Sky War God

Chapter 763: Feel the world

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Seeing the disappearing figure of the old man, Ye Feng's eyes flickered, and his heart was still a little heavy. Nine-faced world needs to be sent through, and I don't know when he can succeed.

However, the only thing to be thankful for is that the old man left him with the experience of the first six worlds before leaving. With these insights, Ye Feng believed that his perception of the first six worlds should be unimpeded all the way.

"My time is pressing and I can't delay it anymore."

Ye Feng muttered to himself, then sat cross-legged, and began to fall into feeling. He first closed his eyes and meditated, and read and digested the feelings and experience taught by the old man a little bit.

Ye Feng knew that only by fully comprehending all of these insights, could he be able to unblocked all the way in the first six worlds of perception.

The old man left him with a long experience, which he learned from many years of experience. This is a precious asset, and Ye Feng cannot give up.

He threw himself into the enlightenment, and was not prepared to let go of every detail. Soon, Ye Feng completely entered a state of epiphany.

In my mind, I kept replaying the sentimental memories that the old man had transmitted for Ye Feng. Through these memories, the attributes of the space itself are combined.

Ye Feng quickly found the way to perceive, after all, he had previously understood the power of the curse of death and the power of death. These two attribute powers are very similar to the attribute powers contained in the positive world.

This is also a kind of natural advantage of Ye Feng. He has been familiar with the power of this space for a while before, and he has a hint of understanding.

Coupled with the sentimental memory transmitted by the old man for him, Ye Feng felt more familiar with the road.

The main theme of this space is death and desolation, and what Ye Feng wants to comprehend is the vicissitudes of time that can control the flow of time.

He has well integrated the vicissitudes of life into his body, but he knows that the realm he comprehends is not deep enough. Once it is deep enough, the door to the next world will automatically open.

It just so happens that the strength of the old man's main cultivation in this space is also the meaning of vicissitudes, so the insight that the other party left for him is particularly important.

He kept trying to perceive, and I don’t know how long it took. On Ye Feng’s body, a ray of light gradually lit up. This light was a bit of gray and dark, and there was a burst of vicissitudes. Pure, as if it is the original power that drifts between heaven and earth.

In his mind, Ye Feng seemed to have entered a deep space. There was nothing else here. It looked dark. Ye Feng's body was in nothingness. He sat cross-legged, and his body was wrapped in a sense of vicissitudes. The meaning of vicissitudes was originally integrated, and now what he wants to understand is the origin of the meaning of vicissitudes.

Only by successfully comprehending the origin of this power, coupled with the vicissitudes of self-integration, can we reach a higher level.

Time passed by. I don’t know how long it has passed. Ye Feng’s body was covered with a thick layer of dust. At this time, he was more like a statue. His body didn’t move a bit, as if his breath had disappeared. , Without the breath, it feels like this person.

The meaning of vicissitudes is constantly surging in the body, blending into Ye Feng’s blood, and wandering through the meridians, and his body is not affected by this force at all, on the contrary, he has gained great strength from this force. benefit.

This benefit comes from the purification of the body, the meaning of vicissitudes flowing in the blood, all the aging tissue cells in the body are aged to death, and then through the powerful energy contained in Ye Feng's body, it grows at a faster rate.

In this way, it played the role of purifying the flesh invisibly, making Ye Feng's flesh more perfect.

I don't know how long it has been, Ye Feng, who has not moved, finally moved at this moment. There is a powerful light of force rising up all over his body. The blood in his body is roaring and his breath is rising. The whole person seems to be different. Up.

His cultivation base was transitioning from the fifth stage of Shenwu peak to the sixth stage of Shenwu. This transition lasted several hours. When the light dissipated, Ye Feng's cultivation was completed when he realized it. Order.

Now he is already a powerhouse of Shenwu Sixth Layer, once his cultivation base enters Shenwu Sixth Layer, he is equal to stepping into the ranks of high-level Shenwu Realm powerhouse.

However, even if the cultivation base breaks through, Ye Feng's sentiment has not stopped. His body has returned to calm, and there is still vicissitudes of life flowing inside his body, and the first thing in his mind is still in that empty space. .

That space is like the original space of the meaning of vicissitudes, and only in that space can the origin of the meaning of vicissitudes be truly discovered.

Ye Feng seemed to have forgotten the time and kept trying to understand. This time, through the insight and experience that the old man left for him, he truly achieved the same mood as the other party.

Beyond the world, the body seems to have gradually become a part of this world, without a trace of vicissitudes in the body, Ye Feng fully realizes the rhythm of the vicissitudes of life.

I don’t know when, Ye Feng’s body lights up again, this time lighting up the surrounding space, and the vicissitudes of life floating in the space become extremely active at this moment, constantly tumbling and stirring towards Ye Feng’s The bodies gathered, as if Ye Feng's body was the source of this power, and this power was mobilized at will.

At a certain moment, there was a burst of light in the emptiness in front of Ye Feng, and the light gradually enlarged, as if a door was opened in the emptiness, and the inside of the door released a powerful space force.

Feeling the wave of the powerful spatial force in front of him, Ye Feng's eyes that had been closed for an unknown length of time suddenly opened, looking at the flashing space door in front of him, a touch suddenly appeared on his face. With a smile, he said lightly: "This is the door to the second world."

There was some joy in Ye Feng's heart, and immediately stopped feeling, got up and walked towards the door of this upper space.

A burst of tyrannical space light wrapped Ye Feng's body, the door of space gradually closed, and Ye Feng's body disappeared into this world.

Walking through the powerful space corridor, Ye Feng felt dizzy and his body was constantly being squeezed by the powerful space around him, making him extremely uncomfortable.

This kind of space portal transmission has a certain degree of danger. If it encounters space turbulence or some other unpredictable danger, it is very likely that it will never return to the real world in the space channel of the era.


There was a muffled noise, and when the space corridor disappeared, Ye Feng's body fell to the ground fiercely. I just felt a sharp pain coming from my body.

He gritted his teeth and got up from the ground, opened his eyes and looked around at the world he was in at the moment.

He found that the situation in this world was almost the same as the previous world, with gravel and rubble everywhere, bare peaks, dark-colored plants, and some unique animals here.

The only difference is that the white bones in the ground world are missing on the ground here, perhaps because the people passed from the upper world first arrived at the first world.

Therefore, due to the inability to withstand the cruel environment here, and the deadly vicissitudes of life that can invade the human body, one after another died in the first world.

Like the old man before, there are very few people who have successfully survived, maybe none. The old man and Ye Feng are the only exceptions for thousands of years.

Another point is that in the second world, the various attribute forces are stronger, especially the meaning of death and vicissitudes of life is more concentrated.

In other words, the living environment of this second world is even more cruel. If ordinary Wu Xiu enters this world, he may not even have the opportunity to struggle, he will be attacked and killed by those two forces.

Even after Ye Feng completed his comprehension in the first world, he felt very uncomfortable in the second world.

Those two attribute powers were simply too strong, constantly attacking Ye Feng's body, making him extremely uncomfortable.

"The various attribute powers of the second world are so I really don't know what will happen to the ground world next?"

Ye Feng spoke lightly, his eyes gleaming sharply.

Fortunately, it is gradual. If he is directly teleported to the second world or below through the space gate, even if he understands the two attributes of the curse of death and the power of death, he may not be able to withstand being attacked to death.

Without delaying time, Ye Feng had to bite the bullet and go for it in the harsh environment, because he had no retreat. If he wanted to return to the upper world, he had to find a way to reach Youdu.

Ye Feng directly sat cross-legged and began to comprehend the attribute power contained in the second world.

Although the environment in this world is extremely harsh, Ye Feng is also very familiar with the experience taught by the old man, and every detail is extremely accurate.

With the passing of time, Ye Feng didn't take any detours this time. Through the insight and experience given to him by the elder, he gradually merged into this space, his body turned into a statue again, as if he had forgotten everything.

The author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: There is something delayed today, there will be two chapters in a while.

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