Sky War God

Chapter 2547: Mado world

But now it seems that after drinking a bottle of Qiongye Yuye, Ye Feng's physical strength has obviously improved greatly, the complexion on his face has also recovered a lot, and the flying speed continues to increase.

Zhuxiang's face changed slightly. It seems that she needs to wait a little longer, but she wants to see what other tricks Ye Feng can do?

When all the energy in his body is exhausted, Zhuxiang will kill him without hesitation.

On this day, Ye Feng came to the sky above a very secret gorge, which looked a little desolate, but the plants were extremely lush.

There are vines growing everywhere, and even the canyon seems to be concealed. It is difficult to find without careful observation. This may also be related to the width of the canyon itself.

Flying over the canyon, Ye Feng could actually feel a strange power, which seemed to resonate with a certain power in his body.

This caused Ye Feng's eyes to freeze slightly, and a sense of surprise in his heart, he tried to mobilize the power in his body little by little.

Trying to find out in this way what kind of force is in resonance with his body.

Seeing the light on Ye Feng's body constantly change, the aura on his body also changed, and a look of shock flashed in the beautiful bamboo eyes that had been restrained by Ye Feng's big hands.

As the princess of the Peacock clan, she also has a strong perception of various attributes and powers.

The Peacocks are born with 5 kinds of attribute powers and possess unparalleled talents. The addition of 5 kinds of attribute powers is also quite rare in the entire Nine Heavens.

In addition to the top-notch characters, those who can possess the 5 attributes and powers belong to their peacock clan.

However, at this moment, Zhu Qing discovered that Ye Feng's body had far more than 5 attribute powers, and it was still changing.

There were some attribute powers that she could not touch at all, and even Zhuqing could not identify the type of this attribute power.

This made Zhu Qing's heart even more shocked, and Ye Feng was really enchanting enough, so it's no wonder that he has that abnormal combat power.


A burst of magical power was released on Ye Feng's body, purple-black magic energy lingered around his body, and purple thunder faintly gleamed above the sky.

"Om, hum..."

However, just as Ye Feng released the power of the magic path, there was a strange sound from the inside of the canyon.

Amidst the waves of strange sounds, an inexplicable power of communication combined with the magic power of Ye Feng's body.

This caused Ye Feng's eyes to flash suddenly, and his heart was slightly shocked.

Although this gorge looks very desolate, it has no other characteristics besides desolation.

Even Ye Feng didn't feel any magic power in this canyon area.

But why, after he released the power of the magic path, such anomalies would appear in the canyon?

Ye Feng couldn't imagine what was in this canyon?

In the rear, Zhuxiang chased after him, his figure speed seemed a little faster than before, and he was closer to Ye Feng and Zhuqing.

Ye Feng was always thinking about the inside of the canyon, but at this moment.

A strongest force was released from the canyon, and under the action of this force, Ye Feng's body was actually wrapped in it.

This made Ye Feng's expression stunned, and then he was shocked in his heart. This force wrapped his body and directly stopped him and Zhu Qing.

Ye Feng's expression became even more ugly, and he tried to use his body's strength to drive out this intelligence.

But no matter how hard his body struggles, he can't really break through this restraining force.

His and Zhuqing's bodies were pulled into the canyon a little bit by the force of that force.

The bamboo incense not far away naturally noticed this scene, and his eyes were slightly frozen.

Her body also swooped down at this moment, flying towards the depths of the canyon, but because Zhuxiang did not have the attribute power that could be connected with the power in the canyon.

When her body entered the gorge, it was not affected by the inside of the gorge, and it sank toward the inside of the gorge.

However, Ye Feng and Zhuqing's bodies have been dragged by that restraining force, and they continue to deepen into the canyon.

"Zhuqing, my aunt will save you!"

Because Ye Feng and Zhuqing were sinking relatively slowly, Zhuxiang quickly caught up to this distance.

Seeing Zhu Qing approached, Zhu Xiang accelerated the sinking speed of his body at this moment, and a big hand directly grabbed the bodies of Ye Feng and Zhu Qing.

The speed of her big hand is extremely fast, and the covering area is quite wide, it can be said that it has come in an instant.

"Om, hum..."

It's just that the moment when Zhuxiang's big hand was about to approach Ye Feng's body, the restraining force surrounding Ye Feng's body broke out with a tyrannical force at this moment.

Under the action of this counter-shock force, Zhuxiang's big hands were trembling, and the bones could not help but numb, as if they were about to shatter.

This made Zhuxiang's beautiful eyes slightly solidified, and the counter-shock force instantly swept her body, causing her body to retreat involuntarily at this moment, and her breath was very floating.

Zhuxiang felt a little bit astonished, how powerful she is as a powerful and powerful person who is famous in the world.

The power of the Void Hand that she released was naturally not something ordinary people could imagine, but at this moment, his Void Cell Phone could not even shake the restraining force on Ye Feng.

This shocked Zhuxiang involuntarily.

At the same time, the bodies of the three people continued to sink. It has to be said that this canyon is not only very narrow, but also quite deep.

After sinking for a while, a bright light flashed below, which immediately attracted the eyes of Ye Feng and Zhuxiang Zhuqing.

They saw that at the bottom of the valley, an extremely terrifying vortex appeared, and the vortex was composed of some substance.

Inside it, bursts of purple and black aura swallowed, spinning constantly, as if it were a devil's abyss.

The bodies of Ye Feng and Zhu Qing were dragged by the power in a terrible whirlpool, and they continued to pull towards the place where the whirlpool was.

This made Ye Feng and Zhu Qing look astonished, and they struggled ceaselessly, and Ye Feng even released the power of Taoism from his body.

But even so, under the influence of that restraining force, Ye Feng only felt that his body was so small, and there was no possibility of breaking free.

"Auntie, come and save me!"

A look of fear appeared on Zhu Qing Qiao's face, her face pale in fright, and she kept struggling, seeking help from Zhu Xiang not far away.

Zhuxiang also didn't realize this, and released his strongest power in an attempt to save Zhuqing.

However, the result obtained was very similar to the original one. Under the influence of that restraint, Zhuxiang's body could not get close to Ye Feng and Zhuqing.

She staggered back in a short period of time, her breath was very floating, she looked desperate, and even her aunt could not save her.

She and Ye Feng could only be swallowed by that terrifying whirlpool!

This made Zhu Qing look at Ye Feng with a strong sense of resentment. Without this person, how could she have been in such a dangerous situation.

Ye Feng showed fear in his eyes, and the huge whirlpool in front of him gave him an inexplicable sense of panic.

I don't know what will happen after the body is swallowed.

However, no matter how hard Ye Feng made, that force of restraint was not something he could contend with, under the desperate gaze of Ye Feng and Zhu Qing.

Little by little, their bodies were engulfed by the terrifying whirlpool, and the ones here disappeared in this gorge area!

"Bamboo green!"

Seeing this scene, Zhuxiang's beautiful eyes flashed a bit of astonishment, and his heart continued to sink.

She tried to pull out Zhu Qing's body, but Zhu Xiang found that even if she burst out the strongest power from her body, she still couldn't do this.

When the bodies of Ye Feng and Zhuqing were swallowed by the terrible vortex, the vortex shrank a little bit, and finally disappeared completely.

Zhuxiang's pretty face was full of ugly colors, and he didn't know what to do for a while.

Actually paced back and forth in place.

After some more time, Zhuxiang's eyes lit up, and the plane took out a bead from his storage ring. This bead was the soul bead of Zhuqing.

The bead shone with crystal luster, and the whole bead body was still as clean as new. After seeing this scene, the bamboo incense breathed out, and the heart that had just been lifted was slightly put down.

The soul bead is complete, which means that Zhuqing is still alive in this world. If not, Zhuxiang really doesn't know how to explain to his eldest brother.

Without leaving this place, Zhuxiang waited here. Although Zhuqing was not dead, Zhuxiang couldn't see Zhuqing himself, so he couldn't relax.

But Ye Feng and Zhu Qing suffered another situation after their bodies were swallowed by the terrifying whirlpool.

Their eyes turned black for a while, and they couldn't see anything, but their bodies kept spinning, even causing them to feel extremely dizzy.

This made Ye Feng involuntarily produce some guesses, this kind of dizziness is somewhat similar to when he enters the door of space or uses the teleportation array to teleport.

"Could it be that this horrible vortex is a kind of space gate failure? It's just that the location of the teleportation is different from the usual time?"

Ye Feng secretly guessed that the feeling of dizziness on his body seemed to grow stronger.

In addition, his body was also subjected to horrible impacts from time to time. Even though his cultivation level was no longer what it used to be, he still felt that his body was about to be completely blown apart under the impact.

"What's the matter? What is it that I hit?"

Ye Feng had turned into a serious injury, and under the impact of this time, his body almost fainted, and he only felt that the good things of his internal organs would be shattered.

The corners of the mouth are constantly overflowing blood!

Ye Feng can only release the aura from his body, trying to use his comprehend martial arts and martial arts to resist the damage caused to his body by this shock.

However, with the passage of time, Ye Feng found that the intensity of the impacts seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, making his whole body bear even more terrifying impact.

The blood in his mouth was even more spit out, but Zhu Qing was nowhere to be seen. Ye Feng could still hear the woman's struggle before.

But time passed by, and Ye Feng could no longer hear the sound of bamboo green after successive impacts.

In this situation, Ye Feng couldn't take care of this woman anymore, he could only show his breath as much as possible, and resist the obstacles that came from constant impact.

At the same time, Ye Feng also tried to take the healing pill from his storage ring.

However, he found that in this unknown space, the storage ring had lost its effect, and it had become a luxury for him to take out the ammunition.

The impact became stronger and stronger. I don't know how long it took. Under successive conditions, Ye Feng unexpectedly lost his consciousness of autonomy, and his whole person fainted completely.

I don't know how long it took before Ye Feng gradually regained consciousness, and bursts of intense pain spread over his body.

I just felt that his body seemed to be falling apart, and the pain made him suffer a strong sense of tearing.

He opened his eyes as much as possible and saw a very strange scene, here, that is a strange world.

The terrifying magic cloud above the sky was constantly rolling, the purple thunder shining through the sky, making a strong roar, and the shaking Ye Feng's eardrums numb.

The terrifying magical energy in the air brought Ye Feng a strong sense of oppression and made Ye Feng feel an irresistible force.

In this space, even his cultivation realm, feels that he can't breathe under the pressure of the space.

He looked into the distance as much as possible, the vast and endless space was all occupied by the terrifying devilish energy.

Here, is the world of a magic way, everything seems to be grown and existed by the magic energy.

In comparison, the regions filled with endless demonic energy that Ye Feng had ever visited were simply unable to compare with this world.

This is not only reflected in the vast and endless area of ​​this world, but also in the level and richness of the devilish energy.

The magical energy contained in this space could make Ye Feng feel a burst of pressure, and even breathing became extremely difficult.

Ye Feng wanted to get up and really explore the world he was in now, but no matter how hard he tried, he found that his body could no longer move.

His body was really hurt too badly, he had already been seriously injured before, and he experienced a very strong impact in the terrible whirlpool, and the bones in his body seemed to have been severely damaged.

This caused him to be unable to move for a short time.

At this moment, not far from the prescription position, there was a group of figures stepping towards this side. This figure was wearing black armor and holding a sharp long knife. There was a faintly killing air on his body.

When they stepped forward, the earth faintly trembled.

Ye Feng's gaze fell on these powerful men, and he suddenly discovered that the opponents were all demon cultivators, and the aura in everyone was extremely strong.

The cultivation base has even reached the level of the Supreme Demon Sovereign. You must know that in the heavens, the Supreme Martial Sovereign level powerhouse is already considered a relatively powerful existence.

Even in some more remote places, they are qualified to open up a small-scale sect force.

And in this world full of endless demonic energy, the people in this team are all of the Supreme Demon Emperor level. Judging from their outfits, they can only be ordinary guards.

This had to shock Ye Feng's heart.

"Look, there seems to be someone there!"

At this moment, the gaze of this line of Supreme Demon Sovereign guards could not help but look towards the direction where Ye Feng was, and only listened to the eyes of a Supreme Demon Sovereign guard who fell on Ye Feng and said.

A few sharp flashes flashed in the eyes of the rest of the people, and only the one leader said: "There are indeed people, let's go and see!"

After speaking this sentence, the leading powerhouse took the lead to step towards Ye Feng's location, and the rest followed suit.

Soon, they came to the location where Ye Feng was. They kept looking at Ye Feng. They only heard a supreme Demon Sovereign expert speak: "He turned out to be an ordinary martial artist, I don’t know. Where did he come from? Or take him back to talk about it!"

Hearing this person's words, other people also thought there was some truth, and another strong man said, "Maybe this person is a spy who got in. You should really take him back for a good interrogation!"

After the decision was made, these Supreme Demon Emperor Realm experts lifted Ye Feng's body from the ground and left the place with Ye Feng just like that.

Ye Feng looked helpless. At this moment, he couldn't even stand up to the most basic level. He could only let these demon cultivators do whatever they wanted.

And he didn't dare to resist the slightest bit. The other party identified him as a spy, and if he resisted at this time, it would be against the wind.

The monks of the Demon Dao were wild, bloodthirsty and violent. People like him would kill when they wanted to. Therefore, Ye Feng could only temporarily let the other party deal with it.

But given the opportunity, it is not too late to get out.

Under the leadership of these powerful masters of the Supreme Demon Sovereign Realm, Ye Feng entered a huge city, which was magnificent.

The entire city was shrouded by that terrifying magic power, and the magic cloud above the sky was like an extremely terrifying devil face, hideous and terrifying.

The people who come and go in the city are naturally all demonic cultivators. It is rare to see the existence of normal martial arts. Even if there is, the level is very low. At first glance, it is the lowest level in this city.

These Supreme Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses took Ye Feng along the streets of this huge city.

When many people saw them, they voluntarily gave up a path, and a look of awe appeared on their faces.

It can be seen that these Supreme Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses' status in this city.

In about an hour, these Supreme Demon Emperor Realm experts brought Ye Feng to a magnificent building complex.

This building community is extremely vast, and the major buildings built inside are also magnificent.

Above the gate of this building complex, dragons and phoenixes are carved with 4 large characters.

The content of these four characters is: "Emperor Mansion".

Although Ye Feng was carried by these Supreme Demon Emperor Realm experts, he still clearly saw the 4 characters on the plaque.

He instantly understood that this mansion was the residence of a powerful and powerful emperor.

These armored Supreme Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses are also likely to come from this emperor's mansion.

The next scene proved Ye Feng's guess.

These armored Supreme Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses took Ye Feng and easily entered this magnificent building community.

The powerhouse guarding at the gate is basically the same as these powerhouses in the Supreme Demon Emperor Realm wearing armor, whether in temperament or in dress.

They entered this magnificent building complex without any hindrance at all.

It didn't take long for Ye Feng to be taken by these people to a dark and damp jail, where many felons were held, and everyone was chained and looked extremely gloomy.

"Show me this person, he is probably a spy sent by other people from hell!"

Ye Feng was imprisoned in one of the prisons, and his body was **** with a shackle made of special materials.

The leader of the Supreme Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse spoke to the guard figure in the prison.

The guard figure in the prison also reached the Supreme Demon Sovereign level. He glanced at Ye Feng and nodded at the figure.

Immediately, a group of guards left the jail, and the guard in the prison looked middle-aged.

His face is full of flesh, and there is a scar on the left eye, which looks sharp.

After the guards left, he ignored Ye Feng and went straight back to where he was before, leaning on an armchair and fell asleep.

It is too boring to guard this jail and face these repeat offenders all day long.

Therefore, all the guards here look listless, and doze in the place where they are guarded alone from time to time.

After Ye Feng arrived his hands and feet were chained, and he had been seriously injured before, let alone half of his movement, he was lying on the ground, looking at the dark and humid sky full of peculiar smell, in his heart There was a sense of melancholy.

"Young man, where did you come from and why were you caught here?"

At this moment, an old voice came from the prison next door, which immediately attracted Ye Feng's gaze.

I saw an old man with a rickety figure, leaning on the iron fence of the prison, looking towards Ye Feng, and asked Ye Feng.

"I came here from a long distance. I was chased by my enemy, and I walked there. I was caught here because of injuries."

Ye Feng said to this rickety old man that she would naturally not tell him why she came here.

This old man looks extremely old, his hair is gray, his face is full of wrinkles, and his eyes are full of vicissitudes of life.

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