Sky War Soul

Chapter 1026 ups and downs

Rotten wood is ready to go directly to Chu Yun's mansion to report the good news.

But on the way, I happened to meet Huo Tiexin.

"Well, it's a coincidence that I'm going to ask you for a drink."

Huo Tiexin saw that after the rotten wood offering wine, his eyes brightened. He could not help but walk forward and put his arms around the neck of the rotten wood offering wine.

When it comes to drinking, the greedy insects at the bottom of rotten wood's heart are hooked.

Before Chu Yun's residence, he had not had enough to drink, so he was intrigued by the ghost.

In addition, Huo Tiexin and I really haven't seen each other for some years. After the fight, we haven't had a good drink together.

However, thinking of his own business, deadwood offered wine and said with a wry smile: "brother Huo, I have something to do here. Why don't you wait for me for a while, and I'll drink with you after I finish the work."

"There's something more important than drinking. I'm choking when I walk away."

Huo Tiexin changed his seriousness and grinned.

It's very kind to meet old friends.


Some of deadwood's spirits were not firm. He wanted to drink, but he always felt that he should finish the work first.

First of all, give Chu Yun Your Majesty's reward. It's not too late to drink.

"What can I do? Your Beitang won the champion of the martial arts club. And my little son has been taken care of by you for many years. Let's go drink first!"

Huo Tiexin is in high spirits. He can't bear to talk about rotten wood sacrificing wine. He forcibly pulls him away.

"Here It's all thanks to Lord Chu that Beitang won the championship. I'm ashamed of it! "

Rotten wood is not greedy for wine. Seeing Huo Tiexin's enthusiasm, he took the initiative to clarify it.

"Of course, I know it's Chu Yun's contribution, but you've also made a great contribution to the sacrifice. After drinking with you, I'll come to thank Chu Yun!"

Huo Tiexin explained and took away the rotten wood offering wine.

The rotten wood sacrifices the wine. It's all right. Finish the wine first, and then go to the Chu cloud mansion with Huo Tiexin.

It doesn't matter that you're too busy to spend half a day.


Chu Yun's face was expressionless and he was sitting at the stone table thinking about things.

At first, he was full of confidence. He felt that Fang Wujing would react quickly after he learned this.

However, it has been waiting for half a day, and there is still no news.

For the first time, this made him doubt his decision-making.

Am I too desperate?

In the case that Fang Wujing didn't express anything, he first offended the dead mu Liuhuo. Gambling means too much.

If you make a mistake, you will lose everything!

Chu Yun didn't pay attention to the threat of shadow ghost before, but as time went on, he became more alert.

You should know that ghost is the supreme emperor of Nirvana, who is very good at hiding and assassinating. Even in the same realm, few great emperors can see through his hiding method.

That means it's almost easy if he wants to kill himself.

Chu Yun is not allowed to admire Liuhuo's attitude, nor understand how Fang Wujing will choose. In short, he is caught in the middle and in a dilemma.

It's too late to make a change.

After offending mu Liuhuo, if you can't rely on Fang Wujing, you will have to die.

It must have been reported to Fang Wujing that the rotten wood offered wine. According to the calculation of time, it should have come long ago, right?

Why, there is no movement yet?

How much do you value yourself in your Majesty's eyes?

Worry too much, Chu cloud only feels a little fidgety.

"You're upset."

Tallinn spoke again.

"I admire you for refusing to be a flying immortal and offending the supreme emperor of nirvana. If you can keep your mind still."

Chu Yun replied angrily, "and this bet is related to the fate of the future. I don't want to die in the hands of fairyland supremo."

"Well, as early as in Taiqian, aren't you used to being enemies all over the world?"

Taling smiled lightly: "what you are good at most is to find the right and the left, take advantage of the potential to survive in the gap."

"That's not the same."

Chu Yun smiled bitterly: "it's too dry here. It's the heaven. There's so much power. Those Nirvana great emperors want to kill me, just like kneading ants, let alone flying fairyland, which is rare in the whole dry world! Even if I take advantage of the situation, there must be forces willing to let me borrow... "

After a moment of silence, Chu Yun said helplessly, "I hope I didn't overestimate myself."

What deadwood didn't think of was that he only delayed some time on the way, and Chu Yun experienced such ups and downs in his heart.


In the evening, rotten wood, full of wine and burping, went to the gate of chuyun mansion.

"Master of wine worship."

Those guards in front of the door, hurriedly salute respectfully.

They know that there is no need to report the relationship between Chu Yun and rotten wood.

Deadwood's offering wine staggers into the mansion, burping and muttering: "I've been drinking too much myself..."

Huo Tiexin drinks directly and lies on the wine table, but he can't pull it up, but the rotten wood sacrifice wine can only come alone.

When I came to the courtyard, I found Chu Yun sitting at the stone table, like a clay sculpture.

There are still dragon bottles and a pot of cold tea on the table.

Can't he? He's still sitting here, motionless?

"Lord Chu."

Rotten wood sacrifice wine shook his head and walked forward.

Chu Yun stood up in surprise and said, "you are here to sacrifice wine..."

"You know I'll come?"

The brain of the dead wood offering wine has some wood, which hasn't been turned around for a long time.

Chu Yun took the rotten wood wine offering to the stone bench, sat down according to him, and kept his eyes on him, saying: "the wine offering adult should not play riddles with me, your majesty What do you mean? "

It took a long time for deadwood's brain to turn around, and then he realized: "Oh yes, your majesty has made a decision No, how do you know I went to see your majesty? "

"Is this the time to talk about these sidelights?"

Chu Yun is really laughed at by Qi. After being drunk, his brain is really hard to use.

"Speaking of this, I have to congratulate Lord Chu."

Rotten wood offering wine spread out the palm, only to see a ball of golden light lying quietly, emitting brilliant light.

Seeing the golden ball for the first time, Chu Yun felt his body trembling and his expression became solemn and solemn.

This kind of situation is very similar to that of the day when he was awarded the office by his majesty. The spirit of the heaven is so powerful and upright that people feel afraid and submissive.

"Your Majesty said, burp, Lord Chu led Beitang to win the champion of the martial arts club. He has done a lot of work and has been given a reward."

The rotten wood sacrifice wine hands the golden light group to Chu Yun.

After Chu Yun reached for it, the golden light suddenly exploded, which contained the rolling thunder sound of Fang Wujing --

"Chu Yun, when you were a martial arts teacher in taicollege, he showed outstanding performance and dedicated the basic fighting method to the army. He made great contributions. I specially sent a message to reward you!"

"First, you will take the place of the dead wood's sacrifice."

"In the days to come, you have to teach many schools of taicollege in addition to cultivation. I believe you can do it."

"As for the rotten wood, I will arrange for it later."

Hearing this, Chu Yun was almost in a coma.

How could it be such a reward?

I specially hand over the basic fighting method, that is, I want to leave bravely in the torrent.

I've already handed over the secret. It's of little significance to continue to be a teacher of Taiyuan University. Next, I resigned as a teacher naturally and devoted myself to the cultivation in the mansion.

But who could have thought that when his majesty opened his golden mouth, he even appointed himself to be the place of offering wine.

This position is the dream of many people.

As the most advanced institution in yaochi holy junior high school, taicollege only admits young people with unique talents.

It can be said that you can throw a stone at any time in Tai college, at least you will hit a family member.

There are second-class officials as backers, and they are the bottom in Taiyuan University.

If I could serve as a toaster in Taiyuan University, I would talk and laugh with Hongru, and there would be no exchange of baiding.

For a long time, the accumulated contacts are absolutely terrifying.

That's why so many people are sharpening their heads and drilling for Taiyuan University.

Most people don't dare to think about it, but even if they only serve as a teacher, a teacher, it's good!


After hearing this, the dead wood sacrifice wine jumped three feet high, and the wine woke up most of the time.

He had a bright smile on his face, and even his breathing became short. He knelt on the ground and shouted "thank you for your kindness".

He had already told his majesty that he was a martial arts man, and he didn't want to stay in taicollege all the time. He worried a lot every day, but he might as well give some idle jobs.

I didn't expect that your Majesty's decision this time really took these into account.

Chu Yun's face is like a bitter gourd. Although it is a step up, he is not happy at all.

These two people are really wonderful.

A person who loses the place of offering sacrifices to others, is very happy to rob the ground with his head.

A person who also served as a sacrificial place couldn't even squeeze out a reluctant smile.

If this scene is seen by others, you must be angry.

You don't treasure what I can't get through all my hard work!

"Is this your Majesty's reward for me?"

Chu Yun looks like he can't be loved.

Before, I decisively refused the suggestion of offering a sacrifice to Deadwood. I thought this matter would be tolerated, but I didn't expect that in the end, the place of offering a sacrifice to deadwood could not escape.

It's destiny. Should it happen?

"And And others, you You wait. "

There was some confusion in the excitement of the dead wood sacrifice.

"Second, I will open the first floor of the imperial treasury and let you choose one of them as your reward."

Fang Wujing's majestic voice rang again.

Chu Yun, like a thunderbolt, stood in place.

Your Majesty's reward to yourself is to open the imperial treasury!

Don't you just want to enter into the imperial treasury?

There is no place to look for. It won't take much time to come!

The ups and downs of life are really exciting!

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