Sky Dungeon

Chapter 949: I am a member of the Animal Protection Association

Although there are no orc NPCs inhabited, there must always be NPCs that release the predecessors of the copy.

The NPC who released the mission this time is a naive Pandaren aunt, and the aunt is not nonsense, she directly said in an anxious tone: "Adventurers, these volcanoes have become more and more restless recently. Although there are no residents on this volcanic island, but There is a group of sea pterosaurs inhabiting not far in front. They are not wise and can't persuade them to leave their alternative homes. I need your help to drive them away and burn their dragon nests!"

It turned out to be a dragon!

The point is that the treatment of dragons in Sky Dungeon is too bad, right? Since you are going to be driven away by lower creatures and destroy the dragon's nest?

and many more. . . There is a group of dragons?

Dragons are really worthless, it's really strange that they live in groups and haven't developed dragon knights!

However, before everyone could accept it, the team member chose to refuse to give up. Jing Tian raised his eyebrows, and asked with some confusion, "Meow, what's wrong, do you have any personal things to do?"

"I am a member of the Animal Protection Association. We can't kill small animals randomly."

Yang Miaomiao made up a lie so obvious.

Are you an animal protection association?

I think you are the mouse at the bottom of the biological chain, right?

That’s why you seek protection. If you don’t protect animals, what can you kill?


"Uh...what the **** is going on?"

Guicai believes Yang Miaomiao is a member of the Animal Protection Association!

"My god, let's run meow, this mission actually calls us to drive away the dragons. It must be a mortal mission! Dragon is the most powerful creature. You can kill us with your fingers!" Yang said, already Manipulating not to eat the mouse, turned and left.

Everyone was naturally full of black lines, and Jing Tian immediately stopped him and said, " do you know that it is a mortal mission?"

"Do you still need to ask me? You think about the scene of the 32nd level dungeon where we are transformed into a butterfly dragon, enough to be an enemy of ten thousand meows. That dungeon is definitely a warning to us. We can't handle a dragon as small as a butterfly. Let us To expel the sea pterosaurs, isn't that a cat to the death? This is a pterosaur, many times bigger than a butterfly! And it is a group of sea pterosaurs. Is it not to send food to death? Is it to send food to me as a ration? "Yang Miaomiao deduced confidently who didn't know where it came from.

Everyone no longer knows how to complain about him. If according to his theory, sea pterosaurs should be as big as pterosaurs, shouldn't the butterfly dragons be as big as a butterfly?

The elder sister who just hates not to eat mice is not present, otherwise she will definitely educate this stupid brother.

"Uh... you can rest assured that the sea pterosaur is actually much smaller than the butterfly dragon, and it is as big as a swan." Jing Tian explained lightly.

After listening to Jing Tian’s explanation, he ran back without eating mice, and said cheerfully: "Go, let's eat swan meat together!"

Everyone vomited blood in their hearts and rolled their eyes: The ghost is a toad with you!

What about the Animal Protection Association?

You betrayed so easily?

Not to mention, this sea pterodactyl is really about the size of an adult white swan in reality, but the color of the skin on this sea pterodactyl is a strange blue, far inferior to the white swan. Beautiful and moving, but also can not attract any appetite.

"Brother Tian, ​​do these sea pterosaurs have males and females?" Yang Miao asked, looking at the sea pterosaurs in two hugs in the distance.

" should be, why do you ask this?"

There was a drop of cold sweat in Jing Tian's heart, and he always felt that Yang Miaomiao's thoughts were getting bigger and bigger, and he really couldn't keep up. Isn't this guy going to make another moth?

"Then I can understand these two litters as one male and one female, but what happens to those three litters? Is it possible that sea pterosaurs also engage in minor thirds. The world is simply too dirty. We must eliminate this bad race. Meow?"

Silly boy, is there such a fair and upright junior?

Is that called the harem?

In the animal world, are there many cases of this kind of situation?

Although many animals are monogamous, but most animals are not monogamous, okay?

Do you think that only monogamy is a pure race, you are so naive!

Although Jing Tian thought so in his heart, he honestly said: "It's probably the old king next door who came here."

As soon as Jing Tian said this, whether it was Zhao Jiaxue and Yun Yiyi around him, Luo Xia in the next room, or neighbors Liu Yaya, Lin Yumian, and Bei Yuyan, they couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Since the other people are not yet 35, they are busy upgrading, and they are not in the chat room of a few people.

After a while, a group of eight people picked two sea pterosaurs to start, but the group was destroyed!

That's right, because the group is gone, Jing Tian even has the urge to beat and not eat mice. After all, the strange diseases of Crow's Mouth and Cao Cao's Mouth have been infected inexplicably within the guild recently.

However, Yang Miaomiao did not have the consciousness of the crow's mouth at all, and said in a provocative tone: "How, how, I say that the dragon is not easy to mess with, I will say this is a mortal mission, meow! Come on, praise me, I am better If you don't understand the black fortune telling, you can count it."

Ghosts will praise you!

"Uh... just bad luck, I didn't expect to trigger the special prize of the assembly number."

That's right, the sea pterosaur that was attacked just now ignored the interruption of the action and flew directly into the air and screamed. The monster intelligence of the rally number was also triggered. The more terrifying is still behind, and I don't know where it came from. Hundreds of sea pterosaurs flew directly and surrounded the 8 members of the Cloud Riding Guild.

The next scene of intelligence is described as Even though Jing Tian tried their best, they were still beaten to death by a group.

Of course, if it wasn't for the sea pterodactyl to be a physical attacking monster, I am afraid that one person would spit out a magical attack, and they would not even have the chance to resist.

However, when everyone returned to the uninhabited island to attack the sea pterosaur again, something desperate for everyone happened: the sea pterodactyl once again vacated and launched the assembly number!

As a result, there was actually no result, as if everything was back to the original point, everyone was sent back to the holy church in Inzahorst for free, and they were all on their backs for 10 minutes of Level 2 weakness.

The long-lost negative state of death, the death penalty that cannot be driven away, their all attributes are reduced by 20% in the next 10 minutes. If it is a limited-time mission, the impact will be great, but this kind of pre-dungeon task that has no concept of time is not too much. Care too much.

"My God, I just said..."

Before Yang Miaomiao finished speaking, everyone said in unison: "Shut up!" Even Yun Yiyi, who was always cold, did not hold back.


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