Sky Dungeon

Chapter 878: Don't strike

   If a magical skill supports a profession, then the spirit beast summoner is definitely a classic representative of doing his part. When everyone sees the spirit beast summoner in the later stage, the first thing they think of must be: Space Kill!

   That's right, don't think that this skill will do nothing after being upgraded. The second-order space kill directly allows the space to last for 6 seconds!

   tremble, the crowd is invincible for six seconds!

   The six-second group exile!

   This is actually one of the important reasons why Jing Tian decided to focus on the hounds in the first place. If he suddenly controls or protects an important role, it will lead to the use of all previous attacks.

   It's too late now. The Hounds have already been resurrected. With 20% of the HP and the Aquila who has started to read the healing magic, the Hounds can summon spirit beasts with peace of mind.

   "Don't strike by the devil!" Jing Tian reminded lightly.

He didn’t want the secret of Demon Strike to be seen through prematurely. If the Demon Clan in the last battle hadn’t figured out what happened, he only regarded Demon Strike as an output skill against the sky. At this time, if you use it again, I'm afraid it will be completely exposed and analyzed. Then the secret of the demon strike and the artifact of the PVP group battle will also be greatly discounted.

   Not to mention, Jing Tian is really the roundworm in Yun Yiyi's stomach. In fact, she has already begun to think about how to use the demon strike to win back a city after breaking free from the restraint of nature, but Jing Tian's words completely dispelled her thoughts.

Indeed, if the demon strike wants to kill the opponent, it must be treated with the cooperation of the opponent. It is good to say that there are many people, and it is not easy to be discerned. When there are few people, if the opponent gives a single milk, then one person will die. It will directly expose the mystery of the demon strike!

   Obviously, using the Demon Strike at this time is not worth the gain!

   Hearing what Jing Tian said, Zhao Jiaxue encouraged Yun Yiyi on the sidelines: "That is, use a sledgehammer to kill the chicken. Don't worry, if you can kill the summoner once, you can kill the second time!"

   That's right! Before everyone could react, the village woman blurted out, "Second burst!"

   Two strong winds struck, and I thought I could summon the Hounds of the spirit beast with peace of mind. At this time, sadly discovered that the crossbow bolt had penetrated his chest and formed a large wound formed by a mosaic of data.

   His summoning skills were instantly interrupted, and he entered a semi-cooling state.

   At the same time, someone said in unison: "Two in a row!"

Of course it’s not someone else, it’s Jing Tian. The crossbow in Jing Tian’s hands shot out two strange cold glows, one hit her arm, and the other struck the Aquarius mermaid's body with a very small distance, and the sky eagle right behind her. seat!

   The hand of God, who was about to sing to the end of Aquila, was forced into a semi-cooled state.

   The drunkard was not idle either, he found an opportunity to attack as soon as his actions recovered, and shouted: "Thunder Tribulation!"

   Tier 1 Thunder Tribulation: Locking the skill, the single body continues to drop the thunder, once every 3 seconds, a total of 4 times.

   Although this skill doesn't have any powerful control effect, it does not belong to the negative continuous damage state once every three seconds, a total of four times, and it is used to interrupt players who want to cast long singing skills. It is wonderful.

   does not belong to the negative continuous damage state, which means that the effect of the skill cannot be dispelled. Any dispelling is powerless. Unless the opponent has an invincible skill, it must be hit. Even if the player opens the strong control at level 40, he can barely take 1-2 times of falling thunder, and the next two will still be hit.

Of course, some players broke this situation later. When the opponent started to perform Thunder Tribulation, Pastor Shennong forced the use of Shennong’s wind, contact control and immunity to three-second action interruption, and after 2 thunderstorms, he was caught by Thunder Tribulation. The person of person develops strong control skills and eats the last two thunders, so that they can perfectly eat the thunders 4 times to ensure the display of their skills.

   However, in order to maintain the normal operation of an output point, it is necessary to hand over life-saving skills. This approach is unacceptable to most players.

   Players who are often hit by the thunder tribulation are forced to eat thunder 4 times, during which they use short chanting or no chanting skills to ensure their output. Although the output is greatly reduced, it is possible to output as much as possible without using life-saving skills, which is also a very qualified and reasonable operation.

   After all, the opponent's skill hasn't been upgraded. If it is upgraded, it will drop thunder more than 4 times!

If Thunder Tribulation falls on the head of the Hounds, I am afraid that the Hounds will cry directly at this time. Although the cooldown time of the ability to summon spirit beasts is short, but the one who carries Thunder Tribulation also summons a woolen thread. This is simply giving him a living. Control is dead.

   However, the drunkard has thrown his skills on Aquila's head at this time. This hand has to say that he has a good sense of play, and even Jing Tian has added a few points to the drunk in his heart.

At this time, both the spirit beast summoner Hound must be interrupted and the Aquila must be controlled, but the first thing to do is to control the Aquila. As long as the treatment is inconvenient and continues to use skills, or is interfered with intermittent blood supply, everyone will naturally. Excessive attacks are thrown on the hound, where is the thunder robbery to interrupt the hound's spirit beast summoning skills?

   But, throwing it on the head of the Aquila is obviously effective The healing rhythm of the Aquila instantly appears chaotic, and he even started to think about which skills to cast in his mind!

   The Hound was rescued, which made Andromeda take it lightly. He thought that he could launch a gratifying counterattack, but inexplicably found that when the enemy's skills were lacking, he was still being beaten!

   This is unscientific!

   He is a melee career, and the only mid-to-long range attack skills that can be obtained have been explained.

   Now, he really can't catch the trump card of Riding Cloud Guild, and he is depressed at this time.

However, he soon discovered that Zuojing Guantian and the village women were intentionally rushing towards the Hounds, so he took the opportunity to move closer to the Hounds, and made a stand-out posture. In his opinion, as long as the gap is caught, the village women and the close ones Don't even think of gaining any benefits when you sit in the sky!

  Since I can’t charge over, I’ll just wait and see, since you are coming to kill the Hounds, I’m here to wait for you to come!

   But is it hard to get Jingtian?

"breaking Dawn!"

   That's right, when sitting on the well and watching the sky suddenly used the crossbow in his hand instead of the Fang Tianji to hit a break of dawn, he knew that he was a little underestimated by sitting on the well, and this blow directly knocked the strong tauren away!

   Yes, the negative effects of some skills are almost inevitable. For example, at the break of dawn, the knock-up is not mentally fearful, dizzy, or slow, although mental attributes can indeed increase the resistance to negative effects.

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