Sky War God

Chapter 2706: Strong return


There was another muffled noise, and the merits of Zhumei, the little princess of the Peacock clan, once again fell on Xuanyuan Mingyue's body.

Let Xuanyuan Mingyue make a muffled hum, and his steps were shaken back for a while, blood oozing from the corners of his mouth.

After seeing this scene, many powerful Xuanyuan family all looked sad and indignant, and wanted to step forward to help their eldest lady out of trouble now.

But they were already facing a great crisis, and they were even more unable to save Xuanyuan Mingyue.

Under the siege of the two powerful people of the Yejia Peacock clan, there were continuous Yejia powerhouses giving orders here, which seemed extremely miserable.

Many Ye Family members were gradually driven to a dead end because they couldn't resist the opponent's attack.

Because the Xuanyuan family was facing such a catastrophe, many powerful people in Xuanyuan City had noticed this scene and gathered from all directions, watching all this from all directions above Xuanyuan's house.

Many people felt a sense of sorrow. They had anticipated that the Xuanyuan family would end up like this before, but they didn't expect it to happen so suddenly.

"This time, the offensive of the two forces of the Ye Family Peacock clan seems to be more violent than a few years ago. I don't know what Dao Xuanyuan Family should do next?"

Some Xuanyuan City experts said with a worried look, under these circumstances, it was indeed difficult for the Xuanyuan Family to hold on.

"Xuanyuan City is not easy to stay for a long time. Let's leave as soon as possible, so as not to suffer from Chiyu in the future!"

Someone else said that if the Ye Family Peacock clan were completely negative about the Xuanyuan Family, then their Xuanyuan City powerhouses might also be affected.

Therefore, the words of this strong man were immediately recognized by many people present. Some strong men did not dare to stay in Xuanyuan City any longer and tried to escape from here.

Xuanyuan Mingyue was forced to a dead end, and the injuries on his body were getting heavier and heavier, as did the rest of the Xuanyuan can be the same, and it was very difficult for them to continue to hold on with the enemy.

Xuanyuan Mingyue thought, if she was really captured by the other party, then even if she committed suicide, she would not succumb to the strong side of the Yejia Peacock clan.

Soon, Zhumei, the little princess of the Peacock clan, sent a powerful magic weapon, which should be woven from the feathers of the powerful existence of the Peacock clan.

The combination is like a big net, if it is bound by this big net, it will be difficult to get rid of it.

When Xuanyuan Mingyue was injured, Zhumei, the little princess of the Peacock clan, released this magical artifact, trying to capture Xuanyuan Mingyue in this way.

Xuanyuan Mingyue was already deeply injured. Facing the arrival of the big net from the other party, she naturally couldn't resist. She could only watch the big net straight up and down towards her body.

After seeing this scene, many Xuanyuan family powerhouses looked extremely ugly. If their eldest lady really fell into the other's hands, she would be treated as non-human.

"call out!"

However, at this moment, just as that big net was about to descend on Xuanyuan Mingyue's body, the crowd heard such a sound in the void.

Immediately attracting the eyes of many people, they saw that a certain prescription in the void had a beam of destruction quickly penetrating.

This destructive beam was too powerful to be described in words, and it penetrated the big net released by Zhumei in a short time.

As a result, this big net collapsed and destroyed, and Xuanyuan Mingyue's body was also saved.

This scene stunned everyone present. The power of this destructive beam was so powerful that it could easily penetrate the net released by Zhumei.

You know, the big net owned by Zhumei was personally presented to her by the Patriarch, a treasure owned by the Peacock family, and it was extremely powerful.

However, at this moment, such a powerful treasure was directly penetrated and shattered, which naturally shocked everyone present.

Zhumei was also surprised by the scene in front of her, and couldn't help but look towards that side, and saw that a certain prescription position above the sky was stepped towards this side.

There are 10 people in these figures, and the breath released from each of them seems to give people a sense of ethereal.

Except for the figure of the white-clothed youth in the center, everyone else contained a terrible magic power.

At first glance, it was clear that it was the identity of demonic cultivation, but when everyone at the scene tried to explore the cultivation realm of these people, most of them could not do this.

"Who are these people? Where do they come from? They seem to be very face-to-face!"

Someone spoke like this, above the Nine Heavens, they seemed to have never seen each other.

Not only this person, but many strong people present had similar thoughts in their hearts, and their ability to attack Zhumei’s magical weapons to pieces would definitely be impressive.

But such a face is indeed very strange.

"No, how come the white-clothed young man and the cynical demonic figure beside him are so familiar?"

After a while, another person's eyes fell on the two people headed by the group.

One of these two people was dressed in white, with a handsome face and extraordinary temperament, while the other was dressed in a black magic robes. Under such a majestic dress, he had a cynical face.

Many people have similar thoughts in their hearts, and the other 8 strong people are completely unfamiliar to them, but these two people can always give them a sense of familiarity.

Perhaps due to the emergence of these 10 strong men, the fighting at the scene stopped in a short time, including Ye Zhen, Zhuxiang, Ye Potian, Ye Cangtian, Zhumei, Xuanyuan Patriarch, Xuanyuan Hongjian, Xuanyuan Mingyue, Dugujiang, Yang Tianba, Liu Renjie, Sun Meiniang and others all looked towards the direction where the group was.

When they saw clearly the figure of the white-clothed youth headed by him and the cynical demonic figure next to him, their eyes could not help but all freeze in place, with an unbelievable face.

"Then, are those two Ye Feng and the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor? I am not mistaken, am I?"

It took a long time for someone to reflect. Looking at all of this, they only felt that they had read something wrong, and they kept rubbing their eyes.

Ye Feng, the Scarlet Demon Emperor had disappeared from the Nine Heavens a few years ago, and there was no news from a bird.

Especially Ye Feng disappeared under the chase of Zhuxiang. Unexpectedly, a few years later, the two forces of the Ye Family Peacock clan once again attacked the Xuanyuan Family, and both Ye Feng and the Scarlet Demon Emperor both doubled. It's back.

"Ye Feng, is it really you?"

Xuanyuan Mingyue's beautiful eyes flashed, and there was also something unbelievable. The scene of the battle a few years ago is still vivid.

After learning the news of Ye Feng's disappearance, Xuanyuan Mingyue fell into a state of decadence for a while, and he missed the figure of the young man in white day and night.

As time went by, Xuanyuan Mingyue had even accepted this fact, thinking that Ye Feng would never come back.

She can only keep this person in her heart, and just keep thinking about it for a long time. I dare not expect the other party to appear in front of her again.

However, today, when their Xuanyuan family faced the siege of the Ye Family Peacock clan and two forces, Ye Feng unexpectedly appeared again.

The scene of returning with the Scarlet Heaven Demon Emperor was really shocking.

Not only Xuanyuan Mingyue, but other people also did the same, staring at everything with a dull expression.

"This kid, it's really nice to come back!"

After Dugujiang confirmed that he was not experiencing hallucinations, he clapped his hands and applauded. The four of them deeply regretted Ye Feng's disappearance that year.

At the same time, they were also in self-blame. If they could be stronger, Ye Feng might not suffer from such a thing.

Today, I was able to see Ye Feng appear again, and the hardship in Dugujiang's heart was finally relaxed.

Yang Tianba and Liu Renjie also smiled, and a striking smile appeared on Sun Meiniang's face not far away.

I couldn't help but waved his hand at Ye Feng: "Brother, you are finally back, do you miss my sister..."

Many years have passed, and Sun Meiniang still has that kind of amorous feelings, and loves to joke with Ye Feng.

Ye Feng naturally heard Sun Meiniang's call for the first time, and some nodded with a smile.

Ye Zhen, Zhuxiang, Ye Potian, Ye Cangtian, and Zhumei naturally noticed the return of Ye Feng and others for the first time, and their faces immediately became ugly.

Unexpectedly, the young people who had disappeared from the Nine Heavens for many years will return again, and they are still followed by several powerful men.

These powerhouses are very familiar to them, and it seems that they have never seen them in the Nine Heavens.

"Mingyue, are you all right."

Ye Feng and the others flew to the Xuanyuan family who was still in a state of shock, and couldn't help but ask Xuanyuan Mingyue.

Xuanyuan Mingyue's beautiful eyes flickered, and she still couldn't believe that all of this would be true. Xuanyuan Mingyue's body trembled slightly, only feeling that she was dreaming.

She raised her jade hand and couldn't help but trembling and stroked Ye Feng's cheek, feeling warm to the touch.

This made Xuanyuan Mingyue's beautiful eyes immediately burst into tears, and the longing that had been suppressed in his heart for many years vented out at this moment.

Many people couldn't help but froze slightly when they saw Xuanyuan Mingyue's excited look at this moment. They seemed to have found the answer to why Xuanyuan Mingyue was unwilling to marry Ye Cangtian.

"Ye Feng, it's really you, you are finally back!"

Xuanyuan Mingyue choked and said, and immediately under the renter's sight, he threw himself into Ye Feng's arms and burst into tears.

It seems that the grievances suffered over the years have all been vented at this moment.

Ye Feng looked at him for a moment, as if he didn't expect that Xuanyuan Mingyue would be so excited, stroking the other's hair and comforting: "I made you suffer."

This scene naturally fell in Ye Cangtian's eyes not far away, Xuanyuan Mingyue was his default woman.

The entire Jiuzhongtian knew that Ye Cangtian wanted to take Xuanyuan Mingyue into his concubine's room, but now, Xuanyuan Mingyue openly rushed into the arms of other men in front of everyone present.

For Ye Cangtian, this is definitely a huge shame.

Ye Cangtian clenched his fists tightly, and there was a sound of orthopedic dislocation in his hand, and his anger exploded at this moment.

Patriarch Xuanyuan, Xuanyuan Hongjian's eyes narrowed slightly. If Xuanyuan Mingyue and Ye Feng were so intimate, they would naturally come forward and stop them.

But now, their Xuanyuan family is facing such a crisis, and it is all caused by the Ye family. Even if they want to make good friends with the Ye family, now, only hatred is left in their hearts.

"Thief, where did you get the bamboo green, don't hurry to hand over the people!"

At this moment, an indifferent voice came not far away. The sound is very penetrating, giving people an extremely depressing feeling.

Many people looked over and saw Zhuxiang, who was also the sister of the leader of the Peacock clan!

At this moment, the bamboo fragrance released a terrifying aura from his body, and a terrible coercion came from his sky, trying to oppress Ye Feng.

Hearing Zhuxiang's indifferent words, Xuanyuan Mingyue naturally broke away from Ye Feng's arms, and a look of worry once again appeared on Qiao's face.

Now the powerful two forces of the Ye Family Peacock clan came and surrounded their Xuanyuan Family. Even with the help of Shengdi Academy, their Xuanyuan Family was still at an absolute disadvantage.

Now Ye Feng Chitian Demon Emperor led a group of powerful people, although she was rescued from Zhumei's hands for the first time.

But only 10 strong people could not solve the essential problem at all, and Xuanyuan Mingyue began to worry about Ye Feng and others in his heart again.

"Ye Feng, you leave, I will let my father cover you!"

Thinking of this, Xuanyuan Mingyue couldn't help but speak to Ye Feng eagerly.

It seems that I don't want to see Ye Feng suffer from pond fish.

"Boy, Miss Xuanyuan is right. Since you are back, you should go back to Shengdi Academy as soon as possible. It's none of your business here!"

Dugujiang's voice was also heard. At this moment, he was besieged by Zhuxiang and a foreign elder of the Ye family, and suffered some injuries.

Naturally, I also know how strong the combined forces of the Ye Family and the Peacock clan should be this time. Therefore, Dugujiang did not want Ye Feng to be involved.

"The old guy is right, my brother is not where you should be."

Sun Meiniang also spoke in this way. As time went by, they gradually walked out of the excitement of Ye Feng's return.

You know, if Ye Feng continues to stay here, he will most likely be punishable by Ye Family and others.

What's more, the bamboo greens were captured by Ye Feng and disappeared. For this reason, the Peacocks hated Ye Feng.

"After finally returning to Jiuzhongtian, how could I leave so easily? I want to beg everyone for a drink."

However, just when many people hoped that Ye Feng would leave here, Ye Feng actually spit out such a sound.

The voice still sounded so calm, as if he didn't care.

After saying this sentence, many people were immediately taken aback, especially those friends who Ye Feng knew, even more anxious for Ye Feng.

Just listen to Xuanyuan Mingyue's eagerly said: "Ye Feng, you'd better leave, they are all targeting you, if my Xuanyuan family survives, we will meet again."

Hearing what Xuanyuan Mingyue said, everyone present couldn't help but nodded, thinking that what the other party had said had some truth.

They all hope to reunite with Ye Feng, but the situation today is extremely critical. The people of the Ye Family Peacocks are all targeting Ye Feng, and Ye Feng is indeed not suitable to stay here anymore.

"He hasn't answered my question yet, do you think he can go?"

Zhu Xiang's indifferent voice came over again, and all of Ye Feng's friends immediately felt a pressure, and they became more worried for Ye Feng.

In a short time, the crowd saw Zhuxiang's footsteps stepping forward quickly, her body seemed to turn into a green streamer at this moment, quickly coming towards the direction where Ye Feng was.

Almost at the same time, the crowd saw Zhuxiang's big empty hand grabbing directly towards Ye Feng's body.

Trying to use this big empty hand to directly bind Ye Feng's body, the big empty hand contains terrible demon power, and within a short time he tried to completely cover Ye Feng's body.

Many people's faces are not so good-looking, especially Dugujiang and the others, who have a very good understanding of the strength of Zhuxiang, even Dugujiang has just suffered from Zhuxiang.

Even if Ye Feng had good combat effectiveness, in their impression, Ye Feng's cultivation was only in the realm of the upper emperor.

Compared with Zhuxiang, this is a world of difference. Therefore, if Zhuxiang wants to kill Ye Feng, it will be nothing short of a palm.

Seeing Zhuxiang attacking Ye Feng, Dugujiang's body flickered first, trying to use his own attack to rescue Ye Feng.


However, before Dugujiang's body arrived, the crowd heard a sound of breaking through the void not far away.

The next moment, a figure flickered at this moment, and the speed of this figure was incredible.

As if turned into the most powerful magic stream, it blocked Ye Feng's body in a short time.

Many people's eyes flashed. Even Patriarch Xuanyuan, Ye Zhen, could not see the movement of the opponent's body clearly.

The opponent's figure speed is too fast, so fast that everyone on the battlefield can't see clearly.

This person was indeed a strong young man from the Holy Demon Mountain, whose cultivation reached the peak of the upper demon emperor.

Although not as powerful as Zhuxiang's Supreme Wudi Jing.

But whoever walks from the top of the Holy Demon Mountain will be weak? Not only are they extremely talented, but their combat effectiveness is equally terrifying.

Therefore, in the face of this attack from Zhuxiang, this young and powerful Saint Demon Mountain directly blasted out a punch without hesitation.

Terrifying fists descended throughout the world, and this fist was fused with the terrifying power of the magic path, and the power it carried was beyond imagination.

In a short time, it collided with this empty hand of Zhuxiang. The next moment, everyone present heard the sound of rumbling horrible shocks all over the world, and the power of destruction spread in all directions.

Zhuxiang didn't expect that this young and powerful Saint Demon Mountain would dare to compete with her, although the opponent's figure was indeed very fast.

But Zhuxiang, as a powerful and powerful person above the Nine Heavens, has become accustomed to living aloft and has developed an arrogant character.

Naturally, this strong young man from the Holy Demon Mountain would not be put in his eyes. From Zhuxiang's point of view, this young strong man from the Holy Demon Mountain dared to compete with her.

However, the moment the two attacked and collided, Zhuxiang's expression instantly changed, becoming slightly ugly.

She didn't seem to have thought that the attack released by this young figure who could not see the realm of cultivation under such circumstances would have such dangerous energy.

The release of an attack made the empty hands released by Zhuxiang numb for a while, and the astonishing position swept over and quickly merged into Zhuxiang's body.

Zhuxiang's body was shaken back, her breath was very floating, and the look on her smiling face became extremely ugly.

This scene naturally fell in the eyes of everyone present, making their faces suddenly appear a little unbelievable.

No one thought that this unremarkable young figure would have such a powerful force in the attacks released at will.

That was the sister of the patriarch of the Peacock clan, a real mighty powerhouse in the Nine Heavens.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, he was shocked by an unnamed young figure. Such a visual shock would be impossible to realize without personal experience.

"Master Demon Ancestor can you hurt?"

The strong young man of the Holy Demon Mountain couldn't help but shout at the Zhuxiang who was opposite, with extreme indifference in his words.

There was a sense of innate pride in this voice, as if it made Zhu Xiang's body tremble involuntarily.

Everyone's eyes focused on this young and powerful Saint Demon Mountain, and at the same time, they also heard clearly what the other party had said before.

Master Mozu?

Has Ye Feng already become Lord Demon Ancestor?

It's just that such a job title is extremely unfamiliar to everyone present, and they have never heard of such a job title.

Above the Nine Layers of Heaven, it seems that there has never been such a title, the only powerful sect power, Illusion Demon Sect, also has no Demon Ancestor.

Zhu Zu's gaze froze slightly, he couldn't help but glanced at Ye Feng and the young powerhouse of the Holy Demon Mountain, and said coldly: "I only asked him where Zhuqing went? Has he been murdered by him? "

In the face of such a strong young powerhouse in the Holy Demon Zhuxiang didn't dare to be so strong in a short time, could not help but say so.

"Where did he go, you ask me what to do? What does it have to do with me? That's your peacock clan business!"

Ye Feng sneered and said to Zhuxiang.

Zhuxiang was so angry that he gritted his teeth, and the rest of the strong peacock clan also felt a strong sense of resentment towards Ye Feng.

The eldest princess of their Peacock clan is so good, just disappearing for no reason is not just a great loss for their fear clan.

It has become a laughing stock for many people on the Nine Heavens.

"You took Zhuqing away, do you still want to deny it?"

Zhu Xiang said coldly to Ye Feng, an astonishing aura burst out from his body, his figure flickered, and he launched a terrorist attack on Ye Feng again.


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