Sky War God

Chapter 3304: Martial arts

After the words of the nightshade were said, many people at the scene flashed their eyes and immediately understood the meaning of the words of nightshade.

"What do you mean by nephew? How to perform?"

Wudi Zhuangzi asked.

"Well, I am willing to cooperate with this Junior Brother Yifan, let the other party let this Junior Brother fight with me, I can let him three moves first, while suppressing the cultivation realm, try not to harm this Junior Brother."

Solanum continued to speak, showing an extremely great appearance.

It seemed that as long as he shot hard, Ye Feng would very likely be suppressed by him.

After saying this sentence, many people's eyes flickered.

Especially the people of Wudi Palace, did not expect that this nightshade could be so arrogant, you know, Ye Feng even defeated their second senior.

This kind of strength is not something that everyone can resist, and this nightshade has to make Ye Yefeng three moves, which is simply humiliating their Wudi Palace.

"Brother, I think what Dragon Kwai said is not unreasonable, and I believe him very much and will not harm this nephew."

Just as Wudi Zhuangzi was hesitating in his heart, Lianhuazi spoke at this moment.

From Lianhuazi's point of view, Ye Feng's strength would certainly not be as good as the nightshade.

In order not to hurt everyone's peace, it is best to stop when you click.

Solanum, certainly will not really hurt Ye Feng.

"That's fine."

Emperor Wu Zhuangzi nodded his head, after all, Ye Feng was not familiar with Shen Ting when he first arrived.

More importantly, in the eyes of Emperor Wudi Zhuangzi, Ye Feng's strength is not as good as those of the disciples of the gods.

Ye Feng's eyes flickered, and he did not speak.

He didn't want to get involved in this meaningless battle.

But Emperor Wu Zhuangzi nodded, and he couldn't push off.

"Brother, you can show your talent and strength to me, and let the uncle Master see them. Don't worry, I will let you three tricks first, and it will not really hurt you."

Solanum continued to speak to Ye Feng, with a sense of confidence on his face.

Although his words sound very polite, there is undoubtedly a bit of irony in his expression.

As if disdainful of Ye Feng.

Ye Feng's eyes flickered, and he could only get up from his seat, step by step to the center of this palace.

When Solanum Kwai looked at it, an expression of excitement immediately appeared on his face, and it seemed that he was very eager to take action to crush Ye Feng at this moment.

"This brother has a superficial ability, and I hope this brother can be more merciful."

Ye Feng said to the nightshade.

The nightshade's eyes flickered, and he waved his hand to Ye Feng and said, "Don't worry, I said, let you do three things first, you will do it when you say it, and you will never go back."

In this scene, a sneer appeared on the faces of many lotus disciples.

Just waiting to see the scene of Solanum squash Ye Feng happening.

Lianhuazi glanced at Wudi Zhuangzi, and said, "Brother, don't worry, he will surely have a sense of reincarnation."

Emperor Wu Seed nodded faintly, feeling worried for Ye Feng in his heart.

He had seen the strength of this nightshade before.

In Wudi Zhuangzi's heart, Ye Feng still had a gap to the opponent.

"Om, hum..."

A burst of strange sounds sounded, and immediately attracted the eyes of many people present.

They saw that there was a breath released from Ye Feng's body, and his entire body seemed to be supported by that breath.

In a short time, he took a step forward, his figure was incredibly fast, and he landed in front of the opponent's body.

This caused the nightshade's gaze to freeze involuntarily, and also did not expect Ye Feng, an outsider, to have such a quick figure speed.

"The first trick, brother, be careful!"

Ye Feng spoke to Long Kui, and at the same time he spoke, he already showed a terrifying aura.

That breath seemed to be able to crush a space, and within a short period of time, it released a destructive fist towards the location of the Dragon Kwai's body.

This punch looks simple and unpretentious, but it actually contains amazing power.

Coming in a short time.

Solanum's eyes flickered, and it seemed that Ye Feng's attack would be so violent.

But he still didn't care about anything, after all, he still had the strength to dodge the opponent's attack.

It's just that at the moment when this attack was about to fall in front of the body of the Dragon Kwai.

Ye Feng quickly instilled a powerful space attribute force into his own attack.

Under the influence of the power of the space attribute, he had to move quickly in the void with his fists.

In a very short time, it descended in front of the body of the nightshade.

Dragon Kwai had obviously avoided Ye Feng's attack before, but at this moment, the opponent's attack could move instantaneously.

This made his complexion look ugly immediately, and he involuntarily tried to avoid it.

However, according to Long Kui's body skills and martial arts at the moment, his figure speed can no longer keep up with Ye Feng's attack.

This made the nightshade look immediately turn green and white.

Once again, he instilled a wave of strength under his feet, and would also avoid Ye Feng's attack.

However, the destructive power contained in Ye Feng's attack can still cause extremely serious effects on the nightshade.

At this moment, while the body was trembling, a look of horror appeared on his face.

His body shook for a while when the destructive power impacted. If he hadn't tried his best to persist, the attack on Ye Feng had already been hurt.

Many people's eyes flashed, and they didn't seem to expect that Ye Feng's attack could cause such damage to Solanum.

But they just think that the reason for this is definitely because the Solanum is not prepared in time.

"The second move!"

Almost at the same time, everyone present heard such a sound from Ye Feng's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, he saw his footsteps quickly move forward again.

The body's aura became more terrifying than it was at the beginning, and this space was restricted in a short time.

So that the body of the nightshade felt an irresistible binding force coming.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Feng took a palm shot, and the destructive power contained in his palm print was beyond imagination.

In the blink of an eye, he quickly reached the body of the nightshade.

Solanum's body withstood an unimaginable force of restraint. This time, he simply didn't know how to avoid it.

Suddenly there was some regret in my heart, regretting that I shouldn't say those big things to Ye Feng.

If he didn't take the initiative to ask Ye Feng to use three tricks, how could this happen?

"Blast Curse!"

In this case, the dragon kwai can only meditate in my heart, and can vaguely see that in the palm of the dragon kwai, there seem to be two forces criss-crossing.

A totem was formed that was repetitive and fleeting in his palm.

Then a burst of light lit up, wrapping the body of the nightshade.

This caused his body to quickly break the restraining power contained in Ye Feng's palm print, and dodge to one side.

Most of the people present could not tell that this was a spell on Solanum.

In desperation, he could not release the attack to resist, he could only cast this kind of spell to fight against Ye Feng.

And this kind of spell is actually something outside the body.

In other words, Solanum used things outside of his body to avoid Ye Feng's attack. According to the agreement between the two before, his behavior was illegal.

But because his spells were so hidden, most people couldn't really see clearly.

In such a crisis, Solanum can only use this method to cast spells on Ye Feng to avoid attacks.

This time, Solanum dodged the attack, and a bit of triumph flashed involuntarily in his eyes.

Many people can't observe the specific details, but feel that the dragon kwai has just released the birth and martial arts is indeed very mysterious.

Each of them admired each other.

Especially those who are strong at Lotus Peak, even more so: "Second Senior Brother's strength is really strong, and the kind of martial arts and martial arts just now is not something that people of our level can display."

"Yes, if the second brother does not allow this person to make three moves, he has already defeated this person. In front of the second brother, this newcomer will not have any chance!"

Several Lianhuafeng experts gathered together to discuss, thinking that Ye Feng was not qualified to compete with Solanum.

A gleam of bright light flashed under Ye Feng's eyes, and his eyes looked towards the place where the palm prints of the dragon Kwai were located.

Solanum dodges when he feels Ye Feng's gaze.

As if for fear that Ye Feng would see his predicament.

At this moment, Ye Feng was not in the mood to pay attention to the other party, but immediately released a more terrifying aura from his body.

Rolling mighty roaring all over his body, at this moment, his various attribute powers have been mobilized to the extreme.

Yes, the entire space seems to be turned into his exclusive domain.

This domain can cover everything. In this domain, Ye Feng is the absolute master.

He has the qualifications to control the power of life and death, and the body of the Dragon Kwai is wrapped in it, so naturally he has to bear the sanctions in this field.

This made the Dragon Kwai feel the powerful binding force coming for the first time, making his face turn blue and white.

Before, he had the Wind Curse to save his life, but at this moment, the Wind Curse had already been exhausted by him. Facing the terrorist attack that Ye Feng might release next, he didn't know how he should deal with it.

Not hesitating, Ye Feng's terrifying big palm print wrapped in an astonishing power of destruction, and various attribute powers descended.

This palm print smashed from above the sky, holding up bursts of biting wind.

Dragon Kwai naturally chose to dodge at the first time. He had promised to let Ye Feng three tricks before. With so many people present, naturally he could not easily repent.

At this moment, he desperately instilled strength into his legs.

Let his body become more light and elegant, avoiding Ye Feng's attack in this way.

It's just that Ye Feng's attack power is too strong, unimaginably powerful, and that restraining power is not understood by ordinary people at all.

So that the body of the nightshade was frozen in place, unable to move.

Many people have seen everything that nightshade has endured at this moment, and there is a little unbelievable on their faces.

The strength of the Dragon Kwai is so powerful, how can it be restrained by the opponent?

The other party who has just entered the Wudi Palace, how good is it?

Even the Wudi Zhuangzi above the main position, the two great gods of Lianhuazi, were stunned by the scene in front of them.

They didn't expect Ye Feng to be able to do this.

Seeing this terrible palm print just like this, Solanum was really scared.

I was afraid that I would be hurt by Ye Feng's terrible attack.

And he seemed to have no other way to escape.

Can only watch this palm print gradually enlarge in his pupils!

Solanum can clearly feel the power contained in this palm print.

If he was hit by Ye Feng in this way, no matter how strong his strength was, he could only be killed by the opponent.

In the face of death, nightshade would naturally not give in easily.

What agreement, under this kind of crisis, can only be left behind.

No longer hesitating, the moment Ye Feng's palm print was about to approach Ye Feng's body.

Solanum has quickly released the breath of his body,

A terrifying attack was released in an extremely quick way to contend with Ye Feng.

Many people's eyes flickered, and some unexpected light appeared on their faces.

Unexpectedly, at the last juncture, Solanum still regretted it.

Life is more important than anything!

The attack he released soon collided with Ye Feng's terrifying road palmprint. In a short time, everyone present heard a very terrifying concussion sound.

The destructive power bloomed wildly, forming an extremely powerful air current, spreading in all directions.

Solanum had already felt Ye Feng's strength, so when facing Ye Feng, he did not dare to be careless.

The attack he released at this moment has almost released his strongest attack power, trying to completely suppress Ye Feng in this way.

It's just that Ye Feng's palm print is also extremely terrifying, and it is not even that Solanum can compete.

At the moment when the two attacks really collided, Dragon Kwai felt the terrifying power contained in Ye Feng's attack.

The powerful shock force constantly swept away, and immediately enveloped the body of the nightshade.

While making the nightshade's body trembles wildly, the pressure it bears is getting stronger and stronger.

I only felt that his body was bearing the destructive power of Mount Tai, and his soles were pressed into the ground at this moment.

Cracks appeared on the ground, cracking completely!

Almost at the same time, the nightshade was under too much pressure, his chest stood upright and blood tumbling, blood was vomiting out of his mouth, his face was extremely pale!

This scene caused a somewhat shocked expression on the faces of everyone present, and no one thought that Ye Feng's attack was so powerful.

At the beginning, Solanum also said to let Ye Feng use three tricks. In the previous two weeks, he still used things outside to escape.

The third trick, if he did not release the attack and resistance, he would have been killed at this moment.

Even if he resisted with all his strength, he was vomiting blood. From this, we can see what level of Ye Feng's current strength has reached.

"Let me do three tricks? Brother, are you kidding me?"

Ye Feng looked at the nightshade, smiled faintly, still calling the other party senior.

Solanum's face was a bit ugly, and the destructive power inside his body was still spreading.

Making his body tremble like an electric shock, he couldn't help but say coldly to Ye Feng: "I underestimated you, but your last attack seemed to have used some external force. If this is the case, you should be brave. recognition."

Ye Feng looked stunned. When he released the second attack, Solanum used external force to evade, and he did not break through the opponent.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the wicked person sued first, which was really disgusting.

Ye Feng's gaze flashed, he just looked at the nightshade, and said: "With the help of external forces, I am afraid I am not as good as you, brother?"

His words were hinting at the other party, and the nightshade's face immediately became extremely ugly. He didn't expect Ye Feng to actually see his previous actions.

"Don't frame good people, I have always been open and honest."

Solanum hurriedly explained, not wanting to admit what he had done before.

Ye Feng looked at him, the icy meaning in his eyes became more and more obvious, and he said: "Don't mention these things, the three tricks that brother let me have passed, I am grateful to brother, the next battle still needs to be carried out."

Solanum's eyes flashed, and he didn't expect Ye Feng to still want to fight him.

Deep in his heart, there was a sudden sense of fear, which made him feel somewhat shameless.

I actually felt fear in front of a young person who had just started.

This is something he never wants.

"I advise you, it is better not to take risks, otherwise, if I exert my full strength, you are likely to be easily suppressed by me!"

Solanum spoke to Ye Feng, the irony in his eyes became more and more obvious.

As long as he shot, Ye Feng would definitely be suppressed by him.

"Senior brother's kindness is appreciated, but I still want to try again."

Ye Feng said lightly, the expression on his face calm and calm.

While speaking, the breath on his body has been released to the extreme.

The whole person became more and more violent, and once again stepped out towards the direction where the nightshade was.

It made the nightshade's eyes look particularly ugly. Before Ye Feng could make a move, his body began to retreat for a while, as if he was afraid that Ye Feng would release a more terrifying attack on him.

"I haven't released the attack yet, brother, what are you running?"

Ye Feng stopped and asked at the nightshade.

Solanum was so angry that he gritted his teeth and said coldly: "I'm just preparing to release the attack, you are wrong!"

At the same time as he spoke, Solanum had already taken a step forward, and the powerful dragon's power bloomed on his body.

A wave of coercion quickly emerged, causing his whole body to become more and more violent.

At this moment, the astonishing destruction of Dao palm prints rushed towards Ye Feng's body madly.

This palm print is not only extremely powerful, but the attack speed is also beyond imagination.

It came in a short time, and the terrifying wind kept flashing in the void.

Ye Feng's clothes swayed while blowing.


It's just that Ye Feng didn't seem to care much, and immediately took a step towards one side.

The whole person's body seemed to have transcended the distance of this space, and quickly descended in other directions.

His body became illusory, no matter how powerful the nightshade's attack was, it still failed to really hurt Ye Feng's body.

This made the nightshade's eyes slightly solidified, and it seemed that Ye Feng would be able to do this.

And he, naturally, would not give up and try to attack Ye Feng again.

However, before his attack was truly released, Ye Feng had already condensed a terrifying big palm print.

That palm print was extremely powerful, and it came down in a short time, wherever it went, the entire sky was trembling, and everything would be destroyed.

There was a bit of astonishment on the nightshade's face, and it seemed that Ye Feng's attack speed was so fast.

In a hurry, he could only change his attack direction to compete with Ye Feng.

Immediately afterwards, everyone present heard the rumbling sound of horrible concussion, and the extremely terrifying destructive power was madly released.

The whole space is shaking, everything is about to be destroyed!

The strength of Solanum itself is not as good as Ye Feng, what's more, he is not ready at all at this moment.

When it collided with Ye Feng's attack, the nightshade's body shook wildly.

I only felt a self-improving destructive force pouring into his body along his arm.

As a result, his entire body suffered an irresistible blow.

Zhende's body retreated madly again, his complexion became extremely pale, his chest stood erect and blood was tumbling, blood was vomiting from his mouth!


Before the crowd reacted, everyone present heard another powerful shock resounding.

Ye Feng's footsteps had already stepped forward, and his body quickly descended in front of the body of the nightshade.

This made the nightshade's expression incomparably shocked, where would he dare to carry on with Ye Feng.

The body retreated madly at this moment, trying to avoid Ye Feng's attack.

However, Ye Feng's destructive palmprint has already arrived with irresistible power, and this attack is no longer able to resist to Dragon Kwai.

He could only try desperately to dodge, however, where did Ye Feng still give the opponent a chance, the palm prints it released turned into an extremely terrifying empty hand at this moment.

This empty hand is extremely powerful, its destructive power is earth-shaking, and more importantly, it also contains a powerful space attribute power inside.

Let the nightshade have a feeling of uncertainty.

Even if the opponent tried to avoid it, the release of Ye Feng's space attribute power caused his terrifying void hand to move in a short time.

So when he reached the body of the nightshade, the nightshade looked shocked and could no longer resist.

Ye Feng's big hand pierced through everything and directly clasped it on the throat of the nightshade.

While making the nightshade's body tremble, he didn't dare to move anymore.

I can only watch Ye Feng's attack come like this.

Solanum's throat was buckled, his body was completely stiff, and he dared not move anymore.

This scene completely fell into the eyes of everyone present, making their faces a few unbelievable.

Solanum, it just failed, and Ye Feng's throat was clasped by a big empty hand. This is definitely an unacceptable fact for everyone present.

Especially the people of Lianhua Peak, it was even unexpected that their second senior brother would be defeated like this.

Lianhuazi's beautiful eyes flickered, and a stiff color appeared on her pretty face.

It seemed that Ye Feng would be able to defeat her disciple Long Kui.

More importantly, before that, Lianhuazi had always believed that Ye Feng was worthy of the opponent of Solanum.

He even kept emphasizing that Solanum is just learning from Ye Feng and will not really harm Ye Feng.

Thinking about it now, what I said before seems a bit ridiculous.

Divine splendor gleamed in Wudi Zhuangzi's eyes, and he could see that Ye Feng's strength had improved recently.

Before that, he also thought that Ye Feng might not be the opponent of Solanum. He didn't expect that he still underestimated the young man in front of him.

"Brother, why are you so humble to me? I'm almost embarrassed."

Ye Feng looked at the nightshade and said.

A somewhat ugly look appeared on Solanum's face, and he couldn't wait to kill Ye Feng completely now.

However, his throat was firmly held by Ye Feng. As long as he moved, Ye Feng would definitely kill him in the strongest way.

Therefore, in the face of Ye Feng's sarcastic words, he could only endure: "You have won!"

After saying this, he stepped back to his seat, his face becoming extremely ugly.

"How is it possible that this guy who has just entered the Wudi Palace is so strong."

A person from Lotus Peak said with a look of disbelief.

Before that, they didn't expect Ye Feng to be so strong.

Lily was also watching the battle from the side, and Lily also had a preliminary understanding of Ye Feng's strength.

He Ye Feng defeated Solanum, which for their Lian Huafeng, it was already very shameless.

As a big disciple of Lianhuazi, Lily naturally did not want to see such a thing happen.

I saw Lily stand up at this moment, glanced at Ye Feng, and said: "This junior is really strong. It seems that the senior has lost a good disciple.

Now that I can defeat the nightshade, I really want to learn from each other. "

While speaking, Lily had already stepped out, just looking at Ye Feng and said.

Ye Feng looked at Lily, and said lightly: "Senior sister, I am like Qi Lianzhi, why can't I make money with Qi? Why fight with each other."

Ye Feng really didn't want to continue fighting, and for him, he was not interested.

"Martial arts exchanges and discussions are an indispensable link for those of us who are cultivators. Skills enhance actual combat capabilities and exchange experience. Why not do it?"

Lily looked at Ye Feng and said with sharp eyes.

This battle is imperative for Lily.

"If this is the case, then Senior Sister will take action, and I will stay with her to the end."

Ye Feng shook his head slightly and said, he didn't want to continue fighting.

But no matter what the other party insisted blindly, he could only accompany him to the end.

A few sharp flashes flashed in Lily's beautiful eyes, Ye Feng's actions were just what she wanted, and a powerful wood attribute force was released.

Lily's body was wrapped in the power of the wood element, and vines were released on the body.

The vine grows and stretches, and there are flowers blooming on it, and the blossoming lilies compete to shine.

On the petals, a sharp light flashed out.

With a wave of lily's arm, those petals bloomed quickly.

Unleashing extremely strong destructive power, piercing from all directions towards Ye Feng's body madly.

That kind of sharp aura far exceeded Ye Feng's imagination. If he were replaced by someone else, he would definitely not be able to withstand this terrible attack.

Ye Feng's eyes were extremely sharp, and for the first time he felt the terrible petal attack coming.

His body is wrapped in the power of the space attribute, using the power of the space attribute to dodge and move.

Shuttle in the petal attack.

However, the opponent's petal attacks were extremely dense, even if Ye Feng dodged.

One side of his body was still marked with a blood mark, with traces of blood oozing out.

Even more frightening is that there seems to be a poison in these petals.

At this moment, he invaded towards Ye Feng's body, making Ye Feng's body feel a sense of powerlessness.

At this moment, his body felt dizzy.

Mingxiang Zhijing exerted its due effect at this moment.

Released the purification effect in a short time, and at this moment, the poison in his body was quickly removed.

However, Ye Feng still looked extremely weak on the surface, and his body was shaking.

This caused a smile to be drawn on the corner of Lily's mouth, and Ye Feng was hurt by her toxicity, proving that she had the opportunity to suppress Ye Feng.

And hesitating something, Lily once again released a terrifying palm print of destruction. This palm print was not only extremely powerful, but also a very terrifying petal attack released.

In addition to the petal attack, vines were released on the body of the lily.

Those vines contained powerful binding power, trying to entangle Ye Feng's body.

"Junior Brother, you are too careless. If I suppress you at this moment, you can only blame your lack of experience!"

Lily opened his mouth to Ye Feng with a smile on her face. In her opinion, Ye Feng was paralyzed by the poison.

She can then take the opportunity to completely suppress Ye Feng. Therefore, the impact power released by Lily at this moment is terrifying.

Wherever the attack went, the entire sky trembled, and all the destructive power quickly descended towards Ye Feng's body.

Let Ye Feng's body bear an irresistible pressure.

Many Lianhua Peak powerhouses showed some pride on their faces. In their opinion, Ye Feng was definitely not Lily's opponent.

In the next collision, Lily will crush Ye Feng with absolute advantage.

However, at this moment, there was a sword attribute power released on Ye Feng's body.

This sword's attribute power enveloped his body, making his whole body completely wrapped.

Sword lights lingered on the body, descending quickly.

Collide with those petal attacks.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock continued to sound, and the power of destruction spread in all directions.

Lily's eyes froze slightly, as if she didn't expect Ye Feng to release such a powerful sword attribute power to resist her attack.

This made Lily's face a somewhat unexpected expression, and I asked Ye Feng a little bit: "Aren't you paralyzed by my attack? How can you mobilize the power inside your body?"

The author says:

In the middle of this month, I have the support of the brothers with flowers. The business trip has returned and will soon return to the normal update status. Some brothers said that I haven't updated for a few days. In fact, I update every day, and one does not drop. It is just that the update time is not fixed.

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