Sky Dungeon

Chapter 907: Is this a robot invasion?

  Unfortunately, her appearance makes people feel no anger at all. Who would feel anger on the face of a girl doll with crystal water dripping from the corner of her mouth?

   "I'll go, you protect my lady."

   No way, the weakest of the three personal guards finally moved. The eldest lady is wayward. Even if there is no anger, the three guards cannot ignore her request.

Although it was a little late, his figure was ridiculously fast. Just when Liu Yaya hit the sixth bodyguard who came up to lead the bodyguard and couldn't get up, his figure appeared like a hungry wolf beside the other bodyguards. Apart from anything else, he picked up one person as a weapon and directly blasted the surrounding bodyguards to the ground!

   Are you kidding me?

   Is this Iron Man?

   Is this Superman?

   Is this a robot invasion?

Jiu Qianxun was stunned at first, but now she is completely dumbfounded. The leader she brought with her is even more gloomy. Forget about the monster girl, how come there is another security guard who looks like a beast. This strength seems to be more powerful than the monster girl. Even better, is the quality of security now so high?

   Why can't the elite of my own bodyguard company even a small security guard?

   How much is the property fee for a month?

  If possible, should my father buy the property?

   Such a strong security guard can be the backbone of the bodyguard company.

   "Stop everyone, I'm fine." Jing Tian suddenly said lightly.

His good old man’s problem is committed again. Jing Tian doesn’t want to see both parties make troubles because of this. If things don’t stop there abruptly, maybe with the strength of Liu Yaya and Lin Yumian’s guards, life will be lost, even if they are not needed. Take any responsibility.

   More importantly, if you beat Jiuqian touring, you will really become the netizen who is to blame!

The other party came all the way to find himself, and if a friend came from afar, it would be fine if he was unhappy, and even beat the other party fat, he would have a stain on his back that could not be erased in his life. Can I make an appointment with Miss Sister online?

In the next moment, Jiu Qianxun immediately ordered: "Stop it. It seems that you have kicked the iron plate this time. You have a good memory. You don't need to be bodyguards. You can do whatever you want without my instructions. Is your right here?"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone was taken aback, only those who were knocked down, at this time had no mood or ability to think about what Jiu Qianxun said.

   That’s right, the Jiu Qiang tour saw it right from the beginning: The people sent by his father would be unfavorable to them sitting on the well and watching the sky!

   But she can also see: The people on Jing Tian are not weak!

   just take this opportunity to give a lesson to these bodyguards who like to make troubles and speak out.

   It’s nothing more than getting out of the car and being prestigious. He actually used himself as an excuse and said that the other party cheated his feelings. Is his feelings so deceptive?

  Is that the kind of little girl who is in love?

  I'm obviously an older leftover girl, okay?

   If Jing Tian hadn't come forward to stop them and put you all in the hospital, no one would watch me, so I could find my mother alone overnight. How happy!

   You are superfluous by your side and are in the way!

  Smelly men, they are all bad things! They are all contemptible!

   thought so in his heart, but he could only order the driver to send the injured bodyguards to the hospital.

   The less eyeliner you have, the higher your chance of stealing away, and the easier it will be when you go to find your mother.

   "Miss, I'm calling someone to get the place back." The leader of the bodyguard, the younger brother, quietly patrolled Jiuqian.

   No loss is a guy who was born as a gangster. You have to pay attention to face when you are alive. What matters most to a gangster society is face!

   If today’s events are passed back, how do the brothers in the hometown regard themselves, how do they regard the young lady, and how do they regard the boss?

   The daughter of the former hero brought a group of bodyguards across the river, but was killed by the group?

   Dozens of people besieged and one was kneeled. The leader of the team was so-and-so?

   This kind of thing will only become more exaggerated, and more outrageous, he seems to have heard such talk behind the scenes.

Jiu Qianxun's face changed, and she slapped the team leader's bodyguard directly with a slap on the head. Two big apple muscles bulged on her cheeks. The next second she became angry and said, "Do you think you are here to hit the scene today? I'm here. Meet the friends of our guild, everyone who is playing games together, what is your name, if you have the ability, you can wait in the car! No, you just take your subordinates and go home immediately, don't be embarrassed here! "

   His mouth was extremely angry, but Jiu Qianxun was actually even more angry in his heart: If you ask a large group of people to come, wouldn’t I accompany you for a long time?

   If you surround this place, how can I escape? New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~Chinese network ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   Do you want me to sneak away to see my mother?

   As expected, all the stinky men are stupid, contemptuous!

  Guild friend?

   Why didn’t you say it at the beginning? You have to wait until we get beaten.

   The bodyguards looked at my lady, and their hearts were extremely bitter!

   "I'm sorry, I made everyone laugh, I'm a drunkard, a smelly man, are you okay?"

Jiu Qianxun’s face returned to calmness, and she did not feel ashamed or angry at all because of what happened just Even in the eyes of others, she was just being beaten in the face, and she became unknown to everyone. There is shame, especially when Jing Tian is called "Smelly Man". Although her voice is calm, her eyes seem to be full of desire, even if that desire is caused by her mother.

  This makes the women around Jing Tian very uncomfortable. If the alcoholic was joking before, but the desire in the eyes of the wine tour at this moment made them smell the taste of the rival by mistake.

   There must be adultery in this!

   What these people said before may not be all false!

   "Uh... it's a trivial matter, hurry up, the dishes are going to be cold, but you can't live up to the good craftsmanship of the village women." Jing Tian interrupted everyone's thoughts.

   Obviously there is no hint of blaming Jiu Qianxun in his voice. This allows even the unsuspecting Nan Lingxi and Bei Yuyan to see a trace of nuisance, let alone other insiders?

   So, everyone went upstairs together very tacitly.

   Entering the elevator from the first floor, the moment the elevator door closed, Jiuqian asked eagerly, "Where is my mother?"

   This woman is too impatient!

   "Your mother?" Nan Lingxi and Bei Yuyan said in unison.

   "Yeah, didn't the smelly man tell you?"

   Jiu Qianxun's brows frowned slightly, causing a trace of doubt.

   "Did you kidnap the drunkard's mother just to let her come and play with you? My holy sword can't tolerate such despicable means like you!"


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