Sky War God

Chapter 2567: Murderous

The respectful color on his face became more and more obvious.

Many people were shocked by what happened before them. Few of them knew about the secret wounds of Qingtian Guardian.

But from the look of Qingtian Guardian's desire to pray at this moment, it can be seen that the other party's hidden injury should be very serious.

As a result, the Qingtian Guardian would appear so respectful when facing Ye Feng, who only had the Supreme Martial Emperor Realm, and prayed that the other party could allocate a potion for him again.

The deadly guardian not far away was already shocked by everything in front of him. He didn't expect that Ye Feng, a supreme martial emperor, would have such effects as the medicine formulated.

People with such identities as Qingtian Protector, all came to pray for medicine.

Qingtian guardian still looked at Ye Feng with that kind of eagerness to give alms. That stalwart body was in front of Ye Feng at this moment, and it actually gave people a sense of weakness.

It is enough to imagine how intense the pain that Qingtian Protector should endure.


Ye Feng faintly nodded to Qingtian Law Guardian, distributing the potion was just a matter of effort for him, seeing how sincere the Heavenly Guardian was.

Ye Feng would naturally not refuse the other party.

"Thank you, Guardian Ye, then, I will send you the ingredients for the medicine!"

After Qingtian's guardian heard what Ye Feng said, he immediately became overjoyed and couldn't help but bow down to Ye Feng.

Immediately, the crowd saw that a light flashed in the hands of Qingtian Protector, and a cloth bag appeared. There was a strong light flashing inside the cloth bag, and the light contained pure and strong vitality.

I couldn't help but speak to Ye Feng: "Here are 1 million high-grade yuan stones, and I look at the right guardian to accept it."

Everyone was shocked. One million high-grade primordial stones could be regarded as a huge amount of wealth. If it weren't for a powerful and powerful person like Qingtian Guardian, it would be impossible to come up with so many top-grade primordial stones.

"It seems that Ye Feng has posted it. I don't know where he learned how to configure the medicine. That's 1 million high-grade yuan stones!"

When someone saw this scene, envy immediately appeared on their faces. One million top-grade rough stones are a very rich wealth for anyone.

Not far away, the deadly guardian's eyes flickered, and he was gritted with anger. Before that, he came here to question Master Ye Fengxing and tried to kill Ye Feng.

Unexpectedly, not only did Ye Feng live well, but he also received such a generous reward from the Heavenly Guardian, which really made him feel jealous.

"There is no need for the reward, the Heavenly Guardian should put away this thing, there is no shortage of high-grade essence stones below."

However, just as everyone on the scene thought that Ye Summit would be happy to accept all these top-grade rough stones, they heard such a voice from Ye Feng's mouth.

Immediately let all the people present including Qingtian Guardian's Death Guardian look in a daze. It seemed that Ye Feng would have said such words.

That is 1 million high-grade primordial stones, even in the demon realm, it can be regarded as a huge wealth, and ordinary people can't get it.

And this Ye Feng was so dismissive of the reward of 1 million high-grade Yuanshi.

Guardian Qingtian's eyes flickered, looking at Ye Feng, and then he smiled awkwardly, and said apologetically: "It's tacky now, and Guardian Ye's great favor will surely repay me double one day!"

Next, Qingtian Protector exchanged greetings with Ye Feng for a while, and then left.

It didn’t take long for the Qingtian Guardian to send someone to prepare the ingredients for the medicine. This time, according to Ye Feng’s words, a dozen of materials were sent at one time, and it happened to be able to prepare 10 bottles of medicine for the Qingtian Guardian. Used in January.

Not long after Qingtian's guardian left, Destiny's guardian also left here in disgrace. Before that, Destiny's guard thought that he could easily kill Ye Feng.

But he didn't expect that Ye Feng would actually approach the big tree Qingtian Protector with his own medicine.

After leaving the mansion where Ye Feng lived, the Life-Death Guardian could not swallow the breath in his heart anyway.

He went straight to the front of a more magnificent mansion, and this mansion was the lone wolf of the third guardian of the emperor's mansion.

As the fifth protector of the emperor's residence, the deadly protector can naturally easily enter and leave the house of the lone wolf protector.

A special person received him and greeted the deadly guardian into the mansion. In a gorgeous palace, a figure sat cross-legged.

The bloodthirsty and violent aura surrounding this person is fused with the array of magical powers, making this space extremely depressing.

Endless demon energy floated from the void, converging into his body, and the aura in the whole person was violent to the extreme.

Feeling the arrival of someone, this figure directly stopped practicing. Those sharp eyes looked at the stolen life-death protector, and couldn't help but ask: "What's the matter?"

The lone wolf protector survives in the battlefield environment all the year round, and has developed this kind of arrogant and direct character.

"Lone wolf guardian remember that Ye Feng?"

The Death Guardian spoke directly like this, supported by the Heavenly Guardian, he no longer dared to easily attack Ye Feng. He came here to get the support of the Lone Wolf Guardian.

"Naturally remember, what happened to him?"

The lone wolf guardian asked the deadly guardian.

"The potion he deployed is just effective for the hidden wounds of the Guardian of the Sky. Now, the Guardian of the Sky is grateful to him."

The Death Guardian spoke unwillingly, and until this moment, he still felt that this matter was very incredible.

A supreme martial emperor, not only has a fighting power beyond ordinary people's imagination, but also proficient in such a powerful way of formulating medicine, it is simply too bad!


After the words of the Deadly Guardian fell, the Lone Wolf Guardian's expression immediately froze there. Perhaps due to an accident, the Lone Wolf Guardian got up directly from his seat, looked at the Deadly Guardian with incredible eyes and asked: "You said It's the potion that Ye Feng prepared for him on the birthday of Qingtian Protector?"

"Yes, after taking the Qingtian Guardian, the effect is very good. Early in the morning, he went to the mansion where Ye Feng lived, and asked that Ye Feng to prepare the medicine for him again. Because of this, I went to kill Na Ye Feng. If you let Ye Feng continue to develop, it may be difficult for me to stay in the Emperor's Mansion in the future!"

The Death Guardian nodded to the Lone Wolf Guardian and said, the words spoken with strong resentment.

"Damn it!"

The Lone Wolf Guardian was so angry that he gritted his teeth. On the birthday of Qingtian Guardian, Ye Feng had defeated two of his men one after another, which had a very bad negative influence on his Lone Wolf Army.

Because of those two battles, the dignity of the Lone Wolf Guardian was also seriously damaged, so the Lone Wolf Guardian's hatred towards Ye Feng was no worse than the Death Guardian.

"It seems that it is time for me to get rid of this person!"

The lone wolf guardian spoke to the deadly guardian.

"As far as I know, the Red Devil Guardian is also extremely dissatisfied with Ye Feng, so let me go and tie up the Red Devil Guardian too. In this case, we will take care of everything!"

The Death Guardian said with joy, hearing that the Lone Wolf Guardian wanted to get rid of Ye Feng, he couldn't help being happy.

"Alright. Come on behalf of this seat."

The lone wolf guardian's eyes flickered, and Dandan nodded.

Although he and the Red Devil protector have been tit-for-tat, they now have a common enemy.

Under normal circumstances, an existence like Ye Feng is not worth his trouble too much.

But according to the Destiny Guardian, Ye Feng was appreciated by Qingtian Guardian, which was what he had to take into consideration.

If he unilaterally shot Ye Feng, it would be that he alone offended the Heavenly Guardian and dragged the Red Devil Guardian into the group, that would be different.

After the life-threatening protector took his order, he quickly left the house where the lone wolf protector was and went straight to the red devil protector's house.

After arriving at the Red Devil Guardian's Mansion, the Death Guardian told him in detail what he had seen and heard in Ye Feng's mansion today.

While the Red Devil Guardian was shocked, she also felt an inexplicable threat. At this time, the Life-Death Guardian said that the Lone Wolf Guardian wanted to get rid of Ye Feng.

The Red Devil Protector was slightly resistant, but when he thought of Ye Feng's terrifying growth rate in the Emperor's Mansion recently, he nodded and agreed.

Since then, the three major law protectors have always wanted to take action against Ye Feng, and a potential threat has approached Ye Feng.

But Ye Feng didn't know it at all. After half a day's time, after preparing the potion of the Qingtian Guardian, Ye Feng entered his room and continued to practice.

Today, his cultivation has reached the Supreme Martial Emperor Realm. If he wants to break through the Martial Emperor Realm as soon as possible, he must seize all the time to improve his cultivation realm.

In addition to improving the realm of cultivation, Ye Feng also strengthened several martial arts that he majored in.

Especially magical Dafa, in this world of magical ways, practicing magical Dafa is especially suitable.

Bursts of demonic energy penetrated into Ye Feng's body along the surface of Ye Feng, nourishing his body and enhancing his cultivation.

It's just that the effect of cultivating in the room is really very general. The Emperor's Mansion is vast in area, with many towering magic mountains.

These magic mountains are wrapped by strong magic power, and even on the top of some magic mountains, there are many cultivation caves built specifically for the cultivation of the powerful people in the emperor's residence.

Ye Feng walked out of the room on this day, leaping towards a huge magic mountain inside the Emperor's Mansion.

The closer to the magic mountain, the more Ye Feng can feel the strong magic energy surrounding the magic mountain, and wrap his body in it, making Ye Feng's body feel a burst of pressure.

However, he did not deliberately resist, but instead released the magical magic Dafa, attracted demon energy into the body, and constantly used the demon energy to improve his cultivation realm.

It didn't take long for Ye Feng's body to descend on the top of a magic mountain, which seemed to be directly connected to the sky.

The top of the mountain went straight into the endless magic cloud floating in the void, making the magic energy here many times stronger than before.

The purple-black thunder tribulation power kept coming, and from time to time it smashed the boulder at the top of the mountain, making waves of strong roars.

Under the power of Thunder Tribulation, the huge stones collapsed and destroyed one by one, and the deafening sound spread in all directions, like a terrifying beast roaring.

Under this harsh environment, Ye Feng's body was pushed back by the terrifying demonic energy that drifted away in the space.

However, he did not back down because of this, and released his magic magic, with the endless magic power lingering around him.

Under the guidance of the magical power, the magic energy wrapped in the space continuously converged towards Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng walked forward step by step, as if surrounded by a burst of magical light on his body, he soon came to a boulder in the center of the mountain.

This boulder is several ten feet high and looks extremely thick and grand. Ye Feng stands on this boulder as if he can really touch the sky.

The power of thunder from the sky tried to descend on Ye Feng's body, causing Ye Feng's body to feel a strong pressure.

Sitting cross-legged, Illusory Demon Dafa was released to the extreme, and the body was enveloped by a burst of Illusory Demon power. The terrifying demon energy floating in the void seemed to converge into a demon energy ribbon, continuously converging towards Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng completely lifted the barrier on his body, allowing the devilish energy to shuttle through his body.

The power of his magical magic surging in the blood of his body, a little bit of the tacit understanding that comes from the shuttle is refined and integrated.

This made the magic energy inside Ye Feng's body rise steadily, and the magic energy gathered in the void seemed to be centered on Ye Feng's body, turning frantically.

The power of thunder that descended in the void was even more terrifying than it was at the beginning, making this space seem to be turned into a scene of doomsday.

Ye Feng's body was baptized by the might of thunder from time to time, and the lightning attribute power penetrated through his body, as if to completely chop Ye Feng's body into pieces.

Every time Ye Feng's body was subjected to the power of thunder, he could tremble involuntarily, and all the tissues inside his body were baptized by the power of thunder.

Although it was very uncomfortable to experience this kind of thing, Ye Feng could feel that every time his body was baptized by the power of thunder, the organization inside his body seemed to be tempered.

Let his whole body become tougher, and the physical strength can carry stronger energy.

In this way, many Riye Peaks were cultivating on this magic mountain. After the double baptism of the power of the magical energy and thunder, Ye Feng's body not only became tougher.

His cultivation realm is also steadily rising, although he still has not been able to touch the threshold of stepping into the Martial Emperor realm.

But Ye Feng could clearly feel that he was not too far away from the real Martial Emperor.

"Om, hum..."

However, at this moment, there were more sounds of breaking through the void in the void, and in the next moment, many figures appeared in the magic cloud.

After these figures appeared, they became encircled in all directions towards Ye Feng's location.

The aura in each of them is extremely powerful, the devilish energy is tumbling and stirring, and there is an amazing killing power released from it, which makes this space become extremely depressing.

After these powerhouses arrived, Ye Feng naturally felt the presence of someone because the aura released was too strong.

His eyes opened at this moment, and there was a burst of magical light flashing in his pupils, sharp to the extreme.

Ye Feng glanced over the bodies of these people who had arrived, and suddenly found many acquaintances.

The head of the person is surrounded by endless ghosts, as if there are resentful spirits emerging from the void, and it is the fifth law protector who kills the law.

Standing beside the deadly guardian was the wolf soul guardian, and on the other side was the Luo Kui guardian.

In addition to these three law protectors, Langya also took photos, and many demon emperor realm powerhouses followed.

These demon emperor realm powerhouses are all top figures under the three major guardians of the lone wolf guardian, the red devil guardian, and the deadly guardian.

The strength of each one is super terrifying, gathered at this moment, the energy that can be released is even more than ordinary people can imagine.

"You guys, why did you come here?"

Ye Feng couldn't help but ask the others. He already felt that the other party was not good.

"Ye Feng, your death date has come, is it interesting to ask knowingly?"

The Death Guardian sneered at Ye Feng. This time, they finally assembled so many powerful people, and they could really kill Ye Feng here. He was really very happy.

"Ha ha."

Hearing the words of the Deadly Guardian, a sharp light flashed in Yefeng's pupils, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Death? Do you really think you can kill me?"

This sentence of Ye Feng was confident, but it fell in the ears of the life-death law protector and the others, but they could not help but show a bit of contempt for Ye Feng.

Only one person said with disdain: "I think you are too arrogant, even if you have some strength, how can a person of the Supreme Martial Emperor compete with me and many other powerful people?"

The rest of the people also showed somewhat contemptuous smiles. Randomly another strong man opened his mouth and said: "You don't have to talk nonsense with people like him. Now, I will come forward and kill him when I wait!"

While speaking, several powerful people nodded together, took the lead in displaying their own physical and martial skills, and quickly leaped towards the direction where Ye Feng was.

While their bodies were still flying, a terrifying aura burst out of them, and endless magical energy emerged.

It seemed to be able to use the power of this space to launch the strongest attack on Ye Feng, and then the attack came towards Ye Feng's body.

Every attack power is tyrannical to the extreme, as if to completely bury Ye Feng's body here!

Several Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses released the powerful attacking force together, which could threaten Ye Feng's life.

However, Ye Feng didn't seem to care about anything. There was also a burst of magic power on his body, and the terrifying magic power attributed this space completely.

Phantom Demon Dafa burst out, facing the attacking power launched by these powerful collectives against him, Ye Feng burst out in front of him with a Phantom Demon palm print.

The magical power of the strongest magic power is integrated on the big palm print of the magical demon, and there is the power of heaven and earth in the middle of the soul realm.

This made the power of this palm much more powerful than it was at the beginning. At the next moment, everyone present only listened to the thunderous sound of horrible shocks.

The power of destruction spread in the void, and this palm print of Ye Feng directly collided with the attacks of the two great Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses.

These two great Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses are full of confidence, even though they have heard some rumors about Ye Feng before, they don't think Ye Feng can be one enemy 2.

However, when the attack released by Ye Feng really collided with their attack, the two great Demon Emperor Realm experts regretted it.

The power of the magic palm print released by Ye Feng was too strong, it was not something they could resist, and it made their bodies tremble crazily in a short time.

The power of destruction evolved by the power of phantoms followed their arms and invaded into their bodies within a short time.

It made their bodies tremble crazily, and the strongest counter-shock force descended on their bodies.

As a result, their bodies could no longer hold on, and a muffled sound was involuntarily made in their mouths. At this moment, their bodies were shaken back again and again, their breath was very floating, and they vomited a mouthful of blood.

This made the rest of the martial arts realm powerhouse a little shocked, but they didn't care much.

After all, Ye Feng is a person who can defeat Mo Kun's Law Protector. If he doesn't have some strength, it's not normal.

They are now crowded and powerful, and there are three major law protectors who are in charge, and they must be able to easily kill Ye Feng.

Next, several terrifying attacks descended on Ye Feng's body, trying to completely kill and destroy Ye Feng's body.

The space attribute power on Ye Feng's body was released, and the Meteor Butterfly stepped out at this moment, and the space attribute power on the body merged with the star attribute power.

It made its figure speed many times happier than before, and it dodges the opponent's two attacks in a short time.

At the same time, Ye Feng stepped forward, and the terrifying fist light rushed towards the body of a Martial Emperor Realm powerhouse in front of him at this moment.

This fist light also contains the power of magical demon, and everything wherever it goes will be destroyed.

This made the face of that Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse suddenly look a little trying to flash his figure at this moment.

But Ye Feng's attack speed was so fast that he couldn't tolerate this Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse to dodge his body, and his fist light had already descended on his body.

This allowed this Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse to release only one attack and resistance, and this attack literally used his strength to feed himself, mobilizing all the potential in his body.

In the next moment, the crowd heard a terrible shock again, and the power of destruction spread in all directions.

The powerful Demon Emperor Realm instantly felt the power contained in Ye Feng's fist, and immediately witnessed the crazy shaking of his body.

The bone tissue cells in the body seemed to have been extremely seriously affected, and only a screaming sound came out. Under the influence of Ye Feng's horrible fist, the body of this demon emperor was like a cannonball. Usually fly out.

It hit a huge boulder not far from the magic mountain, causing the boulder to collapse and destroy immediately!


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