Sky War God

Chapter 3654: Thoroughly refine the holy magic spear

Chapter 3654 Thoroughly Refine the Holy Magic Spear


   The almost endless chaotic world on that side was hit by a terrifying force at this moment.


   As if to completely destroy this entire chaotic world.


   For such a terrible chaos, Ye Feng was not sure enough to completely open it up.


   The holy magic spear in his hand even represents the ultimate destructive power, and in extremely rapid conditions, it hits the defensive barriers of the chaotic world time and time again.


   At this moment, the aura permeating the void has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine. The powerful force permeating the space even completely suppresses this square hole world.


   When he perceives such a terrifying aura, the light in Ye Feng's eyes has also become extremely bright, and the original power in his body is at this moment, showing a terrifying power that ordinary people can't imagine.


   The rumbling sound of terrifying shock echoed in the void, and the aura that it radiated reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.


   Perceiving such a terrifying energy, the light in Ye Feng's eyes is also blooming crazily at this moment, such an extremely pure attribute power, as if to completely destroy this space.


   Endless brilliance is released at this moment, and the resulting wave of destruction is almost like destroying the entire space in the shortest possible time.


   That chaotic world is also surging crazily at this moment, and the power radiating from it is bursting with the most powerful aura at this moment.


   At this moment, Ye Feng also felt a tremendous pressure, and the original power in his body seemed to collapse.


   Facing such terrible power, Ye Feng didn't have any emotional changes. The chaotic power in his body still kept running, resonating with the holy magic gun in his hand.


  Countless auras of destruction surround Ye Feng's body, as if to completely destroy this chaotic world.


   Those worlds opened up before, Ye Feng did not pay attention to the changes in the laws, but let the power in them evolve on their own according to their own breath.


Although the power displayed by    is powerful, it has not reached the state that Ye Feng needs most.


   But at this moment, Ye Feng is very seriously operating the power in his body, wanting to completely suppress the aura in the void at this moment.


   The endless power of chaos under Ye Feng's control was also contaminated with a nearly terrifying aura of destruction.


   If this chaotic world can be completely opened up, the aura that will gather will definitely be the most terrifying destruction in this world.


   Facing such terrifying pressure, Ye Feng's body had already heard a crackling sound, as if he could not bear such a terrifying force.


   The indestructible golden bones in the body are constantly shattering at this moment, and the aura emitted from it has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   Perceiving the change of power in his body, Ye Feng didn't have any fear. The attribute power in his body moved quickly at this moment.


   An extremely terrifying destructive force, madly permeating the void, seems to derive an endless image of destruction, and it wants to completely destroy everything between the world and the earth.


   However, at this moment, Ye Feng's expression is also extremely indifferent. The power in his body is constantly running, and the breath that comes out has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach at this moment.


   The rumbling sound of terrifying shocks burst out completely at this moment, and the power emitted directly stirred this chaotic space.


   With such a terrifying aura, even Ye Feng is somewhat out of control, and the power permeating the void has reached a situation that ordinary people can't imagine.


   At this moment, the holy magic spear in Ye Feng's hand is also constantly trembling, and the powerful aura gathered in it seems to be completely collapsed at this moment.


   This kind of extremely pure attribute power, the waves of destruction emanating from the rapid movement in the void, even completely destroying this space.


   Countless Chaos powers are frantically resisting that extremely powerful force at this moment, as if they are trying to completely suppress the entire world in this stage, it's normal.


   Even if Ye Feng has such a strong attribute, power cannot change anything at this moment.


   The aura in his body has shown a terrifying force that ordinary people can't imagine, it seems that it is to completely destroy this chaotic space in the shortest time.


   is not to destroy, but to use the power of destruction to assimilate this chaotic world, and evolve the power of chaos into the purest aura of destruction.


   It was like saying that Ye Feng didn't need this world to retain its own form, as long as the power of destruction was exerted to the extreme.


   Feeling such a terrifying destructive power, the entire space seems to be completely collapsed, and the aura radiated from it has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.


   Suddenly, the aura emanating from the void has reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people, and countless destructive powers spread in the space, as if to completely destroy all of this.


   At the same time, Ye Feng is also constantly displaying the marksmanship he has comprehended, and the destructive power gathered from the holy magic spear completely burst out.


   Such an extremely terrifying breath, the power released by the rapid operation in the void, even reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   At this moment, in this chaotic world, a very special chaotic power is derived.


   Withered and dead, it can swallow everything, but it does not contain any vitality.


   Such an extremely large force possesses all the characteristics of chaos, but it also shows a terrifying force that ordinary people can't reach, as if it is going to completely destroy this space in the shortest time.


   After feeling such a terrifying aura, the power of chaos around    has a very fast speed, wanting to fully display the attribute power in the body.


   However, when these chaotic powers faced such an aura of destruction, they seemed to have no resistance. In a very short period of time, they had been completely assimilated by such aura.


   This ray of chaotic power is the terrifying power that Ye Feng has integrated into all his own destructive moods, and exerts the destructive power between the world to the extreme.


   With just such a terrifying aura, Ye Feng is enough to suppress all the creatures between the heaven and the earth, and the destructive power radiated from it even completely destroys this space.


   Perceiving such a terrifying attribute power, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright at this moment, and the power in his body contained an extremely terrifying energy.


   When such a breath is running, the power of various attributes in Ye Feng's body is also undergoing transformation, especially the formula for the connection with the Holy Magic Spear has become extremely close.


   Spear Demon was also aware of this change, and vaguely he could feel the power in his body and the Holy Magic Spear being continuously separated, as if he was going to be completely destroyed by the opponent in the shortest time.


   Perceiving such a change, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the power in his body exploded with all his strength at this moment.


   The rumbling sound of terrifying shock, the aura that diffused in the void, reached a point that ordinary people could not imagine, and the power of countless stars displayed extremely terrifying energy at this moment.


   That is to say, the aura of destruction at this moment has reached an extreme, and it is crushed directly towards the position of the holy magic spear and spear magic.


   Such a terrifying force ran wildly in the void, and the aura that it radiated completely locked the Holy Demon Spear and Spear Demon in the first place.


   "It's useless kid, don't think about killing me."


   Spear Demon is also roaring in anger at this moment, the power in the body is constantly running, and the aura it exudes becomes even more terrifying at this moment.


   It seems to say that such a force communicates the essence of the Holy Magic Spear, and wants to fully release the most terrifying aura of destruction.


   However, the extremely terrifying world of destruction on that side has been completely changed by Ye Feng at this time. Although the law in it has not been completely transformed by the power of origin, it has already appeared in its embryonic form.


   Under such circumstances, the Spear Demon of the Holy Demon Spear can only feel the power in his own body, which is constantly withering, but there is no way to resist. Instead, he watched Ye Feng rob him of his power.


   "Asshole beast, do you know what you are doing?


   Taking the Holy Demon Spear, what a huge sin is this, can you restrain the destructive power in it?


   No, you can't do it.


  You are committing a crime, and you are trying to completely destroy all the lives between the world and the earth.


   Whether it is you or your relatives, they will be completely destroyed by this force in the end.


  You are not increasing your power, but releasing a demon, a terrible demon that can never be suppressed forever.


   These things you do will eventually wipe out all the world. Even if you raise your strength to a higher level, you can’t change this outcome. "


   Even at this moment, the Spear Demon is constantly roaring, and the aura in the body has become extremely terrifying, as if to completely destroy everything between the world and the earth.


In the face of such a terrifying power, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the breath that radiated from every move became extremely terrifying, as if to completely suppress the entire space at this moment. ,general.


"go to hell."


   Ignoring the words spoken by the Spear Demon, Ye Feng directly mobilized the power in his body and released it toward the direction where the opponent was.


   That extremely terrifying, containing the supreme power of destroying the profound meaning of chaos, directly descended toward the location of the descending demon.


  In an instant, the Spear Demon also felt an extremely terrifying power, as if everything between the world and the earth had been completely destroyed, and everything had no life at all.


   Not such a terrifying aura, but also reached its extreme at this moment, the destructive power permeating the void directly entangled on the holy magic spear.


   I only saw an extremely huge spear of destruction piercing down from the void, directly landing on the body of the Spear Demon.


   There was no resistance at all, not even a scream, the terrifying spear beast released from the holy demon spear had been completely killed by this terrifying aura of destruction.


   The remaining power in the body was also the aura radiated by Ye Feng, completely suppressed, and the original power in the body was completely swallowed.


   Then, the chaotic world in the holy magic gun was also squirming quickly at this moment, as if something was about to erupt from it.


When he felt such a power, Ye Feng couldn't help but frowned. The aura in his body was moving at a very fast speed, as if he wanted to completely refine this chaotic space. .


   However, that extremely terrifying power has also reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and the breath that erupts from every move is even more terrifying beyond imagination.


Those chaotic powers are like ocean tides, constantly squirming in the void, and the aura that emanates is superimposed layer by layer, and under the guidance of Ye Feng, it quickly transforms into that kind of extremely terrifying. Destructive breath.


   It's just the power emanating from the depths of the void. At this moment, it is also showing a terrifying power that ordinary people can't match. Even Ye Feng is somewhat unable to withstand this terrifying oppression.


   It's like saying that the power in the body will be completely destroyed at this moment, and it will be refined, and the terrifying energy emitted from it will directly impact the direction where Ye Feng is at this moment.




   When he perceives such a force, Ye Feng's eyes also revealed a light of doubt, as if he could not believe that such a terrifying force still existed in the chaotic space.


   It is clear that he has completely refined the ruined world of his side, and the aura exudes in it is simply reaching a point that ordinary people can't reach.


   However, the power permeating the void at this moment also burst out completely at this moment, and the terrifying energy emitted has even reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   At this moment, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became unusually bright, and the original power in his body was at this moment, showing a power that ordinary people could not reach.


   The extremely terrifying Chaos Origin Power showed an extremely terrifying aura in this extremely short period of time, as if it were about to completely destroy the entire space at this moment.


   Suddenly, the terrifying energy permeating the void has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and it directly collides with that extremely terrifying aura, as if to completely destroy this space.


   The rumbling sound of terror and shock echoed back and forth in this chaotic world, and the destructive power radiated from it directly descended towards the direction where Ye Feng was.


When he perceives such a power, the light in Ye Feng’s eyes has also become extremely dim, and the original power in his body cannot withstand such a terrifying aura. It seems to be in the shortest time. It completely collapsed in time.


At the same time, the original power in the body is also undergoing extremely terrible changes. The energy radiated from every move is beyond imagination, as if to completely destroy everything between the world and the earth. .


   There was a loud bang.


   Ye Feng finally saw the existence of that terrible destructive power erupting in the void.


   It was an extremely huge being, like a tortoise, moving extremely slowly, but it was covered with all kinds of spikes and barbs.


   Just a little exercise can burst out an extremely terrifying force of destruction, which makes Ye Feng a little bit unstoppable.


When he felt such a terrible breath, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely brilliant, and the original power in his body was running at an extremely fast speed, as if it were going to be in the shortest time. The whole world will be completely suppressed.


   The rumbling sound of terrifying shock, the power of the attributes released in the void, even the most terrifying power at this moment.


   There was a loud bang, and the light in Ye Feng's eyes was also completely revealed at this time, and countless auras of destruction and emptiness bloomed wildly.


   The extremely terrifying power, at this moment, completely released the terrifying aura displayed, and it has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   At the same time, the attribute power in Ye Feng's body has also become more and more terrifying, and every move seems to be the same as this power.


Perceiving such a terrible power, the breath that radiated from the opponent's body has become equally terrifying. The terrifying and destructive power that is gathered in every move is simply to completely destroy the entire space. Falling the same.

   More importantly, such a force is also constantly eroding the aura of destruction emanating from Ye Feng, and the power in his body seems to be unable to compete with this terrifying aura at all.


   In a very short period of time, this terrifying aura was beyond what Ye Feng had imagined, and it completely destroyed everything in the surrounding space.


Even the original power released by Ye Feng can't compete with the opponent at this moment, and even the power in his body is burning at an extremely fast speed, as if it is about to be completely destroyed at this moment. Destroyed the same.


   "What on earth is this? Why is it so scary?"


   Ye Feng's heart is also full of doubts. The power in his body is running at a very fast speed at this moment, and the energy emitted has even reached an extremely terrifying point.


   But even so, the power in the body is constantly being destroyed by the extremely terrifying energy, which is almost completely obliterating Ye Feng's body.


   Seeing such a situation, Ye Feng did not hesitate. He immediately mobilized the most powerful aura in his body, and the life gun in his hand was constantly waving.


   Knowing that his own strength is not enough to contend with that terrible life, He Ye Feng did not hesitate at this time, and directly released the most terrifying force in his body.


   The rumbling sound of terrifying shocks continuously erupted in this space. The extremely terrifying power of destruction and the power of chaos combined together, exuding a more powerful aura.


The most intuitive performance of    is the power that Ye Feng exudes at this moment, and his intuition competes with the positive film space.


   Countless destructive powers broke out completely at this moment, and the powerful power radiated was simply to completely destroy everything in this space.


   Above the rumbling horror shock, there was a continuous sound, that kind of extremely huge power, even going to completely destroy this space.


   Perceiving such terrifying fluctuations, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the aura radiating from his body was even more tyrannical than ordinary people could imagine.


  Countless world origin power, the energy emitted by Ye Feng's mobilization at this moment, simply evolves the power of destruction to the extreme, this kind of opportunity his aura has been madly running in the void.


   Perceiving such a change in breath, the power in Ye Feng's body also showed the most powerful wave of power at this moment, completely suppressing the entire space at an extremely fast speed.


   Such terrifying energy is already powerful to a level that ordinary people can't imagine.


   Even if it was Ye Feng's body, he couldn't carry such a terrifying aura. He watched such a terrifying force continuously spread out of his body, even covering this space completely.


   Such terrifying energy, in this space, showed its most terrifying aura, and the powerful fluctuations that erupted from every move were enough to completely destroy everything in this space.


   And this kind of power is growing like a snowball, and it also completely refines the attribute power in the chaotic space. In a very short period of time, such a breath has swelled to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine, and the power that permeates the void becomes extremely terrifying at this moment.


   also seemed to say that this terrifying power must be completely released in the shortest possible time, destroying everything in this space.


   The extremely terrifying behemoth of destruction that came out from the depths of the chaos was also extremely severely affected at this moment. The more powerful the original source of destruction was in the void, and it was growing rapidly at this moment.


   Facing this tyrannical and unsolvable powerful force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes also bloomed, and countless auras of destruction were moving quickly at this moment.


   Such a huge oppressive force also showed its most terrifying energy at this moment, as if it was going to completely destroy this space in the shortest time.


At this moment, the light in Ye Feng’s eyes also became extremely bright, and the source of power in his body moved at a very fast speed, as if he was going to transfer the space in this very short period of time. Everything is completely destroyed.


   The rumbling sound of terrifying intelligence is still echoing in the void, but Ye Feng's mood has been completely calmed down, constantly waving the holy magic spear, controlling such a terrible power.


Now the aura exuded by Ye Feng has become so strong that an ordinary person can’t reach it, and countless destructive powers are showing their own power at this moment, as if to completely complete the entire space in the shortest possible time. Of suppression.


   The energy possessed by the other party is also terrifying beyond imagination. At this moment, it shows a terrifying energy that ordinary people can't imagine. It seems that this space will be completely destroyed in the shortest time.


   Facing such terrifying power, the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the original power in his body was released at an extremely fast speed.


   The powerful aura mobilized by Ye Feng at this moment is already so strong that an ordinary person can't reach it, and the destructive power that bursts out of the void even condenses into substance at this moment.


   However, no matter how strong the strength of that behemoth is and how fast it reacts, it is no longer possible to make changes in this situation.


   Ye Feng's strength has been greatly improved at this moment, and the original aura in his body has shown a powerful energy that ordinary people can't resist.


   In an instant, the extremely terrifying attribute aura has completely exploded, and countless destructive powers have completely destroyed the entire space at this moment, as if everything between the strong world and the earth should be completely suppressed.


   The rumbling sound of terrifying shock, the powerful aura that diffused in the void, even wanted to completely suppress the entire world in this very short period of time.


   At this moment, Ye Feng took a step forward, and the original power in his body had reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people, and the aura of destruction exuded directly locked on that behemoth of destruction.


   At the same time, the power emanating from Ye Feng's body is also terrifying beyond imagination. It seems that everything between this world and the earth should be completely suppressed in the shortest possible time.


   The breath that this magic spear erupts is also tyrannical to a realm that ordinary people can't imagine. The destructive energy released in every move forms a terrible destruction impact and is released towards that behemoth of destruction.


   That behemoth of destruction also felt the threat that Ye Feng brought to him at this moment, and had already exploded the power in his body without any hesitation.


   The extremely terrifying power of destruction, at this moment, the wave of destruction formed by the crazy release, even in the shortest time, completely suppressed and destroyed this space.


   Perceiving such a powerful force, the light in Ye Feng's eyes has also become extremely terrifying, madly mobilizing the original aura in his body, as if to completely suppress this world.


   The two terrifying powers collided wildly in the void, and the terrifying aura exuded even reached a realm unimaginable by ordinary people.


   Such a terrifying power is already tyrannical to the point that an ordinary person can't match it. If such a breath is allowed to be released, it will completely destroy the entire world.


   However, Ye Feng seemed to allow such a force to be released, while constantly mobilizing the aura in his body, mobilizing all the power of the surrounding chaos.


   An incomparably terrifying force, frantically erupting in regional control, and the resulting wave of destruction, even completely destroying everything between the world and the earth.


   The two terrifying powers collided crazily at this moment, and the aura exuded between every move was that kind of horror. It seemed that they wanted to completely suppress this world in the shortest possible time.


   At the same time, Ye Feng also felt an extremely terrifying force. At this moment, the powerful destructive force formed by the outward release, even became more and more powerful.


   That behemoth of destruction, even though it possesses extremely huge strength, it does not have any consciousness or wisdom at this moment.


He just relied on instinct to operate, his own extremely terrifying power, as if to completely destroy everything between the world and the earth, the breath that he exudes has reached a terrible realm that ordinary people can't imagine. .


   It is precisely because of this that Ye Feng can use his power to continuously destroy the surrounding chaos, evolve a more powerful destructive power, and make the aura he controls more terrifying.


   Especially the holy magic spear in his hand showed extremely terrifying destructive power at this moment, and even said that during this period of time, it climbed at an unimaginable speed.


   Originally, Ye Feng had completely refined the Holy Magic Spear, and the laws and attribute power in it were completely mastered by him.


   But at this moment, the original aura in the holy magic spear has reached an extremely terrifying state, and the tyrannical force radiating from every move is simply to completely suppress this space.


   At this moment, Ye Feng threw the holy magic spear in his hand with terrifying piercing power, and at this moment showed unprecedented terrifying power.


   No matter how bleak the strength of that behemoth is, it can't completely compete with Ye Feng at this moment, and even the original power in his body has not reacted.


   In the next instant, the terrifying power permeating the void has reached a terrifying realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   The rumbling sound of terrifying concussion completely broke out at this moment, and countless destructive powers crazily returned in the void.


   This terrible power has shown all its aura in a very short period of time, as if to completely suppress and refine everything in the space in this very short period of time.


   But until the release of such a force, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the powerful aura of his body had already displayed at this moment, terrifying energy that ordinary people could not imagine.


   In this very short time, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes has completely changed.


   An extremely terrifying aura of destruction, at this moment, showed the brilliance of destruction emanating from all of its power holy magic spears, and it was even to be completely torn away in this space.


   Feeling such a powerful force, a smile appeared in Ye Feng's eyes, and then the holy magic spear in his hand bloomed with an incomparably bright red light, directly slashing towards the behemoth of destruction.


   When feeling such a power, the Destroyer Behemoth was constantly shaking its body, and the aura of destruction in its body was completely released again.


   Even if Ye Feng had obtained an extremely large power and was able to mobilize the most powerful source of power in this world, it would not be able to change this kind of battle.


   At the moment of contact, his whole person flew directly like a kite with a broken line, and the original power in his body collapsed at an extremely fast speed.


   The power of the Primal Chaos is also a powerful aura radiating from the rapid rotation of the body at this moment, even to completely suppress this space.


   There is a steady flow of power for good fortune, and the tyrannical aura that diffuses from the void has reached a point beyond the reach of ordinary people.


   At the same time, the brilliance in Ye Feng's eyes became more dazzling. The power in his body moved quickly, and the aura emitted was simply to reach an extremely terrifying state.


   The terrifying power that radiated from the holy magic spear was so powerful that ordinary people could not understand it. The extremely terrifying energy was competing with the behemoth of destruction at an extremely fast speed.


   Even if he knew that he could never be the opponent's opponent, Ye Feng didn't plan to give up, instead he tried his best to mobilize all the power around his body.


The powerful aura exuding in the void at this moment and the terrifying, destructive power that the opponent possesses, the destructive power formed by crazy collisions in a very short period of time, even at this moment the entire space is completely destroy.


   Ye Feng's strength is indeed extremely terrifying, but at this moment the power he exudes will also be suppressed as never before, and even his body becomes extremely slow at this moment.


After such a long delay, coupled with the frenzied fighting between the two sides, the power in the body has become extremely terrifying, even in this extremely short time, everything between the world and the earth will be completely suppressed. .


   A very special wave was released from the void, that extremely terrifying power, as if to completely suppress, refine, or even destroy this entire world.


   It was at this moment that the light in Ye Feng's eyes became extremely bright, and the powerful aura in his own body also displayed a terrifying ability that ordinary people could not imagine at this moment.


   Ye Feng stretched out his hand to grab the holy magic spear, and returned to his palm again. The destructive aura exuding from it was many times stronger than before.


At the same time, the surrounding chaotic space also changed its aura, and the power radiated from it was full of destructive forces that ordinary people could not resist, as if this space would be completely destroyed. To evolve into endless nothingness.


   However, this extremely terrifying power has not escaped from Ye Feng's control. It still surrounds his body, and the power radiated at this moment shows a terrifying aura that ordinary people can't match.


   There was a loud bang, and the terrifying energy permeating the void had already demonstrated its own terrifying strength in this extremely short period of time.


   It was at this moment that the light in Ye Feng's eyes had completely bloomed, and the powerful aura released even broke out completely at this moment.


   "Destroy me."


   Ye Feng roared, UU Reading projected the holy magic gun in his hand, and the terrifying aura exuded in it had reached a terrifying realm that ordinary people could not imagine.


   seems to be in the shortest time, everything between this world and the earth will be completely destroyed.


The aura of destruction in the    space also broke out completely at this moment, and the resulting wave of destruction seemed to completely destroy everything between the world and the earth in this very short period of time.


   An incomparably illusory but powerful attack with extremely terrifying destructive power was condensed on the Holy Magic Spear, and the aura exuded in it has reached a realm that ordinary people can't imagine.


   is the power that permeates this entire space, which has completely exploded out at this time.


   Vaguely, an extremely terrifying force appeared on Ye Feng's Holy Magic Spear, as if to completely destroy and destroy everything between the world and the earth.


   At this moment, the body of the holy demon spear trembled crazily, directly destroying all the surrounding aura, and Ye Feng's body also walked out of the holy demon general.


That extremely terrifying life destruction seemed to have been completely suppressed by Ye Feng’s power. The original aura in the body could not be operated at all. In this extremely short time, it was given by Ye Feng’s power. Completely suppressed.


   After fully mastering the Holy Demon Spear, Ye Feng also got some information about that behemoth of destruction.

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