Sky War God

Chapter 2694: Revisit the old place

Even though the Sect Master of the Demon Cavern may not dare to believe all this, there is a chance that what Tian Fuming said is false.

Lord Demon Ancestor, that is the lord of the entire Demon Realm, the real top power exists, in fact, he can compare to the helm of an ordinary sect force in the Demon Realm?

Thinking of this, the Sect Master of the Demon Cavern could not help but feel chills, and his body actually knelt directly to Ye Feng at this moment.

After seeing this scene, many people were completely stunned in place, with unbelievable faces.

The people kneeling on the ground in front of them, but their demon cave sect master, how majestic is the demon cave sect master, who governs the vast and endless territory of the demon cave sect and has absolute authority.

Such a person has only authority and dominance in the eyes of the people present, which forms a great contrast with the current scene.

Therefore, many people even think that they are wrong, and keep rubbing their eyes with both hands, wanting to get out of the hallucinations.

However, no matter how they rubbed their eyes, this kind of scene did not disappear. The Sect Master of the Demon Cave knelt down on Ye Feng's place, looking at Ye Feng with a strong pilgrimage.

He just heard him speak at this moment: "In the Lower Demon Cave Sect Master, I don't know the true face of Master Demon Ancestor Lushan, how offensive, and I hope Master Demon Ancestor can ignore the villains and forgive my ignorance and ignorance!

After this sentence was said, the shock in the hearts of everyone present became stronger and stronger, and they couldn't believe that all this would be true.

Ye Feng glanced at the Sect Master of the Demon Cavern, didn't say much, just waved his hand at the other party and said, "It's not strange if you don't know."

This sentence immediately caused the Sect Master of the Demon Cavern to pay tribute to Ye Feng as if he was amnesty.

A transcendent demon emperor's existence actually bowed and knelt to Xiaobei who was in the peak state of the first Emperor Wudi. This kind of scene is indeed strong enough.

The Sect Master of the Demon Cavern naturally did not adapt to it, but although the opponent's cultivation level was very low, he became the master of the Holy Demon Mountain and the master of the entire Demon Realm.

On the Sacred Demon Mountain, many powerful and powerful people recognized this person. How can a person like him dare to disobey the other party?

Everyone present was dumbfounded, and the thumping ones also knelt to the ground where Ye Feng was. Especially those who had spoken disrespectful words to Ye Feng and others before, even more involuntarily kowtow to Ye Feng. Apologizes.

Ye Feng wetly ignored these people, and walked directly outside the Demon Cave Sect.

A grand banquet is being held in the Demon Cave Sect. Seeing that the master of the Demon Cave Sect is gone and not returning, those strong men who came to the banquet naturally can't wait.

Some people with more noble status even got up from their seats and couldn't help but head towards the place where the Sect Master of the Demon Cave had left before.

Soon, they saw the scene of Ye Feng's alien powerhouse stepping forward, and the Sect Master of the Demon Cavern kneeling on the ground and the others kowtow to each other.

While this made their hearts tremble, they also gave birth to a little unbelievable. Is this still the Sect Master of the Demon Cavern in the sky?

This is simply incredible. You must know that there is only one Demon Cave Sect in the entire Demon Realm. They are in aloof position because they guard the Demon Cave, the only passage leading to the Holy Demon Mountain.

In the entire Demon Realm, it seems that a person who can make the Sect Master of the Demon Cave like this has never been born.

And who is this young man in front of him and the powerful men? It is really incredible to be able to make the Sect Master of the Demon Cave do this.

"What are you doing there, don't hurry up to see Master Demon Ancestor!"

Just as these people expressed doubts about the identities of Ye Feng and others, the voice of the Sect Master of the Demon Cave was heard, and their hearts immediately trembled involuntarily.

Many people have not been able to hear what the other person is saying, Lord Demon Ancestor?

Who on earth did the Sect Master of the Demon Cave say is Lord Demon Ancestor?

With this kind of skepticism, they also had to follow each other's orders. After all, these people were forces under the Demon Cave Sect, and naturally they had to obey the Demon Cave Sect Master.

Ye Feng and others no longer paid attention to these people, but left the Demon Cave Sect directly. Immediately, Tiancai Ming sacrificed his own flying magic weapon, and the people boarded the flying magic weapon and moved towards the direction of the Demon Emperor City. Leap forward.

The Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor has been in his sleep since he boarded the flying magic weapon, and now he can improve his cultivation realm in his sleep.

But these Saint Demon Mountain powerhouses regarded the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor as a freak.

Heaven Punishment Ming is a powerful and powerful person who transcends the Devil Emperor Realm, and the flying magic weapon he possesses is naturally extraordinary.

It was the fastest flying magic weapon that Ye Feng had ever taken.

In this world where the door to space cannot be opened up, this flying weapon is undoubtedly the fastest means of transportation.

It only took a few hours from the Demon Cave Sect to the Demon Emperor City area, and everyone had already arrived above the Demon Emperor City area.

Looking at this familiar piece of land, Ye Feng was quite emotional. After all, he has served here for many years, and he has a certain feeling for this land.

"Master Demon Ancestor, the feudal passage of the ancestor of ten thousand demons is in the mountains not far away. I will be there in just a stick of incense!"

Tian Chaming looked into the distance and reported respectfully to Ye Feng.

He could see that Ye Feng was eager to return to the Nine Heavens.

Ye Feng's eyes flashed, and I nodded at the other side.

The flying magic weapon kept walking through the void, and Ye Fengyi looked directly at the familiar land below.

Soon, a majestic and vast city appeared in his sight. The area of ​​this city can no longer be described as vast.

Even if they are in the sky of 10,000 meters, the kind that can't be seen at a glance, this city is naturally the Devil Emperor City.

Ye Feng looked at the Devil Emperor City, and there was an extremely magnificent building complex in the center, with pavilions, pavilions, Qionglou and Yuyu.

Occupying the most prosperous area of ​​the entire Devil City, this is the residence of the Emperor of the Devil City, where the Emperor of the Devil lives, and Ye Feng has practiced here for several years.

At the same time, Ye Feng also met several friends in the Emperor's Mansion.

Guardian Qingtian, Sun Ke, Liang Sheng, and Miss Mengqi, who is as beautiful as a fairy, have forged a deep friendship with Ye Feng.

Arriving in the sky above the city, Ye Feng could not help but appear in his mind.

"I wonder if they are doing well?"

Ye Feng couldn't help but secretly said in his heart, but he knew that he might just be a passerby in this world.

If he doesn't show up, these people can also live well, so he doesn't want to enter the city deliberately.

Tian Chaming drove the flying magic weapon towards the mountain range outside the Demon Emperor City, where it was the area where Ye Feng had come to the Demon Realm before.

But I never thought that there is a big hunting event in the Devil Emperor City today, and the Heavenly Devil Emperor and many powerful masters of the Devil Emperor will all attend.

In addition to the powerhouses in the Devil Emperor City, there were also many powerhouses in the Lu Family, including the Lu Family Patriarch, Lu Xiao and his son.

There are so many hunting activities participated by heavyweight figures, naturally attracting the attention of many regional powerhouses in Devil City.

Some people with faces and faces in Modi City were also invited to the place where this mountain range is.

What they hunt is naturally some precious monsters in this mountain range. The actual significance of this activity is not how many monsters can be hunted, but only to enhance the friendship between Devil Emperor City and Lu Family.

After all, within a few days, the two powers will complete their marriage. By then, they will be a family, and if the atmosphere is still the same as before, they will naturally be laughed at by the outside world.

As the marriage was about to be completed, Son Lu Xiao and Miss Mengqi were naturally arranged to sit together.

Young Master Lu Xiao looked gentle and gentle, and the temperament released from his whole body became more and more intense.

After this period of cultivation, Master Lu Xiao's personal strength has improved again, and his cultivation base Yinyin has reached the pinnacle of the upper demon emperor.

Such a cultivation realm is very rare in the entire Demon Realm for his age.

Therefore, Lu Xiao's reputation in this area of ​​the Demon Territory is extremely loud, and he is called the new hope of the Lu family.

Some even claimed that if Lu Xiao took over as the head of the Lu family, the Lu family would surely take off in a short time.

However, Miss Mengqi, who was sitting next to Master Lu Xiao, didn't seem to be happy, with a somewhat serious expression on her beautiful face.

Although she grew up with her cousin's childhood sweetheart, she grew up together, and her brother and sister have very good relationships.

However, for Miss Mengqi, he always regarded Lu Xiao as an older brother, and there was no real relationship between men and women.

But all this is not something that Miss Meng Qi can decide. The current situation in their Devil Emperor City is extremely bad.

The Scorpion City side is eyeing, if the Devil City does not seek to resist the attack that the Scorpion City may launch at any time, the Devil City will suffer heavy losses.

As the daughter of the Demon Emperor of the Devil City, she is naturally obliged to share the worries for her father. Only when she completes the marriage with Master Lu Xiao, they can overcome this difficulty in the Devil City.

Therefore, even if Miss Mengqi is not willing, she can only swallow her breath.

There was a beautiful woman sitting beside the head of the Lu family. This beautiful woman looked graceful and luxurious. Although she had passed her best years, she was still so radiant.

He is the biological mother of Lu Xiao and the sister of Emperor Tianmao. This time, the mother of Lu Xiao also arrived.

Seeing her son and Ms. Mengqi match so well, Master Lu Xiao's mother was extremely happy and desperately wanted her son to marry Ms. Mengqi.

"This time the marriage between the Devil Emperor City and the Lu Family can be said to be a universal celebration. Some people from the surrounding big sect forces will be there to celebrate by then, and the subordinates are here to congratulate the emperor in advance!"

The people were seated in a beautiful place, the table in front of them was full of melons, fruits and delicacies. After the Demon Dragon Protector drank the wine in the cup, he couldn't help but smiled at the Emperor of Heaven.

Many people could not help but nod their heads after hearing what the Demon Dragon Guardian said. If Demon Emperor City can complete the marriage with the Lu Family, the two forces will form the strongest alliance, which can indeed deter one side.

Even Devil Scorpion City will definitely no longer dare to provoke Devil Emperor City. This is indeed a fortunate thing for many honed to become strong.

Therefore, after the words of the Demon Dragon Protector fell, many people present congratulated the Heavenly Demon Emperor.

The Heavenly Devil Emperor smiled and appeared energetic. The completion of their marriage between Devil Emperor City and the Lu Family was full of twists and turns, and many episodes appeared.

But anyway, now that the merits are finally fulfilled, the Emperor of Heaven will no longer worry about his own Devil City being violated by others.

But the premise is that their Devil Emperor City must always have a good relationship with the Lu family.

Almost at the same time, Ye Feng and the others' flying magical instruments also landed on this mountain range, and it was not too far away from where the Heavenly Demon Emperor and the others were.

After descending here, the Heavenly Devil Emperor and the others felt the fluctuations of that one's energy, but they didn't care about it. They thought it was the breath of the young people who went hunting.

Ye Feng and others naturally noticed the noisy noise from that person, but they were eager to open the door of space and return to the Nine Heavens, so they didn't bother so much.

"Master Mozu, please stay behind and open the door of space for your subordinates."

Tian Chaming said to Ye Feng. Ye Feng and the others nodded, and then retreated back.

I saw that Tian Chaming's arm waved, and a strange force rose in his palm, and that force contained a strong spatial attribute power.

The power of the space attribute was tyrannical to the extreme, accompanied by the sound of Tianchaming's mouth, as if there were bursts of obscure spells spit out in his mouth.

Gradually merged with the attribute power in the space.

Immediately gathered in his palm, as Tian Chaming's hands were tearing toward the two sides, a door of space emerged.

This door of space is so tyrannical, released at will, and bursts of space attribute power are released inside it, as if it makes this space become a little depressed.

The power of the space attribute is constantly shining in the void, as if forming a tumbling so as to avoid the space vortex, turning the airflow in the extremely wide area.

The endless air currents converged into a terrifying spatial vortex, which rolled away frantically, causing Ye Feng and others to stand in place and were extremely strongly affected.

Seeing the opening of this space gate, Ye Feng's face couldn't help showing a bit of excitement.

Several years have passed, and he is finally going back.

However, after Heaven Punishment opened the door of space, the bursts of terrifying space attribute power released in the space made the air currents in the square circle area more intense.

Terrible hurricanes continued to spread in all directions. Soon he arrived at the place where the Emperor and the others were.

Heavenly Devil Emperor and others are enjoying wine and delicacies, and watching the younger generations hunting, this hurricane is coming, naturally affecting them.

This caused a bit of anger on the faces of many people present. You know, this is the Devil Emperor City area, where powerful and powerful people such as the Heavenly Devil Emperor and the Lu Family Patriarch are all here. Who dares to come here to make trouble?

Therefore, after feeling the hurricane swept over, the Magic Dragon Guardian got up from his seat first, and a cold breath was released from his body.

The lone wolf protector and the red devil protector are both like this, just listen to the magic dragon protector said: "I don't know who came here to make trouble, and made such a big movement!"

However, as soon as the voice of the magic dragon guarding the law fell, a stronger hurricane swept from a distance. This time, this hurricane contained amazing spatial attributes.

Even under this hurricane, some people with a low level of cultivation were directly swept up in the air, their bodies were out of control in the void, and they all looked extremely miserable.

The melon and fruit delicacies on the table of Emperor Tianmao and others have also turned into nothingness under this hurricane, and the entire venue is in a mess!

Such a scene made the expressions of Emperor Tian Devil and the others look ugly, and saw that Emperor Tian Devil directly got up from his seat, and his body was coldly released.

Before he could speak, he saw several powerful Lu family standing up fiercely, and couldn't help but speak to the emperor and others: "Your Majesty, take me to get him!"

After saying this, these powerful Lu family quickly leaped towards the direction of the hurricane, and the speed was incredible.

The gate of space was opened, and Ye Feng and others naturally wanted to leave the world through the gate of space for the first time.

It's just that before their bodies really stepped into the door of space, they heard a cold voice from the prescription position not far away: "Who is here to make trouble? Why not hurry up and wait for me to come and die! "

Along with this voice, the few Lu Family experts had already arrived in front of Ye Feng and the others, and they were attacked frantically and blasted towards the bodies of Ye Feng and others.

The power of every attack is quite terrifying, as if to cover everything in a short time!

What kind of strength Ye Feng and others, even if the opponent's attack power is very powerful, it is nothing to them, and easily avoided the opponent's attack.

This made those Lu Family powerhouses feel slightly surprised. You must know that their cultivation bases are all above the median devil emperor, and they can be described as the top powerful powerhouses in this area of ​​the devil emperor city.

Except for the real masters of the Devil Emperor City, almost few people will be their opponents, which makes these people so confident.

He thinks that as long as one of his party comes forward, he can easily make those who deliberately make trouble pay the price.

"You guys, do you know what was wrong with what you just did?"

A Lu family expert couldn't help but said coldly to Ye Feng and the others, with arrogance in his eyes.

"Today, Emperor Tianmo, my Lu Family Patriarch and others are hunting here. You waited here to make troubles deliberately, which affected the Yaxing of the two powerhouses. Therefore, you must pay the price for what you did before!"

Another strong Lu family seemed to be reluctant to talk nonsense with Ye Feng and others, and directly told Ye Feng and others the reason.

Hearing what this person said, Ye Feng's eyes could not help but froze slightly. The Emperor of the Devil and the Patriarch of the Lu Family were all his acquaintances. Unexpectedly, the two of them also appeared in this mountain range.

It seemed that seeing Ye Feng and the others didn't speak, these Lu family powerhouses became even more angry, only to see a Lu family powerhouse stepping forward directly, and a breath of self-reliance was released on his body.

As a strong man in the pinnacle of the middle demon emperor, he has absolute confidence in his own strength. These people in front of him, except Ye Feng, cannot see the other's cultivation level.

And Ye Feng is already the most distinguished among these people, this can be seen from the respectful attitude of the others towards Ye Feng.

Therefore, these people from the Lu family can determine that the strength of these people in front of them is definitely not very strong.

As for Ye Feng, not to mention having left the Devil Emperor City for so long, even if Ye Feng has been serving in the Devil Emperor City, they may not be able to recognize Ye Feng.

The two sides are not members of the same power at all, and they have never met.

While speaking, this powerful Lu family stepped forward, and his body descended in front of Ye Feng and the others in a short time. Perhaps it was because they could see that Ye Feng's cultivation level was the lowest. Therefore, This powerful Lu Family tried to launch a terrifying attack force against Ye Feng for the first time.

It has to be said that his attack is above his cultivation realm and belongs to a very strong existence. The space wherever he goes is very trembling, and everything seems to be destroyed by the collapse of the shock.

However, at this moment, what he was facing was Ye Feng and others, at the moment when this person's attack was about to come.

Then there was a strong young man from Holy Demon Mountain stepping out, his body turned into a stream of light and descended in front of Ye Feng's body, directly blocking Ye Feng's body behind.

Without any hesitation, this young strong man directly punched out as a strong man in the upper Demon Emperor realm.

The attacking power released by this young figure is naturally beyond In a short time, it is convenient for the attacks of this powerful Lu family to collide together.

Just listen to the rumbling sound of horrible shocks all over the world, and the power of destruction spreads in all directions.

This powerful Lu Family sneered. He didn't think anyone in the Devil Emperor City area could compete with him except for the core characters of the Devil Emperor City.

However, at the moment the two attacked and collided, this strong Lu family regretted a bit, his face became ugly, and his body trembled crazily.

Just felt an irresistible destructive force quickly invaded his body along his arm.

It made his whole body like an electric shock. The destructive force was too strong to tolerate any resistance from him. His body was easily shaken out by the opponent's fist.

The next moment there was a terrible shock sound again, and the body of this strong Lu family slammed into a mountain, destroying the collapse of that bunch of mountains.


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