Sky Dungeon

Chapter 952: Chartered

"Cut, you didn't see the other party's name clearly, how can you conclude that those people didn't come to Guiyun Guild to seek revenge? It's probably not just our mercenary creed that wants to kill them."

   Little Lace sauce is now on the opposite side of the orcs. He hates such vulgar and careless men most. Many important information will be ignored by them, and they don't have the carefulness of a delicate man.

"Of course I am sure. I vaguely saw that they were doing a task. If they were looking for Guild Riding Clouds to seek revenge, how could they break into the sea pterodactyl's lair? Isn't that going to pull the monster to hate? Isn't it killing people? Fight against the people from the Riding Cloud Guild? How many people are they, can they book the venue?"

   "Hehe, my head is not stupid, where are they now?"

   "Because the distance is too far, I lost it, but I'm sure they are still doing missions in this area. We will find them separately and we will be able to lock their positions soon."

"I think it may be a trap. If we go separately, we might be in the arms of the other party. According to the calculation on the rank list, there are only 8 people in the Cloud Riding Guild who have been upgraded to level 35, and the equipment itself is weaker under the premise that they are one grade. If we act separately, they might defeat them individually. The strongest people in the Cloud Riding Guild is the individual combat ability. If we do not use the advantage of the head to crush, the winning rate will be greatly reduced."

   was talking about the public toilets taking hot springs. This guy is very upset that the orcs can't die. After all, he hasn't made an appointment with the president of the night, he wants to hear the president's real voice.

"Hehe, what happened today, you two were jealous for me and the little lace sauce, and your heads became bright. That's right, I say that there are indeed only 8 people from the Cloud Riding Guild. We can be sure to strike as long as we gather together. Killing them, I don’t believe that they have plug-ins, they can run away from under my nose every time. This time I will let them fall under my grandma’s pomegranate skirt, so that they will never forget them in their lives and completely hate me. Maybe the reward changes from hate to love, join our mercenary creed guild?" Sister Ye Se's charming voice suddenly added a little childishness.

   So, the 15 people of Mercenary Creed, like zombies in the last days, began to search for food.

   However, the fifteen of them never expected that when the breathless night under the darkness accidentally walked into the hatred of the three sea pterosaurs, the tragic script was repeated on them!

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   In the face of the culling of hundreds of sea pterodactyls, the difference between fifteen and eight is really only a matter of time, especially with the eye of heaven The intelligent sea pterosaurs can never let go of any prey.

   However, what made the beautiful night girl clenched her small fists and hit the mattress with anger, she glimpsed what mission items were lit by the eight members of the Cloud Riding Guild in the distance.

   "I am so mad, they are still doing their tasks leisurely!"

   This sentence became the most repeated sentence in Ye Se's heart in the next half day.

"Brother, are they stupid? The spies before, obviously all recruited meows, why did they come to send meows to death? However, the number of people is a bit small. There is no way for us to fish frequently in troubled waters!" Yang said again! The child's curious expression said.

"Uh...may not be the spies of a guild, and even if it is the same guild, they are not sure that the rally number is inevitable. After all, we were sent back to the city twice before we came to the conclusion. We used these guilds. The information is poor, and the task is completed as soon as possible. After all, the group of people who died just now may be able to come back in ten minutes, which is not good for us."

   "Hero, the wire report said that a large number of players in the Blue Wolf Group are moving towards us." Feng Ji said casually, as if she had clairvoyance and windy ears.

   As expected, the Landscape Party Association is the largest intelligence organization in the world!

   "Oh? It seems that the lessons they have learned are not enough. They have completely expanded after winning the second guild hegemony championship. They actually used these crooked brains on us." Liu Yaya's voice was full of cold killing intent.

   "The soul of the blue wolf is not simple, but I don't think they will be so reckless to besie us under the name of the guild, they must have another plan." Jing Tian thought carefully for a moment and then judged lightly.

"The hero sees the same thing. The Soul of the Blue Wolf always pays attention to righteousness. I am afraid that many people will spy on his position. It is true that he will not be strong and weak under the eyes of everyone. Even if he wins, he will be criticized." Locally analyzed, the voice was full of worship for Jing Tian, ​​as if all his ideas were inspired by Jing Tian.

   "Then what are they doing in a group? Fighting and not fighting, they can only count it. Is it to clear the field for other people who hate us? Let's borrow a knife to kill?" Zhao Jiaxue's thoughts jumped, and a reliable reason has been imaginary.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  Clear the field?

   Borrow a knife to kill?

What is the logic?

   It's really hard to understand jumping thinking.

   " are half right this time, let's wait for a good show."

   "What's a good show?"

   "That's Why are you only half-talking? Tell me more clearly. Why am I only half-right?"

   "It's really a good show." Yun Yiyi said coldly, making Zhao Jiaxue's gossip heart even better.

   is certainly a good show. The Green Wolf Guild mobilized hundreds of players to directly expand the map area of ​​the active volcanic island several times.

  The number of sea pterosaurs' nests naturally increased with the visual refresh of the map, and the number of sea pterosaurs more than doubled.

Naturally, the Soul of the Blue Wolf would not miss this good show. The reason he was there was naturally because there was not much risk in this action. In the next second, I saw a speech by the Soul of the Blue Wolf in the regional channel: "Today , Our Blue Wolf Group organizes a small-scale upgrade of monster spawning activities, the goal: Sea Pterodactyl, other guild players also Wang Haihan."


   Zhao Jiaxue already burst out with a smile: "It turns out that the Green Wolf Guild is here to rob monsters! No wonder everyone said there was a good show."

That’s right, Jing Tian asked Lin Yumian to disclose the information of the predecessor task and complained about the number of monsters killed in this predecessor task, so that the enemy can obtain important information and induce them to be deceived and come to steal the blame. !

When I learned that the prerequisite task of level 35 dungeon needed to kill a large number of sea pterosaurs at the last moment, the soul of the blue wolf thought that he had come up with such a delaying strategy that had the best of both worlds: the non-top players in the first echelon in the organization guild concentrated on This area is upgraded with Sea Pterodactyl.

   On the one hand, you can grab the monsters of the Cloud Guild and delay them to complete the task.

   On the other hand, to create opportunities for those who want to attack the Cloud Riding Guild, at least not to let the Sea Pterodactyl cause trouble.

  《(Sky Dungeon)》

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