Sky Dungeon

Chapter 874: 1 ferocious **** dog

   It would be a big mistake to think that this building is just that simple. Didn’t anyone tell you that the first floor of this building is still a suite?

  If not, it doesn't matter, the five Andromedas have already walked into the suite with impatient steps.

   Of course I am impatient, this feeling of cat and mouse always makes people easily anxious, and makes people swear in secret.

   When the five Andromedas stepped into the suite on the first floor, the tight nerves of the five people instantly relaxed, because the suite in front of them was empty!

   Inertial thinking made the five people continue to move into the suite. After all, it is necessary to carefully observe the structure here, maybe there are any hidden passages and rooms.

   At this moment, the eyes of the five Andromedas are black. If the VR headset is not working normally, it will definitely make people suspect that it is a power outage or a problem with the game equipment.

   "A bully!"

   Last breath, these three words were shouted from the mouth of the well, magnificent.

   That’s right, the five people who sit on the well and watch the sky are indeed hidden, but they are not hidden in this suite according to common sense. Instead, they are hidden under the hall stairs on the first floor.

   I have to say that this place is indeed easy to be overlooked, and in the case of a suite, ordinary people would think that if there is an ambush, it must be in the depths of the suite.

   Successful ambush attack!

   But Sky Dungeon is not an FPS online game. The effect of a sneak attack can only be first-hand, and it is impossible to directly annihilate the enemy.

   However, if you jump out of the game and consider the player's inner world, a successful sneak attack will often cause a psychological pressure on the enemy and unconsciously think that you are at a disadvantage.

   Once this kind of psychological pressure expands infinitely, it will often make people's fighting spirit dissipate and they will not be able to perform at a normal level.

   "Arrow Rain!"

   Yun Yiyi coldly shouted out the voice command of Magic Arrow Rain.

   This is the case with the Andromeda team at this time. After being attacked by Sit Jing Guantian, there was no time to make any response, and the blue arrow rain poured down from the top of the head.

The indoor environment is inherently narrow, and if you can’t react immediately, it’s impossible to avoid the enemy’s attack. It’s a pity that during the first reaction period, the five Andromedas are full of panic about being attacked. Where is it possible to evade this wide range of attack control skills?

   missed the first reaction time, then can only bear the baptism of a wave of enemy attacks.

   This time, Jing Tian chose to set fire to the Hounds of the Stardust Guild, not because of anything else, just because he was holding the Space Staff in his hand.

   Space Staff?

   Everyone may be a little confused. Even if the space staff is a magic class, it is not a high-output existence. Why would you take an auxiliary class for surgery?

It’s not because of anything else, it’s because even though Stardust Guild is a member of five members, there is a fierce **** dog standing behind him. Don’t treat this creature as a small follower of the hunter profession in previous online games, because of this tail. And the big dog with long red-gold hair covering the top of his head and the red flame burning at the top of part of the body is the spirit beast: Tengu!

   Having a spirit beast naturally exposed at least one spirit beast summoner in the star guild team, so the Hound holding a space staff naturally exposed his identity.

Therefore, there is no suspense in the set fire hound, because the spirit beast summoner is best at launching combo skills with the spirit beast. If the spirit beast summoner is controlled, then the spirit beast is basically a monster that can only attack normally. That's it, nothing to worry about.

   Yes, the three major summoning classes are different.

  The heroes summoned are heroes. They have their own attack routines and combat concepts. They will automatically attack hostile targets in their own way.

   Spirit Beasts are different. Although they have sagacity, the source of their power is the summoner himself, so they must cooperate with the summoner and cannot act alone to complete difficult kills.

   The demon summoner is a bunch of demons. The creatures they summon come from hell, and they regard all creatures as the target of hunting, including the summoner himself.

Perhaps if it reaches level 40, the spirit beast summoner can also rely on the ability to dispel control and space teleport to fight a perfect anti-control war, but the hounds without the ability to dispel control at this stage are the fish that can be slaughtered, and there is no way to fight back. .

   After all, the spirit beast summoner is also a magic output class that accumulates intelligence attributes. Even if there are other gameplays, it has not been dug up at this stage, so the thin skin of the spirit beast summoner is enough to become the enemy's primary choice.

   However, what is somewhat troublesome is that there is also a guardian shaman in the Star Guild team. The blood blessings and sky blessings are hung on the heads of the team members, and they continue to restore the red bars and blood bars.

   "Flying off!"

  The purple-black war sickle in the hands of the village woman turned into a gloomy light and hit the five members of the Star Guild hard, and it also caused a knockdown effect on the guardian shaman Aquarius, and a knockdown effect on the thin body of Swallow!

It has to be said that the hit rate of the knock-up effect depends to a certain extent on the body weight of the player character. Relatively thin players are more likely to be knocked into the air. A tall man like an Andromeda is more difficult to be knocked into the air. Even if it is a knock-up, the displacement produced by the knock-up will be relatively short.

   "Thor Chain, Thunder Strike!"

   The drunkard also continuously tilts her skills on the dog, but her attacks are obviously not as efficient as fighting non-magic occupations. After all, intelligence will also increase the player's magic defense value.

   Many people don't understand why there is such a setting. In fact, it is also made by Zhao Jiaxue, a woman with a strong thinking ability.

"Why increase intelligence and not increase magic defense? Obviously understanding magic, knowing the composition and circuit of magic, can naturally have higher countermeasures and methods of resistance to magic. For example, when a magician is fighting, both sides will not support shields to offset Is the opponent’s attack? There is also a great sage with high intelligence, which is not an unpredictable magician, when have you seen the great sage fight against the great sage, each of them casts a skill, and then The other party killed them, and they all died..."

   What does this have to do with the Great Sage?

   It's not that Jing Tian can't twist Zhao Jiaxue. It's just that he also hates the magician's gameplay in traditional online games. It's really boring to go back and forth between each other.

   Faye has become a machine that harvests human heads in traditional online games, so in Sky Dungeon, at least let them not be able to harvest each other. First release https://https://

   However, the magister skill with high single-piece damage has a unique skill damage bonus, and the bloodline of the dog was naturally slammed.

   "Bone-biting, broken tendons!"


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