Sky Dungeon

Chapter 838: The most unstable in this game is call

After sneaking in, the stalker hides in the dark, and let his teammates act as cannon fodder to try to infiltrate directly. Of course, this player may be killed soon, but don’t forget that priest Shennong can resurrect her, and the stalker sees the opportunity Interrupt, then Nangong Lingxi probably won't have the chance to be famous.

   Even if there is, it is definitely famous for money: people are stupid and have a lot of money.

   The root cause of this result is that Nangong Lingxi's tactics have not been exposed. Once exposed, as long as the opponent is on guard, she will not be easily succeeded.

1V5 is a fluke myth at this stage. Even in the case of 1V1, as long as the player does not walk into the chess game set by Nanlingxi, do not follow the usual path, and beat Nangong Lingxi by surprise, it is not impossible to win. may. First release https://https://

   Especially for long-range occupations, the mobility of Nangong Lingxi's ten puppets can be described as a tortoise. As long as the kite is flying well and cleverly, then Nan Lingxi can only cry and be consumed alive.

   In short, facing the Nangong Lingxi where the chess game is flowing, don't take the initiative to enter the chess game of life and death, otherwise, a life of nine deaths, this life means escape. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   After seeing the strength of Nangong Lingxi, Jing Tian has even practiced the process of fighting it in his mind countless times, but the results mostly made him feel desperate.

   Nangong Lingxi's victory announced that all five teams of Qiyun have successfully passed the first round of the elimination round. Of course, there are many players in the world with super thinking ability who have questioned the rules of random matching of opponents on the World Channel.

   "What random match, this is a black box operation, the weak team meets all the strong teams, and the disparity in strength is too great."

   What this person said, those who were eliminated in the first round naturally couldn't sit still, and one after another stood up and used themselves as an example to prove the system's black box operation.

   "That is, let people not play, we want to play fair, not as a foil!"

   "Yes, all the five teams in our guild encountered were the top ten guilds last time. Is this too unfair?"

   "Is this what brought us here as green leaves?"

   Since it's a competition for hegemony, don't you have to meet a strong team sooner or later, why bother to care about it?

   Most viewers still agree with this kind of black box operation.

Of course, the five members of the Sixth Sense Guild who just lost the game did not say anything at this time. Are they going to stand up and say that they have met a strong team of players, and the other party directly gave their five players to a wave of their own power? All out?

   It’s not enough to be embarrassed in front of the audience in your own guild, is it still going to the World Channel?

   Wouldn’t it be laughed at by friends in the meeting?

   At the beginning of the second round, Nangong Lingxi has undoubtedly become the focus of the hearts of all the audience supporting the Cloud Riding Guild, and even most of the members of the female emperor husband group were called by the guild to watch the battle.

   At first, they didn't believe it, but after seeing the short video of the puppet self-explosion released by the players of the same guild, they had only one idea in their hearts: they must witness the birth of the strongest profession with their own eyes!

However, when Nangong Lingxi was introduced into an open desert landscape, the hearts of all the audience were mixed. Sadly, they could not see Nangong Lingxi again using the advantage of the terrain to kill five enemies in one wave. What's gratifying is that Nangong Lingxi might lose the game, or let this guy keep winning, then other professions must consider deleting their account and retiring.

   In addition to the sparsely distributed cactus-like plant and animal corpses, this desert landform has really no map elements that can be hidden and used.

   Even Nanlingxi is somewhat embarrassed. After all, it is impossible to determine from which direction the enemy will attack. How can we talk about delaying instructions to let the enemy enter his own chess game?

   Suddenly, Nan Lingxi's mind flashed, and she thought of a truth she had learned from the business world: If you want to get the enemy to the bait, you must expose your own weaknesses. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and Nan Lingxi began to give orders.

   Before the enemy found Nangong Lingxi, her character stood motionless, while the puppets walked closely, as if they were in formation.

   "I'm doing it, how come there are so many people on the opposite side? Are they all summoners?" A member of the player team that was hostile to Nangong Lingxi exclaimed.

   At this time, both sides have entered the field of vision, and can vaguely see the opponent's lineup.

"What's scary about summoning? The most unstable in this game is summoning. It is not summoned unreliable heroic spirits, or summoned disobedient spirit beasts, and even more cheating demons. Even my teammates and masters fight. What's to be afraid of."

The person who speaks is naturally the captain. This person knows the summoner in Sky Dungeon better. If you ask what kind of career the wild team does not like to bring, it must be a demon summoner. No one would like its existence.

  Of course, this is due to the great work of Jing Tian, ​​the original game chief, who has developed a summoner system that is not controlled by the player.

   Summoning is summoning, but the summoned creature has its own has its own attack methods and does not know how to cooperate.

   Even more terrible is the Demon Summoner. Although the demon summoned is very powerful, the attacks of the demon are often aimed at all creatures other than the demon. When a single attack is made, the target is chosen at will regardless of the enemy or me.

  The two words are: willful, and the four words are: arbitrariness!

   There are no shortage of game anchors who have a funny route to choose this career. After all, after summoning the devil, the demon did not attack the enemy, but the scene of his own violent beating of the summoner can definitely ignite the laughter of all the audience.

  Especially with a bunch of words of begging for mercy, it will definitely make the level of funny leap to a whole new level.

   Therefore, at this stage, the summoner is recognized as one of the unstable professions. Then facing the opponent's team of summoners, most of the player teams have full confidence to win to the end.

   However, as the distance got closer, the team leader of the small guild "Milk Eggplant" finally saw the lineup of the cloud riding guild.

At this moment in his heart he wished to pick up a club as thick as a leg, and slam it heavily on the head of the teammate who was just speaking casually. His mouth was obviously displeased: "Where is a team of summoners, this is clearly a team of puppets. Master!"

   "Brother, you can see clearly, this is a team of puppets, just one puppet master." The other younger brother corrected.

   "I do! Have you ever seen a person with so many puppets? The other puppet masters are hiding, they want to use the puppets to consume our combat power, let's go around them and find them all first."


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