Sky Dungeon

Chapter 994: Xiao Li Fei Kitchen Knife

The number of injuries directly affects the overall score of the copy, so optimization is more wise and reasonable.

When entering the second level of the dungeon, it is rare for Fatty Luoxia to be serious once, and he asked a very serious question: "Frog, do you think the bosses on the second level are bosses or mobs? We can only make a clear decision. Only by facing this level can we get higher points."

Did the chicken or the egg come first?

This is indeed a problem.

"Uh...Of course it is a boss on the surface, but in fact, using the mobs' scoring method to calculate the number of injuries, etc., the time to kill the boss is not calculated. After all, we did not kill."

Jing Tian's answer is naturally quite cunning, but this is the result of his thinking from the perspective of the main strategy of the game.

"I'm doing it! That would be troublesome. If you die in the hands of the mobs, the value of the score reduction is far more than that of the boss. Like the previous play, I am afraid that it will greatly affect the final score." Luo Xia finally said the key point.

"Also, if the player chooses to overthrow these bosses to pass the level, how to calculate the points? According to what you said, this layer is a huge pit. If you kill the boss, you will definitely reduce the rating level. Bottom f-level."

"Maybe if you kill the boss, it will be converted according to the boss's integration algorithm. This level is a bonus item, but if the strategy is not good, it will become a subtraction item. Bypassing this level, it should not affect the s level. Get the score."

Jing Tian recalled the lineup and play style before, and then lightly commanded after a while: "When the four people jointly suppress the boss, I will rush over with the fastest speed to minimize the number of injuries."

That's right, since knowing that there is no danger behind the dungeon, as long as one person rushes over, there is no need to take turns to die and delay time like the last time.

[Yun Xueyiyi] [Zhao Yunxueer] The two women played and replaced [Don’t Eat Mouse] [Sword Rider King]. They have more group control skills and are more suitable for intercepting boss groups.

Just like reclaiming wasteland, the five people walked along the edge of the cabin into the scope of the boss’s hatred. The ten bosses rushed over frantically and rushed forward without looking back. The other four directly greeted the pavement. The boss group.

"Devil Strike!"

How could it be careless that when the wasteland was opened up, these ten bosses had eaten enough for everyone.

Yun Xueyi used the powerful comprehension skill [Bow Art·Devil Strike] obtained in the Yonghan Palace by relying on his hand. The cabin was instantly covered by a huge ghost of death, and the sickle in the hands of the ghost fell, and the endless miasma condensed. The cursed thorns turned into a rain of arrows and fell overwhelmingly!

For a while, everyone even had a certain illusion, as if these cursed arrows hit these bosses, they would directly and ruthlessly seal their lives!

In fact, the bloodline of the bosses shuddered and dropped a small square. The figure was only interrupted for a short period of one second, and then they recovered their mobility and continued to rush towards the four.

It's a pity that the boss doesn't have group healing skills, otherwise they will surely let them taste the true power of the demon strike.

"Quan Zhilong!"

The melodious flute sounded...

"It's amazing, it really passed meow!" The non-eaten mouse on the bench screamed in surprise.

Yes, and no one died!

This is how the second layer of the dungeon was attacked!

I have to say that Yun Xueyi and Zhao Yunxue's strong performances suppressed the boss group as soon as they played.

Luojing Xia Shi was even more daring to fight and fight, and went straight into the boss formation to kill all quarters. Even if the last skill was empty and the boss was set on fire, he threw out the sword and dance shield on time, and resisted the bosses abruptly. A wave of bombing.

Of course, this is also due to the support of the other three. If ten bosses really beat Jing Xiashi in a group at the same time, even with the sword dance shield body, he will not be able to hold it!

The village women's tricks and defeats can be used flexibly, and the basic aoe skills of the weapons are even more fun.

Naturally, Jing Tian was also quite strong. Just when the four men's defenses were worthy of collapse, he yelled in a low voice: "Yibatian!"

The cabin was instantly dark, and the movements of the boss group all came to a halt. In the next instant, sitting on the well and watching the sky appeared at the entrance of the stairs leading to the next floor.

When the boss group launched an offensive again, it was too late. They did not cause fatal damage to the four in the battle, and the five were teleported to the third layer of the dungeon.

Now, we have reached the level where the food is possessed...

This is not difficult to understand. The monsters that are possessed are naturally mobs. As long as they are not injured, there is no need to worry about time. However, considering that some monsters have control and invincibility skills, Jing Tian still arranges Luojing Xia Shi and the village woman to be present. In this way, the injury is reduced as much as possible.

The key is the boss of Chef Spider Master. This guy is using the props in his hand randomly. He does not use soy sauce and cooking wine like wasteland. This time the boss directly played with the flying knife, and it was also the broken Li Fei chopper. !

Sure enough, there is no strategy for the copy!

The flying knife that didn't appear at all last time, this time directly played the leading role in the copy.

This more or less brings some trouble to the team, especially the continuous damage state of being hit by a chopper and being ruthlessly hit with bleeding. This is a test for the team's healing and survivability.

However, when the boss is 15% violent, he did not trigger the blood recovery stunt. This is somewhat surprising. Although he is suspicious, he really passed it inexplicably.

In any case, it saves a lot of time, which is much faster than the first time to open up wasteland.

I don’t know if Ki Tian Nongjing is designed like this, is it just to let the concept of no strategy take root?

If you get better because of a fluke, use the fluke process as a strategy experience, or post it on the forum to show off, you will definitely be called a super liar!

After killing the No. 1 boss spider chef, Sit Jing Guantian assumed the responsibilities and obligations of a captain, took the initiative to die, and accompanied the boss to self-immolation and burned into a super meal.

A new question posed in front of everyone: whether to eat the braised spider meal in front of you?

If you eat, the boss will eventually become the Zhang Spider King transformed by the player.

If you don't eat it, can the next second boss, octopus, be successfully killed?

Which strategy can get the most points?

Perhaps, abandoning the equipment dropped by the boss here, the next level of Brother Octopus will not be so perverted.

Thinking that today is the last time left, if you take the risk of choosing another strategy route, maybe you will encounter a brand-new octopus brother and the bottom boss, then the previous experience will be completely useless, and today I won the first kill of the s-level His dream was completely shattered.

Therefore, Jing Tian still gritted his teeth and let the [King of the Sword Cavalry] go up and eat a big meal.

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