sound is actually sung by a dumb?

  How can a dumb person sing?

   Players all over the world were so shocked that they could not speak. Jing Tian had already sat up from the folding bed. He never expected that Tengyi Company would play such a wonderful hand!

   Although I have thought about it, mental pronunciation can change the world and help mute persons with disabilities, but I never imagined that Tengyi would recruit such a team of 108 people with disabilities during the testing phase. What courage is this?

   At the same time, how cunning is it?

   said it is courage. This is naturally because it is inconvenient for people with disabilities to cooperate with the test. Under normal circumstances, it is necessary to conduct experiments with normal people first, which is convenient for communication and easy to check for deficiencies.

However, this is also a very critical scientific ethics issue. If you experiment with normal people, you will naturally invite a lot of opposition and doubts. After all, the process of capturing and interpreting brain nerve signals such as mental vocalization is very mysterious. To be feared in a sense.

   After all, no one wants to let others peep into their inner world, or let others know what they are thinking easily.

   If there is a device that can easily read the brains of others, it will definitely cause an uproar. Those who fear that their dirty inner world will be read by others will definitely think of trying to completely choke this device in the cradle.

   Even normal people don’t want others to have mind-reading skills and always understand what they’re thinking, right?

   What if you think about the account password of online banking?

   However, the cunning Tengyi company chose the first batch of experimental people to become disabled, so it also put on a coat of justice and public welfare.

   As the dawn of the deaf and mute, it gains new vocal cords for the disabled and opens up a brand new life path for the disabled. It may not be long before such a publicity theme will appear on the headlines of major websites around the world.

   That's right, after this kind of public welfare is put on the label of benefiting the disadvantaged groups, all doubts and fears will become pale and weak.

   Is it because everyone is afraid that they will be peeped inside, so they refuse to develop black technology that can talk to the dumb?

   Moreover, the suspicion of mental pronunciation, which is similar to virtual pronunciation and electronic pronunciation, was immediately cleared.

   Idol cheated players, fake singing?

   does not exist at all, DI108 is one hundred and one hundred dumb, how can you pretend to sing?

   In reality, the voice of a dumb person does not have his own singing voice, and the voice of DI108 in the game does not exist at all. It can only be said that the voice of DI108 is perfectly presented through technical means!

   Their voices are so beautiful and pleasant to hear, like the sound of nature, it is God's jealousy that deprives them of their voices.

   There is no question at all. How can it be possible to compare the sound of the DI108 in the game with the reality to distinguish whether it is a false singing synthesis?

   Jing Tian felt that the worries in his heart seemed to be swept away at this moment!

   Those DI108 supporters will probably support them more firmly from today. The disadvantaged groups are more likely to gain public recognition and support. Their strength is admired by the world!

   Before Jing Tian straightened out his thoughts, Lina Li began to speak again. Obviously, all this was arranged and premeditated.

   However, this is a positive energy. Even if we know that this is a new hot spot of hype, no one can resist the charm of this hype show!

   "Maybe everyone is a little puzzled, why are we dumb, but we can talk and sing?"

Lina Liying’s voice stopped abruptly, as if giving everyone the last time to think. After a deep breath, she revealed the mystery: “Actually, Sky Dungeon is not just a game, for us In terms of another life, another world! We are fortunate enough to participate in the development and testing of the mental pronunciation system developed by Tengyi. Now we have successfully produced our own voice through the large-scale instrument in the laboratory. How many years ago The dream we discarded! Yes, it was Tengyi who helped us regain our dream and realized it with us. We are very grateful to Tengyi for its contribution to the world's disabled people!"

   is another uproar...

No one knows what the mental pronunciation system But everyone just thinks with hair and understands that this is a kind of black technology that allows the instrument to read your own brain nerve information, and then make your heart sound through the device what!

"Here, I beg everyone to refrain from slandering the technology of mental pronunciation. This technology will bring earth-shaking changes to the world. The technology of reading and recognizing brain nerve signals will not cause citizens' privacy to be violated. Spiritual pronunciation only To read the vocal information in our brain, we cannot read everything we think or think in our brain. In a sense, this is a one-way content output that is unilaterally controlled by us. Just like a normal person speaks, the brain takes care of everything. The words spoken are transmitted to the vocal organs through a certain form of information control signal, but now the information is intercepted by the vocal system and directly output to the game server. The game server transforms the information into what we are saying now. These words are all It comes from our sense of autonomy." Lina Li began to carefully popularize science. Obviously, Tengyi Company has also considered the issue of social panic a long time ago.

   That's it!

  The device only reads the vocal information, instead of forcibly reading the content of our brain.

  Think about it, if you read all the content forcibly, Lina Li would not be able to communicate so smoothly at this moment, and her inner thoughts would flow out in a mess, turning into a voice that everyone listened to.

   As long as you don’t read your evil heart, you can do anything!

   Many people breathed a sigh of relief...

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