Sky War God

Chapter 3274: Strength of Tianbao

"You Wumingzi, you really can grow others' ambitions and your own prestige, maybe only you can't do that."

The next day Bao said to Wumingzi, with a bit of contempt in his words.

Wumingzi's eyes flickered, and he faintly said, "It's up to you."

After saying this, he stopped looking at the other person, and stood there calmly without saying a word.

Liu Huachuan also smiled faintly, a little bit of sarcasm in the smile.

"Welcome all the disciples of the gods to come!"

At this moment, the strong leader of the Tianzhou Longcheng City Lord's Mansion walked up quickly and said to the disciples of the Celestial God.

Even a strong man of his level, in front of these disciples of the gods who are much younger than him, must appear respectful.

This scene made the eyes of many Tianzhou Dragon City powerhouses present slightly solidified.

After truly listening to the words of the strong host, their faces couldn't help but appear a little unbelievable, and there was a storm in their hearts.

It turns out that these extraordinary young people are disciples of the gods. Before the opening of the Dragon City Competition, everyone present had already heard that this time there will be disciples of the gods participating in the Dragon City Competition.

The disciples of the gods, they are the top gods from the gods, they live in the world of the pinnacle of real martial arts.

Enjoying more generous training resources, and being taught by the power of the gods, everything is not comparable to the people of Tianzhou Dragon City.

Now that they really come here, people can see with their own eyes, this kind of shock is beyond ordinary words.

Ye Gushen held a folding fan, looked at the strong host, and said faintly: "You can start, after all, we don't have much time to waste here."

This sentence sounds plain, but in fact it is somewhat proud.

The strong host's eyes flickered, and he nodded hurriedly, "I understand."

After speaking, he turned his head, looked towards the location of the people present, and said to him: "The three-day rest time has come, and the next is the final stage of the Dragon City Tournament. For Er et al., it will be a more severe challenge. Many strong disciples of the gods will also participate in it. Er et al must be psychologically prepared."

After this sentence was said, the eyes of many top Tianjiao figures in Tianzhou Dragon City couldn't help but flicker, and a bit of excitement appeared on their faces.

They knew that joining the Dragon City Competition for these disciples of the gods would be a more severe challenge for them.

The strength of every disciple of the Celestial God is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Even the top talents such as Long Feiyang, Guiyuan Jiannan, Fankong Monk, and Chilong Tiancang have become less dazzling.


Almost at the same time, the figure rose into the air and landed on the battle platform at an extremely fast speed.

This person is extremely burly in stature, holding an eight-sided golden hammer and looking majestic, his breath is that powerful.

Just standing on the battlefield at will can give people a very strong sense of depression.

It was indeed the second heaven treasure of one of the disciples of the gods.

The next day Bao was violent and aggressive. He was ordered to come here to participate in the Dragon City Tournament. He thought he could meet some opponents of comparable strength.

Unexpectedly, the people here would be so unbearable. From Tianbao's point of view, the top Tianjiao figures in Tianzhou Dragon City are no different from the ants.

His gaze was extremely proud, and he glanced at the location where many of the top Tianjiao figures in Tianzhou Dragon City were located, and said lightly: "You, such as ants, claim to be top Tianjiao, do you know what can be called excellent? ?"

As soon as these words came out, many of the top Tianjiao figures in Tianzhou Dragon City looked at each other, and their faces appeared a little ugly.

Unexpectedly, the next day Bao was so arrogant, this sentence is simply the strongest humiliation to them.

"Now, I give you this opportunity. Will anyone be willing to come up for a fight? If you don't dare, you can collectively kneel down and beg for mercy. Maybe I will now wait for you if it's impossible, and won't come on stage to invite a fight.

The next Tianbao's eight-sided golden hammer was alive, and the words spoken became more and more excessive.

Many strong disciples of the gods looked at all of this with great interest, and wanted to know what choices the people of Tianzhou Dragon City had to make in the face of the provocation of Tianzhou Bao.

"Don't have too much hope for these people. They don't have the courage to fight you."

Liu Huachuan said with a sneer, and also looked down upon many top Tianjiao figures in Tianzhou Dragon City.

"Haha, it's really a group of wine bags and rice bags. I really don't understand. What is the point of having me wait for such a Dragon City competition?"

Bao yelled the next day and said coldly.

"The cultivation is rampant, watch me come and take you down!"

At this moment, in the Tianzhou Dragon City camp, a strong man roared that this person was indeed the first arrogant figure of the Baihu clan, Bai Huchun.

A terrible evil spirit was released from Bai Huchun's body, and the whole person looked extremely angry.

He really couldn't bear the humiliation of the opponent, so he flew directly to the battle platform where the next day treasure was.

The eyes of everyone present flickered, and their hearts became very excited. Unexpectedly, Bai Huchun would be so impulsive.

Bai Huchun didn't think so, he always wanted to see the strength of these so-called disciples of the gods.

On the one hand, it is to satisfy his curiosity, on the other hand, if he can account for half a catty with these disciples of the gods, then his reputation will be greatly enhanced.

It is even very likely to be directly favored by the powerhouse of the gods.

The next day Bao glanced over Bai Huchun's body, his expression still so proud.

I couldn't help asking: "Do you want to fight me?"

"I really want to see the strength of the so-called disciples of the gods. If you have said all the big things before, then just take it back."

Bai Huchun looked at Bao the next day and spoke lightly.

On the second day Bao’s eyes flashed a bit of strange light, and he couldn’t help but sneered: "Hehe, I didn’t expect that a person like you would dare to be so arrogant in front of me. I will let you see what real strength is, and take action."

Bai Huchun knew that the other party couldn't admit defeat, so he didn't hesitate any more, and immediately mobilized the aura from his body.

The billowing demon qi lingered around his body made his entire body become extremely violent. It was obvious that in the past three days, Bai Huchun had restored all the energy he had previously consumed to a normal state.

Even some discerning people can see that his strength seems to have increased. Perhaps, in these three days, the powerful white tiger clan can help Bai Huchun improve his strength.

At this moment, his whole body was enveloped by a powerful evil spirit, and in the void, it seemed that there was a white tiger roaring.

The roar of the white tiger shook the world, and Bai Huchun stepped forward, his aura getting stronger and stronger, and his whole body was so violent.

In the blink of an eye, it was in front of Bao's body the next day, and Bao's body stood there calmly on the second day, not caring about the opponent's actions at all.

Upon seeing this, Bai Huchun couldn't help but draw a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and blasted out a punch, which was enveloped by a powerful demon.

It made his fists become extremely violent, and the white tiger phantom behind him also burst out at this moment, and the attack power displayed was known to be many times stronger.


Bai Huchun's punch was powerful enough, if it were changed to someone else, it would be difficult to intercept it.

However, the next day Bao didn't want to dodge and resist at all, his body just stood there calmly.

Quietly waiting for the opponent's fist to come, the moment the opponent's fist was about to approach his body, a faint lustre flashed on the surface of Bao's body the next day.

This burst of luster completely enveloped his body, making his body seem to be completely isolated from this space.

The other party's punch just came, making a very dull sound.

The terrifying destructive power spread in all directions, but such a powerful fist failed to break the faint light released from the surface of Bao's body the next day.

This burst of light was so radiant and boundless, as if to completely isolate his body.

No matter how terrible the destructive power is, it can't really hurt it.

This scene caused a bit of surprise on the faces of many people present, and the treasure was really powerful the next day.

Facing such a terrifying fist attack from Bai Huchun, it was so terrifying to be able to ignore the opponent and use his own flesh to carry the opponent's attack.

An unbelievable look also appeared on Bai Huchun's face. Before that, he had used the pill of the powerful elder of the Baihu clan to improve his strength.

This made his attack even more terrifying than it was at the beginning, but even so, his attack still couldn't hurt the next day's treasure.

I really don't know how strong the opponent's strength is.

"Can you work harder, this kind of attack power is simply too weak."

The next day Bao said coldly to Bai Huchun.

Bai Huchun's eyes flickered, and the cold light in his eyes became stronger.

Once again, he instilled an extremely powerful destructive power into his attack. Under the influence of this destructive power, his attack power immediately became another level.

He firmly believes that his attack is definitely not something people of the same realm can easily resist.

However, even so, his attack still failed to pose much threat to the next day treasure.

The next day Bao's body remained motionless as a mountain, and he stood calmly on the spot, looking at each other, his eyes flashing with contempt.

I couldn't help but say: "A waste, dare to challenge me on stage, I really can't help it!"

After saying this, everyone present saw a terrible breath bursting out of the next day Bao's body.

This breath seemed to have turned into an extremely terrifying counter-shock force, and that counter-shock force was too powerful.

In the blink of an eye, he landed on Bai Huchun's body at an extremely fast speed.

Bai Huchun groaned in his mouth, and felt the strength of the counter-shock force for the first time, which made his body tremble.

The footsteps were shaken back one after another at this moment, and his complexion became pale!

The blood on his chest rolled for a while, a mouthful of blood surged inside his body, and he couldn't hold on anymore, it spurted out!

"So strong!"

After seeing this scene, many people showed a somewhat unbelievable look on their faces. The strength of this second day treasure was indeed terrifying. It turned out that Bai Huchun spit out blood just by relying on the breath released from his body.

What kind of terrible talent can do this? It's hard to imagine everyone.

"I'm fighting with you!"

Feeling the gazes cast by everyone present at him, Bai Huchun became angered, no longer hesitating, and immediately condensed a more terrifying attack again.

The power of this attack was too strong, and it reached Bao's body the next day in a short time.

Formidable power flashed in the void, slaying the body of the next day treasure completely.

The next day Bao's eyes became sharp, and he didn't expect the other party to be so obsessed.

"court death!"

The next day Bao made a cold voice, facing Bai Huchun's attack, he didn't hesitate anymore.

The big hand waved for a while, and the power in the palm was condensed at this moment, and the power it carried was many times stronger than before.

That power burst out instantly, and in the blink of an eye, it reached the position of the opponent's attack.


The sound of terrifying concussion blasted through, and the terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

Bai Huchun condensed the power of this fist to be powerful enough, but even so, his fist was still unable to contend with the power of the next day treasure.

Under the force of the next day treasure, Bai Huchun's attack was instantly devastated.

After a terrible sound of concussion, the attack completely collapsed and destroyed.

But the other party's strength did not weaken in any way, and descended on his body at an extremely fast speed.

He only heard the sound of a horrible shock resounding again, followed by the screams of Bai Huchun's mouth.

Under the opponent's attack, Bai Huchun's body was directly blasted off, and he fell directly onto the battle platform, vomiting blood out of his mouth, his face was extremely pale.

The eyes of the crowd flickered, and a strong shock appeared on their faces. The next day Bao was worthy of being a disciple of the Celestial God, and his strength was irresistible.

No matter how powerful the attack Bai Huchun released, he still couldn't compete with the opponent.

On the second day, Bao looked a bit proud, looking at Bai Huchun, the irony in his eyes became more intense, and he couldn't help but say: "It's really useless. I can't bear even one of my attacks. Arrogant and sad in front of me!"

The faces of the disciples of the gods such as Ye Gushen, Mei Jian, Liu Huachuan, and Qingzhu showed a somewhat wistful smile.

They seemed to have expected the outcome of this battle, but they didn't expect that Bai Huchun's strength would be so bad.

This battle can be said to be without any appreciation, Bai Huchun and Second Tianbao are not on the same level.

Ye Feng naturally paid attention to this battle, and thus saw the strength of the disciple of the Celestial God. The attack power of this second day treasure was very violent, and it was no less than Ye Gushen.

Looking at the arrogant look of the next day treasure, a very ugly look appeared on the faces of many Tianzhou Dragon City experts.

Being suppressed in this way by the other party is simply a kind of humiliation to the people of Tianzhou Dragon City.

"You people in the small world, do you have this ability? If this is the case, then don't waste my time!"

The next day Bao opened his mouth with a sneer, the arrogance in his eyes could not be described in words.

After saying this, he was actually ready to step off the battlefield and no longer participate in the battle.

"Your Excellency, please stay!"

However, the next day Bao had just turned around, everyone present heard such a voice coming over, and it was Chilong Tiancang, the top Tianjiao figure of the Chilong clan.

Many people looked towards the direction where Chilong Tiancang was, and immediately understood that the other party seemed to want to challenge the next day treasure.

If this is the case, the next battle should be very exciting.

The next day Bao paused slightly, turned his head, looked at Chilong Tiancang, with a little scrutiny in his eyes, he couldn't help but say, "Are you going to fight me?"

Chilong Tiancang's eyes flashed slightly, and said faintly: "That's what I meant."

Many people understand that Chilong Tiancang has already had a failure before, which is already an extremely huge humiliation to him.

Therefore, he is very eager to use a victory to wash his shame and re-establish his tall image.

And the victory of this battle should not be just an ordinary victory. If he can defeat the disciple of the gods, or fight the opponent inextricably, he can also do this.

Although Bai Huchun's defeat was very miserable, it can be said that he has no resistance, but Chilong Tiancang still thinks he has the power to fight.

After all, his strength is not comparable to Bai Huchun.

There is no comparison between the two. If you let him fight Bai Huchun, he can easily defeat each other.

A bit of anticipation appeared on the faces of many strong Chilong clan, and they looked forward to Chilong Tiancang's performance in this battle.

On the second day, Bao formed a smile at the corner of his mouth. He looked at Chi Long Tian and said faintly, "Do you think you are my opponent?"

In Tianbao's eyes, it was impossible to come out of a character who could match him in this small barren world.

As long as he wants to, he can definitely walk sideways in this world, no one is his opponent.

"Whether it is your opponent, I think I should try it before I know."

Chilong Tiancang said so, his eyes flashed with a very strong fighting spirit.

"Hehe, since you said that, then I will give you a chance to fail, let's do it."

The next day Bao said with a sneer, his body still standing calmly on the spot, standing with his hands behind him, as if he didn't care about Chilong Tiancang at all.

Chilong Tiancang's eyes flashed sharply, and cold light flashed in his pupils, and he couldn't help but say to him, "Since this is the case, you must be careful!"

After saying these words, everyone present saw a violent aura erupting from Chilong Tiancang.

A burst of dragon energy flashed in the void, and these containers merged with the flame attribute power, making most of the sky bright red.

That burst of flame contains an extremely powerful melting effect, as if it can melt everything in this space.

The phantom of the Chilong appeared, and the power it released was simply beyond imagination. Chilong Tiancang's arm waved, and the terrible destructive power in his palm was condensed.

Without hesitating, he patted the direction where the next day treasure was with a palm, and the power contained in the palm print was extremely powerful.

The big palm print that covers the sky is constantly evolving in the void, and the volume is constantly rising. To completely cover this space, it will not give the next day treasure any chance to dodge.

Many people's eyes flashed, and a bit of shock appeared on their faces. They could all see that the strength displayed by the Scarlet Dragon Heavenly Cang at this moment was even stronger than before.

This one is not something that ordinary people can resist. If it really falls on the opponent's body, I don't know if the opponent can really resist it.

It's just that, facing such a powerful attack from the other party, the next day Bao actually stood calmly in place, as if he didn't care at all.

Just watch the palm print of the other party come!

Almost at the same time, that palm print flashed in the void, as if an extremely terrifying angry dragon had evolved.

In the blink of an eye, trying to swallow the next day treasure completely.

The next day Bao's eyes were slightly frozen, he could see that Chilong Tiancang was much stronger than Bai Huchun.

Therefore, when the opponent's palmprint was about to approach his body, his arm waved slightly at this moment.

An extremely violent force condensed in his palm, and this force came out like a demon.

It seems small, but in fact, it can burst out with amazing power, and in a short time, it quickly collided with the palm print of Chilong Tiancang.

Just listen to the sound of the rumbling horror shock, and the terrible destructive power spread in all directions.

That power was beyond the imagination of everyone present, and it came in a short time, trying to completely destroy this space.

A bit of icy light appeared in Chilong Tiancang's eyes, desperately instilling power into his attack.

But even so, his attack still seemed a little stretched in front of Tianbao.

The opponent's attack was too strong, and it came with the power to destroy everything in a short time.

The counter-shock force wrapped his body at an extremely fast speed, causing his footsteps to be shaken back one after another, and his complexion did not look good.

The eyes of the crowd flickered, and a somewhat shocked expression appeared on their faces.

The opponent's attack was indeed powerful, so powerful that it was overwhelming to resist. Even a person as terrifying as Chilong Tiancang was still shocked by the opponent. This kind of power was beyond the imagination of everyone present.

Chilong Tiancang only felt his body tremble. Under the opponent's attack, his body was under tremendous pressure, as if it might collapse and destroy at any time.

This made him have to release his breath and suppress those counter-shock forces a little bit.

If not, his body is likely to receive an unbearable blow.

On the second day, Bao had a sneer at the corner of his mouth, his eyes were so ironic, and he stared at Chilong Tiancang and said: "Your strength is indeed stronger than that of the previous person, but it is the same here. You will not be My opponent."

A bit of unwillingness flashed in Chilong Tiancang's eyes. In his opinion, he should be able to compete with the opponent.

However, under the collision just now, he felt the irresistible force, and immediately made Chilong Tiancang feel helpless.

"Your Excellency deserves to be a disciple of the Celestial God. His strength is indeed strong, but it is not without a chance. Next, I will let you see my true strength."

Chilong Tiancang spoke indifferently to the next day treasure. After saying this, everyone present saw him step forward.

The body's breath became stronger and stronger, and the whole body was so violent. The rolling mighty roar in the void, as if to destroy everything.

A terrifying red dragon phantom flashed in the void, releasing a powerful dragon, and the sound of the red dragon's roar shook the world.

Along with the palm of Chilong Tiancang, Chilong roared out with amazing flame attribute power.

It swallowed at an extremely fast speed towards the direction where the next day treasure was located, and the attack power released was beyond the imagination of everyone present.

Even the next day Bao felt the power released by this red dragon, at this moment, he didn't dare to neglect it anymore.

Facing the attack of that red dragon, Tianbao stepped out to one side the next time, his body seemed to be beyond the distance of this space.

Just stepping randomly, the body turned into the afterimage of the debut, dazzling, and appeared in another prescription position at an extremely fast speed.

Although the attack released by the terrifying Chilong Phantom was powerful, it failed to really hit the body of the next day treasure.

The next day Bao's body easily avoided the opponent's attack, and Chilong Tiancang naturally wouldn't just sit there waiting to die.

Swinging his arm, an extremely strange power was released from the palm of his hand. This power merged with Chilong, as if he could communicate with Chilong.

Along with the wave of his arm, the red dragon turned at an extremely fast speed and swallowed crazy toward the direction where the next day treasure was.

The next day Bao frowned slightly, and he didn't expect Chilong Tiancang's attack to be so difficult.

He stepped out to one side again, and his body was enveloped by a burst of strange power, making their bodies phantom into several afterimages.

As if not bound by this space, Chilong Tiancang's attack came, and the second Tianbao's body cleverly avoided the past.

Looking at the opponent with extremely provocative eyes, Chilong Tiancang knew that he was not the opponent of the opponent, and he did not dare to carry it any more.

His body wanted to retreat, but the second Tianbao didn't give him a chance, and the eight-sided golden hammer in his hand shot out by force.

Holding up bursts of biting wind, Baling's golden hammer fell fiercely on Chilong Tiancang's body.

Everyone present only heard a muffled bang, accompanied by the screams of Chilong Tiancang, his body flew upside down like a cannonball, and his body was still in the air. He vomited blood and fell heavily under the battle platform.

The crowd trembled for a while, especially those strong from the Chilong clan, their faces were extremely ugly.

Chilong Tiancang, but the first arrogant figure of their Chilong clan, is not only strong in personal strength, but also extremely talented.

It was once recognized as one of the most outstanding Tianjiao figures in Tianzhou Dragon City. Before that, the Chilong Tiancang was radiant.

But since he lost to Monk Fankong, everything has changed, and his position in the hearts of many powerhouses in Tianzhou Dragon City has plummeted.

I thought that this time I could save my face in the battle with the next day treasure, but unexpectedly, he was defeated in this way.

Chilong Tiancang's body fell on the ground, blood still gushing out of his mouth, the hammer just now had a very strong impact on him.

The inside of his body suffered an extremely severe blow, and his bones seemed to be shattered.

If it hadn't been for the tower to put on a defensive armor in advance, the hammer of the next day Bao could kill him!

On the next day, Bao had a look of arrogance on his face, and put his Baling Golden Hammer into the storage ring.

He glanced proudly at Chilong Tiancang and said coldly: "With your strength, you dare to challenge me on stage. It's really too much of your own strength."

"You people in the small world are as unbearable as I expected. It's really meaningless. You can play by yourself!"

The next day Bao continued to speak. After saying these words, his body rose into the air at this moment, and he immediately stepped off the platform.

The elder's eyes flashed, and he didn't seem to expect that the second Tianbao would no longer participate in the battle.

"The strength of the disciples of the gods is so powerful that I can't compare with the people of Tianzhou Dragon City, so let's let the people of Tianzhou Dragon City fight temporarily."

At this moment, the Lord of Tianzhou Longcheng spoke up, and his face didn't look good.

After all, the two top Tianjiao figures from Dragon City in Tianzhou were defeated in this way, and the defeat was so miserable. For him, it was definitely a shameless thing.

He didn't want to continue to lose face.

"Follow the orders of Lord City Lord."

The host powerhouse said so, then turned his head, looked at everyone, and said: "Er, etc. are actually different from the disciples of the gods. For the next battle, you will wait until you have completed a few games."

Next, the host of the strong announced the order of the battles, and a top talent came to the stage to compete.

At this juncture in the battle, everyone desperately needs a victory. Therefore, the battle is extremely fierce.

After the winners and losers, the strong host stood up from his seat again, and couldn't help but glanced at the location of everyone present, and announced loudly: "The next battle will be made by Chilong Heaven vs. Caifeng!"

After saying this sentence, many people's eyes flashed, and a bit of excitement appeared on their faces.

Chilong Tiancang and Caifeng are both top-notch figures. Even though Chilong Tiancang lost to Monk Fankong and the second Tianbao before, his strength can still be recognized by everyone.

Caifeng is also the saint of the Feng clan. Not only is she beautiful, she is also very powerful.

The two collided in this way, naturally it was full of highlights.

Chilong Tiancang's eyes were sharp, and he didn't hesitate, his body directly rose into the air, and quickly landed on the battle platform.

His gaze turned towards the direction where Caifeng was, and it was a bit provocative.

"The opponent is strong, you have to be careful."

Ye Feng looked at Caifeng and said lightly.

Caifeng's beautiful eyes flashed and said to Ye Feng, "Don't worry."

It's just that the details of the two fell in the eyes of many strong men, and they didn't know what the relationship between the two was.

Why does it give people a very familiar feeling, is it possible that the two of them have a deep relationship?

The eyes of many Feng Clan experts flickered, and they didn't expect Caifeng to be so close to Ye Feng.

Seeing Ye Feng remind Caifeng, Chilong Tiancang couldn't help but sneered, and glanced at Ye Feng, the irony expression in his eyes became more intense.

"Fight with me, can you think about it?"

Chilong Tiancang looked at Caifeng and asked.

Caifeng's eyes gleamed with a bit of perseverance, and she immediately said, "Go ahead, don't waste time."

After saying this sentence, Chilong Tiancang's eyes became a little sharp, and he said: "It seems that you are very sure. Since this is the case, then I will let you see my true strength!"

Before that, Chilong Tiancang had just lost to the second Tianbao, and it was still defeated in that way.

This was already a very strong humiliation for him, and he naturally did not allow this to happen.

Therefore, he must win this battle beautifully to save his face.

After the word fell, Chilong Tiancang's aura exploded at this moment, and the terrifying coercion continued to linger around his body, and waves of containers erupted in the space.

It quickly gathered in his palm, making his palm more and more violent, and the power contained in his palm was beyond imagination.

Without hesitation, I just shot it out with a palm. The destructive power contained in the palm prints is beyond the imagination of everyone present. You can completely cover the space in front of Caifeng with a very fast speed~www.mtlnovel .com~ That kind of destructive power makes the whole battlefield tremble, and everything seems to be destroyed!

Caifeng naturally felt the terrifying power contained in this attack, and she chose to dodge for a while.

The body shape is so fast that he is surrounded by waves of Phoenix attribute power.

Stepping toward one side at an extremely fast speed, the five-color light released from the body became more and more intense.

He directly and ingeniously avoided Chilong Tiancang's attack, and the powerful counter-shock force contained in Chilong Tiancang's attack was indeed terrifying.

Caifeng's body was shaken by the shock, but she was not actually threatened.

Many people's eyes flashed, and a somewhat unbelievable expression appeared on their faces. It seemed that they didn't expect Caifeng to dodge the opponent's attack so easily.

Chilong Tiancang's eyes flickered, and his heart was extremely surprised.


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