Sky War God

Chapter 3552: Top of the world

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Chapter 3552 the top of the world

The power in the body has begun to constantly change, especially the Wanhua magical powers under his control, under the nourishment of this pool of lake water, it has also produced tremendous changes.

From the mouth of the mysterious mysterious turtle, Ye Feng also knew the name of the lake, Beidi Zhenshui.

Facts have proved that the energy contained in it, and the breath it radiates, is indeed worthy of such a name.

As Ye Feng continued to refine the Northern Emperor's True Water, his body had condensed into the magical powers of the law, and it was also greatly improved, and the law of Wanhua that was originally light-like had gradually acquired a little substance.

That feeling is like a continuous flow of luminous liquid that releases pure aura.

Just releasing a drop of it, Ye Feng has already felt what terrifying power the current Wanhua magical power has produced.

The positive film space was suppressed, and the life origin power in it, the front part gathered by Ye Feng's side, was constantly being swallowed by the law of Wanhua.

Even the entire world surrendered to Ye Feng's feet, and there was no resistance anymore.

Feeling the characteristics of the Northern Emperor's true water, Ye Feng's eyes also had countless shining gleams, like stars in the sky.

Beidi Zhenshui is indeed one of the most powerful source forces in this world. After only digesting a very small part, the source of life in Ye Feng's body has doubled.

Even to say that part of the power has been covered by his other powers, constantly improving all the abilities he controls.

This kind of transformation is of little help to Ye Feng, but it has extremely important significance.

With the help of the inland taxation, Ye Feng has also reached the top power in the world, and the original power in his body is continuously running.

At the same time, Ye Feng did not hesitate to release the most powerful breath in his body, accelerating the refining of these Northern Emperor True Waters.

As the strength in Ye Feng's body continues to increase, the surrounding environment is also changing, and the Northern Emperor's true water that he has changed is constantly surging in his body, as if it is about to nurture something.

At the same time, Ye Feng had already noticed that Beidi Zhenshui did more than just help him.

The power of the law between heaven and earth is rushing towards her location, as if to lift his consciousness into a strange world.

After pondering carefully for a moment, Ye Feng didn't have any resistance, letting this force continue to gather in his sea of ​​consciousness.

An extremely huge force of law just appeared in Ye Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, dragging his divine thoughts, and advancing towards a certain terrifying space.

At this moment, the other extreme places of the world were also affected in the same way, as if something had been opened in half.

In this short period of time, an extremely huge breath was released from the void, continuously distorting the power of the law of the entire world, as if to accommodate everything in the world.

Central Empire.

An incomparably powerful radiant power bloomed in the void, attached to a huge ancient tree, and the extremely pure world origin power was being completely released here.

In the east pole of the world, a broken sword is conceived with incomparably powerful life force, as if to gather all the vitality between heaven and earth here.

The wood attribute contained in it is also powerful beyond imagination, not weaker than the Beidi Zhenshui of Ye Feng at the moment.

Under the broken sword, there was also a life who sensed the strange aura released by the world's North Pole.

The power in the body was mobilized in the first time, and the whole person was like a broken sword behind him, quickly releasing the breath in his body.

A cyan light was released, wrapping and dragging his body at an extremely fast speed, and his body moved towards a more noble place.

The most western and southern parts of the world also have extremely powerful aura releases and the original power contained in them is still extremely large.

The two parties also seemed to be inspired by something, releasing their own power, and the abilities they possess have reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

Choosing the strange aura that was released before, the people present all mobilized all the power in their bodies to release them to the powerful power they relied on.

Under the influence of these forces, there seemed to be some terrible aura in the void, and the constant shaking, the power emitted reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.

Now these forces have involved the original power of the entire world, and every energy radiated is terrifying beyond imagination.

Even the Sea of ​​Vast Sky was constantly turbulent under the influence of this breath, and the power it radiated was extremely terrifying, as if it could completely destroy the entire world.

You must know that the sea of ​​Vast Sky, but the place where the source power of the entire world gathers, the aura contained in it has reached a realm that ordinary people can't understand.

And now there are five completely different, extremely powerful forces, gathered here at this moment, and the power radiated from them has reached a powerful realm that ordinary people can't imagine.

It was not the first time Ye Feng entered the sea of ​​sky. He had already noticed the anomaly in this place the first moment he arrived here.

In the past, the power of the Vast Sky Sea was completely covered by the power of the law, but at this moment, Ye Feng had already noticed that this strange field had gathered an extremely large and true power.

It is definitely not that simple to converge the power of the law into the power that needs to be consumed in reality, and the aura contained in it has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.

Even Ye Feng needs to release the power of his own laws and cooperate with the energy in his body to condense the abilities it possesses into essence.

Although the methods are relatively simple, as long as you control the power of the law, you can easily use it.

But once the vitality in it is lost, the power of the law will also be blurred, and it will not be able to exert any power at all.

Of course, in a certain field, the power of law is also an ability possessed by an invincible existence, which is not what ordinary people can imagine.

Even in the same realm, the power that the power of the law can exert is beyond imagination and even enough to suppress all abilities between heaven and earth.

At this moment, the aura from the power of the laws around it has approached the essence.

You must know that in the sea of ​​Vast Sky, all the power of the laws of the entire world is gathered, and the energy contained in it is simply unimaginable.

It is extremely difficult for anyone in this world to fully exert the power contained in it.

But now Ye Feng could feel that the original power possessed here was becoming extremely solid, as if he was about to turn the sea of ​​Vast Sky into substance.

This kind of ability is definitely not something ordinary people can do. Even if it breaks through the ninth transformation, I am afraid that there is no such ability.

Feeling the terrifying power emanating from the void, Ye Feng's expression also became extremely solemn.

With his own strength, he couldn't change the rules contained in this world at all, and the ability that Ye Feng controlled was not so simple.

At this moment, Ye Feng was also able to clearly feel the origin in his body, his power was constantly tossing, and the aura he possessed was working as hard as he could.

The moment his divine power sublimated and entered the Vast Sky Sea, the power of the law contained in the space turbulent instantly.

The extremely powerful law of space played an extremely strong role at this moment, directly pulling Ye Feng's body into this area.

The combination of divine mind and body immediately allowed Ye Feng to fully control his own power.

At the same time, he was aware of the characteristics of this world.


Now this Fang Haotian Sea has formed a special energy under the influence of a certain special force, as if it had entered the origin of this world.

With this kind of ability, any kind of power Ye Feng possesses can exert a power that exceeds the limit of his own strength.

But Ye Feng also felt other attribute powers in the sea of ​​Vast Sky, and it seemed that there were other people here.

The power of the attributes expanded, and Ye Feng instantly saw the other four people. At the same time, he also noticed that these four people were moving towards his direction at an extremely fast speed, as if in the shortest possible time. Arrived at his location within.

Especially the terrifying aura that these four people possessed made Ye Feng's application extremely solemn.

The energy of any of these four bodies is not weak, and Yu Yefeng even said that their bodies also possess the same powerful power as Beidi Zhenshui.

"In other words, the other four poles of this world also have the same power as the Northern Emperor's True Water.

Or even that these forces have been controlled by others? "

With such a thought in his mind, Ye Feng vaguely felt that he had touched the truth of some world.

The aura that the original power in the concrete exudes in the continuous operation at this moment is also powerful to an unimaginable point.

Ye Feng didn't hesitate about this either, and directly released the power in his body layer by layer.

Seeing that the four people who were about to arrive were enemies and not friends, Ye Feng's expression also became extremely cautious, not daring to let them approach easily, and prepared for precautions early.

That is to say, in this short period of time, Ye Feng had already noticed that the aura radiating from one of them was extremely terrifying.

Moreover, this force is quite familiar to Ye Feng.

Emperor Yaochen of the Central Empire.

At the beginning, it was his brilliant power that completely sealed and suppressed Ye Feng and almost lost his life. If it were not for the power of the space altar, Ye Feng would be directly killed in that country. .

Now that he perceives this person's power again, Ye Feng's eyes have also become extremely cold, and the line of good fortune in the palm of his hand, it seems that it is possible to kill a terrible attack at any time.

"Unexpectedly, you finally arrived here, but you are an outside thief.

The power of that old **** is so disappointing that even you can't resist it. "

The moment he saw Ye Feng, Emperor Yaochen was also quite dissatisfied, as if he was very disgusted with Ye Feng being able to control such power.

"The strength of the old **** is really not very good, even the Northern Emperor's True Water, who has already refined most of it, will be taken away, which is really disappointing."

At the same time, there was also a strong man in a cyan robe holding a broken sword and said that the aura radiating from his body was no weaker than Emperor Yaochen.

"Stop talking nonsense, take this thief directly, seize his power, and we will continue to summon the good fortune jade bi."

There was also a strong man with a red robe and even his hair burning like a flame, speaking at this moment.

In his body, Ye Feng also felt a powerful force like a flame, as if to burn everything in the world.

"That's right, as for this kid's body, leave it to me."

The last thing that appeared was a tiger-like creature, but his body was attached with a series of pure white patterns with an extremely sharp aura.

Especially the pair of wings behind it exudes extremely powerful power.

Feeling the terrifying power on these four people at this moment, Ye Feng's expression also became a little dignified.

"Just because you want to kill me?"

Perceiving the strong killing intent emanating from the four opponents, Ye Feng's expression also became a little strange, and the power contained in his body was constantly operating at this moment.

Although the strength of these three people is beyond imagination, Ye Feng's strength is not that simple.

"Just because the four of you want to kill me, it's impossible to do it, or who of you intends to keep my life here?"

Ye Feng said directly.

Hearing these words, the three people present were completely shocked and lived for a long time before reacting from the sluggishness.

They didn't expect Ye Feng to say these words so violently before.

At this moment, the power in Ye Feng's body has not reached the point of invincibility, and the power radiated is not a terror beyond the limit.

Hearing Ye Feng's words, the three people present were also shocked by Ye Feng's aura.

Then the extremely terrifying force of coercion was released from them, as if to completely suppress Ye Feng to death in the shortest possible time.

The power they control has reached an extreme state, and the breath released at this moment is even more terrifying.

"Bold thief, who gave you the courage to speak to us like this, do you know what the situation is now?

With these words you have said, it is enough for us to kill you completely, even one

The power controlled by Emperor Yaochen and his angry body was released crazily at this moment, as if to suppress all the auras between heaven and earth.

The power under his control was also supported by the Vast Sky Sea at this moment, and the original aura in the body was circling frantically.

At this moment, the entire Haotian Sea seemed to be turned into a stone prison, and Ye Feng's body was firmly sealed in it.

The extremely terrifying power burst out an unimaginable breath at this moment, and could completely suppress the power between heaven and earth at any time.

Ye Feng was also aware of the terrifying power contained in this power, but there was no fear on her face.

Emperor Yaochen's strength is indeed extremely huge, but it is also nothing more than that for Ye Feng.

Although his power at this moment has been greatly improved through the tempering of Beidi Zhenshui, more importantly, it is the powerful power controlled by Ye Feng.

The power of Chaos and several other energies under his control are extremely powerful for Ye Feng, allowing him to change his combat effectiveness in a short period of time.

Facing the constantly coming stone cage, Ye Feng didn't have any position at all, Shi Shiran mobilized the most powerful aura in his body.

The power that had just been brewing converged completely at this moment, directly attached to the Divine Fortune Sword, and immediately burst into extremely bright sword light.

Just saw Ye Feng waving his arms casually, and the original power in his body exploded at this moment.

In an instant, countless bright good fortune sword qi directly swarmed Emperor Chao Yaochen to kill him, and the attack he released was also blocked by Ye Feng's sword qi.

In an instant, the power emanating from the void reached the extreme unimaginable by ordinary people, and the terrifying aura contained in it completely exploded in a short period of time.

In Ye Feng's eyes, an extremely dangerous force was reflected, as if to reflect all the laws of heaven and earth in his pupils.

These two terrible attacks collided in this short period of time, and the rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded directly.

There is also an extremely terrifying destructive force released in all directions, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

Before, Emperor Yaochen didn't take Ye Feng to heart, thinking that his attack was extremely powerful, enough to completely suppress Ye Feng in the shortest possible time.

After all, he had fought Ye Feng in the air before, and it was just a glorious force that completely suppressed Ye Feng.

However, this time he never expected Ye Feng's strength to increase so terribly.

The moment the two attacks collided, an extremely powerful aura exploded, directly changing Emperor Yaochen's expression.

An extremely fierce force was released in this short period of time, and the brilliant sword light that Ye Feng slashed directly cut off all the attacks he released.

Possessing the extremely powerful sword energy, it is released at this moment, like a torrential rain, pouring down towards Emperor Yaochen, as if to kill it in the shortest possible time.

Such a force also made Emperor Yaochen's complexion extremely ugly, and the aura in his body was mobilized at this moment, madly releasing towards those sword auras.

The powerful pressure released by the superposition of the two forces shocked everyone present.

The emperor Yaochen was able to show such a terrifying power, those people were not shocked, but Ye Feng was able to stay under the attack of Emperor Yaochen, which really made them unexpected.

What is even more frightening is that the power displayed by Ye Feng at this moment is even stronger than Emperor Yaochen.

This caused slight changes in the expressions of several other people.

Emperor Yaochen was extremely angry in his heart, directly mobilizing the most powerful force in his body, releasing an extremely powerful source of power.

Among the five poles of the world, the central controller where Emperor Yaochen is located has the extremely powerful earth attribute power, and the corresponding original power is also known as the Huangtian thick earth.

At this moment, Emperor Yaochen also released the thick earth of the Emperor Heaven, and the terrifying aura circulating in his body completely exploded at this moment.

With extremely powerful attributes, the power released an extremely shocking and terrifying aura in this short period of time, as if all the power between heaven and earth was completely suppressed in this short period of time.

Even Ye Feng sensed that the power in his body had solidified a bit, and it seemed that he could not release his own breath at all, but the Northern Emperor True Water was still running continuously.

Without any hesitation, Ye Feng released the Northern Emperor's True Water he controlled with his backhand.

For a while, the entire Haotian Sea seemed to be echoing his power, and the monstrous waves immediately washed down towards the emperor's thick soil.

However, no matter how powerful the waves are, Huangtian's thick soil is still as solid as a rock, standing still.

No matter how Ye Feng mobilized his original strength, he couldn't have any influence on Huangtian Thick Soil.

"Among the Five Elements, Turk Water, with the Northern Emperor True Water that you control, it can't affect my imperial heaven and earth at all.

You still want to fight with me if you have this ability, so let me die. "

While speaking, Emperor Yaochen's body broke out again, with an extremely powerful force, as if to completely destroy all the attributes between heaven and earth.

The enormously huge imperial sky and thick soil pushed forward little by little, even to completely suppress Ye Feng's details to death.

And the Beidi Zhenshui controlled by Ye Feng was just as Emperor Yaochen said, unable to resist the power of the emperor's thick soil at all.

Watching the terrifying emperor's thick soil fall a little bit, Ye Feng had no possibility of resisting except for running the Northern Emperor's True Water.

It wasn't until the terrible attack was about to fall on Ye Feng's head that his expression finally changed slightly.

"Is it the only way?"

At this moment, an expression of contempt appeared on Ye Feng's face, as if he did not put the attack of Emperor Yaochen in his eyes at all.

An extremely terrifying force burst out from Ye Feng's body, as if to completely destroy all the power of attributes between heaven and earth.

Originally, Beidi Zhenshui, which was like an endless ocean, suddenly changed at this moment, and the energy contained in it turned into a chaotic atmosphere.

At this moment, a terrifying Northern Emperor Zhenshui was constantly surging over those imperial heavenly thick soil close to Ye Feng like a chaotic air current, and it was also easily blocked.

At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes were also shining endless brilliance like stars in the sky.

It seems that all the law and power between heaven and earth have appeared in his divine thought.

Ye Feng's control of the power of the law has also reached a terrifying state that ordinary people can't imagine, and the original aura in the body is extremely fierce.

When using the Northern Emperor's True Water, Ye Feng also thought of all means to incorporate his own chaotic law and attribute power into it.

Although, compared with the power of the law controlled by Ye Feng, there may still be a certain gap between Beidi Zhenshui.

But relying on Ye Feng's incomparably complex spiritual power, mixed with infinite laws, it is also possible to improve the quality of Beidi's true water.

Just as Ye Feng expected, when he fully integrated his own power of good fortune and the law of chaos into the Northern Emperor's True Water, he immediately gave the entire piece of Northern Emperor's True Water the scent of chaos.

The vast ocean around it is also like the sea of ​​chaos at this moment. Any kind of attribute power will be strongly suppressed after approaching Ye Feng.

Even if it is the emperor's thick soil, it is still the same.

The immense strength, at this moment, is like a deep quagmire, unable to extricate itself, and the aura contained in it has been swallowed and refined by Ye Feng in a very short time.

Upon seeing this scene, Emperor Yaochen's expression was even more ugly. The breath in his body was released crazily at this moment, as if to completely destroy all the power between heaven and earth.

An extremely terrifying aura continuously erupted within his body, releasing the most terrifying power he controlled, and the terrible pressure contained therein shocked everyone present.

They did not expect that Emperor Yaochen was so desperately releasing his most powerful power at this moment.

Behind Emperor Yaochen, a restaurant emerged directly. The countless trees were full of fruits, and the brilliance released by them was extremely terrifying.

It was precisely by virtue of these powers that Emperor Yaochen directly raised his own strength to the extreme, and the terrifying energy radiated made everyone even more cautious.

The endless power of brilliance swarmed downwards, seeming to kill Ye Feng completely in the shortest time.

The collision between the glorious obsolescence and the sea of ​​chaos will trigger a terrifying violent explosion every time, as if to completely destroy the entire world.

The power of Chaos controlled by Ye Feng has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine, and at this moment, an unimaginable huge pressure has exploded.

No matter how suppressed, everyone present could not resist this terrible shocking force, and such a rumbling sound of destruction and shock sounded in the entire Vast Sky Sea.

At this moment, the power of Chaos in Ye Feng's body was also extremely strongly affected, as if the whole body was about to be completely destroyed by half.

However, the power of good fortune surrounding his body was fully functioning at this moment. The extremely powerful laws of good fortune continued to circulate in the void, even affecting this piece of heaven and earth.

The breath of the law is constantly released, bringing all the forces in the surrounding space into one's control, and even those glorious powers are affected by the law of good fortune.

Ye Feng stepped lightly, the breath in his body was constantly released, and every step was like stepping in the void.

The extremely strong wave force spread out, as if to bring everything in the space under one's control.

Under the control of Ye Feng, the sea of ​​chaos has also undergone a certain degree of change, and the terrifying aura contained in it is also frantically turbulent at this moment.

The scene of the destruction of heaven and earth was reflected in the sea of ​​chaos, and the aura of destruction exuded even more shocked everyone present.

In the next moment, Ye Feng’s laws of good fortune were also integrated into it, as if it was a terrifying power that formed a sharp contrast with that extreme destruction and destruction. In this short period of time, all the scenes in the sea of ​​chaos were shattered. cover.

The scene of the birth of the world should be convened again at this moment, evolving the mystery of the world directly in front of everyone's eyes.

Two completely different scenes, the breath exuding at this moment, constantly alternated at this moment.

It was as if to completely evolve all the scenes between heaven and earth, generally two different auras circulated directly, making the power around Ye Feng even more terrifying.

Those glorious fruits that are constantly falling down have extremely powerful destructive powers, but they can't resist such terrifying mysterious supernatural powers.

The endless power of brilliance was completely swallowed and refined in an instant, and the original aura in it was also integrated into Ye Feng's sea of ​​chaos.

"You want to kill me even with your abilities, it's simply overwhelming.

Maybe you are just getting used to it, and never thought about where your strength has reached?

Now that you have met me, then I will let you wake up completely. "

While speaking, the sea of ​​chaos controlled by Ye Feng surged again, and the terrifying aura exuded in it reached an unimaginable point.

Looking back, Ye Feng had already used the power of the law of chaos to create an incomparably huge mountain in the void.

Above the mountain, the chaotic atmosphere lingers, and there is an extremely vicious ability which continuously exudes a terrifying aura, and it may fall down at any time.

The power of law in the sea of ​​Vast Sky is constantly oscillating under the influence of this force, as if it was completely shocked by this powerful force.

When Emperor Yaochen faced this move released by Ye Feng, his face became a little pale, and the power in his body was constantly trembling.

The towering old tree behind him is constantly shocking, and the aura from the countless leaves falling is more ferocious than before, I don't know how many times.

"Bold thief, dare to humiliate me so much, what do you think you are?"

The thought of Ye Feng’s humiliation to him, Emperor Yaochen was even more crazy, and immediately mobilized the most powerful force in his body, and the towering old tree behind him was even more shining. .

In the next moment, an extremely terrifying aura exploded, and the power possessed by Huangtian Thick Soil was completely integrated into Emperor Yaochen's body.

At the same time, an even more terrifying, ancient sacred mountain was released from Emperor Yaochen's body.

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