Sky War God

Chapter 3594: Battle in the void

[网] Ling Tian War God Chapter 3594 Battle in the Void

That kind of terrifying aura burst out, making the surrounding space completely chaotic, like a pot of boiling porridge.

At this moment, Ye Feng also released the most powerful force in his body, wanting to stabilize the surrounding space.

However, the strength of this force is not in the surrounding space, but in crushing Ye Feng's body again and again.

Even wanting to pull Ye Feng into an extremely deep world, this kind of completely obliterated.

Feeling such a force, Ye Feng's expression also became extremely solemn, and the original aura in his body was moving at a speed that ordinary people could not imagine.

He could feel the aura contained in that world, which was extremely terrifying. Once he sank into it, he might never be able to escape back.

One's own power also worked in a short period of time, and the energy emitted was spreading crazily at an extremely fast speed, as if to completely destroy everything in the world.

At the same time, the power of space controlled by Ye Feng is constantly released at this moment, wanting to suppress the entire space with the strongest posture.

It's just that the suction radiating from that world is too strong, even Ye Feng can't change anything with his best efforts.


With a roar, Ye Feng did not hesitate to release all the power of his divine consciousness directly, and waves of extremely terrifying spatial fluctuations continued to surround Ye Feng's body.

It was too strong, even Ye Feng tried his best to completely suppress the original power in the body, and it was running at an extremely fast speed.

However, this kind of power is really too reluctant for Ye Feng, and the power of the constantly circulating aura in his body is also quite terrifying.

"It's useless, because of your strength, you can't escape from the void channel at all, just wait for it to be swallowed up obediently."

At this moment, an extremely arrogant voice resounded in the space, and the aura that radiated even more fiercely rushed towards Ye Feng.

Such a force is constantly surging in the void, and the aura of destruction it radiates is beyond imagination.

At this moment, the brilliance scattered in Ye Feng's eyes had reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.


Ye Feng frowned and asked suspiciously, he never thought that the person who shot him at this moment turned out to be Youshen.

"What the **** do you want to do?"

Ye Feng asked, the chaotic power in his body was also trying his best to release it, as if he was going to swallow all the power of the attributes between heaven and earth.

At this moment, Ye Feng had also sensed the power of the void around him, possessing unimaginable terrifying power, and seemed to be able to completely destroy everything.

If you want to resist such a power, only the power of the Celestial God level can suppress it.

At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes were also shining with extremely cold brilliance, as if to completely explode the most terrifying power in his body.

Without any hesitation, Ye Feng's body once again released a violent aura, as if to completely suppress everything in the world.

Originally, Ye Feng wanted to mobilize the power of the Chaos Origin in the Heavenly Chaos Spirit Orb.

But after thinking about it, he directly pushed the power in the body completely, and the original power in the body also impacted with the scale on the arm.

It was the spatial power that radiated from the void at this instant that had reached a point that ordinary people could not imagine, and the extremely terrifying aura spread madly at this moment.

Feeling the operation of such an energy, Ye Feng also released the most powerful aura in his body for the first time, as if to completely suppress all the forces between the world and the earth.

At this moment, Ye Feng was also doing his best to run the original power in his body, as if he wanted to completely suppress everything in the world.

The energy controlled by oneself is even more so that it runs wildly at an unimaginable speed, and the breath that radiates directly cuts off the power of space.

That void channel was also completely broken at this moment, and the energy contained in it collapsed crazily at an extremely fast speed.

Feeling such a powerful force, Ye Feng's expression has also become relaxed, and some of the power in his body is recovering at an unimaginable speed.

"The scales of the Void Hydra?"

Youshen looked at Ye Feng with some doubts, as if he didn't expect that he actually possessed such a treasure.

Although Void Hydra does not have the cultivation base of the Celestial God Realm, the power of the space he controls is beyond imagination.

It's just that the power exerted by that scale is not weaker than the gods under normal circumstances.

Such a force continues to spread in the space, and the breath it exudes is also terrifying beyond imagination.

Even the energy in the void channel is constantly stimulating the scales of the void Hydra, as if calling his body.

That is to say, in this very short period of time, Youshen's complexion has become iron blue, and the most terrifying power in the body is released for the first time.

This terrifying aura directly shrouded Ye Feng's body, and the destructive power that erupted was beyond imagination. He wanted to crush Ye Feng to death in the shortest possible time.

Ye Feng's expression also became extremely indifferent at this moment, and the power in his body was quickly released, directly condensing the power of good fortune in his body.

Without any hesitation, the Divine Sword of Good Fortune directly slashed out an extremely terrifying edge, as if it was about to completely destroy everything between heaven and earth.

Moreover, the power of good fortune and the resonance of the whole world are spreading at an extremely fast speed, as if to mobilize all the power in this piece of void.

The aura displayed by the ghost is even more terrifying, and the original power in the body has been released for the first time.

This terrifying energy has exploded with unimaginable power in a very short period of time, and it seems to be completely destroying everything between this world.

The powerful turbulence emanating from the void was simply terrifying beyond imagination, and it had a huge impact on Ye Feng in a very short period of time.

The terrifying turbulence collided with the bright sword light, and a strong conflict immediately occurred.

The extremely terrifying sound of destruction and shock resounded in the void, and the power of destruction radiated crazily spread in all directions.

It is precisely because of this power that everything in the surrounding space becomes extremely terrifying, as if to completely destroy the entire world.

"Well, it's worthy of being my enemy. With your swordsmanship, it's enough to be praised."

Feeling the terrifying swordsmanship released by Ye Feng, Youshen's expression has also become more and more ugly, and the original power in his body is running at an extremely fast speed.

This kind of terrifying energy has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, as if the attribute aura between heaven and earth will be drawn by this force.

Especially the power of good fortune controlled by Ye Feng is bursting with unimaginable power at this moment.

Every move can lead to extremely terrifying energy, as if to completely destroy everything in this world.

Such a terrifying aura shocked everyone present. It seemed that they had never expected that the energy contained in the void would have completely descended at this moment.

An extremely powerful attribute force also burst out of the body of the Heavenly Lady Saintess, running at an extremely fast speed, as if to suppress everything in this world.

At the same time, her thoughts spread madly towards the outside world, making the faces of those elders madly shocked.

"What the **** is going on, what do you people do for food?

No one has noticed such a big event in the Sky-Swallowing Demon Realm. Are you all dead? "

Such a terrifying force burst out, as if to completely destroy everything between the heavens and the earth, and the waves of destruction emanating from it reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.

At this moment, those elders directly released the power under their control and quickly penetrated the void.

With this kind of power, these elders are also exploring the changes in the world at an extremely fast speed, and want to explore and understand in the shortest possible time what happened.

While these elders tried their best to investigate, extremely terrifying fluctuations were also exuding in the void.

In this short period of time, the aura that burst out of the void had already reached an extremely terrifying state.

The ghost released a destructive power that ordinary people could not reach, as if to completely swallow everything in the world and completely destroy it.

Ye Feng's expression was also extremely indifferent, and the power of good fortune mobilized in his body quickly merged with the divine sword of good fortune in his hand.

At the same time, he also released the power of the space in his body, and combined with the power of good fortune to slash out an extremely terrifying blade of destruction.

A series of terrifying space blades were released, and the destructive power radiated out simply reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.

It was also with these offensive powers that Ye Feng directly attacked You Shenzhan with an extremely terrifying attack.

That is to say, in a very short period of time, the power that burst out of the void has reached an extremely terrifying point, and the two terrifying powers are madly colliding at this moment.

The rumbling sound of terror and shock resounded, and the extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

This piece of space has been completely shredded, and the aura exuded in it has reached an unimaginable point.

It's like saying that all the rules here have been completely obliterated.

The destructive attacks continuously released by Ye Feng and the two were simply terrifying to an unimaginable level.

"Ye Feng, I never thought that you still have such a powerful means, and it is impossible for me to keep you anymore.

Your presence has affected me too many things, and even my most important plan has been destroyed.

Regardless of the reason, you must die here. "

After saying this, Youshen's body also burst out of a wave of destruction that ordinary people can't match, and in a very short period of time, it severely impacted on Ye Feng's body.

At this moment, extremely terrifying waves of destruction were continuously released in the void.

At this moment, the body of Youshen became extremely large, and the powerful aura radiated from the body reached a point beyond ordinary people's reach.

Feeling such a terrible power, the original miracle in the body is running wildly at this moment.

Ye Feng would even feel the feeling of death because of this.

As if his body would be completely destroyed at this moment, there is no possibility of survival.

Seeing such a scene, Ye Feng didn't hesitate, and immediately released his most terrifying power.

The power of good fortune, the power of space, mixed with the chaotic power in the body, at this moment, all the abilities between the heaven and the earth have been shrouded in his body.

An extremely huge wave of destruction was completely dissipated at this time, and the energy possessed made the surrounding space constantly turbulent.

"Do you want to kill me? It depends on you?"

At this moment, Ye Feng is also extremely arrogant, the original aura in his body has been circling crazily, and the tyrannical force it exudes is simply to completely destroy the entire space.

The power of the chaos in the body is constantly running at this moment, and the powerful aura that it emits is to completely destroy everything in the world.

Facing such a huge force, Youshen was also undaunted, and directly photographed an extremely huge destruction palm print forward.

The energy contained in this long shadow is simply beyond imagination, and it seems to be able to completely destroy everything in this entire world.

More importantly, the power contained in this destruction palmprint is constantly evolving in the void, swallowing the aura of destruction between the world and the earth, making its power even more violent.

At this moment, Ye Feng's expression has also become extremely indifferent, and the power of the origin in his body has reached an extremely terrifying state.

I only saw Ye Feng slowly swinging the divine sword of good fortune in his hand, and the power released by it reached an extremely terrifying point.

In this short period of time, a wave of destruction beyond imagination was directly killed by Ye Feng.

The powerful force exuded made the space present turbulent wildly.

That dazzling golden light is almost like completely dividing the entire world, and directly slashing towards that extremely powerful destruction palmprint.

In this short period of time, the power emanating from the void has reached a realm that ordinary people cannot imagine.

That terrible wave of destruction was running crazily at this moment, and the energy it radiated shocked everyone.

In the next instant, two terrible destruction attacks collided.

The rumble of destruction, the sound of shock resounded in the void, and an extremely huge force spread in all directions.

The whole void is already boiling.

The breath radiated by such a frenzied explosion of power reached an extremely terrifying point.

However, Ye Feng took a step forward, and that extremely terrifying force was completely released at this moment.

The incomparably bright sword light was like cutting off the entire space, and the terrifying power it possessed was spreading at an extremely fast speed.

In this short period of time, the power in the void has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.

The wave of destruction slashed forward frantically, and the power it possessed was constantly crushing towards the side where the ghost was.

There was no room for any reaction at all, this terrifying sword light of destruction had already been slashed on You Shen's body.

In the next instant, his extremely terrifying body collapsed at this moment, and the breath radiating from his body became extremely cruel at this moment.

It was as if to say that this piece of space should be completely swallowed and contaminated.

Such a breath spreads wildly in the void, and the power it possesses is also terrifying beyond imagination.

In such a force, Ye Feng also felt a familiar breath, which made his expression extremely ugly.

"Power of the Abyss."

Staring at the body of Youshen, Ye Feng said word by word, the wave of destruction emanating from the body was even more extreme at this moment.

In any case, Ye Feng did not expect that the power of the abyss that You Shen actually controlled at this moment, and that such a power was fully displayed, the breath that it exudes is simply violent to the point that ordinary people can't imagine.

Without any hesitation, he directly released the strongest power in his body, and Ye Feng slashed forward fiercely.

Although Ye Feng didn't have a deep understanding of the abyss, the terrifying power was too terrifying.

If such power were really allowed to come down, there would be no peaceful place in the whole world.

And the first to face the abyss is the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect.

At this moment, Ye Feng had not heard from his wife and children, and he would never let such a place be easily destroyed.

Without any hesitation, the breath in the body was continuously released, and the destructive power exuded at this moment reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.

An incomparably powerful bright sword light burst out from the void, and the destructive power it slashed at the debut reached an unimaginable realm at this moment.

Ye Feng's power of good fortune was circling frantically at this moment, and the aura that it radiated had even affected this piece of void, as if to allow the real world to descend here.

With the help of the power of good fortune and the connection between the heavens and the earth, the energy that Ye Feng operates has become more powerful, and the aura radiated from every move becomes more sacred.

"Youshen, today you will definitely die."

At this moment, Ye Feng also said indifferently, the power possessed in his body began to become extremely crazy.

That powerful breath spread wildly in the void.

The destructive power beyond imagination is almost completely destroying this space.

The extremely terrifying aura of attributes was completely released in the next instant, as if going out was to completely destroy the power in the entire space.

In this short period of time, the power emanating from the void has reached its extreme.

Ye Feng even released all the chaotic visions he controlled, cooperating with the power of good fortune to derive another scene.

Chaos opens up, everything derives, and various attribute powers are born in a very short period of time.

Chaos vision, creation of all things!

The chaotic visions that Ye Feng used before were all the existence of destroying all things, and in this piece of void, Ye Feng also began to evolve a real world.

Although it was just an illusory world projected using the chaotic vision as the basis, the environment in the void at this moment was completely biased towards Ye Feng.

At this moment, the world of Ye Feng completely released this power, and directly crushed it towards the side where the ghost was.

"Ye Feng, don't think that you can suppress me with this little means. The power I control is not what you can imagine."

At this moment, another terrifying force burst out of You Shen's body, as if to completely destroy the entire world.

The aura contained in the body is running crazily at this moment, and the attribute power released is spreading crazily at an extremely fast speed.

Such a powerful force is simply going to completely destroy the entire space, and the aura of destruction emanating from it erupts in a very short period of time.

In just an instant, the original power in Ye Feng's body had reached an extreme, and a strong force spread directly.

The Nether God did not hesitate, and directly burned the most powerful aura in his body, releasing an incomparably terrifying power of the abyss.

This power of the abyss formed an extremely tragic brilliance, directly covering a piece of space around it.

The powerful force radiated out even more completely destroys this space.

The wave of destruction even completely transforms the entire space into an abyssal territory.

However, before he could fully explode this breath, Ye Feng had completely released his own power.

The dazzling brilliance continued to bloom, and that terrifying energy was released at an extremely fast speed.

The whole world was completely silent at this moment.

On top of the terrible shock shock in the next moment, it erupted directly.

The abyss world and the realm of good fortune collided at this moment, with extremely terrifying waves of destruction, spreading wildly in all directions, and the impact formed by the two completely different auras was truly terrifying beyond imagination.

Faced with such a tyrannical force, no one can guarantee that he will survive in such a situation.

Such a burst of energy is more than enough to completely destroy the entire space.

Whether it is Ye Feng or Youshen, they are under unimaginable terrible pressure, as if their body will be completely destroyed under this terrible wave of destruction.

In the next moment, Ye Feng's eyes suddenly burst into incomparable brilliance, and he took a step forward, and the power of space attached to his body.

In a very short time, Ye Feng had already crossed the layers of space and appeared around You Shen's body again.

He didn't mobilize any power, just punched ahead fiercely.

You Shen didn't have any fear about this either, he just gathered his power of the abyss and shot it towards Ye Feng.

However, at the moment when the two attacks collided, extremely terrifying fluctuations broke out.

Such a terrifying breath erupted in a very short period of time, as if to completely destroy everything in this world.

Such a powerful breath continued to spread in the void, and it was even released into the Sky Swallowing Demon Sect.

Such terrifying power even shocked everyone present, as if all the power in the body would be completely destroyed.

The extremely powerful aura is spreading crazily at this moment, and no energy can restrain them.

Even though it is the Saintess of Skylane, running the breath in her body with all her strength, she can't suppress these forces, she can only watch them continue to expand outward, and even complete everything in this world. destroy.

In this extreme time, Ye Feng had released the most terrifying force in his body, and the original power in his body was expanding wildly at an unimaginable speed.

Without any hesitation, the original power in the body is constantly burning, and the powerful aura that it emits spreads wildly at an extremely fast speed.

Youshen did not hesitate even more, the power that burst out was even more fierce than Ye Feng.

In this way, the terrifying aura spreading in the void has reached a point that ordinary people can't imagine.

This kind of destruction wave, at this moment, continues to expand, and the power radiated has shocked everyone even more.

It was as if the entire space of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Sect had to be completely destroyed.

At this moment, an extremely huge head came out in the void, a pair of dim vertical pupils staring at a certain position in the void.

In a very short period of time, the extremely terrifying wave of destruction was suppressed so easily.

The powerful force exuded at this moment released a powerful aura that ordinary people can't imagine.

Such a terrifying force directly penetrated the void and only descended on Ye Feng's side.

At this moment, Ye Feng was in control of such a terrifying energy, and the original power in his body was constantly boiling.

The tyrannical power radiated from every move made everyone present extremely shocked, as if it would be completely swallowed up in the first place.

At the same time, Ye Feng also felt that the scales on his arm had completely erupted at this moment.

This allowed the space power he controlled to reach an extremely terrifying state at this moment, as if to completely refine the power in the entire space.

The terrifying power burst out of the body again, this time You Shen had no possibility of resisting.

I could only watch that a tyrannical aura of destruction descended on him, as if he was going to completely destroy his body.

Such a terrifying power spread wildly in the void, and the aura that it exudes was so terrifying, so that You Shen could only watch this power descend on him.

The destructive wave was released frantically, and the energy contained in it reached a point beyond ordinary people's reach.

That is to say, the extremely powerful force crushed down at this moment, and bombarded the body of Youshen.

This attack directly made You Shen Zhongchuang's complexion extremely pale, and his body trembled constantly as if he had been shocked.

An extremely powerful force spread in the void, and the aura that it exudes reached an extremely powerful state.

I saw the ghosts of the ghosts as if they were being broken down, and the energy contained in them was dissolving at an extremely fast speed.

The power of chaos emerged in Ye Feng's palm, and then it condensed into a sea swallowing **** orb.

Without any hesitation, Ye Feng controlled the Sea-Swallowing God Orb and smashed it forward.

An extremely terrifying force of devouring burst out in that space, frantically refining and sealing the power of the abyss.

Whenever the Sea-Swallowing God Orb was filled, Ye Feng would take it back, and then release his tyrannical power again to suppress the power of the abyss.

And at this moment, after seeing such a scene, the face of You Shen also became extremely ugly, and the original power in his body was boiling wildly at an extremely fast speed.

Even if he tried his best, he couldn't change the situation at this moment, but instead caused the aura in his body to continue to decline.

Mobilizing the most powerful aura in his body, when the power of the surrounding abyss became more and more terrifying, but he tried his best, even the power released by his life, but was restrained by Ye Feng.

"Impossible, how can you suppress the power of the abyss.

Why are you not contaminated by the power of the abyss? Who are you? "

Perceiving the abnormality in Ye Feng's body, Youshen roared frantically with the last remaining power, wanting to use his most terrifying aura to impact the energy in Ye Feng's body.

However, such a terrifying aura was completely suppressed by the Sea-Swallowing God Orb before it got close to Ye Feng.

Even if he tried his best, he wouldn't be able to affect Ye Feng at all, instead he would become Ye Feng's tonic.

At this moment, Ye Feng also looked at him with an extremely indifferent gaze.

Did not say a word.

The more Ye Feng is like this, the more angry You Shen's heart is, and he wants to do his best to suppress Ye Feng and regain his own power.

But all this he did was in vain in the end.

Such a terrifying force of the abyss, UU Reading finally vanished under Ye Feng's continuous refining and attrition.

And the power of the Chaos Origin in Ye Feng's body has also increased to a certain extent.

When feeling such a force, Ye Feng couldn't help but cocked the corner of his mouth, and the aura in his body grew crazily at an extremely fast speed.

"It seems that all this has subsided after all."

As the power in his body was constantly running, Ye Feng also sighed softly.

Then he ran the power of the space in his body, trying to calm the surrounding void completely.

However, at this moment, an extremely powerful traction broke out in the void again, which was directly locked on Ye Feng's body.

The passage of the abyss was opened again, and the terrifying swallowing power released directly covered Ye Feng's body, and he was going to be pulled into the abyss world.

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