Sky Dungeon

Chapter 853: Birth cut

   That's right, you can die in battle, but you can't die in battle!

   can't kill a person and wipe out the whole army.

   Even if you have to lose, you must lose vigorously and never look like a coward!

   That's right, celebrity players will have a face while they are alive, and they must not be beaten by the same gang again and again!

   However, others can run, but the team leader of the office building itself, who advocated a strategic retreat, failed to run away...

The office building is more bitter than anyone at this time. After all, after the two hatred skills of Battle of Glory and Glory Sacrifice are thrown out, any enemy's skills will inevitably fall on themselves. There is no invincible skills, no strong control skills, this is my own The mocking face will naturally be beaten into a pig head by the Automobile Association.

   sighed in his heart, and the office building had to yell on the current channel: "You go first, I will leave afterwards!"

   Yes, what he said was not "I will break first," but "I will stay after the break". The meaning is simple and easy to understand. He is going to use his death to drag the cloud riding team and give everyone time to retreat.

   is really full of drama!

   That's right, at this moment even the people in the Cloud Riding Team are a little concerned about the self-sacrificing spirit of the office building.

   is precisely because of this move in the office building, which not only won the praise of the five members of the riding cloud team, but also won the support of the audience outside the venue.

   Such a small move, even if the office building lost the game, it won the hearts of the people, it also won the hearts of the audience, the centripetal force of the guild, and it also made his status as the captain a little rudimentary.

I have to clarify that in this situation, running away and regrouping is the best solution, and everyone in Qiyun, whose skills are basically empty, wants to stay in the office building. Although it is not difficult, the skills are hard to beat. The Glory Paladin who retracted into the tortoise shell again was too wasteful.

   Under normal circumstances, no one wants to kill the Glory Paladin first.

   Therefore, after this compulsory hatred in the office building, he should have been unable to escape and was stopped by skills, but none of the three Qiyun had lost skills.

   On the contrary, the office building didn't understand the situation. He stood still and didn't take a step back. The battle flag spear in his hand suddenly swung out, stopping the three people who wanted to win the chase.

   "Don't go! I don't need you to be pitiful, I don't want to bypass me to hurt my companions, I must step over my corpse to go!"

   It's getting bloody!

   Calm down, and you will find that this guy is a dramatist!

   If you stop it, stop it, do you need to yell?

   More importantly, who of us pity you?

   Do you think that your bravery and righteousness touched our compassion?

   Do we want to keep you alive, and then say on the current channel: "Seeing that you are also a good guy, don't kill you now, wait for annihilation of your colleague, and you can take the initiative to give in."?

   Don’t be passionate, okay?

   Or, your ridicule depends on howling?

   Well, I have to admit that you succeeded!

   Luoxia and the three people didn't want to chase them. It was a bit uncomfortable to force them to move face-to-face, just like a person running backwards, and they were not allowed to turn their heads to observe the road behind them, and the speed would be pitifully slow.

   It's too uncomfortable to bypass the compulsory aspect of the Glory Paladin to chase the enemy, so let's just kill this mocking face!

As a result, the audience outside the venue was boiling at this moment, and they praised the mockery of the office building one by one, saying that they were sincerely dedicated to the team. Unlike other tanks, they spoke better than they sang, but they didn’t encounter danger. The slightest responsibility.

   It seems that the two-headed Leo is lying on the gun inexplicably!

   "Huh? Then give birth!"

   Yang Mimi was not eager to chase the prey that escaped from her hands, and enthusiastically delivered a penetrating command.

It’s not as good as to **** in the air. The “life cut” command refers to the use of a huge normal attack to kill the player character alive. It’s like using a knife to cut a living animal with one knife, so there is the "life cut". statement.

Birth is regarded as a kind of mental torture for the player, especially when the opponent is surrounded by the opponent to give birth, that kind of helplessness and helplessness can make a player's anger burn to the eyebrows, and it can also make a player Shame plunged into the bone marrow.

Especially at this time, in front of many guild spectators, when the office building was drawn by three players with the most primitive ordinary attack to damage the data mosaic, the office building’s face was completely gloomy, and the battle flag spear in his hand was also Waving desperately.

   I wanted to be brave, but didn’t let you kill me like this?

   What should the audience think, he was killed by a normal attack?

Even the Glory Paladin, even the captain with a calm personality, at this time he is also incarnate as an irritated sheep, and the three of them are leaning against Luojing Xiashi with their pitiful two-handed skills that can count the number. .

   Even in the end, he had already begun to fight back, but his birth seemed so weak and desolate in front of the three people on the opposite side.

   The key is that as a meat shield, January 31st is actually in the birth queue.

   This is a bit surprising. As a glorious knight, shouldn't he protect the white without understanding black?

   Don’t you know that Bai didn’t understand Hei Chao before running in another and there was still a Berserker chasing behind?

   Do you want to have trouble with yourself? How much hatred did we have before?

However, the audience outside the stadium has already applauded for the office building. Everyone did not expect that the Honor Paladin could have the courage to counterattack in the face of a siege of several outputs, and it could also hold on for so much time. Thirty-one is attracted, giving teammates a chance to kill the white who does not understand the black!

   That’s right, at this time, the white ignorant black has been intercepted by a charge from the Berserker’s apartment building, followed by the Berserker’s signature skill: [Bone Broken]!

The special effect of the    bone crushing skill is that it can reduce the target's HP limit in a short time.

   Although it has the best effect on rough-skinned professions, it is a pretty good way to attack the healing profession and compress the total blood volume of the healing profession.

   Immediately afterwards, the apartment building used a note: [serious injury]!

   First-order serious injury: 3 consecutive hits on the same part of the target in a short period of time, the skill attack must cause a critical damage effect, and there is a certain probability to knock down the opponent for 2 seconds.

  Imagine that if you hit the enemy's same key in a row, that would be three times the damage in a row. Even if you are attacked by a berserker in reality, you may also faint, so the stun effect with a certain chance of serious injury is understandable.

   However, facing the serious injury of the apartment building, Bai did not understand the black and even managed to resist the vertigo effect.

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