Sky War God

Chapter 3106: ungrateful

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Women usually have strong jealousy. After seeing Yang Mingxian and Princess Tianying, the two girls' complexion didn't look good.

I couldn't help but ask Wang Jian, who was on the opposite side, "Wang Jian, who are these three people, and how did you bring strangers to the tribe for no reason?"

These words of the second girl obviously did not welcome the arrival of Ye Feng and the others.

The Zhonghuang tribe has a clear stipulation that outsiders are not allowed to enter the tribe. Wang Jian and others brought Ye Feng to this place, which does not meet the rules of the tribe.

"Return to the second girl, this is Young Master Ye, Miss Yang, and Miss Tian. Before that, we were under a collective siege by members of the wild wolf tribe. We almost lost our lives to Huangquan. The tribe members suffered heavy losses. Many people were killed. The members of the wild wolf tribe were killed. Thanks to Ye Fengzi's timely action, the entire tribe of our tribe was prevented from being annihilated. In order to thank the three of Ye Gongzi, his subordinates specially brought them back to the tribe."

Wang Jian said to the second girl, a bit of excitement in his words.

He is sincerely grateful to Ye Feng's three people for their lifesavers. If Ye Feng hadn't appeared, Xiao Mo Chou would have been killed.

For such a small child, Wang Yan felt deeply in her heart when encountering such things.

Hearing the words spoken by Wang Jian, the eyes of the powerhouses of the middle-horse tribe beside the second girl couldn't help but flickered with some doubts on their faces.

He didn't particularly believe what Wang Jian said.

How powerful are the people of the wolf tribe, they have a deep understanding of each other's strength.

At least, anyone who walks out of a wild wolf tribe is not something that the people of the wild tribe can resist.

The young man in front of him looks so young, no matter how outstanding his personal strength is, how good can he be?

Perhaps it can only be compared with the ordinary Tianjiao figures in the wild wolf tribe.

If it is easy to defeat all the members of the wolf tribe, how easy is it to say?

The second girl's eyes showed a bit of irony, and she couldn't help but look at Wang Jian, her eyes flashed a bit of questioning, and then she said, "Some things can't be said casually. How powerful are the people of the wild wolf tribe, in fact Can ordinary people easily contend? Even the top figure in my Chinese tribe may not be the opponent of the wolf tribe. Does this young man in front of me really have such strength? Wang Jian, don’t you be here. Speaking big, the words spoken should have some credibility."

After saying this sentence, a bit of irony appeared in the eyes of the rest of the wild tribe powerhouses involuntarily.

I think the words spoken by the second girl make sense.

Wang Jian's expression was a bit ugly, and he didn't expect that the second girl would reject the three of Ye Feng so much.

He continued, "Second girl, the zodiac sign did not lie to you. This is true. Everyone present can testify for me."

After Wang Jian's words fell, the old woman first came forward and bowed to the second girl and said, "The old slave was dropped by Master Ye. Mo Chou almost died in the wild wolf tribe. In the hands of the master, if there is no Ye Gongzi, the old slave and Mo Chou will inevitably die."

Many people nodded one after another, and their eyes looked at Ye Feng with a little grateful.

"It's the same as the truth. I really don't believe that he has such strength. Moreover, if he really kills the members of the Wild Wolf Tribe, the Wild Wolf Tribe will definitely send people to crusade him. Then, I will be in the middle of the desert. The tribe may be affected by him and conflict with the wolf tribe. In that case, the gain will not be worth the loss. Therefore, it is impossible for our Chinese tribe to keep him in the tribe!"

The second girl said with a look of disdain, very suspicious of Ye Feng.

More importantly, if Ye Feng really offends the wild wolf tribe, then he is in their middle and desolate tribe, and it will inevitably bring them great troubles.

Therefore, after learning the news, the second girl decided not to let the three Ye Feng stay in the desert tribe.

Many strong people in the Zhongpan tribe nodded one after another, agreeing with the words spoken by the second girl.

"What the second girl said is really reasonable. If this person really kills a member of the wild wolf tribe, if he continues to stay in my mid-desolate tribe, it will definitely bring disaster to our Chinese tribe!"

Some strong people said so, looking at Ye Feng's eyes a bit cold.

After this sentence was said, many people cast hostile glances at Ye Feng's trio.

They didn't consider that Ye Feng rescued these people from the middle famine tribe. The first reaction really was that they didn't want Ye Feng to get them involved.

This made the eyes of Ye Feng's three people slightly solidified, and they did not expect that these people from the middle-horse tribe would have this idea.

Wang Jian, the old woman and the two of them didn't look good. They asked Ye Feng to follow them back to the middle-horse tribe in order to thank Ye Feng for his life-saving grace.

In their opinion, the powerful experts in the Middle Desolate Tribe will inevitably treat the Ye Feng trio with hospitality after learning about this.

Unexpectedly, just after entering the tribe, the second girl would treat guests like this.

"Brother is a good man, don't get him wrong!"

Xiao Mo said with some anger on his sorrowful white face.

Along the way, she was already familiar with Ye Feng, and even though Xiao Mochou was young, she also knew the importance of life-saving grace.

"A wild boy, what do you know? Shut up!"

When the second girl heard Xiao Mo Chou's words, she was immediately unhappy. His position in the Zhongpan tribe was not to be provoked. He said 1 was 1, and 2 was 2.

Seeing the second girl so fierce, little grievance immediately appeared on Xiao Mo Chou's little face, and his big eyes were full of tears, hiding behind his grandmother.

In a battle the year before last, Xiao Mo Chou's parents both died in order to protect the middle-horse tribe.

Xiao Mo Chou and grandma depended on each other for life, and thus became orphans. The second girl naturally also knew the battle.

Logically speaking, Xiao Mochou's parents should be the heroes of the Zhongpan tribe, but as time goes by, the merits of Xiao Mochou's parents for the Zhongpan tribe are gradually forgotten.

As a result, their ancestors and grandchildren did not live well in the tribe, and they were struggling.

The Zhongpan tribe did not give Xiao Mo Chou and his grandmother a stable life. On the contrary, Xiao Mo Chou's grandmother had to do normal hard work just like the rest of the Zhonghuang tribe.

For example, this time, the Middle Desolate Tribe sent the strong from the tribe to pick herbs, and Xiao Mo Chou's grandmother was also assigned to it at an age.

But Xiao Mo Chou was young and left unattended, and Xiao Mo Chou's grandma had to take him with him.

The second girl said this to Xiao Mo Chou, and the others in the Zhongpan tribe didn't show any pity, but looked at Xiao Mo Chou and her grandmother with contempt.

"Have you heard what I said? Our Panic Tribe doesn't welcome strangers, and we don't like them as disaster stars. I count three and let them disappear in front of me!"

The second girl became a little angry. He always said one thing, every time he spoke in the Zhongpan tribe, no one dared to argue with her.

At this moment, she only wanted to drive three uninvited guests to leave, but let him talk so much nonsense.

The second girl's heart was naturally very cold, and there was a bit of cold light in her eyes.

Wang Jian's face was green, one side was their savior, and the other side was the second girl above the top, he didn't know how to choose for a while.

But in his heart, he was unwilling to drive Ye Feng and others away, after all, he was not an ungrateful person.

"Second girl..."

Wang Jian still wanted to speak, but when he heard a crackling sound, the second girl slapped him directly.

He hit half of Wang Jian's face fiercely, making half of Wang Jian's face immediately swollen, only feeling hot.

The expressions of all the people present were stunned, especially those strong men who followed Wang Jian, their complexions even more ugly.

They were deeply grateful for Ye Feng's life-saving, and now they returned to the tribe, but received such unfair treatment, naturally they were extremely angry.

"Well, don't be embarrassed anymore, the three of us are going."

At this moment, everyone present heard it, and an indifferent voice came over, and the speaker was indeed Ye Feng.

The old woman Wang Jian's eyes fell on Ye Feng's body, her face became very ugly, she only heard Wang Jian say to Ye Feng, "Gong Gong, Wang Jian is incompetent, I can't thank you for your life-saving grace, Gong Yuan wants to leave If so, I, Wang Jian, will also be by my side!"

"Yes, we also follow En Gong!"

Wang Jian's words fell, and the people of the Zhongpan tribe who had been saved by Ye Feng before also expressed their thoughts.

They couldn't thank Ye Feng for his life-saving grace, so they could only follow Ye Feng's side and be the cow and horse for Ye Feng.

"Xiao Mo Chou also wants to follow his brother."

Xiao Mo Chou waved his small fist and said, he looked very cute.

After this sentence was said, the eyes of many people at the scene were frozen for a while, especially the second girl, his face became more gloomy.

Only one person said, "Second girl, they want to betray my panic tribe, they must not tolerate the traitor!"

After saying this sentence, other Zhongpanic tribe experts also nodded one after another, looking like Wang Jian and others showed strong coldness in their eyes.

The second girl's eyes flickered and said, "Hehe, you are really good at it, how dare to say such a rebellious words, do you really want to defect to my panic tribe? If this is the case, then all Get it for me!"

The second girl's life is like a mountain, and in one word, many powerful people in the Zhongpan tribe immediately obey the order, and their figures keep flashing.

For the first time, the bodies of Ye Feng and others were wrapped in it, and there was an ice-cold breath released on their bodies, which looked fierce and evil.

Wang Jian and the others looked ugly. They just wanted to thank their saviors. They didn't know what was wrong?

Ye Feng sneered in his heart. He didn't expect that such a simple tribe would have such a person. If I had known this, Ye Feng would never bring Yang Mingxian and Princess Tianying here. of.

However, at this moment, in the outskirts of the tribe, there were waves of footsteps. These footsteps were very heavy, and it was obvious that there were many strong people coming.

Hearing these voices, the strong leagues of Zhongpan tribe immediately became a little ugly.

They can naturally feel the horror of this breath, and at the same time can judge the identity of the person in this breath.

"Second girl, this breath is so familiar, it seems that someone from the wolf tribe has arrived!"

A strong man from the Zhongpan tribe came to the location where the second girl was at the first time, and he couldn't help but bowed and said, with a somewhat ugly look on his face.

After saying this sentence, many people's eyes were frozen involuntarily, and a somewhat shocked expression appeared on their faces.

Unexpectedly, the people of the Wild Wolf Tribe would arrive so soon. In that case, wouldn't the Panic Tribe among them suffer a crisis?

Thinking of this, the complexions of the powerful people in the Zhongpan tribe have become less attractive.

Someone glanced at Ye Feng for the first time, then looked at the second girl and said, "Second girl, in the eyes of her subordinates, this time people from the wild wolf tribe came to my panic tribe, it must be because of these three people, I If it’s because of these three unrelated people, then my panic tribe will not outweigh the gains."

The rest of the people's eyes flickered, and they couldn't help but nod their heads, thinking that the words of this person had some truth.

Among them, the Panic Tribe has always been afraid of the Wild Wolf Tribe and does not want to have any conflict with the Wild Wolf Tribe.

This time the other party gathered so many powerful people to come, and immediately caused many people in the panic tribe to waste their lives.

Almost at the same time, in the Zhongpan tribe, another group of strong men stepped forward.

The aura of this line of powerhouses is extremely powerful, especially the middle-aged figure headed by him, who is even more powerful. At first glance, he knows that he is a top powerhouse.

This middle-aged strong man was indeed the chief of the Zhongpan tribe, and he followed the chief of the Zhongpan tribe, who were all powerful figures in the Zhongpan tribe.

In addition, there are three beautiful girls in this line of powerhouses. These three girls have their own merits, and the streets are bright and beautiful.

Surrounded by the chief of the Zhongpan tribe, they should be the three daughters of the chief of the Zhongpan tribe.

The strong of the wild wolf tribe descended strongly, and the chief of the Chinese tribe led a kind of characters from the Zhongpan tribe out in a panic.

It can be seen that the chief of the Zhongpan tribe is afraid of the people of the wolf tribe.

"What happened? How did the people of the Wild Wolf tribe send so many powerful men?"

Immediately after the arrival of the chief of the Zhongpan tribe, he asked everyone present in a panic, and he had a deep fear of the people of the wild wolf tribe.

"Return to Lord Chief, these three killed the members of the Wild Wolf tribe before, but Wang Jian and the others brought them back to my panic tribe. The members of the Wild Wolf tribe should come here. Revenge!"

Yiwei Zhongpan tribe powerhouse came to the body of the Zhongpan tribe chief for the first time, bowed and said.

When the chief of the Zhongpan tribe heard this, his expression could not help but solidify, and then he looked towards the direction where the three of Ye Feng was located, a bit of haze appeared on his face.

"Who are they? Why did they come to my panic tribe?"

The chief of the Zhongpan tribe asked the people of the Zhongpan tribe, and he didn't know much about Ye Feng's identity.

"My Chief Chief, these two people have nothing to do with my Zhongpan tribe, but Wang Jian brought them into the Zhongpan tribe for no reason. I suspect that they deliberately framed my Zhongpan tribe!"

A bit of cold light flashed in the eyes of the strong man of the Zhongpan tribe, and he looked towards Ye Feng and said indifferently.

The rest of them nodded quickly, agreeing with the words spoken by the other party, and they had a strong sense of hatred towards Ye Feng.

"Master Chief, this is not the case. Young Master Ye saved my life before. If Young Master Ye did not take action, we would have already died in the hands of the strong men of the Wild Wolf tribe. Young Master Ye is our savior. ."

Wang Jian hurriedly retorted.

"How can you speak here? What are you!"

The second girl immediately spoke indifferently. Before, she wanted to take Ye Feng down.

If it weren't for his eldest brother's arrival, Ye Feng and others would have been their prisoners.

The chief of the Zhongpan tribe also understood the meaning, his eyes became extremely sharp, his eyes fell on Ye Feng, and he said, "No matter what your identity, you want to come here to frame our Zhongpan tribe. They are not allowed. You know what I mean?"

Ye Feng glanced faintly at the chief of the Zhongpan tribe. The opponent was a strong man in the Heavenly Emperor realm, but he only had the cultivation base of the early days of the Heavenly Emperor.

Such a cultivation realm, placed in the central imperial capital area, can only be regarded as the lowest level of existence.

It is normal to think about it, after all, there are barrens in the central empire area, where the Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse is indeed very powerful.

"If the chief thinks so, then the three of us will just leave."

Ye Feng said to the chief of the Zhongpan tribe. After saying this, he wanted to take the two young girls of Princess Yang Ming Xian Tianying and leave.

"Brother, you can't let them go like this!"

However, before Ye Feng and the three of them walked far away, they heard the second girl's voice.

"how you said that?"

The chief of the Zhongpan tribe asked the second girl.

"The powerhouse of the wild wolf tribe has arrived. They are obviously coming for these three people. If the three of them are left like this, if the wild wolf tribe asks me for someone from the tribe, how should we explain to each other? "

The second girl said in a loud voice, her words seemed to make sense.

The eyes of many people in the panic tribe flickered. Then they couldn't help but nodded one after another, and had to say that what the second girl said really made sense.

Compared with the wild wolf tribe, the panic tribe among them is indeed a sky and an underground, and there is no comparison at all.

After thinking for a moment, the chief of the Zhongpan tribe also agreed with the words spoken by his little sister.

"Father, what my aunt said is not unreasonable. If the wild wolf tribe blames it, our panic tribe will face a life and death crisis."

The eldest daughter of the chief of the Zhongpan tribe spoke, agreeing with the words spoken by the second girl.

"If this is the case, the three of you can't just leave like this!"

The chiefs of the Zhongpan tribe naturally take care of the overall situation. They are extremely difficult to survive in the world of the Southern Plains.

Now it is rapidly declining, being oppressed by many tribes in the surrounding area, and may even be destroyed at any time.

"Give me three of them!"

The chief of the Zhongpan tribe ordered.

The eyes of many people at the scene flickered, and then their eyes became sharp, each of them flickered, and quickly continued to surround the three of Ye Feng in the center.

"Chief, Ye Gongzi, they are kind to my Zhongpan tribe, my Zhongpan tribe should not be ungrateful!"

Seeing the desperate roar, he thought that the chief of the Zhongpan tribe had listened to the slander.

"Wang Jian protects the foreign enemy, his sin is unforgivable, take them down together!"

The second girl said with cold eyes, in the Zhongpan tribe, the second girl's status is very high.

Therefore, from a certain point of view, the order given by the second girl is equivalent to the order of Lord Chief.

Those in the panic tribe also followed the orders of the second girl very much.

Each body flashed, surrounding Wang Jian's body in the center.

After seeing this scene, the expressions of those powerful tribesmen who were rescued by Ye Feng didn't look good.

Among them, the Panic Tribe has always convinced people with virtue. I don't know what happened now, and the atmosphere has completely changed.

"My lord, it's that guy who killed many people in our wild wolf tribe, please order him to be broken into pieces!"

At this moment, a large number of powerful wild wolf tribes have arrived in the courtyard of the Zhongpan tribe, and they saw Ye Feng just appearing in the courtyard of the Zhongpan tribe, a strong wild wolf tribe who had survived before. Said to a middle-aged man beside him with a cold face.

The middle-aged figure was wearing a wolf fur coat, and the whole person looked very wild.

The aura on his body is extremely tyrannical, possessing the initial cultivation base of the Heavenly Emperor Realm. This kind of cultivation level is already equivalent to the chief of the Zhongpan tribe.

And the other party is just an elder of the wild wolf tribe. Like his existence at this level, there are at least three in the wolf tribe.

The cultivation of the chief of the wild wolf tribe has reached the peak of the early days of the Emperor of Heaven, and his strength is very powerful.

The elder of the wild wolf tribe looked towards Ye Feng, and the power of divine consciousness was released, lingering around Ye Feng.

Trying to explore Ye Feng's specific cultivation level, but he repeatedly confirmed, but still could not detect Ye Feng's specific cultivation level.

This made him somewhat surprised, but from Ye Feng's age, he could almost see that Ye Feng's cultivation level would not be very high.

Therefore, the other party didn't care much, and only regarded Ye Feng as a worthless junior.

Seeing that the wild wolf tribe sent the elders to come, and the strong men of the wild wolf tribe also confirmed the words spoken by the panic tribe.

In this way, the chief of the Chinese tribe immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Chief of the Zhongpan tribe, I don't understand. Why do you Zhongpan tribe collude with these people? Don't you think my wild wolf tribe is in the eyes?"

That one asked the chief of the Zhongpan tribe with cold words.

The face of the chief of the Zhongpan tribe became a little ugly, and his heart immediately panicked.

"My lord, I don't know these three people here. They were brought back by traitors from the panic tribe. I don't know about this. I hope you won't be offended."

The chief of the Zhongpan tribe bowed and said to the old man of the wild wolf tribe, lowering his posture very low.

The tall head of the elder of the wild wolf tribe seemed to be a normal thing for the other party to treat him like this.

As the elder of the wild wolf tribe, he has a very noble status and status. How can a chief of the panic tribe compare with him.

"Since you said you don't know these people, then you will be responsible for taking them down and giving them to my wild wolf tribe. Only in this way can my wild wolf tribe believe you."

Said the old man of the wolf tribe. There was a sneer in his eyes.

After saying this sentence, Wang Jian and others' faces immediately became a little ugly.

In this case, they have been unable to prevent the situation from happening.

This made them feel a little guilty in their hearts immediately. They wanted to invite Ye Feng and others to the tribe and thanked them a lot.

"My lord, please rest assured, since this is related to the Panic Tribe of me, the Panic Tribe of me will definitely not disappoint the Wild Wolf Tribe."

The chief of the Zhongpan tribe agreed immediately.

Immediately, they winked at the people of the middle panic tribe. The people of the middle panic tribe naturally understood the meaning of their chiefs for the first time.

Each body flashed, and quickly reached the bodies of Ye Feng's trio.

I saw a strong Zhongpan tribe's eyes fell on Yang Mingxian for the first time, such a beautiful woman, and such a young, he had seen it for the first time.

The opponent's strength will not be very strong, so he locked the target on Yang Mingxian.

A big hand patted directly towards Yang Mingxian's body.

The power contained in this big hand was beyond imagination, and it reached directly in front of Yang Mingxian's body.

To suppress Yang Mingxian's body.

After Ye Feng saw this scene, his eyes became a little cold, but he didn't get involved.

This person from the Zhongpan tribe who attacked Yang Mingxian was only in the late Saint Emperor realm.

Yang Mingxian was a powerhouse in the middle of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and the strength gap between the two was very obvious.

"I don't know what is the relationship between you, but since you have been following this person, then I will take you first!"

That one was the Zhongpan tribe's strong man while he shot, and said coldly to Yang Mingxian.

His expression was extremely proud, as if he thought he could easily crush Yang Mingxian as long as he shot.


It's just that, at the moment the opponent shot, everyone present heard such a strange sound, after this strange sound appeared.

Yang Mingxian's body was covered by a burst of light.

Under the cover of that burst of light, Yang Mingxian's body looked even more dreamlike, just like a real fairy, so beautiful.

The other party's eyes flickered, and he didn't care about anything. This young girl was so young that the group was too big to face his attack, so he would teach the other person how to behave.

Almost at the same time, this attack was released and it came directly in front of Yang Mingxian's body.

But the light on Yang Mingxian's body was covered up.

This burst of light is very dazzling and contains extremely powerful defensive power.

Although the opponent's attack power was very strong, under the effect of Yang Mingxian's burst of light, it was not worth mentioning, and was directly intercepted.

The strong man's eyes flickered, and an unbelievable look appeared on his face.

It seemed that he did not expect that the light released from Yang Mingxian's body would have such a powerful defense ability.

This made his face immediately show a somewhat unwilling look, and immediately instilled destructive power into his attack.

This destructive force immediately increased his attack power again. In this case, he thought it was enough, and Yang Mingxian would definitely not be able to hold on.

However, Yang Mingxian has a very powerful power released at this moment.

This wave of power is quite terrifying, it can cover everything in a short time, and the danger of destroying everything comes on the body of the strong man in the panic tribe.

As a result, the strong man of the Zhongpan tribe uttered miserable words, and his body could not hold on to it, and he was directly shaken out.

This scene made the hearts of everyone present tremble, and their faces showed incredible meaning.

The attack power released by the other party is already very terrifying. In their opinion, this attack by the other party can definitely take Yang Mingxian easily.

Unexpectedly, Yang Mingxian actually possessed such light blooms.

"Who is this girl? The light released from him is so terrifying. It seems that more people must be able to take it down!"

Someone said so for the first time, and a cold light appeared in his eyes.

The others nodded their heads, agreeing with what this person said.

Next, there will be more and more powerful people releasing attacks. All these attacks were directed at Yang Mingxian's body.

The power released was naturally terrifying beyond imagination, as if it could suppress all existence.

However, no matter how powerful the opponent's attack might be.

In front of the light released from Yang Mingxian's body, none of them was worth mentioning, and they were intercepted one by one.

Immediately his body was shaken out, and when he landed, blood was spit out from his mouth, his face was extremely pale!

This scene completely shocked everyone present.

No one thought that such a young girl would have such strength.

Faced with the attacks released by these people, she not only didn't have any counterattack, but was able to shake all the bodies of the powerful tribesmen.

How strong is this to be able to do?

Many people present couldn't believe this Even the chiefs of the Zhongpan tribe and the elders of the wild wolf tribe were the same, their eyes all fell on Yang Mingxian.

"Ming'er, are you all right."

Ye Feng asked Yang Mingxian, with a gentle smile on his face.

Yang Mingxian shook his head lightly and said, "I'm fine."

Her cultivation base in the middle of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, the strongest of these Chinese tribes is only in the later stage of the Saint Emperor Realm, how can they compete with her.

Ye Feng, who knew this well, didn't participate.

"Master Chief, this woman must have a powerful magic weapon, what should we do?"

One is for the Zhongpan tribe powerhouse to ask the Zhongpan tribe chief for instructions.

Author Wan Mu Zhengrong said that today’s update is sent, brothers with flowers, especially the guaranteed flowers in the account, vote for the book, thank you!

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