Sky War God

Chapter 2591: Magic fire

"These guys can't shrink, I can force them out!"

The shadow coach's eyes showed sharp openings. When speaking, the crowd saw that a burst of magic fire was released from the shadow coach.

The pitch-black flames lingered in the space, as if it could burn everything, only to see his palm wave.

The pitch-black magic fire constantly evolves in the palm of the palm, becoming bigger and bigger and getting hotter.

Almost at the same time, the crowd saw the shadow boss wave his hand, and the endless flame of light in his palm shone out.

Within a short time, he descended from the void, and the black flame was even hotter than the ordinary flame attribute power.

The majesty of the magic way inside it merged with the flame, and within a short time, a stronger magic way attribute power gathered from the void.

The volume of the flames was also continuously enlarged at this moment, as if forming a large flame web, completely covering the camp where Ye Feng and others were located from the void.

The fierce flames burned, and the scorching heat released could not be described in words, and the crowd in the self-test confrontation became feverish.

I just feel that my breathing has become difficult at this moment. Under the scorching heat, they have become extremely uncomfortable, and their faces are red, as if they may be affected by the terrible demon at any time. Fire became a corpse by himself.

"What's the matter, why is it so? This flame is too strong, how can I hold on?"

In the camp, there was a strong man who spoke in this way, and a little desperate light appeared on his face involuntarily.

Under the burning of this kind of flame, he only felt that the water inside his body was about to be completely evaporated.

His mind was dizzy, and the coercion released by the power of the magic path made his body somewhat unbearable.

Not only him, many people have similar feelings at this moment, with painful expressions on their faces.

"Ye Feng, what should we do?"

A look of horror appeared on Miss Mengqi's pretty face. At this moment, facing the terrifying flames, she could only release the breath of her body to insulate her.

If not, even if Miss Mengqi's cultivation level is very high, she feels she can't hold on anymore.

Ye Feng frowned slightly, but he didn't expect that the shadow coach would have realized such a powerful magic fire.

This kind of magic fire power is different from the ordinary fire attribute power. Its internal fusion has a powerful magic attribute power.

Under the fusion of the two, the power of the magic fire has naturally increased a lot, and the degree of heat is not comparable to the power of ordinary flame attributes.

This shadow guardian is also extremely smart, and only uses the method of roasting to release the blur. In this case, the **** pattern formation is difficult to trigger, so my fire can affect the people in the camp where Ye Feng is located.

If no corresponding measures are taken, Ye Feng cannot eliminate the magic fire.


Almost at the same time, the crowd saw Ye Feng's body leaping into the air, and his body came to a position closer to the run-in within a short time.

The Shadow Guardian seemed to have noticed this scene, and saw his palm waving, and suddenly a force came to the place where the blur was, and suddenly the demon flame turned into a strong flame power, madly swallowing Ye Feng's body Come.

The space attribute power of Ye Feng's body was released, and he dodged toward one side in a short time.

His dodge speed is extremely fast. Directly evaded the opponent's flame attribute power attack.

However, the area covered by the flame was extremely wide, especially the tongue of flame sprayed from the flame, still burning the side of Ye Feng's body.

As a result, his clothes were burned with a gap, and his skin felt tingling.

"Haha, my magic fire is not what you can imagine, but I want to see how long you guys can hold on!"

Seeing his flames burned Ye Feng's body on one side, the Shadow Guardian immediately made an ironic sound.

While speaking, his palm waved out again, trying to release the terrifying flame attribute power attack again to deal with Ye Feng.

This time, Ye Feng seemed to have been prepared, and dodged towards one side in a short time. Almost at the same time, the people on the scene saw a gust of water rising from him.

The power of the water attribute is released, as if a huge water dragon is formed in the void. The water dragon can swallow all existence, and in a short time, it whizzes out towards the outside.

Unleashing an astonishing power, this made the Shadow Guardian somewhat unexpected. It seemed that Ye Feng had realized such a powerful water attribute power.

However, he didn't seem to care about anything. A Dao magic formula was played at this moment, and the power of the magic formula could not be described in words.

Integrating with those demon fires, the inability to be contained in the demon fires immediately increased several levels.

The water dragon came, and the blur seemed to have evolved into an amazing flame monster at this moment. The crazy rain and the water dragon collided together.

Water and fire are mutually reinforcing and restraining each other. Under normal circumstances, the water dragon released by Ye Feng should be able to quickly swallow the flame attribute power.

However, bursts of magic power could be released from the flame attribute power, which changed the flame attribute power.

Ordinary water system attribute power does not pose any threat to it.

Seeing the flame behemoth madly swallowing the water dragon, Ye Feng frowned slightly.

This shadow coach is really a difficult opponent to deal with, not only has a very high cultivation level, but also comprehended so many methods.

"Haha, it's just a little trick, so you are ashamed to show off in front of this coach?"

Seeing his own flame behemoth, he swallowed the water dragon released by Ye Feng in a short time, and the shadow coach spoke proudly.

As he spoke, the power released from him seemed to grow stronger.

The demon fire he released became more and more hot, making many people in the camp extremely uncomfortable and painful one by one.

Ye Feng's expression showed a sharp edge, and if this continued, the Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses in his camp might lose their lives under the burning of this flame attribute power.

A supreme power of Dao power is integrated into the water attribute power, and the magic of good fortune is released, and the endless force of good fortune and Daowei power are merged into the water attribute power.

The power of heaven and earth in the mid-stage of entering the soul realm was acting on it, which made the water attribute power released by Ye Feng strengthened a lot in a short time.

He roared, and a huge ocean rose up behind him, the turbulent waves inside him were constantly tumbling and stirring, releasing a tyrannical voice.

Along with Ye Feng's palm, the terrifying stormy waves turned into the strongest swallowing attribute power.

Furiously swallowing the demon fire on the opposite side, the water attribute power merged with the power of Taoism, the power of good fortune, and the power of heaven and earth. After that, the power climbed several levels in a short time.

This made the shadow coach also feel something wrong. When that terrifying ocean collided with his running-in, the magic fire was extinguished in a short time.

This also caused a huge gap in the magic fire web, and fresh air was constantly infiltrating in, causing many people in the battle to gasp.

Suddenly became much better.

At the same time, Ye Feng turned his head and couldn't help but speak to the strong in this camp: "Everyone cheer up and prepare to go out to meet the enemy!"

While speaking, Ye Feng's body rushed out of the gap first, and the vast ocean behind him was equally terrifying.

In a short period of time, when Ye Feng took his palm prints again, the endless ocean couldn't help but roared, madly swallowing the body of the opponent's demon scorpion army powerhouse.

Some of the powerful army's expressions were slightly amazed, and it seemed that Ye Feng had such terrible strength.

The water attribute power he had understood was able to annihilate all the magic fire, which really made everyone present unimaginable.

Even the shadow coach, his face didn't look good.

In fact, the water attribute power that Ye Feng comprehend is not very powerful, but because he has integrated the power of Dao, the power of good fortune, and the power of heaven and earth.

This caused the originally not very strong water attribute power to change suddenly, and the change can extinguish all the magic fire of the shadow coach.

At this moment, the turbulent waves released by Ye Feng have already reached the front of the powerful demon scorpion army.

The expressions of these powerful demon scorpions were shocked, and they felt the power of this terrifying water system attribute.


Almost at the same time, the dark leader's body changed. His body became extremely large while flying, facing the attack of the water element power released by Ye Feng.

He patted out an amazing Void hand, this Void hand is like a fan, carrying amazing power.

Trying to contend with Ye Feng's water attribute power, however, Ye Feng's water attribute power is not greatly affected by the opponent's void.

From all directions, it swallowed toward those strong demon scorpion army.

Many powerful demon scorpion army look desperate, facing such a terrible water attribute power, they can not find any resistance.

Next, I heard the sound of screams ringing endlessly. After the combination of the three attribute powers, the power of the stormy sea became stronger.

The bodies of those strong in the Devil Emperor Realm were swallowed up, and were directly wiped out by the water attribute power.

"Everyone follow me and kill them together!"

For the other prescription, the Guardian Qingtian couldn't help but give an order to everyone present, and everyone's eyes flickered, and they couldn't help but nod their heads.

Immediately, the body of a strong man in the camp flew beyond the camp, at an incredible speed.

In a short time, they all appeared outside of winning. Everyone has an amazing magic power to release, and they constantly launch attacks on the strong of the magic scorpion army.

For a while, the entire space was enveloped by this ruinous might, and it looked quite violent.

"Kill all these thieves for me, leaving none!"

Seeing Qingtian Guardian led many Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses, flew out of the camp, and took the initiative to attack them.

The dark guardian spoke directly to a kind of strong behind him.

There was a bit of strength in his words, as if there was a cold murderous intent. When he talked, the crowd saw that the strong men of the Devil Scorpion army flashed one by one, releasing their own power to make Ye Feng stronger. The attacker launched an attack.

The attacking power of these people was naturally terrifying, and they wrapped the body of Ye Feng, a powerful person in a short time.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock continued to sound, and the power of destruction spread in the void.

At this time, there were many strong men who came to watch this battle with admiration. Seeing that the two sides finally broke out in a war, their faces showed excitement.

This should be the strongest Demon Emperor City leader led by Ye Feng, and the strongest demon scorpion army in the valley.

Therefore, they would like to see whether this battle is stronger or weaker.

"This time, the demon scorpion army has assembled the top powerhouses of the two camps. The demon scorpion army has a certain advantage in terms of numbers and above the level of the strong. This time, the strong in the Ye Feng camp may be true. It's not so bad!"

Some strong people analyzed in this way and thought that Ye Feng and others would kill the strong in the Demon Scorpion army led by the two coaches.

Hearing what the other party said, the people in Changzhou couldn't help but nod their heads. Just as the strong man said, there are a large number of people in the opponent's camp with the peak of the middle Devil Emperor.

In addition, there are also six middle-ranked Demon Emperor Realm powerhouses. Such a strong lineup is simply not something Ye Feng and others can resist.

Therefore, most people believe that this time Ye Summit suffered a catastrophe and was completely killed by the opponent.

"Thief, this time I want to see how you live!"

The Shadow Guardian spoke coldly to Ye Feng, and while he was speaking, a burst of shadow power was released from his body.

It made his whole body seem to be illusory, and it looked like a dream, giving people a strong sense of oppression by the Commission for Discipline Inspection.

When he spoke, he stepped out, and an astonishing fist of destruction came out.

The destructive force flowing above the fist instantly tried to wrap Ye Feng's body in it, making Ye Feng's body feel a burst of pressure.

And the shadows he released before also emerged at this moment, the micro-energy contained in the shadows were superimposed on layers, and they were constantly fused together, and together they released terrifying attacking power to Ye Feng.

Let Ye Feng's body feel more pressure!

Ye Feng did not contend with the opponent, but used his own space attribute power to merge with the meteor butterfly step, and dodge towards one side in a short time.

This time, his figure speed is incredible, try to get his body away from the opponent's fist.

Only in this way can it be better to prevent the opponent's attack from releasing shadows to harm him.

When the shadow coach saw Ye Feng trying to avoid his attack in this way, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

A Fajue was struck out, just when his fist was approaching Ye Feng's body, it landed on that layer of fists.

A dark shadow immediately appeared above the fist, releasing the strongest power of the technique, trying to suppress Ye Feng's body.

Ye Feng frowned slightly. He didn't expect that the opponent's shadow attack was so strong and the extended area was so wide.

But Ye Feng seemed to be prepared. At the moment when the opponent's attack was about to come, Ye Feng released a bright spear light at this moment, endless spear power burst out, and the destructive power flowing up the boundless sky could hardly be described in words. .

Penetrating everything in a short time and coming, directly shattered that shadow fist.

But the power of that spear light did not diminish in the slightest, and it penetrated towards the body of the shadow coach in a short time.

This made the shadow coach's brows involuntarily raised slightly. It seemed that he didn't expect Ye Feng's attack speed to be so fast, and the power was beyond his imagination.

His body quickly dodged toward one side, trying to dodge the spear light of Ye Feng.

But Ye Feng's gun seemed to contain space attribute power, and space attribute power penetrated everything, and within a short time it descended in front of Shadow Guardian's body.

The Shadow Guardian wrinkled his brows slightly, and only felt a tingling sensation from one side of his body, making him feel as if his body had been penetrated by eating.

He tried his best to dodge to one side, still feeling a tingling sensation coming from his body, which made his body involuntarily retreat.

Blood oozes from one side of the body!

"The shadow coach is actually injured!"

After seeing this scene, a strong man couldn't help being shocked, how powerful the shadow coach is.

In their opinion, it was not something a self-respecting martial emperor like Ye Feng could resist. Before that, Ye Feng had already fully confirmed this when he confronted the shadow boss.

Ye Feng was being crushed and beaten by the shadow coach, unable to compete with the opponent at all.

But now, with a spear light, Ye Feng almost pierced the body of the shadow coach, which really made everyone on the scene unexpected.

"Thief, how dare you hurt me, I want to return it to you 10 times!"

The shadow coach spoke indifferently to Ye Feng. At this moment, he couldn't wait to step forward and strip Ye Fengsheng away.

When the shadow coach tried to release an attack on Ye Feng.

The body of the other six central defenders in the Demon Emperor Realm also flickered, quickly converging towards Ye Feng, trying to kill Ye Feng completely.

Seeing this scene, the body of Qingtian Guardian flickered, quickly intercepting the bodies of these people, and at the same time blasted a terrifying fist directly at the opponent.

The power of the fist light released by Qingtian Guardian is not something ordinary people can resist. His attack is fierce and domineering, and the fist light is combined with amazing destructive power.

Yes, these 6 middle-ranked Demon Emperor Realm experts frowned slightly, and they could only raise their hands to resist this attack from Qingtian Guardian.

The attack power released by each one reached the strongest state, and it collided with the attack of the Sky Guardian in a short time.

The next moment, while singing and helping others, I only listened to the rumbling sound of terror and concussion, and the power of destruction spread in all directions.

Although Qingtian Hair Care is at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers, his cultivation realm is not comparable to those of the 6 middle-ranked Demon Emperor realm powerhouses.

More importantly, his own attack is fierce and domineering, and his attack is extremely powerful.

When the attacks of these people collided with the attacks of the Sky Guardian, the two headed by them suffered completely.

I just felt like my body had been hit by a heavy hammer, my whole body trembled crazily, involuntarily being shaken back again and again at this moment. The breath on his body was also floating, a mouthful of blood spurted out, his face was extremely pale.

"Your cultivation level actually defeated the middle demon emperor pinnacle sword? Are you the strong one standing behind this guy?"

Seeing Qingtian guardian's fist light containing such power, the dark boss couldn't help asking.

They had always believed that the reason why Ye Feng had such strength at such a level of cultivation was actually because Ye Feng deeply occupied a certain powerful and powerful person.

Now, the appearance of the Guardian of Love seems to coincide with their previous speculation.

"You guys, look down on Ye Hufa too much, I can stand on the battlefield again, thanks to Ye Hufa's Hongfu!"

Hearing the words of the dark coach, Qingtian's guardian naturally reacted immediately, and he instantly understood that these people believed that Ye Feng was taught by him.

How good is he, able to teach such a supreme arrogant figure like Ye Feng? If it were before that, Qingtian's guardian might still think he had such a qualification.

But as time passed, Qingtian's guardian dared not think like this anymore. This time, when Chuangu regained the battle, Ye Feng's contribution was obviously much stronger than him.

Hearing what the Heavenly Guardian said, the shadow coach and the dark coach couldn't help but condensed slightly. They didn't seem to expect the Heavenly Guardian to be so humble.

And the two of them didn't continue to waste time on the spot, and started to use terrifying power of cultivation technique against Ye Feng together.

Both of them have the cultivation base of the peak state of the middle demon emperor, and they release their attacks together, and the power can be imagined.

This is definitely a huge test for Ye Feng.

However, Ye Feng didn't seem to care about anything, his gentian silver spear shining endlessly, swept out horizontally.

The gunman is fierce and domineering, and it doesn't give the shadow coach and the dark coach any chance to evade.

Ye Feng's strongest strength is integrated into the spear light, and for these two powerhouses, there is definitely a strong threat.

Therefore, the shadow coach and the dark coach tried to dodge to one side in a short to dodge this spear light of Ye Feng. It was very thrilling. When the spear light came, they two The person quarreled twice and flashed his body quickly.

Finally evaded Ye Feng's spear, but Ye Feng's spear light actually changed direction in the void.

The gun power released at this moment also became more and more fierce, and he took two shots and pierced the bodies of the two coaches.

It has to be said that Ye Feng's use of guns has reached a very high level now. Using the long spear to release attacks at will, can show extraordinary power.

Ye Feng was aggressive, and the two coaches naturally couldn't continue to let Ye Feng go.

They took out their weapons in a short period of time, and every weapon was so sharp, and the spear light that was pierced toward Ye Feng collided in a short period of time!

The sound of two successive metal collisions sounded, and the power of destruction spread in the void.


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