Sky War God

Chapter 2718: Overlord of the City Lord's Mansion in Tiandu City

Who is this young man? The person next to him seems very powerful. "

Someone looked at the backs of Ye Feng and they couldn't help but speak, and the others did the same. You must know that the area around the strong sword scar had reached the realm of the middle emperor Wudi, and he was rampant in Tiandu City. .

Although most of the people he robbed were weak people, he was still quite famous in Tiandu City.

But it was such a person who was so vulnerable in front of the young powerhouse of Saint Demon Mountain beside Ye Feng, he was stunned and killed by the opponent's punch!

How powerful and overbearing.

Therefore, people have begun to guess the identity of Ji Yefeng, who can be guarded by such a strong person, even if Ye Feng's cultivation level is very low, he will inevitably be a young descendant of a large family force.

Ye Feng and the young and powerful Sage Demon Mountain moved forward all the way. I don't want to stay here any more, now Ye Feng just wants to return to Xuanyuan's home.

Use the demon soul fragments to condense the spear soul, and then practice the holy demon spear method to the second level.

As everyone knows, the actions of the two Ye Fengs just now have already alarmed a leader in the City Lord's Mansion of Heavenly Capital City.

This person is surprisingly the cousin of the strong scar. The reason there is such a cousin is that the strong scar can run wild here, burning, killing, looting and doing everything.

But after the strong Scar was killed, his cousin naturally learned the news at the first time.

I saw an extremely cold light gleaming in his eyes, gritted his teeth and said: "Who killed my cousin, I will break him into pieces!"

After saying this, the leader of the Tiandu City City Lord's Mansion directly got up from his seat, and soon assembled a very powerful team, and quickly rushed towards the Buddha.

There are many middle-ranked martial emperors in this group, and this leader has reached the peak of the middle-ranked martial emperor, and his strength is super terrifying.

There is a prosperous and peaceful scene on the surface of Tiandu City. In fact, it is also very dark. Many industries are monopolized by some officials in the City Lord’s Mansion of Tiandu City.

This same age figure and his cousin both ran many shops, and the scared youth usually robbed other people's property in Tiandu City.

With the guardianship of his cousin, others dare not say a word.

Since that strong young man from Saint Demon Mountain killed the strong one, his body naturally left the breath of the opponent.

This made it easy for the leader of the Tiandu City City Lord's Mansion to follow his cousin's breath and lock the position of the two Ye Feng.

The two Ye Feng followed the rules of Tiandu City and walked all the way, but the other party flew over the Tiandu City, and soon intercepted Ye Feng's path on a relatively prosperous street.

Feeling the bursts of cold moon aura released from each other's body, Ye Feng's brows couldn't help but wrinkle slightly.

I instantly felt that these people were unkind.

"You dare to kill people in my heavenly capital city, are you ignoring the laws and regulations of my heavenly capital city?"

The leader of the Tiandu City couldn't help but say indifferently to both Ye Feng, with a strong sense of resentment in his words.

It was his cousin who died, and he must avenge his cousin, but he used the Tianducheng regulations as an excuse to avenge his personal revenge.

"That person wanted to **** my belongings and kill both of me. It is just a legitimate defense for me to kill him!"

Ye Feng looked at the leader of the capital city this day and said, the words are neither humble nor overbearing.

Although his status today is no longer what he used to be, and his strength is even more unmatched by ordinary people, Ye Feng is quite low-key and he does not want to provoke trouble.

Therefore, even if this Tiandu City leader's performance at the moment was sufficiently rude, Ye Feng still didn't want to attack the opponent.

"If you kill someone, you have to accept the punishment of my Tianducheng regulations. Killing people pays off the debts and repays the money. This is a natural principle, so don't say it again. Now, you two are weak and voluntarily surrender. I can see that you are left behind. A whole corpse, if not, the two of you will wait for the warrior not to live beyond birth!"

The leader of the Tiandu City said to Ye Feng two people with a cold face, and the words he said contained a strong sense of pride.

This is the Heavenly Capital City, which belongs to them, and the number of strong men they lead at this moment is also large enough.

Therefore, they dared to speak so arrogantly with Ye Feng, thinking that Ye Feng could only be slaughtered by them.

"What if I say no?"

There was a sharp flash in Ye Feng's eyes. He didn't want to cause trouble, he wanted to leave Heavenly City.

But never thought that these people have been compared repeatedly, and the words they said have become more and more excessive, which has also inspired the anger in Ye Feng's heart.

"Boy, you killed my cousin, today you have to use your life to pay for it anyway, and now, you can save your life!"

The leader of Tiandu City didn't seem to want to waste too much time with Ye Feng, and while talking, his footsteps quickly moved towards where Ye Feng and Ye Feng were.

At the same time, he involuntarily gave orders to a few people around him, letting these powerful men attack Ye Feng and others together.

These powerhouses released their breath within a short period of time, and everyone's strength was quite terrifying, and the release of breath to support this space became extremely depressing.

After seeing this scene, many people showed a bit of astonishment on their faces. Only one person said in a bit of surprise: "I really don't know where these two people came from. They dare to offend the strong man in the City Lord's Mansion. It will be difficult for them to fly today with their wings!"

After this sentence was spoken, many people immediately agreed that the heavenly capital city was mixed with dragons and snakes, and the city lord mansion was the absolute authority here.

No one dare to offend easily, once offending the City Lord's Mansion, it is equivalent to sentenced to death on himself.

The two people in front of them seem to be young and have such courage, but they will also pay the price for their courage.

Almost at the same time, these powerful people in the City Lord's Mansion of the Capital City had already released a terrifying attack on both Ye Feng.

Their attack power is extremely terrifying, covering everything in a short time.

Ye Feng was still standing with his hand holding his hand, standing so calmly in place, as if he didn't care about anything.

The attack from the opponent blasted towards his body, but Ye Feng turned a blind eye to him, while the body of the young strong Saint Demon Mountain had already moved.

He stepped forward at will, and his body seemed to turn into a stream of light, quickly moving through the attacks of these powerful men.

At the same time, a series of terrifying attacks were released, and the law of each attack was super terrifying, and the attack speed was quite quick.

Under the attack of the young powerhouses of Saint Demon Mountain, these city lord mansion powerhouses could not compete with them at all, and their attacks were swallowed in a short time.

However, the power of the terror attack of the young powerhouse of Saint Demon Mountain has not diminished in the slightest, and it has fallen on the bodies of several powerhouses in a short time.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock continued to sound, and the power of destruction spread in all directions.

These days, the strong screams of the city’s main mansion made screams, and the body shot out quickly in all directions like a cannonball, and slammed into several buildings not far away, making those buildings immediately Collapse and destruction.

The bodies of these City Lord Mansion powerhouses were also completely bombarded and killed at this moment, and their lives were completely harvested without even being able to react.

This scene was so sudden that many people at the scene were unable to react. At this moment, their dull faces seemed to have not come out of shock.

Several experts in the City Lord's Mansion of the Heavenly Capital City died under the attack of the young experts in the Holy Demon Mountain.

This caused the bodies of the remaining powerhouses in the City Lord's Mansion of the City of Heaven to be stunned, and the attack that they wanted to release just came back abruptly.

They are already aware of the strength of the person in front of them, and if they attack it like their companions, they can only endure the same results as the opponent.

The leader of the City Lord's Mansion also flashed his eyes, and his heart was extremely surprised. You must know that his men are well-trained people.

Everyone's strength is much stronger than normal people of the same realm, but at this moment, in front of this unremarkable young man, he is so vulnerable.

This surprised him a bit, but he didn't care much. He was able to sit in the position of commander, and his strength was naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people.

Therefore, he still has confidence that he can kill the opponent.

Hearing this leader's gaze fell on Ye Feng's body, he couldn't help but say: "I didn't expect the strength of the two thieves to be good, but in front of me, you two are still vulnerable. Die!"

After saying these words, this leader mobilized the strongest power in himself, and the endless danger of destruction hovered around him.

The destructive force was so powerful that it was appalling, and within a short period of time, it crazily shot a terrible big palm print on the bodies of the two Ye Feng.

The area covered by this palm print is simply too wide, covering the bodies of Ye Feng and Ye Feng completely, not giving them any chance to dodge.

Many people's eyes trembled, and only one onlooker said: "The strength of this young figure is good, but he also succeeded in angering this leader. It seems that this time they both People will die miserably!"

After saying this sentence, it immediately drew the approval of many people present. The City Lord's Mansion of Tiandu City represented absolute authority in this city.

No one dared to provoke their authority, and the strength of the strong man who walked out of the City Lord's Mansion was super terrifying, and ordinary people could not compete with it.

Just like Ye Feng, these two unremarkable young people, they will not be opponents of each other.

Therefore, in their opinion, Ye Feng's irritation of the leader of the Tiandu City City Lord's Mansion was definitely the biggest mistake of their two lives.

A terrifying attack came from above the sky, and the endless wind gathered, and the clothes of many people in the room shook with it.

However, the young strongman of Saint Demon Mountain didn't care at all. To deal with people of this level, Ye Feng didn't need to take action at all, at the moment when the opponent's palm print was about to fall.

The footsteps of this young powerhouse of Saint Demon Mountain quickly stepped forward, and the whole land shook wildly, and an astonishing magical might exploded on his body.

It made his entire body become extremely violent, and immediately blasted out a punch, his fist descended through the sky and the earth, on which an amazing destructive power was integrated.

In a short time, they collided with the other's palmprints, and only listened to the rumbling sound of terrifying shocks, and the power of destruction spread in all directions.

The leader of the City Lord’s Mansion of the Tiandu City was full of self-confidence. He looked at the young powerhouse of Saint Demon Mountain with a disdainful face, thinking that he could suppress the opponent under such an attack.

But never thought that at the moment when the two attacks collided, he felt the power of the attack from this young and powerful Saint Demon Mountain.

It made his palm prints tremble crazily, and the power on the palm prints was suppressed in a short time, but the destructive force seemed to penetrate all existence, climbing along his arm to his body.

This made his body shake wildly, and everything in his body seemed to have suffered a devastating blow at this moment.

Almost at the same time, the crowd only heard a screaming sound. The leader of the City Lord’s Mansion of Heaven Capital City could no longer hold on to it, under the influence of the opponent's fist.

His body was also directly blasted out, landing to support the vomiting of blood, and as the commander, he naturally possessed a life-saving magic weapon.

It is precisely because of this life-saving magic weapon that he saved a life under the action of the young powerhouse of Saint Demon Mountain, but the destructive power is too powerful.

He had already shattered all the major meridian bones in his body and the Dantian Qi Sea, making him a waste.

All this happened too quickly, the whole process took less than a breath of time, and the leader of such a high Tiandu City City Lord's Mansion became a waste.

This made many people in the audience unable to react. They looked at all of this with a dull face, and their hearts throbbed.

I just feel that my breathing has become difficult.

It is hard for them to imagine that the terrible attack just now would have been released by that young character, who would abolish the cultivation base of the leader of the Tiandu City City Lord's Mansion just as soon as he fisted.

Such strength has exceeded their imagination.

The remaining strong masters in the City Lord’s Mansion of the Heavenly Capital City were also petrified in place at this moment, and they did not dare to move any more. Their leaders were all abolished with one punch. Even if they came forward, they could only be cannon fodder. .

"You, how dare you abandon my cultivation base, you, you must not die..."

The leader of the City Lord's Mansion of the Heavenly Capital City said with a desperate expression, his body trembling constantly.

It's really not easy for a strong person like him to cultivate to this level, and he loses his cultivation realm in this way, which is more uncomfortable than killing him.

"For someone like you, to get the ending like this, it's just that you take the blame for yourself and you can't blame others!"

This young strongman from Saint Demon Mountain said coldly, and after finishing speaking, he stepped forward to Ye Feng, bowed to Ye Feng and asked, "Master Demon Ancestor, you are frightened."

After saying this sentence, everyone present was taken aback. It seemed that this young man would be so respectful to Ye Feng.

Moreover, Ye Feng is called Lord Demon Ancestor.

This originally unfamiliar title made everyone present feel familiar, and it seems that they can always be heard more or less recently.

But it made them think but couldn't think of it.

Ye Feng waved his hand at the young strong Saint Demon Mountain, and said lightly: "Let's go."

After saying this, Ye Feng stepped forward first, not looking at the leader of the City Lord’s Mansion at all.

The young and powerful Saint Demon Mountain followed, and when many people looked at these two people, the shock in their hearts was beyond words.

"Want to go, how easy is it!"

The leader of the City Lord’s Mansion of the Tiandu City gritted his teeth and said, after saying this, he took something out of his arms.

Immediately shook his hands severely, only to hear the sound of breaking through the sky, and gorgeous fireworks bloomed in it, and it exploded in the sky above the capital city in a short time.

Many people know that this is an alarm signal, and it is usually only released when a major change occurs inside the Tiandu city.

Now, the cultivation base of the leader of Tiandu City has been abolished. He has lost his reason. In his heart, only killing Ye Feng can eliminate his resentment.

Therefore, when Ye Feng and the two were about to leave, he released the alarm signal on himself.

After this warning signal was released, all the strong people in the City Lord's Mansion in Tiandu City could see clearly.

Within a short period of time, the eyes of the strongmen of the City Lord's Mansion of the Tiandu City flashed with extremely cold luster, and I don't know any guy with short eyes who dared to make trouble in the Tiandu City.

Therefore, for the first time, all the powerful figures in the corners of Tiandu City flickered towards the direction where the alarm signal was released.

The speed of these people is extremely fast, and there are strong people who come here in the first time. They are people who are not far from where Ye Feng and others are.

After arriving, they took the lead in intercepting the bodies of Ye Feng's two people. The aura of each of them was extremely cold, making the temperature in this space seem to become cold.

"He abolished my cultivation base and killed many powerful people in my Heavenly Capital City. Don't let him go and break them two into pieces!"

Seeing the arrival of reinforcements, a light of hope immediately appeared on the face of the leader of the Tiandu City, and he could not help but shout loudly at those strong.

These days, the city powerhouse, naturally heard what the other party said for the first time, and the expressions on each face immediately became colder.

I only heard one person asking Ye Feng and the two people: "You two dare to come to my Tiandu City to make trouble and kill my Tiandu City powerhouse. Don't you know what the outcome will be?"

"The two of me just came to Tiandu City to buy things. Someone robbed my house and tried to **** my property, but was killed by my two. After these people arrived, they wanted to rectify the law on the spot. I The lover did all this just for self-protection. I hope you can make a decision after investigation!"

Ye Feng said to these people, knowing that at this moment, he still didn't want to make things happen, after all, he returned to Xuanyuan's house in a hurry.

"There are so many things to do, no matter who is right or wrong, if you kill my Tianducheng powerhouse, you must be punished the most iron and blood!"

Hearing what Ye Feng said, the strong man who was also the leader of Tianducheng said coldly.

In the eyes of the Heavenly Capital City powerhouse, they are the overlords in the Heavenly Capital City, and everyone in the Heavenly Capital City must obey the command of the Heavenly Capital City Lord Mansion.

In other words, the power of the Tiandu City Lord's Mansion is the truth, whoever offends the majesty of the Tiandu City Lord's Mansion will be punished the strongest.

Therefore, after the other party said these words, the leader of the City Lord's Mansion of the Heavenly Capital City immediately waved to the strong man who came behind him.

Signaled them to take Ye Feng down.

At the same time, more and more experts from the City Lord's Mansion of the Tiandu City gathered here, and everyone released a very cold breath after seeing this scene.


He only heard such indifference from a strong man in the City Lord's Mansion of the Heavenly Capital City, and while he was speaking, he waved his spear and stabs Ye Feng frantically towards the bodies of both Ye Feng.

The spear light was fierce and domineering, and it penetrated everything in a short time, and it was aimed at Ye Feng's body.

But Ye Feng remained unmoved, still standing calmly on the spot. Almost at the same time, the body of the young expert on the Holy Demon Mountain had arrived.

He blasted out his fist light that could ignore everything. Because the opponent's cultivation level was too far apart, the fist light blasted by this young strong Saint Demon Mountain possessed unparalleled power.

It swallowed everything in a short period of time, causing the spear light of this strong man in the City Lord's Mansion to be swallowed instantly.

But the power of the opponent's punch has not diminished in the slightest, as if it is getting more and more fierce.

This made the powerhouse of the Tiandu City City Lord's Mansion look astonished. His body tried to retreat at this moment, but his figure speed was still too slow.

The opponent's punch has penetrated everything and came, and it bombarded his body within a short time, making him even before the screaming sound.

Under the action of the opponent's fist, the body was directly blown apart on the spot, turned into debris and pieces of meat, spreading in all directions.

After seeing this scene, many people couldn't help but froze slightly, seeming to be shocked by the power of this young man's fists.

At the same time, the attacks from the powerhouses in the other Tiandu City also arrived, and a series of terrifying offensive and defensive forces blasted towards the bodies of Ye Feng.

But this young and powerful Saint Demon Mountain didn't care about this at all, his rolling demon might exploded, and the black thunder of a good free man in the void shone down.

The thunder converged into the strongest power of cultivation technique, descending crazily. Under the influence of this thunder attribute force, those ordinary powerhouses in the City Lord's Mansion of the Heavenly Capital City could hardly resist.

The body was hit by the thunder one by one, with an astonishing scream in the mouth, and the body was destroyed by the collapse of the shock at this moment!

The author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: It’s the end of the month. If you have flowers in your hand, let’s vote for the book. If the flowers remain in the account, they will be cleared.


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