Sky War God

Chapter 2565: Life-threatening law

Hearing what this strong man said, everyone present couldn't help but nodded. They naturally heard of the magic wolf domain.

On the battlefield, the existence that once made the enemy troops fearful.

Now, under the persecution of Ye Feng, the Wolf Soul Guardian has released all the Demon Wolf Domain. It is unimaginable how strong the Wolf Soul Guardian's determination to defeat Ye Feng should be.

The ghost wolf shadows cover the sky and the sun, and they want to wrap Ye Feng's body completely. Don't give Ye Feng any chance.

Even though they were far away, Ye Feng's body still felt an indescribable pressure, which seemed to squeeze his body to pieces.

However, Ye Feng didn't care about anything, his body still stood calmly on the spot, as the ghost wolves were about to swallow his body.

An extremely terrifying sharp aura was released from Ye Feng's body, and the endless sharp aura turned into bursts of spear light in the void, the spear light was fierce and domineering, capable of strangling everything.

The power of its internal spear, the power of heaven and earth, the power of Taoism, and the power of good fortune are all integrated, and when it is released, it will engulf the ghost wolf phantom that is constantly engulfing in a short time.


A roar sounded, and the magic wolf phantom continued to make amazing roars. He opened his huge mouth and continuously swallowed it, trying to swallow all the spear lights.

However, the power contained in the spear light is not imaginable by ordinary people. Every spear light is released, which can cut the body of these magic wolf phantoms with blood.

The demon wolf wailed his soulmate, and the endless magic power burst out, trying to break free under the terrible magic power.

But no matter how these magic wolf phantoms broke free, those terrifying spear lights seemed to be invincible and had no effect at all.

Under the shocking gaze of the crowd, the spear lights kept strangling, and the ghost wolves were strangled and shattered little by little, turning into invisible.

Almost at the same time, Ye Feng stepped forward and saw him wave his big hand. At this moment, those endless spear lights were strangling towards the wolf soul guardian not far away.

This made the Wolf Soul Protector's look shocked, and he felt the sharp aura enveloping his body, and he felt a constant tingling sensation on the surface of his body.

A sense of death came, making the wolf soul guardian look extremely ugly, for fear that his body would be completely strangled and shattered at this moment.

But those spear lights didn't give him any chance to fight back at all, which made the Wolf Soul Protector despair.

Ye Feng looked at him so calmly, the cold light flashing in his eyes, but that kind of gaze fell in the eyes of the wolf soul guardian, but the other party felt a kind of trembling from the soul.

"I, I admit defeat!"

At this moment, a voice was spit out from the wolf soul guardian's mouth. Although this voice was not loud, it was clear to many people present.

Suddenly, all their eyes were frozen there.

At this moment, the audience was silent, and many people stared at all this blankly, speechless for a long time.

"How is it possible that the Wolf Soul Protector actually gave up?"

At a certain moment, all the people present reflected from the shock, looking at all this with an incredulous expression.

The Lone Wolf Guardian is even more ugly. The Wolf Soul Guardian is his subordinate, it can be said that he is a younger generation trained by himself.

He is even the signature character of his Lone Wolf Army, and now, in front of everyone present, he actually concedes defeat to a junior who has only the Supreme Martial Emperor's cultivation level. This is simply a great shame for him.

This is not only the Lone Wolf Guardian, but many of the strong inside the Lone Wolf Army are like this, and their faces become extremely ugly.

They didn't expect that the Wolf Soul Guardian would lose out, and they would admit defeat to Ye Feng in front of everyone present.

After the Wolf Soul Protector's words fell, Ye Feng waved his hand, and a strange power rose in his palm, directly retracting the spear lights he released.

Immediately let the lone wolf protector body relax for a while, and the feeling of being about to be killed disappeared.

The Wolf Soul Guardian breathed a sigh of relief, but the eyes that looked at Ye Feng were full of resentment, and Ye Feng defeated him in this way.

From now on, he is no longer the lone wolf guardian admired by thousands of people, but a defeated general!

The Wolf Soul Guardian didn't stop at anything, and walked toward his camp in despair.


Many strong lone wolf army looked at the wolf soul protector and couldn't help but utter a few satirical sounds.

For them, the Wolf Soul Guardian's admission to Ye Feng in public was a cowardly performance.

The Wolf Soul Protector bears the humiliation, and his hatred for Ye Feng has risen to the extreme. If given the opportunity, he will surely wash away the shame of today.

Many people are still immersed in the shock of this battle. They all thought that Ye Feng was just a supreme martial emperor.

The reason why he was able to sit in the position of the sixth law protector was because the blind cat ran into dead mice.

But never thought that the two strongest of the Lone Wolf Army challenged Ye Feng one after another, but they were all crushed by Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's strength has greatly exceeded the imagination of everyone present, even the Sky Guardian who is sitting on the main position, his eyes flashed.

I couldn't help thinking in my heart, Ye Feng was so young and promising, would the medicine he prepared also have a certain effect?

If the potion is really as effective as Ye Feng said, then it is naturally great news for the Qingtian protector.

After Ye Feng defeated the Wolf Soul Guardian, he didn't want to stay anymore and stepped directly back to his seat.

Because Ye Feng's strength was too strong before, those who wanted to take action against Ye Feng had to dispel this idea.

The Wolf Soul Guardian was their fate. Compared with the Wolf Soul Guardian, their strength was still much worse.

"Ye Feng, I didn't expect your strength to be so strong, and this young lady was really impressed."

Ye Feng returned to her seat, Miss Meng Qi couldn't help but smile at Ye Feng, her smile especially beautiful.

Ye Feng looked at Miss Xiang Mengqi, and said with a faint smile: "It's not enough to deal with some unknown people."

Although this sentence seemed to be talking to Miss Mengqi, it still satirized the lone wolf army powerhouse.

Attracted those strong lone wolf army could not help casting a cold look at Ye Feng, wishing to kill Ye Feng completely now.

Next, there are constantly strong players coming to the stage to learn from each other, and every battle is very exciting.

The strong on each side have their own winners and losers, but after seeing Ye Feng's two stops, the viewing degree of these battles has dropped by a big margin.

This also caused many people to lose their interest in watching the battle, and their attention became distracted.

The banquet was held in this atmosphere, and after about an hour or so, the banquet officially ended.

And if you say who is the most dazzling person in this banquet, then it is undoubtedly Ye Feng.

This young man who has recently taken over the position of the 6th law protector has performed impeccably at the banquet.

The two powerhouses of the Lone Wolf Army stepped forward to challenge and were crushed one by one, especially in the last stop, the Wolf Soul Guardian against Ye Feng.

The opponent is not only a strong cultivation realm, but also an iron-blooded general and a signature character of the Lone Wolf Army.

Even so, the Wolf Soul Guardian still failed miserably to Ye Feng, and finally had to ask for mercy, which would save his life.

This news immediately spread through the entire emperor's mansion, shocking many people.

At the same time, Ye Feng's name also caused a sensation once again, making the entire emperor's mansion known to him.

After the banquet, Ye Feng returned to his bedroom, and only here was the quietest place.

Ye Feng quickly entered the state of cultivation, and now he is extremely eager to improve his strength.

Therefore, Ye Feng didn't want to waste every minute and every second that was vacated, and used it all in his cultivation.

Time passed in a hurry, and three days passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Ye Feng was enjoying tea and flowers in the courtyard of his mansion, a rare leisure.

At this moment, a scary person walked in in a panic. He knelt down in front of Ye Feng, and said anxiously: "Master Protector, Faith Protector is coming, he will let you go out to see him! "

With this sentence, Ye Feng couldn't help but condensed his eyes slightly, and he naturally had the impression of the Death Guardian, the official fifth guardian of the Emperor's Mansion.

Judging from the resources under his control and the size of the official position, the life-death protection law is indeed much higher than Ye Feng.

The position of the fifth protector is not comparable to that of the sixth protector, but Ye Feng is naturally unwilling to succumb to others.

Unless your relatives and friends. He doesn't care about this, but if he becomes a stranger, he won't give any face to anyone.

This life-threatening law protector came to his mansion and let Ye Feng go to see him openly, obviously to put Ye Feng in his eyes.

And listening to the tone of this servant, the other party has obviously entered this role.

"Go and tell him that I'm cultivating. If he wants to see me, then let him take the initiative to come to the courtyard."

Ye Feng instructed the next person, with a bit of calm in his words.

But after he said these words, the look of the subordinate was taken aback, and then a somewhat bad expression appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but speak to Ye Feng: "The guardian of the law, the guardian of death is the first 5 Protector, look at..."

This servant didn't say anything, but he believed that Ye Feng was a smart man and should be able to understand what he said.

The Death Guardian is the fifth guardian, and its position in the entire emperor's residence is much higher than that of him. It stands to reason that Ye Feng should indeed meet him when the other party comes here.

But Ye Feng asked the other party to come to see him, which simply didn't put the law of death in his eyes.

"What are you doing in a daze, go!"

Seeing that the subordinate had not left, Ye Feng couldn't help but reminded him, which made the subordinate react from his previous thoughts.

He couldn't help but smiled at Ye Feng and nodded, and then quickly walked out of the courtyard. During the walk, the look of this subordinate involuntarily appeared a little haze.

I couldn't help but whispered to himself: "It seems that the law protector is going to endure the anger of the law protector! Hey, not long after sitting in the position of the law protector, he will be crushed by someone. It's really a hard life!"

The servant shook his head uncontrollably after saying this, a somewhat disappointed expression appeared on his face.

Outside Ye Feng's sixth law-guarding mansion, the figure of the deadly law-guard appeared there, and there was an indescribable terrifying aura in his whole body.

The ghost spirit surrounding him was extremely tyrannical, and there seemed to be waves of resentment surging throughout his body.

Beside the Defeating Law Protector, there are still several Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses, these people are his subordinates, and now come here with the Defending Law Protector.

These people are standing together, and the breath of each person is horrendous, making this space extremely depressing.

"What the **** did the life-death law protector come here to do? Could it be that he came to trouble Ye Feng?"

A strong man passed by, looking involuntarily toward the direction where the Death Guardian was located, a somewhat uneasy expression appeared on his face, and he couldn't help but speak to everyone present.

The eyes of the others flickered, and their faces couldn't help showing excitement. They knew at a glance that the death-killing guardians were not good.

"Since Na Yefeng appeared in the Emperor's Mansion, he has been sharp and sharp. At the Qingtian Protector's Birthday Banquet, he defeated Langya and the two top powerhouses of the Wolf Soul Protector. It is no wonder that the Death Guardian came to him. Now, this time, he should bear a very serious price!"

Another strong man opened his mouth, and he had a very good understanding of the things about Ye Feng these days.

Many people's eyes flickered, as this strong man said, the Emperor's Mansion Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger, in the past few years, there has never been a person as bold and arrogant as Ye Feng.

More importantly, this Ye Feng is still an ordinary martial artist, whose cultivation level only reaches the realm of the Supreme Martial Emperor.

This made everyone present feel grudged towards him.

A figure walked out of the 6th Guarding Court, and it was the same person who had come to Ye Feng to report to him.

With a worried look, this servant came to the front of the deadly guardian.

Seeing him walking out by himself, the guardian of life-threatening could not help but freeze slightly, and asked him: "Where is Ye Feng, why didn't he see his people?"

"Master Law Protector, Master Law Protector, he is cultivating. Let the little one tell the Death Guardian. If he wants to see him, he will take the initiative to enter the courtyard and ask for a visit!"

The servant hesitated, and when he said this, his heart couldn't help but beating the drum, for fear that the death-threatening law would get angry.

After his words were spoken, the expressions of all the people present immediately froze there, looking at all of this with a dull expression, only feeling that they had misheard.

The same is true for the life-threatening law protector, as well as those imperial realm powerhouses who followed him, looking at the people with incredible expressions.

I saw an icy breath erupting from the body of the Deadly Guardian, looking at the subordinate, gritted his teeth and said, "Is this really what he said himself?"

"How can the little one dare to tell lies, it is indeed what Ye Hufa said himself!"

The scary person shuddered involuntarily, and I have to say that the look in the eyes of the Death Guardian was really terrifying, so terrible to the point of heart palpitations.


Almost at the same time, everyone present heard a breath of self-strengthening erupting from the body of the deadly guardian, causing this space to emit a strong shocking sound.

The space burst, causing the subordinate to be seriously affected, and his body was shaken back, and his breath floated.

"An unknown rat, dare to let this seat go to see him, he is really not big or small, I want to see, what qualifications does he have and this seat arrogant?"

The life-death protector spoke indifferently, the breath released from his body became more and more terrifying, and the whole body was surrounded by endless ghost energy.

While speaking, the crowd saw the footsteps of the deadly guardian step forward, and the ground made a roar with every step.

And the aura on his body also became terrible, and he walked step by step towards the sixth guardian residence.

The powerhouses behind them followed, and their auras were extremely terrifying. As the subordinates of the deadly guardian, these people were unwilling to give in to a ghost cultivator before.

But after they truly realized the terrible life-death protection law, they were completely shocked by the opponent's strength.

From that moment on, these strong men were all convinced and surrendered to the life-threatening law.

The deadly guardian walked step by step towards the sixth guardian mansion, and the aura exposed on his body became stronger.

Although he saw Ye Feng's strength on the occasion of Qingtian's guardian's birthday, the two who Ye Feng defeated could not be compared with him.

The position of life-threatening law protector has a lot to do with his ghost repair characters. In his opinion, he shouldn't just be the fifth law protector position.

Not only him, but the entire emperor's mansion powerhouse also thinks this way. Characters such as the Death Guardian are really terrifying, and his achievements shouldn't be the only ones here.

When the Destiny Protector entered the Sixth Protector's mansion, the entire space became depressed. The servants and female servants in the Sixth Interfaith Mansion were all frightened by the breath released by the Destiny Protector.

All of them were pale and involuntarily evaded towards the rear, for fear of being hurt by the Death Guardian.

Along the way, the life-death protector and his mobile subordinates soon arrived in the courtyard where Ye Feng tasted tea and enjoyed flowers.

Seeing Ye Feng sitting on the stone chair and tasting the famous tea in his hand, he looked leisurely, and an extremely cold luster flashed in the eyes of the Life-Death Protector.

Prior to this, the subordinate claimed that Ye Feng was in the process of cultivating. Now it seems that things are not as the other party said.

Even if this Ye Feng is drinking fragrant tea leisurely here, you don't want to go out to see him.

This made the life-death protector's heart feel cold, and the gaze that looked at Ye Feng revealed the most indifferent luster, and then said coldly to Ye Feng: "You have no cultivation at all, why not go to meet this seat?"

The voice of the deadly guardian carried the ultimate coldness and the tone of several orders, as if his words could not be questioned by Ye Feng.

Ye Feng drank the tea in the cup, and then he filled a cup again. After taking a sip, he looked at the Deadly Guardian unhurriedly, and said indifferently: "I have never taken the initiative to welcome others. Habits, especially for strangers, are even less qualified to let me go to meet them."

Ye Feng's remarks were unceremonious, and he choked back on the words he had said before.

Behind the deadly guardian, the expressions of the powerhouses could not help showing a bit of coldness, and the eyes that looked at Ye Feng shone with an extremely cold luster.

I only heard a Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse say coldly to Ye Feng: "What a life-death protector, come here to give you face, you, as the sixth protector, naturally want to meet you. , But you are tasting tea here, it's a treachery!"

After the words of this Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse fell, the rest of the Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses also did the same, looking at Ye Feng's eyes revealing a bit of unkindness.

"Here, only you are qualified to speak?"

Hearing the words of those powerful Demon Emperor Realm experts, Ye Feng's expression was immediately pulled down, and then he said indifferently to the other party.

This sentence, as if with a bit of coldness, made the powers of the Devil Emperor Realm feel that their bodies trembled involuntarily. He really didn't dare to speak anymore.

"You really are not big or small, and don't put this seat in your eyes, then you should bear the corresponding punishment!"

Seeing that Ye Feng dared to scold his subordinates like this, the life-death protector immediately spoke strongly to Ye Feng, his pupils were shining with extremely cold luster, and he said to Ye Feng coldly: "Now, this seat Give you a chance to redeem your sins and immediately roll over and apologize to this seat. If you don't, you will be at your own risk!"

This sentence immediately surprised all the people present, including the servants of the 6th Dharma Protector Mansion.

Only one of the servants spoke: "The guardian of the law should not know the prestige of the guardian of the death. This time such a deadly guardian is offended. I don't know what will happen next!"

When this servant uttered the words, his face was worried, and the rest of them nodded, feeling worried for Ye Feng.

"Ha ha!"

However, at this moment people heard a sneer, and the person who made this voice was naturally Ye Feng.

At this moment, Ye Feng still did not get up from his seat, and after taking another calm sip of the tea in his hand, he opened his mouth to the Death Guardian: "I don't know what qualifications you have to talk to me like this, but here it is. My mansion, if you don’t understand etiquette so much, then please leave this place, my mansion does not welcome people like you to appear!"

Ye Feng's words were not polite, and directly asked the life-threatening guardian to leave.

The Death Guardian looked cold for a while, and could not help but coldly said to Ye Feng: "You are a supreme martial emperor, your position is not as good as this seat, what qualifications do you have to order this seat? Since you do not want to take the initiative to apologize to this seat, then this The toilet only gives you a long memory!"

When these words were spoken, everyone present saw that an astonishing ghost attribute power burst out of the Death Guardian.

The endless ghost aura lingered all over, turning into a resentful spirit, releasing bursts of roaring sounds.


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