Sky War God

Chapter 3636: Law Transformation

The terrifying aura exuded by the three opponents' teamwork is already so powerful that ordinary people can't imagine it.


   A terrifying power spread wildly in the void, and the breath that it exudes reached an extremely terrifying state.


   Feeling such a powerful force, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became colder and colder, and the aura in his body was moving at an extremely fast speed.


   The incomparably bright sword light spread out from Lefeng's body, such a powerful force, even to completely destroy the entire space.


   Feeling such a terrifying aura, the original power in Ye Feng's body is also running at an extremely fast speed, that kind of terrifying energy, even breaking through a certain special limit.


   Countless destructive powers move quickly in the void, and such a breath is completely released at this moment.


  In an instant, two terrifying forces crazily collided in the void with the powerful coercive force, even trying to completely destroy this space.


   The rumbling sound of terrifying shock reverberated crazily in the void, and the breath that it radiated would even completely destroy the entire space.


Perceiving such a force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes has become more radiant, and the original power in his body is moving at an extremely fast speed, as if he was trying to turn everything between the world and the earth. Suppress it completely.


   However, the attack on Ye Feng at this moment was also unprecedentedly terrifying, his body seemed to be torn away completely.


   The terrible force of suppression came down directly towards the direction where Ye Feng was located. Even the strongest sword light that Ye Feng had slashed out could not exert its full effect at this moment.


   At that moment, Ye Feng only felt that his body was about to be completely destroyed. The countless power of destruction had completely collapsed in this very short time.


   The terrifying power that kept coming down in the space, even Shang Ye Feng was extremely shocked by the original power in his body, running at an extremely fast speed.


   When he felt this power, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became more dazzling, and the aura that radiated from every move became more terrifying.


   Even with such terrible power, the more Ye Feng had no fear, he was still running the aura in his body, as if he wanted to completely suppress the opponent's body.


   At this moment, the other party also felt Ye Feng's tenacious expression, and it became extremely hideous.


   "The life-and-death guy dare to intervene in the battle between us.


   What do you think you are, the power you possess is simply not enough to compete with us.


   Now is the time when you must die. "


   Someone said so loudly that the aura radiating from the body is also fierce to an unimaginable level.


   That terrible force of destruction also descended from the void at an extremely fast speed, and the breath it radiated even reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.


   When feeling such a power, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely bright, and the power that he radiated was even more tyrannical to a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.


   The aura in the body is once again the power of the law that madly moves the heavens and the earth at this moment, and it converges towards its own location at an extremely fast speed.


   The existence of such a force also caused the entire space to tremble constantly, and the tyrannical aura even swallowed the whole world completely.


   At this moment, Ye Feng is also doing his best to fully mobilize the aura he exudes. Such a terrifying force has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


  The various metal forces between heaven and earth, under the traction of Ye Feng, madly converged towards his location, and the Heavenly Demon Golden Body Art was moving at an extremely fast speed.


   When I felt this kind of terrifying aura, the power emanating from the void had already been overwhelmingly beyond the reach of an ordinary person. The countless auras of destruction and the crazy operation seemed to completely destroy the surrounding space.


   Feeling such a power, those present also noticed the powerful strength that Ye Feng possessed, and immediately released the most terrifying aura in his body.


   However, at the moment when this force was released, the life force in the surrounding space began a frantic riot at this moment, and Ye Feng's figure also emerged from the divine sword of good fortune.


Although the integration of his body and the divine sword of good fortune can release the most powerful force, the aura gathered in the space at this moment is not enough to support Ye Feng's pure use of the divine sword of good fortune. the power of.


   The law aura in the void began to gather crazily at this moment, such a terrifying force, even tyrannical to a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.


   keeps running, with such a force, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes also runs to the extreme at this moment, the aura that is constantly permeating the space, even breaking into a special state.


   Countless powers of destruction spread wildly in the void, such a breath, even tyrannical to an unimaginable terrifying realm, even the surrounding space has begun to twist.


   "This is all you asked for. I didn't want to fight with you, but now you have no chance to escape."


   Ye Feng said coldly. At this moment, he held the Divine Sword of Good Fortune in his hand, and the aura of destruction exuded from every move was terrifying beyond imagination.


   The law of good fortune between heaven and earth has been completely controlled by Ye Feng, such a force is even tyrannical to the point that an ordinary person can't reach it.


   I only saw Ye Feng waving the sword of good fortune in one hand, and the other hand was constantly releasing the power of countless magic arts, fusing such a power on the sword of good fortune.


   The extremely terrifying attribute power immediately permeated the space, spreading crazily in the void, and at the same time, even more terrifying attribute power completely exploded at this moment.


   Suddenly, the powerful aura contained in the heavens and the earth has begun to explode frantically, and the destructive power released by it has been slashed towards the other three.


   The three opponents were also shown by Ye Feng at this moment. The aura from the body shocked by the strength was also completely released at this moment.


   The terrifying power in the next moment was like swallowing Ye Feng's sword light completely, and the aura it radiated was even more tyrannical than ordinary people could imagine.


   However, the sword light that Ye Feng slashed out was actually in the air, and a leap and disappeared in the air, which also caused the power of the three to be directly defeated.


   At the same time, such a terrifying sword light appeared directly in the Universe Sun Moon Pot, and the extremely terrifying aura of destruction broke out at this moment.


   The strength of the Universe Sun Moon Pot is also beyond imagination. It is terribly capable of completely distorting the surrounding space in a very short period of time. However, the power of Ye Feng's sword is too terrifying, making him unable to react.


   contains an extremely strong sword energy of destruction, everything in the surrounding space seems to have been completely destroyed, even the Universe Sun Moon Pot cannot resist it.


   He had lost control of his body at the first time, and the breath that he radiated was also constantly breaking down at this moment.


   In an instant, the surrounding space changed again. That kind of extremely terrifying force, which circulated little by little in the space, gave out a breath that was even more tyrannical than an ordinary person could not.


   Feeling that the energy radiated from the entire space by such a force has reached an extremely powerful state, this terrifying energy is even going to completely swallow the surrounding world.




   The three people present felt such a terrifying spatial force, and their expressions were extremely shocked.


   The origin in the body, the breath began to circulate crazily at this moment, and the power radiated out even reached a point that ordinary people could not reach.


   Especially the green gold shepherd cloud wheel at this moment, is doing its best to circulate the aura in the body, and the endless blue cloud light is released, as if to completely suppress the surrounding space.


   However, the power of this kind of space could not be calmed down in a short period of time. An extremely terrifying force rushed out from the depths of the space.


   Feeling this powerful force, the three people present did not hesitate to transfer the attack they had just released. The terrible power that could destroy the world was completely released at this moment.


   Suddenly, this space seemed to be completely destroyed, countless auras of destruction, the power of destruction released by the continuous diffusion in the void, and even the entire space was completely destroyed.


   The rumbling sound of destruction and shock continued to resound in the void, and that extremely powerful force of destruction would even completely destroy the world.


   When feeling this power, everyone present also realized that the aura that they radiated had been swallowed by that terrifying spatial fluctuation.


   This space is like a melting pot, which is constantly destroying something, and it seems that a special substance is being refined in the cluster.


   This change also made the expressions of the few people present extremely ugly, and the original power in the body was a little out of control, it seemed that the other party was in control of some terrible power.


   That is, in a very short period of time, Ye Feng directly released the aura in his body. That terrifying force even completely suppressed the entire world.


   The power contained in the law of good fortune, at this moment, is also exerting its best, such an extremely pure aura, even to completely suppress the entire world.


   The original laws of good fortune are enough to rotate life between heaven and earth, and even to be able to make all things at will, the power radiated has a very strong influence on any matter.


   is like Ye Feng at this moment, after using the various metal forces between the world and the earth to continuously condense, he can create an extremely powerful metal body.


   It even said that such materials can be used to improve the quality of the sword of good fortune.


   And at this moment, Ye Feng is also infiltrating the power of good fortune, it seems that he wants to completely refine that side of the space in the shortest time.


When the other three peerless gods perceive such a breath, their expressions become extremely ugly, and the breath in the body is moving at a very fast speed, as if to exude Ye Feng. The power was completely torn away.


   In the peculiar space on that side, the aura that exudes is exactly the Universe Sun Moon Pot.


   That extremely terrifying destructive power brewed in the space, like a flame, constantly tempering the Universe Sun Moon Pot, wiping out his body a little bit.


   The metal origin is directly swallowed by the space of that side, it seems to be completely smelted away, but the power of the law of space contained in the core place has started an extremely drastic change at this moment.


   That kind of feeling is like completely destroying everything in the surrounding space, and the aura it exudes is even more tyrannical than an ordinary person can imagine.


   When he felt such a force, Ye Feng's eyes also showed an incomparably bright brilliance, it seemed that the original power in his body was running at an extremely fast speed.


   Perceiving such a force, the law aura between heaven and earth is already surging at an extremely fast speed, and the aura that it emits is even more tyrannical to a terrifying realm.


   Under Ye Feng's continuous refinement, the power of the spatial origin gathered by the Universe Sun Moon Pot was gradually stripped out at this moment, forming an incomparably bright crystal of law.


   Without any hesitation, Ye Feng directly released the breath in his body, and the extremely powerful swallowing force directly locked the crystal of the law.


   In the next instant, the power of the law of space in Yuefeng's body was released, and the tyrannical force radiated even completely destroyed everything in this world.


   Countless auras of destruction continue to permeate the void, and the power radiated is even forcibly controlled to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   When receiving such a breath, everyone present couldn't help but stared. The space law power belonging to the Universe Sun Moon Pot directly collapsed at this moment and was swallowed by Ye Feng.


   And there was no loss at all between the two, so Ye Feng could easily capture everything that belonged to the Universe Sun Moon Pot.


   Even the power of Yin and Yang rotation contained in the opponent's body was also smelted by Ye Feng.


   Although there is a huge gap between the quality and Ye Feng's Chaos Power, it also supplements a part of Ye Feng's power.


   This also allows Ye Feng's power of Chaos Law to have a higher level of progress, and even a part of the law that can affect this world.

   Under such circumstances, the other three people present were completely shocked by such a terrifying force, and the brilliance that emerged in the eyes became even more dangerous.


   In this extremely terrifying state, everyone present couldn't help but stared, and the original aura in the body began to revolve at an extremely fast speed.


   Countless destructive powers continue to diffuse in the void, and the aura that radiates becomes even more terrifying, as if to completely punish Ye Feng.


   Feeling such a change, the expressions of everyone present are still incomparably flat, and the breath permeating the body has even become more terrifying.


  The power displayed by Ye Feng was also an unprecedented disaster for them. Ye Feng was able to use such a method to directly refine the original power in their bodies, and even take away the aura of the laws they had worked so hard to cultivate.


Under such circumstances, the entire space has experienced unprecedented turbulence, and the power radiated has even reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine. If this power is allowed to expand unscrupulously, even this piece of sky The battlefield will be completely destroyed.


Feeling such a change, everyone present did not hesitate, and the breath in the body was completely released in the first time. The terrifying destructive power came toward Ye Feng's location, seeming to want him The body is completely destroyed.


   Faced with such terrible pressure, Ye Feng didn't have any fear. The sword of good fortune in his hand swung slowly, which cut through the space in the first time.


When feeling this breath, the expressions of the remaining three people also became extremely nervous, and the original power in their bodies was running at an extremely fast speed, as if to completely destroy this space. .


   Although they do not have strong control over the power of space, they have a certain degree of restraint against such methods. As long as the surrounding space power is completely disrupted by Ye Feng, there is no way to use the power of space to descend around their bodies.


   In fact, this is indeed the case. The power of the surrounding space has become extremely chaotic. Anyone who wants to enter this space rashly will suffer an unprecedented shock, and even his body will be completely destroyed.


   is that at this moment an incomparably bright sword light penetrates directly, as if to completely cut off the entire space.


   The release of such a breath also made the surrounding space more chaotic, and even meant to push the few people present into the bottomless abyss, which was average.


   Feeling such a terrifying crazy power, the expressions of the few people present have also become extremely ugly, and the original power in the mountains has been fully mobilized for the first time.


   Countless auras of destruction were released crazily in the void, that tyrannical power even reached a point beyond ordinary people, and the aura of destruction expanded crazily in the void.


In a very short period of time, the power of the attributes gathered in the body has been tyrannical to the point that an ordinary person can’t reach it. Between every move, the energy radiated can even cover the entire space. Completely destroyed.


   These three peerless magic weapons, at this moment, also released the strongest power in the body, to resist the attack issued by Ye Feng.


   However, the extremely terrifying edge of destruction has reached a level that ordinary people cannot imagine. When such a breath is completely released, the entire space seems to be completely cut off.


   Not to mention that the power of the space that Ye Feng controls at this moment has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine. If he is allowed to fully release his power, even this space can be completely destroyed.


   The power exuded by the trio of opponents joined forces, and when they resisted this dazzling sword light, they also made a rumbling sound of terror and concussion.


   The extremely terrifying aura of destruction was completely released at this moment, a terrifying force beyond imagination, and even the entire space was completely occupied.


   The power of destruction beyond imagination, moving quickly at this moment, the countless aura of destruction, venting its own energy crazily in the void, and even completely destroying this world.


   At this moment, the moment the light in Ye Feng's eyes became more intense, his body had already crossed the layers of space and landed directly in the center of the battlefield.


   This sudden change also shocked the three peerless gods, and it was even impossible to imagine how Ye Feng managed to overcome such a dangerous chaotic void to appear directly here.


   Although it is said that the three of them joined forces to disrupt the void, the power they exerted is indeed extremely powerful, but at this moment, the power of the law of space displayed by Ye Feng has also become more powerful.


In a very short period of time, the power of the spatial attributes exuded between the heavens and the earth has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach, the power of that terrifying attribute, and even the surrounding space must be completely controlled. live.


   As long as Ye Feng is willing, those chaotic spatial fluctuations can be completely calmed in an instant, and even form a lake-like cover, suppressing these three peerless soldiers.


   Of course, being sealed by Amber is not necessarily an insect, but an unprecedented beast, but at this moment, Ye Feng only needs to grasp that little opportunity.


   An incomparably bright sword light also slew towards the green gold shepherd cloud wheel battle for the first time.


   The power of space under his control has reached a limit, but among the few people present, there are also people who can control the power of space in the same way, which has a certain impact on Ye Feng.


   That being the case, Ye Feng certainly wouldn't give the opponent such a chance, and immediately slashed out his most powerful killing power, descending towards the direction where the green gold shepherd cloud wheel was.


   The green golden shepherd cloud wheel's reaction was also quite rapid, and within a very short time, it had completely released the power in the body.


   The cyan light pattern rotates rapidly in the void, and countless cloud lights spread out, completely controlling this space.


   At the same time, he is also trying his best to release his own power, as if to completely integrate the entire space into his body, bursting out an extremely terrifying radiance of destruction.


The power released by working hard and the power of killing has indeed reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine. Countless powers of destruction spread crazily in the void, and the aura that it exudes has become even more. terror.


   At this moment, the aura of destruction that permeated the heavens and the earth became even more terrifying. The sword light that Ye Feng slayed directly collided with the destructive brilliance of the Qingjin Muyun Wheel.


   The rumbling sound of terror and concussion reverberated crazily in the void, and there was also a terrifying aura of destruction, spreading at this moment, as if to completely destroy this space.


   Feeling such a terrifying power, everyone present was also completely shocked. It seemed that they had never expected Ye Feng's strength to be so terrifying.


   Then the Phoenix Wing Zijin Boring and the Golden Feather Dragon Emperor Whip were already sober, releasing the breath in the body for the first time, descending towards the direction where Ye Feng was.


   The attack power possessed by both sides has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine, that kind of terrifying aura of destruction, and even the surrounding space is completely destroyed.


   The crescent blade condensed by the phoenix aura, and the terrifying edge formed by the power of the dragon, had already been slashed towards Ye Feng's back in the first time.


   The power that these two auras exude at this moment is even more tyrannical than an ordinary person can imagine, as if they are going to destroy all life between heaven and earth across layers of space.


   The aura that these two forces exude at this time is also the force that continuously destroys the surrounding space, and does not give Ye Feng the means to use the previous power again.


Moreover, such an air force also firmly locked Ye Feng's body. At the moment of the explosion, the entire space had already begun to occur, an unprecedented distortion, directly suppressing all the forces in the surrounding space. Go down.


   Even if Ye Feng re-runs the fluctuations in the space, it will completely destroy the surrounding space and directly lock Ye Feng's body.


   For such an attack, Ye Feng's attitude was extremely indifferent. The original power in his body, the sharpness released by a little movement, and the breath became extremely terrifying.


   Even Ye Feng has the heart to try to run the golden body of the demon to try the strongest power contained in this technique.


   The golden light was released from Ye Feng's body, such a breath, even strong to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   Within a very short period of time, this terrifying force has completely diffused the aura of destruction, directly colliding with the two terrifying attacks behind him.


   When faced with such a terrorist attack, everyone present was already extremely shocked, and even expected that the power of destruction would completely release their pressure and completely punish Ye Feng.


   However, things were counterproductive. Although the aura emanating from the space was terrifying, it could not cause fatal damage. It even said that Ye Feng's body trembled slightly, and he continued to rush forward.


   The Heavenly Demon Golden Body Jue has been cultivated by Ye Feng to an extremely powerful level, and the aura that radiates from every move is beyond imagination.


  Especially the immortal golden bone he has cultivated has brought to the extreme a certain artistic conception of the Heavenly Demon Golden Body Art. That kind of terrifying power is simply to completely suppress all the attributes between heaven and earth.


   The power of attack from the phoenix-winged purple golden boring and the golden feather dragon whip is indeed terrifying beyond imagination, and it can even completely destroy all the power between the world and the earth.


   But Ye Feng's strength is even stronger, and even that breath can directly contend with both parties.


Regardless of the fact that Ye Feng has not entered this world for a long time, the metal power that can be gathered is not that strong, but his own essence is already quite high, and the power absorbed is also the source of extremely pure metal. force.


  Under this situation, the aura that Ye Feng converged was already in a realm beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and the energy radiated from every move was even horror beyond imagination.


   That is, in a very short period of time, the power of the attributes gathered in the entire void has begun to become extremely crazy.


   The sword light that Ye Feng slashed out, at this moment, finally fell on the body of the Qingjin Muyun Wheel.


   All the laws and powers of everything in the world are in full operation at this moment, and the energy emanating from the aura of good fortune is even more tyrannical to a realm that ordinary people cannot imagine.


   Although the strength of the green gold shepherd cloud wheel is strong, it is after all the same as the Universe Sun Moon Pot.


   Ye Feng has already killed Qingjin Mu Yunlun, and even seized the original power and space law in its body. At this moment, the power that can burst out in a short period of time has become even more terrifying.


That ray of sword light fell directly on the body of the Qingjin Mu Yunlun, an unimaginable aura of destruction, enough to cut off his body directly, and even that the space law contained in his body was drawn by Ye Feng. .


   The power of the space law controlled by Ye Feng is also fully operative at this moment, constantly absorbing the breath emanating from the opponent's body, and even reaching a more terrifying realm.


   Faced with such terrible swallowing power and oppressive power, the Qingjin Mu Yunlun did not resist anymore, and could only watch Ye Feng continue to take away his origin.


  Scenes like this also made the remaining two peerless soldiers extremely shocked, and the breath radiating from the body could no longer cause any harm to Ye Feng.


   On the contrary, Ye Feng is constantly seizing the power of this green golden twilight cloud wheel at this moment. It seems that he wants to completely transform the aura in his body in the shortest time.


   "There is no chance."


   Ye Feng said in a deep voice, the aura radiating from his body became even more terrifying.


   It even said that such a force is running crazily at this moment, and the aura of destruction that has diffused has completely covered the surrounding space.


   "I didn't want to participate in the battle among you, nor did I want to make any changes because of you.


   But everything is up to you, and I entered this battle directly, so you have to pay the price for it. "


   As Ye Feng's voice fell, the aura that radiated from his body became more violent and terrifying, and even swallowed and suppressed all the power of laws between the world and the earth.


   The green gold shepherd cloud wheel also has no resistance. The original aura in the body is running at an extremely fast speed, as if it will be completely swallowed up at any time.


   The power of the law in his body is directly integrated into Ye Feng's body, causing the power of the law of space in Ye Feng's body to change.

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