Sky Dungeon

Chapter 968: Explosive 1 backpack equipment is almost the same!

   Indeed, this is a problem. 

  Perhaps the blood volume of this behemoth is not high, maybe it can be killed by the bloodline suppression in the early stage.

"Uh... if the player kills these BOSS, then this monster will disappear, just like an air wall, which simulates the existence of the air wall to the greatest extent and confuses everyone." Jing Tian naturally guessed from the perspective of planning answer this question.

   "It's all over, don't delve into it, and consider whether we should resurrect."

   Jingtian smiled bitterly in his heart: It's obviously you who opened the head, can you ask questions now?


   Indeed, the deaths in the dungeon are all suspended animations, if there is a healer on the bench at this time, there is no need to run the corpse.

   If you run the corpse now, don't you have to run from the first floor again?

   What should I do with the second-tier BOSS group?

   Doesn’t this mean that everyone was just busy working in vain?

   Jing Tian shook his head suddenly in his heart. How could there be such a perverted setting, every time he is resurrected, he has to race against the BOSS, so what about the next woolen thread?

  Furthermore, if the resurrection is to return to the first level of the dungeon, why do you have to transport all of your corpses to the third level after you break into the third level?

   Kicking the Tiannongjing is not so nasty, so make yourself such a big joke, right?

   So, Jing Tian said lightly: "Resurrection."

   Yun Yiyi obeyed Jing Tian's meaning without saying a word, and directly chose the dungeon to be resurrected, and in the next second, Yun Xueyi was resurrected by his side.

   The rest of the people chose to resurrect when they saw nature without saying a word.

   "Brother, can I go back to Meow? Later, we can kill a carbine, maybe we can also explode a backpack and equipment! There are so many BOSS, looking at it makes people drool!"

   Yang Miaomiao saw that everyone was resurrected on the third floor, and there was a bad feeling in my heart.

   Ghost will go back!

   Burst a backpack equipment?

   I think it’s about the same as a backpack and equipment!

   Although death will not drop equipment, but the durability is gone, but it will fall directly into the backpack.

   is a backpack and equipment exploded.

   The aliens are aliens, and the level of thought jumping is impressive. The key is to have enough ambition.

   You are so courageous, why don't you single out a copy?

   "Mouse, wait until you finish the book, brother-in-law will accompany you to explode the equipment!" Luo Xia was very loyal, as if the group of BOSS who had just trampled Luojing Xiashi to death was squeezed out of mud.

   "Brother-in-law is awesome!"

   "I do it! That's natural, who is my brother-in-law, absolutely loyal! When you are the main attacker, I will substitute!"

   Then I heard the boos from everyone, especially Zhao Jiaxue, who was still moved by the loyalty of the fat man Luo Xia the moment before. At this moment, he looked contemptuous and could not be suppressed, and I even hated that he could not turn the door to educate the fat man!

   After all, for a loyal girl, this kind of perfidious fat man is punishable by everyone!

After    the little farce, Jing Tian has also observed the general situation of the third floor of the dungeon. This floor seems to be the restaurant in the shipwreck, and the table in the restaurant is strangely filled with hot meals.

   What's even stranger is that even a monster can't be seen on this layer.

   The atmosphere is obviously a bit gloomy, is this a table of tribute?

   Is the tribute to the undead?

   If you accidentally touch it, will you anger the undead here and attack them in groups?

   "My God, replace me with Meow." Yang Meowie suddenly became volunteering.

   "What did you find?"

   "This is the restaurant. It must be a battle related to eating. Of course, you must let the local stars play at this time!"

   Feeling Yang Meow Meow is greedy!

   The key is that there is no information transmission like taste at this stage of the game, even if it is a foodie, there is no need to be so excited.

   Even if you eat, have you ever had an eye addiction?

   Isn’t it the same to watch a table full of food on the bench?

   Jingtian completely despised the fantasy ability of a foodie, especially the illusion ability of an alien foodie, but in the face of these false food scenes, Yang Miaomiao can make up for the taste!

Just in case, Jing Tian adjusted the team's lineup, Xia Shi Luo Jing and Don't Eat Rats changed positions. Now the team's lineup is [Sit Jingguantian], [Yun Xueyiyi], [Feng Ji], [Village Woman], [Do Not Eat] Rat] Five people, from Jing Tian's point of view, the combination of protracted warfare and mobile warfare can handle it.

   Sit Jing Guantian cautiously approached the nearest table, and after trying to trigger the event, Jing Tian could see clearly the attributes of the dishes on the table. It turned out to be an edible prop!

   Is it the reward link created by the dungeon, let everyone have a meal and then continue to pay?

   Then, you can skip the food at all, bypassing this link, I wonder if there will be a wall of real air waiting for everyone, you must finish eating before you can leave?

   Doesn’t this mean eating a Bawang meal?

   Yes, it’s just that the overlord is not himself, but the chef!

  Before Jing Tian wanted to understand the purpose of these props, he had already dealt with a plate of lobsters without eating mice!

  The system even gave Don't Eat Mouse an animation effect of eating things, which perfectly attracted everyone's attention.

Sure enough, under the eyes of everyone, the body that did not eat mice swelled like an inflated ball, and the whole body was dyed blue. Before everyone could react, it just listened to a pop, and did not eat mice. It burst open!


   This does not eat mice, the stomach is too small, right?

   Just ate a little and died?

   This is too ridiculous, right?

  Of picture is not **** at all. This burst effect is really similar to the picture of a cartoon balloon bursting. The point is that after the burst, a huge Blue Devil Shrimp appeared!

   Even more weird is the name "Don't eat mice" on the top of the Blue Devil Shrimp!

   Everyone instantly understood what was going on, chuckled, and couldn't hold back, they all laughed.

   Feelings, this is a kind of transforming props!

   But what is the purpose of this transformation?

   Is it to let everyone randomly transform into a changing skill, and then go to the next level of the dungeon?

   "Why do I grow taller? Is it because I eat special calcium tablets?"

   Yang Miaomiao patronized and was surprised at the change in the height of his vision, completely ignoring that his hands had become two large blue pliers.

   " have become a blue monster shrimp, quickly see if the skills can be cast normally."

   "Ah? Why did I become a lobster, shouldn't I be stewed meow? It turns out that this is a big trap, you guys save me quickly, don't let the dungeon eat me off!"

   changed from foodie to food, this change of identity made Yang Miaomiao a little bit dumbfounded.

   "I'm doing it, red name, please be careful!"

   Luoxia's voice was a bit abrupt, but it served as a good warning.

  《(Sky Dungeon)》

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