Sky War God

Chapter 2322: Come

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At this moment, the eyes of Yan Donglai, Yan Mingxuan, Yan Mingyue, and Lin Ru also fell on the figure of the white-clothed youth.

When they saw each other's faces clearly, the expressions on their faces immediately froze there, and then that trace of freezing gradually turned into excitement.

"It's him, he really returned to Lingtian Continent!"

Lin Rou's beautiful eyes flashed, and there were involuntary tears flashing in her pupils, she seemed very happy and excited, and she couldn't speak for a while.

"Master Ye..."

Yan Dong came, Yan Mingxuan, Yan Mingyue father and son greeted Ye Feng, but when they saw Ye Feng smiled at the three, they nodded.

He wanted to go back to the inn to rest, but he didn't expect to meet an acquaintance on the street near the inn.

Looking at the four deceased people, Ye Feng was also extremely happy, but the situation of the four of them at the moment did not seem to be good.

Lin Rou's two daughters were restrained by people from the ancient river realm. As for Yan Dong's visit to Yan Mingxuan, the father and son were very hurt.


A strange sound sounded, and the crowd saw Ye Feng's body come in a short time, and then two palm prints were photographed, and the power of each palm print was super terrifying.

It was precisely the ancient river realm powerhouse who bound the bodies of Yan Mingyue and Lin Rou by the number of digits.

The two Furukawa realm powerhouses didn't seem to have thought that Ye Feng would dare to attack them directly, so they naturally tried to use attacks to resist.

In the next moment, the crowd heard terrible rumbling sounds one after another, and the power of destruction spread in the void.

And the several powerful men felt that Ye Feng's attack could not be supported, their expressions changed and they became extremely ugly.

The extremely terrifying might of destruction made them irresistible. At this moment, their bodies were shaken back and forth, and their breath was very floating.

"Mingyue, Rou'er, are you all right."

Ye Feng greeted the two women, Yan Mingyue and Lin Rou. Before that, he could see the panic on the faces of the two women, and he couldn't help but feel distressed.

"I, we are fine."

Lin Rou was so excited that her body was trembling, and she was even a little speechless. She wanted to see Ye Feng in her dreams and missed every day and night.

But never thought that after seeing Ye Feng, she couldn't express her thoughts.

Ye Feng sent the two women to Yan Donglai's body, and at the same time, a large empty hand grabbed it and directly wrapped Yan Mingxuan's body, and then grabbed the other's body.

All of this seemed so relaxed and natural, making those ancient river realm powerhouses startled for a while, and it seemed that they didn't expect this young figure who had just arrived to be so powerful.

"Brother Yan, frightened."

Ye Feng greeted Yan Mingxuan. A sunny smile appeared on Yan Mingxuan's face. He said to Ye Feng, "Master Ye, it's been a long time since I saw you. I'm really happy to see you here again! "

"me too."

Ye Feng smiled and nodded at Yan Mingxuan. Seeing these four people, he recalled all the experiences he had experienced in Guang'an City and Lingtian Holy City.

"Who are you? You dare to stop my Prince Furukawa from doing things, don't you want to live?"

At this moment, not far from the prescription, there was such an extremely indifferent voice, which immediately attracted the attention of many people present.

After hearing this voice, these talents withdrew their gazes from the appearance of Ye Feng, and their hearts immediately became a little nervous.

The strength of this young man is indeed good, but at this moment she has to face a group of strong people in the Furukawa realm, including the two elders of the central defender and the powerful Prince Furukawa.

The rest of them don't count, it's just that these three people are not something the young man in front of him can handle.

"Master Ye, leave now, this Prince Furukawa is domineering, I don't want to hurt you."

Yan Donglai awoke from joy, and could not help reminding Ye Feng with a gloomy look.

He can already feel that Ye Feng's current cultivation is the Supreme Martial King Realm, which seems to be no different from a few years ago.

In other words, Ye Feng still hasn't broken through to the Martial Emperor Realm in the past few years. Even if Ye Feng has some strength, he can leapfrog and challenge ordinary Martial Emperor Realm powerhouses.

But at this moment, what he has to face is three super existences comparable to the mid-level emperor's strength. Any of them may not be something Ye Feng can deal with. If the three are united, Ye Feng will undoubtedly die!

Hearing Yan Dong's words, Yan Mingxuan, Yan Mingyue, and Lin Rou also had the same worries. In a few years, Ye Feng's cultivation level remained unchanged.

This is also normal. The Supreme Martial King wants to break through the Martial Emperor Realm. How can it be so easy? It is very rare that one out of tens of thousands of people can get out of it. Moreover, this is also an extremely long process. Several decades and decades.

In Ye Feng's cultivation realm, if you compare these ancient river realm powerhouses in front of you, it is indeed much worse. Therefore, the three of them are also worried for Ye Feng just like Yan Donglai.

He even eagerly reminded Ye Feng to leave here, and didn't want to hurt Ye Feng because of his business.

Ye Feng smiled faintly at several people, and said calmly: "Don't worry, I will be fine."

Seeing Ye Feng behaving like this, the eyes of the four people condensed, and the worries in their hearts still did not subside. They knew what Ye Feng was.

Not only can he help his friends, but he is also very brave and has a strong spirit of not admitting defeat. Even in the face of people who are much stronger than himself, he will not give up lightly.

"I'm asking you something, are you deaf?"

At this moment, another indifferent voice came from the Furukawa realm, and it was an Furukawa first emperor who was speaking.

When they saw that Ye Feng's cultivation was only in the Supreme Martial King realm, these ancient river realm experts showed contempt smiles on their faces.

They knew that Ye Feng came here to pretend to be garlic, and any one of them could easily clean up Ye Feng.

"You are not qualified to talk to me!"

Ye Feng only glanced at the ancient river realm expert with a faint glance, and said very strongly.

After his words were spoken, everyone present was shocked immediately. It seemed that Ye Feng, a young figure in the Supreme Martial King realm, would be so arrogant and domineering.

"This young man is really loyal, but doesn't he know who he is facing at this moment? Can he be able to provoke a strong person in the Furukawa realm? A youth of the supreme martial king realm is not a strong opponent. If he can deal with it, it seems that this young man will become a victim of this incident too!"

A voice like this came from the crowd, which immediately caused many people present to nod their heads, and they looked at Ye Feng with pity.

"Boy, you are arrogant enough, I want to see how you died!"

This ancient river realm powerhouse had a sneer and contempt. When he was speaking, his body stepped on Ye Feng's side, and the terrifying aura on his body was released, setting off her whole body extremely violently.

When he came to Ye Feng, the eyes of this ancient river realm powerhouse were extremely sharp, overlooking Ye Feng, his body was also forceful to the extreme, trying to use his breath to oppress Ye Feng.

But Ye Feng still stood calmly on the spot, his long hair dancing with the wind, looking so unrestrained.


The Furukawa realm powerhouse did not seem to expect Ye Feng to be so calm under the influence of his breath, his eyes flashed, and he said coldly to Ye Feng: "The bones are quite hard. Suppress you and you will not succumb."

When speaking, a big hand of this ancient river realm powerhouse grabbed Ye Feng's throat fiercely, trying to humiliate Ye Feng in this way.

A cold light flashed in Ye Feng's pupils, without any hesitation, he directly blasted a fist lightly. It seemed unpretentious and the speed did not seem to be fast this day.

Let the people present shook their heads slightly. It seems that the reason why the two women and one man could be rescued before the youth was only to take advantage of the chaos, and there was no real big ability.

However, just as everyone present was thinking this way, they heard a horrible shock.

This fist light of Ye Feng directly collided with the palm of the Furukawa realm expert, and the shocking sound came through.

This ancient river realm powerhouse had a sneer on his face, seeming to be extremely ironic about Ye Feng's actions now.

And when the two attacks really collided, the smile on the face of this ancient river realm expert completely solidified, and he looked at Ye Feng in disbelief.

He only felt an indescribable destructive force coming over his arm, causing his arm to tremble fiercely, and the whole body was quickly enveloped by this destructive power.

A powerful impact fell on his body, immediately blasting his body directly, and blood was spit out when the body was still in the air.

Then he fell heavily on the There was constant screaming in his mouth. Under the effect of Ye Feng's fluttering punch, the first emperor of the Furukawa realm was in the arm The bones were shattered to pieces.

If Ye Feng exerted a little effort, he could easily abolish the other party's repair base, but in the face of such an ant person, Ye Feng would disdain to do that.

The scene in front of him immediately stunned everyone present, and the eyes that looked at Ye Feng showed strong incredibility.

Before that, they still believed that Ye Summit was easily crushed by the opponent and even lost his life.

Now it seems that they underestimated Ye Feng's strength. Although this young figure only had the cultivation base of the Supreme Martial King realm, he was able to defeat the powerhouse of the first emperor realm, and his leapfrog challenge ability was terrifying.

But here is the Lingtian Holy City, the center of the entire Lingtian Continent, where the top talents of the Lingtian Continent gather, and there are many people with the ability to leapfrog and challenge.

Therefore, after Ye Feng fisted the Furukawa realm powerhouse into the air, everyone was only slightly shocked, and soon reacted. (Lingtian Ares: 105105931)--(Lingtian Ares)

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