Sky War God

Chapter 1456: Descend on the sacred mountain

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He knew that His Majesty the Emperor and his daughter Ying Jiaojiao had always had a good relationship, and Ying Jiaojiao had an extraordinary affection for Ye Feng.

It seemed that only God Emperor Ye Feng could help him. Therefore, the Lord of the Ten Thousand Demons God Kingdom did not stop after learning this news, and rushed to the Imperial Palace of the Four Gods without stopping.

When the Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons and Gods arrived, Ye Feng naturally received him immediately, and the two were in the hall.

The Lord of the God Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons looked anxious, bowed directly to Ye Feng, and said: "Your Majesty the Emperor, the old man has something to ask, and I hope that the Emperor can help me!"

Seeing the Lord of the Ten Thousand Demons God Kingdom like this, Ye Feng's eyes could not help but solidify slightly. He walked up quickly, lifted the body of the Lord of the Ten Thousand Demons God Kingdom, and said: "If you have anything to say about winning the Lord Come and listen!"

The Lord of the God Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons did not dare to delay, and directly informed Ye Feng of what he had obtained from the little white demon in his memory.

Ye Feng heard this, his brows frowned slightly, and a cold breath came out from his body.

He didn't know exactly what Ying Jiaojiao experienced in Beixue Jungle?

As a friend of Ying Jiaojiao, it is impossible for Ye Feng to watch the other party's unexplained death like this. He looks at the Lord of the God Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons, and says: "Don't worry about the Lord of Winning, Jiaojiao will be fine, you and me The two will now go to the Northern Snow Jungle to find out."

Hearing Ye Feng's words, the Lord of the Ten Thousand Demons God Kingdom immediately showed gratitude, and bowed to Ye Feng: "Thank you, Your Majesty, the emperor, I am very grateful!"

Ye Feng lifted the body of the Lord of the Ten Thousand Demons God Kingdom again, and said: "It doesn't have to be the case for the Lord of the Winning Kingdom. Time is running out, and I will set off immediately!"

After speaking, Ye Feng used the method of sound transmission to summon Fengchen and Raksha into the palace, and then confessed to the people next to him, and then drove the flying magic weapon with the four people of the kingdom of ten thousand monsters and gods. , Quickly left the Palace of the Four Gods, the goal, the Northern Snow Jungle!

Ying Jiaojiao's life is the most important, Ye Feng can tell which is lighter and heavier, the reason why he brought Fengchen and Raksha with him.

I really don't know what happened in Beixue Jungle, and the strength of the two is also good. If there is unpredictable danger, Ye Feng is equivalent to two powerful helpers.

On the other hand, these two people arrived in the lower realm for the first time, and they need to walk more in this world, which can be regarded as a kind of experience.

The four powerhouses took the Zijin battleship across the endless territory. In less than two days, the Zijin battleship crossed the Taixu realm and landed in the extremely cold place in the northern part of the Taixu realm.

Here is the Northern Snow Forest. Ye Feng and a few people are on the purple gold battleship, looking at the white snow below and the endless mountains, their faces still have a solemn expression.

They did their best, but they didn't know if they would still be able to see a sound Ying Jiaojiao when they truly descended on the Northern Snow Sacred Mountain.

The purple-gold battleship galloped through the void, and many monsters under the Northern Snow Jungle saw these huge flying artifacts flying by, their eyes shone with the same luster.

The monsters are naturally united, especially the monsters in the Northern Snow Jungle. They have already regarded this snowy mountain land as their homeland.

And the people riding on this flying magic weapon are obviously human martial arts. For human martial arts, these monster races born and grown in the ice and snow jungle are naturally resistant.

Even, a big demon figure vacated the air, trying to intercept the Zijin battleship, Ye Feng didn't have time to pay attention to these monsters.

When Fengchen Rakshasa showed their strong strength and suppressed these big monsters, the monster beasts below gradually became quiet.

Only then did they know that the human martial arts strength aboard this battleship was not something they could compare.

I have to say that the Northern Snow Jungle covers an extremely wide area, and the vast and endless northern snow jungle is all shrouded in snow mountains and white forests.

After flying in this area for about a day, a giant snow mountain that soared into the sky appeared in the sight of Ye Feng and others.

This made the eyes of Ye Feng and others freeze for a while. This snow-capped mountain is not only towering, but also covers an extremely wide area. More importantly, the breath released on this snow-capped mountain is extraordinary.

Even if they are far apart, they can still feel the pressure from the snow-capped mountains.

"This should be the legendary Northern Snow Sacred Mountain!"

Ye Feng's eyes flickered, and he said lightly.

The Lord of the Ten Thousand Demon God Kingdom nodded. As a powerful monster of the Demon Race, he has never really reached the Northern Snow Sacred Mountain.

Now that they have come across the endless borders of the Northern Snow Jungle, the Lord of the Ten Thousand Demons God Kingdom truly feels the vastness of the Northern Snow Jungle.

It was indeed not something that their kingdom of ten thousand monsters could compare, here was the real monster paradise in Taixu territory.

"Who is coming to my North Snow Sacred Mountain? Give your name!"

When Ye Feng's four-man Zijin battleship came to the sky near the Beixue Sacred Mountain.

Such a voice came from the top of the North Snow Sacred Mountain, with a bit of arrogance in the voice, and the wildness of a monster beast revealed in it.

The owner of this voice is naturally a certain guarding demon in the Northern Snow Sacred Mountain, which is an absolute sacred place in the Northern Snow Jungle.

The Northern Snow Jungle is a place of pilgrimage for many monsters and monsters. Who would dare to fly near the Northern Snow Sacred Mountain? It can be said that this move by Ye Feng and others is already very bold.

"I am the father of Ying Jiaojiao, the saint of the kneeling temple. Taixu Realm is the Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons and Divine Kingdom."

The Lord of the God Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons took a step forward and said to the top of the North Snow Sacred Mountain, this time, he needs to come in his name.

It is right for the father to visit his daughter.

"Why come to my Beixue Holy Mountain?"

That voice didn't feel any surprise because of his identity as the country's lord of the Ten Thousand Demons God Kingdom, it still seemed extremely arrogant.

In the eyes of the powerful people in the North Snow Holy Mountain, the saint Ying Jiaojiao is already a member of their North Snow Temple, but her father is an outsider. They can respect the saint but are not obliged to respect the saint’s father. .

"The old man came to visit the little girl, and I hope your Excellency can do it conveniently so that I can wait for me to reunite with the little **** the North Snow Sacred Mountain."

The Lord of the God Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons is polite, and now he is already anxious, to be able to see that winning Jiaojiao is more important than anything.

"The Northern Snow Sacred Mountain does not allow outsiders to enter. If you want to visit Her Royal Highness, you can wait until the wedding day of the Royal Highness, when the North Snow Sacred Mountain opens to the outside world!"

The voice said proudly You did not hesitate to directly reject the request of the Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons.

The Lord of the God Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons condensed his eyes slightly, his heart became even more anxious, and he couldn't help but speak again: "The old man sees the little girl in an emergency, and I can't wait for the little girl to get married. I hope you can let it go!"

When the Lord of the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons said these words, he had been suppressing the anger in his heart, and he was very disagree with the words of the strong man on the northern snow holy mountain above.

Although Ying Jiaojiao has become the saint of Beixue Temple, his father is also restricted from seeing his daughter. Why is this kind of truth?

"What I said is very clear, don't you understand?"

The words of the strong demon in the northern snow holy mountain above also became cold, and it seemed that they were a bit irritated by the Lord of the Ten Thousand Demon God Kingdom.

"The old man is eager to see women, you may be offended!"

The Lord of the God Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons no longer wanted to wait any longer, and Ye Feng at the back was also very anxious, before the voice of the Lord of the God Kingdom of Ten Thousand Demons had fallen.

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