Sky War Soul

Chapter 101 nectarine berries

"Chu Yun, do you know what you are doing? Can you afford elder martial brother mu? "

Yang Ming was frightened and angry, but he did not dare to resist. He still cherished his life.

"Then you just don't want to live?"

Chu Yun raised his hand and pointed out a stream of air, which hissed through Yang Ming's kneecap.

"Ah ah ah!"

Yang Ming howled in pain, his whole face twisted together, ferocious.

"I'm not patient. I only ask three times. Don't say again, what break is your lifeblood, last time, it is your head! "

Chu Yun's face is cold, without any emotion. It's like a Shura coming out of the dead, full of strong murders.

Demon night a face shocked, he did not expect that this young man, incredibly has such arrogant temperament, as well as fearless courage. Even muyuan dragon dare to provoke. Is it really just a newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers?

Yang Ming shivered all over, and his teeth were fighting: "Chu Yun, you are cruel!"

Chu Yun doesn't talk nonsense to Yang Ming at all. He raises his hand and his aura condenses at his fingertips.

"I said! I say! "

Yang Ming's body trembled with fright, and he was completely curled up.

What moyuanlong, what treasures, all thrown to the sky, only their lives are the most precious!

Life is gone. It's useless to talk about anything else!

"The northernmost part of Yuhuang island is a huge jungle. There is a valley at the end of the jungle. There is a fruit tree in the valley. What is the name of the fruit from the fruit tree? "

"Sweet berries?"

Demon night a surprise.

"Yes, sweet berries!"

Yang Ming nodded like a chicken pecking at Rice: "elder martial brother Mu asked me to take off all the nectar berries from the tree, but beside the fruit tree stood an ape with great strength, which was extremely powerful. Elder martial brother Mu said, let me find a warrior with strong physical strength. First drag the ape, and then the rest will pick the nectar berries! "

"So you come to me and want me to help you catch the ape monster?"

At night, the demon showed a sneering smile at the corner of his mouth, kicked Yang Ming in the stomach, and scolded: "it's really a good abacus, let me make you a bait, isn't it?"

"No I dare not, please

Yang Ming was shaking all over, holding his head in his hands, for fear that Chu Yun would be unhappy and take his life.

"Elder martial brother demon night, what is the nectarine Berry? Is it precious?"

Chu Yun asked.

Mention this, demon night is very solemn nod way: "very precious, the effect of each sweet dew berry, is no less than Millennium panacea!"! You can imagine how rare the nectar berry tree is! Unexpectedly, there is a tree on Yuhuang island! "

"Every fruit is no less than the elixir of a thousand years?"

Chu Yun takes a breath of cold air. It's a bit exaggerated. How rare is the Millennium elixir, which can be met but can't be asked for. It's crazy that any fruit can be worth thousands of years of miraculous medicine!

"Yes! Nectarine berries can enhance the realm, open up wisdom, enhance mental strength, which is a rare treasure! Every sweet berry on the market, can be photographed out of the sky! If there is a fruit tree on Yuhuang Island, we will get it anyway! "

Demon night is very affirmative to say.

Chu Yun squints his eyes as if thinking.

He is thinking about whether Yang Ming will cheat himself!

But soon Chu Yun was relieved. Yang Ming's life was in his own hands. How dare he play any small actions? Even if he really has other thoughts, what can he do? He can walk horizontally on this jade emperor island!

In the face of absolute strength, any intrigue is futile!

"I know the place. I can take you there. As long as you can let me go, I will do anything!"

Yang Ming's hands protected his face and begged.

"Well, lead the way!"

Chu Yun raised his foot on Yang Ming's face and said softly, "you'd better not take chances. Proud blood and Zhong Nan have all died under my hands. I don't mind killing you one more!"

Yang Ming was shocked and pale as paper.

Yang Ming had other ideas before. He wanted to take them around on purpose. When he met Aoxue, Zhongnan and other senior brothers, he asked them for help.

Unexpectedly, two senior brothers, Aoxue and Zhongnan, all died in Chu Yun's hands!

Demon night smell speech, also very surprised: "Chu Yun, you killed Ao Xue and Zhong Nan?"


Chu Yun nodded. Although Aoxue was killed by He Feng of Qilin sect, he had his share of credit. What's more, speaking out at the moment can also frighten Yang Ming, so as to avoid his bad thoughts and kill two birds with one stone.

Hearing this, Yang Ming stood up with a dead face, and his last hope was dashed.

When it comes to this, how dare he think carefully?

Under the leadership of Yang Ming, they hurried to the northernmost jungle.

Along the way, I met several disciples of other sects. Those disciples knew that their strength was not good enough. Seeing Chu Yun and others, they directly avoided them. They even dared not look directly at them, for fear that Chu Yun would suddenly trouble them.

Half an hour later, the three came to the northernmost jungle.

The sky is covered by huge trees, which makes the whole jungle very cool.

Chu Yun couldn't help but smile bitterly. After a big circle, he finally came back!

This jungle is the jungle that Chu Yun stayed in after he entered Yuhuang island. It's also the place where he met the terrible tortoise with Qi Qi.

Yang Ming leads the way in front of him. He carefully astringes his breath and looks around. Obviously, he knows that the jungle is very dangerous.

With more and more in-depth among them, Chu cloud and demon night are also on guard.

The sun's rays cast down, leaves mottled shadow sprinkled on the ground, very cool.


A few cries of wolves rang out, and then the surrounding jungle saw the ropes, and more than ten big and fierce black wolves sprang out. These wolves had fierce eyes and bared their tusks. At first sight, they were monsters with fierce character and powerful strength.

"Wolf with black back?"

The demon frowned at night, and the voice said urgently: "Chu Yun, let's kill all these beasts together quickly, or we will be in trouble when they call for their companions. The black back wolf is a double and triple beast that changes the Qi environment. He likes to live in groups at ordinary times, and usually has a powerful head wolf to lead the team! The strength of the first wolf is at least the seven elements of Huaqi! "

"Is it?"

Chu Yun understood the meaning in the eyes of the demon night. He really should kill all the black back wolves quickly. Otherwise, when they call wolves and wolves, there will be big trouble!

Chu Yun is not afraid of these beasts, but is worried about whether Yang Ming will take the opportunity to escape after the wolf comes with the wolves!

After all, it's enough to drink a pot of wine with the demon at night just for a wolf with seven heavy Qi. The key is not just a wolf, but a group of wolves!

Yang Ming retreated two steps, clinging to a big tree, his eyes flashed all kinds of light, no one knew what he was thinking.


Chu Yun and demon night move at the same time.

Chu Yun offered the cave sword, and the Dragon Sabre technique was used without hesitation. The figure turned into a real dragon that stirred the wind and cloud, and quickly shuttled through the void.

"Hiss! Sneer! "Sneer!"

Several cold sabres came out and stirred into the wolves. Seven or eight wild wolves with black backs suddenly froze and then fell to the ground with their heads pounding.

On the other side, the demon stepped fast at night, and the ground was shaking with huge force. His hands flashed out like lightning. He pressed the heads of two wild wolves with black backs and squeezed them hard to crush them!

Blood and brain are all gushing out and sprinkled on the demon's body at night.

But the demon didn't care at all. After wiping it with his hands, he raised his hand and punched the wild wolf with black back to fly out.

Yang Ming put all this into the bottom of his eyes and shuddered.

Demon night is OK. It's about the same as his own strength. The key is chuyun. Why is he so strong?

What Sabre technique is he using?

Those black backed wolves have no chance to fight back at all. They are killed like cutting melons and vegetables. It's amazing!

The key is that he only has three aspects of Qi environment!

He is a heavy, on his time, but do not see any dawn of victory!

Is this the so-called Tianjiao?

Soon, more than a dozen wild wolves with black backs were slaughtered. Chu Yun took up his sword and fell down. It was so fast that these wild wolves did not have any chance to call for companions at all!

"Let's go!"

Chu Yun reached out to wipe the blood on the Dongtian sword, and said carelessly.

Yang Ming shivered and nodded: "let's go, let's go!"

No one paid attention to this episode.

All the way through the jungle, maybe it's because the killing machine on Chu Yun and the demon night is too heavy, and there are no more monsters to trouble them.

The three arrived safely in front of a valley.

Yang Ming took a deep breath and said, "there is an ape with extremely strong strength in it. I can't estimate the specific realm. However, senior brother mu, who was the fourth generation of Hua Qi, was defeated by the beast! Now that a few years have passed, the animal's realm will only be higher! "

"That's all right. Then you'll mention that we attract the ape's attention!"

The demon night is smiling.

"No, if I meet the beast alone, I will surely die!"

Yang Ming couldn't help crying.

Chu Yun sneered and said, "do you have a choice?"

In a word, it's like ice water pouring from the beginning, which makes Yang Mingxin cool completely. He has no right to choose. If you don't obey the order, you will die!

"Ouch, ouch!"

At this time, a fierce howl sounded. It was harsh and powerful. The trees around it were shaking and the leaves were rustling.

After the sound, and then the continuous cry of the wolf, one after another, it's frightening.

"It's a wolf! It's coming with wolves following the scent! "

The demon's face changed at night.

Chu Yun immediately shouted, "go in!"

Yang Ming was stunned and could only rush to the mountain and valley first.

Chu Yun followed the demon night and rushed into the valley.

A few seconds later, a large black back wolf came slowly, followed by hundreds of wolves.

I saw that the wolf looked down at the valley and sniffed for a few times. His fierce eyes bared his teeth. He even hesitated.

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