Sky War Soul

Chapter 1032 start of hunt

Sun Wei is also confident. He feels that he is impossible to lead the team to win the prize of Ziyuan shengguotai college, so he is willing to open the treasure house of Taiyuan college and let himself choose treasures.

This sentence can make a lot of understanding, as long as you need, you can take anything out of the Treasury.

Of course, not too much.

However, as the highest institution in the Imperial City, Tai college is rich enough.

There are countless treasures in the treasure house.

"Although the Tianjiao in the imperial palace of Ziyuan is strong, they are not invincible."

After pondering for a while, chuyun smiled quietly: "I don't think you are any worse than him."

This sentence alone touched the minds of those scholars in Beitang.

Chu Yun's confidence in them has never been diminished.

Even for those who are proud of the University.

"I'm confident that I can lead the team to beat them, so I hope you can take part in the next game and win the top six."

Chu Yun soon regained his confident and explosive temperament, with a sharp light in his eyes, high spirited and confident.

Sun Wei, do you want me to go up and carry this black pot?

OK, I'll show you!

I, Chu Yun, not only accept things that others are afraid of avoiding, but also finish them well for you!

There used to be a lot of people who wanted to kill me. They all lost their wives and their soldiers. What's the difference between you and them, Sun Wei?

Beitang scholars, after a few seconds of silence, nodded firmly.

"Teacher, we believe you."

"There's nothing to be afraid of."

"The teacher said that if we can win, we can win!"

Among all the people, especially the local will to follow the trend and develop philosophy, with the most confidence.

After all, they were born in the hands of Chu Yun. They have absolutely unconditional trust in Chu Yun.

"Go back and get ready. I hope you can win the top six of the game!"

Chuyun smiled a little. The competition between Tianjiao and Tianjiao was totally different from the details.

If the details are not handled well, the gap will be very large.

As the leading teacher of yaochi team, Chu Yun has enough confidence to make every one of them change again and become unique in the battle force!


Chu Yun's appointment as a teacher in charge of the yaochi team soon spread all over the college.

Some scholars gloat, some worry about it, some just watch it.

Originally, the yaochi team should have been set up three years ago, but the Tianjiao of Ziyuan shengguotai college is too strong to win.

So no one is willing to do it until now.

Now there is only half a year left, which is not enough time for yaochi team to make too much progress, let alone the opponent of Ziyuan team.

This is almost obvious -

the position of the leading teacher of yaochi team is always empty, and Ziyuan team is too strong to win, that is to say, no matter who is the leading teacher, they will lose; if they lose, they will roll back home, so it becomes a hot potato, and everyone is afraid to avoid it.

Who would have expected that Chu Yun would take the place of rotten wood and wine sacrifice at this juncture, and Sun Wei would not let this opportunity pass by and forcibly ordered him to take over the yaochi team.

This black pot has been carried by someone at last!

Chu Yun ignored these criticisms and walked into the treasure house alone and stayed for three days.

When he came out, the first thing he announced was a reward.

All those who win the top six in the game will be rewarded with elixir.

Who can win the first, but also can get a top-notch spirit soldier!

As soon as this statement was made, the hunting heat was much higher, and many scholars were eager to try.

It's impossible for those who can practice in Taiyuan University to have poor power behind them. These rewards are absolutely attractive to ordinary people, but they may not come for rewards.

They came for Chu Yun!

Anyone who can be selected can get Chu Yun's guidance for half a year.

Chu Yun only took the North Hall for three months, and then changed it from the bottom to the top. If he was taught by Chu Yun in the first half of the year, what would be the effect?

This alone is enough to make most scholars crazy.

We all see the transformation of Beitang. Who doesn't want it?


The game is held in the hunting ground of taicollege.

The hunting ground is very large and precious, which is one of the highlights of Taiyuan University.

All the monsters in it are simulated by aura, which is not true, but they are not weaker than the real monsters. Apart from the lack of aura, they are almost indistinguishable.

Of course, this is also because those intelligent monsters are too difficult to be imprisoned. Many of them would rather die than be imprisoned as livestock.

In order to let the scholars of Taiyuan University have a place to hunt and improve their fighting power, the royal family specially built this hunting ground with a lot of money, and created many monsters and spirits by supreme means.

There are more than 200 scholars standing in the school yard in front of the hunting ground. Their eyes are firm and determined.

Many scholars of Beitang naturally participated.

If other teachers take yaochi team, how far they hide and how far they have to lose, why do they have to gamble?

But this man is Chu Yun!

This makes their hearts full of fighting spirit.

As a saying goes, a man dies for a friend.

These scholars are willing to fight and take risks for Chu Yun!

Chu Yun station in the school yard, the bottom of my heart some regrets.

Half a year, seemingly impossible tasks, fall on their shoulders.

But again, this is an opportunity.

Previously, he spent three days in the treasure house. Besides selecting rewards, he also took a lot of things he needed.

Especially at the beginning, all the materials mentioned by Zhao tiehammer were taken away by Chu Yun.

Relying solely on the existing materials of Warhammer Kingdom, it is certainly not enough to create a whole set of legendary spirit soldiers, so I prepared some in advance and prepared for the future.

Of course, Chu Yun took away some unique defense spirit soldiers, which was a gift to Zixian and Lili.

Monk luanlai, Tang Haoran, Wang boqian, Mutu, and Dasheng all have their share naturally.

Anyway, Sun Wei said that he can choose at will. What else is polite to him?

If it's not that he's afraid of eating too ugly, Chu Yun wants to empty the whole treasure house!

You calculate me, and you want me to carry the pot for you. Are you kidding.

I will not only fall the pot, but also take enough benefits from you!

"Eh, isn't that Qian Yan?"

Local Chronicles is chatting with a group of scholars in Beitang. Suddenly, they look up and find Qian Yan coming straight.

"This kid is going to join the hunt, too?"

Several people looked at each other, not to say that Qian Yan could not participate. He clearly didn't deal with Chu Yun, but why did he come?

"I think this kid wants the teacher's advice."

"What a shame."

"In order to be strong, don't you have any face?"

A few people didn't scold.

Feng Yanzhe's eyes narrowed, and he said lightly, "in order to become stronger, what is a face? Can you eat it?"

One stroke.

Qian Yan's eyes were a little gloomy when he saw all the scholars in the North Hall.

I saw him turn his head suddenly, leaving only one back.

The way is different. I don't even want to see you.

Of course, Qian Yan is a wise man. If he is determined to stay here, Beitang scholars are not vegetarian.

He was furious when he kept his words.

So, leaving early is the best choice.

Of course, in addition to Qian Yan, there are also many people who come here in their daily lives and devote themselves to self-cultivation. They seldom participate in disputes, but this opportunity will never be missed.

"That's sun Zhe's son, sun Yeqi."

"Oh, it's him?"

"He's usually very low-key, but he rarely shows up."

"It seems that I have never appeared before, but this time I have come. It seems that I am determined to get it!"

"Look, isn't that Bai Taifu's daughter?"

"Bai kongzhao, I heard that her Sabre technique is incomparable in Taiyuan University."

"She's here, too. It's really interesting."

"A lot of people are here."

Many scholars observe everywhere, and their pupils contract violently.

No matter sun Yeqi or Bai kongzhao, they are rarely seen people, and they don't know what the purpose of joining taicollege is.

But today, they are all here!

Local chronicle saw all this at the bottom of his eyes and frowned: "Niang Pao, it's a bit tricky."

"I slapped you to death!"

Feng Yanzhe snorted coldly, and then said, "the greater the competition, the more power there is."

"It's different from the martial arts club. There is no limit in it. The competition is pure combat power!"

Fang took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "we, however, have no advantage."

"Don't they have an advantage?"

Feng Yanzhe reached out his hand and pointed to all the scholars. He said with a mockery: "local chronicles, are you kicked by a donkey in the brain? It's the fairest game to win by fighting alone!"

"I don't care about you."

local chronicles turned red, and hurriedly shifted the topic.

"Are you confident to be in the top six?"

Chu Yun walked quickly, glancing at the crowd.

"I have no problem."

Feng Yanzhe is the first to speak.

"Me too."

The local will is not willing to lag behind.

All the others, except for Huo Yunan's nod, were hesitant.

After all, Qian Yan, Xu Le, sun Yeqi and Bai kongzhao are not vegetarian.

In the hunting ground, all kinds of possibilities will happen. It's hard to say whether we can laugh till the end.

Chu Yun said with a smile: "in those three months, I taught you a lot about fighting instinct. Don't have any pressure, just let it go."


At this time, the huge clock in the distance was suddenly struck, making a thick and dull sound, which spread for tens of miles.

This represents the official opening of the seven-day game.


Several black armour soldiers pushed open the gate and felt a sense of desolation. I don't know how many dangers lurk in the vast green mountains and forests in front of them.

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