Sky War Soul

Chapter 1056 the world of mortals

In the last month, there was no disturbance, so it passed.

It is worth mentioning that in the last half of the month, sun zhe came out in person and wanted to take sun Yeqi back.

In this half month, sun Yeqi did only one thing, that is, recuperation.

Chu Yun not only refused to let people go, but also argued that he would not give in to sun Taibao.

For this reason, the matter has been brought to his Majesty's side.

Fang Wujing sees that it's just a small matter, and it's not hard for sun Zhe to take sun Yeqi back.

According to his meaning, Chu Yun chooses one of many scholars at will. However, Chu Yun is also stubborn and would rather be deficient than abusive.

Other scholars can't meet the criteria of being selected. Even if they are selected, it's humiliating.

It's better not to choose, just to hold on to these five candidates.



Near the last two days, Chu Yun specially gave five scholars two days off to wash and clean themselves up.

After all, to represent the holy state of yaochi, we have to clean up a little, which is also the past of face.

In front of taixueyuan.

Chu Yun stood at the front, with five scholars behind him.

Beside, there are three other wine offerings and Sun Wei.

Sun Wei's expression is ugly. If he didn't have to be there, he wouldn't come at all.

"Look at this time, the holy kingdom of Ziyuan should be coming soon?"

Chu Yun murmured.

According to the regulations, the taxi of Ziyuan shengguotai college will visit yaochi shengguotai College for a "friendly" exchange competition.

The exchange match is certain. As for the friendliness and unfriendliness, it's hard to say.

But now, the people of the holy land of Ziyuan still haven't come. It's not clear what's going on.

At noon, the sun is in the sky.

I didn't wait for people to come to Ziyuan holy Kingdom, but I waited for Gao Gonggong.

"Gao Gonggong?"

Seeing the visitor, Chu Yun was surprised.

For Gao Gonggong, Chu Yun still has a good feeling.

At the dragon's gate conference, Duke Gao helped himself a lot and took Xu Jiaoyang's pills to give to him.

When his majesty asked him about his crime, Duke Gao also spoke for himself.

"Don't wait, the kingdom of purple kite will not come."

When Gao Gonggong arrived, he flicked the dust gently, with a mysterious smile on his face.

"They're not coming?"

Chu Yun was stunned, but he thought it was ridiculous. Is this standing us up?

Such a big exchange game is usually prepared three years in advance. This time, it took half a year for them to come, but they would not come if they could not.

"It's not that I didn't come. There are other reasons."

Gao Gonggong smiled and explained in a sharp voice: "in recent years, the Taoist gate, which has been silent for a long time, has suddenly announced that it will hold a grand banquet three days later, inviting many Tianjiao to explore the ancient Longshan mountain. We were invited to discuss with Ziyuan Shengguo, and then we decided to cancel the exchange competition. After all, we couldn't catch up with the time. "

When many scholars heard the words, they all took a cold breath.

"Daomen, ancient Longshan?"

Chu Yun raises his eyebrows.

He didn't know much about daomen, and even less about ancient Longshan.

"In ancient times, Longshan was one of many small worlds controlled by Taoism. There used to be fierce real dragons in it. However, with the passage of time, all the real dragons died out, leaving only a group of low level monsters flowing with the blood of dragons."

Gao Gonggong knows that Chu Yun doesn't understand these things, so he deliberately explains them for him.

"As for the ancient Longshan mountain, because there were real dragons living there for a long time, there are many valuable Tiancai and Dibao hidden here."

"The so-called exploration of ancient Longshan, on the one hand, is to hunt and kill monsters, on the other hand, is to find medicinal materials."


After hearing Gao Gonggong's introduction, Chu Yun's heart was full of interest.

It's much more interesting to explore the ancient Longshan than a simple exchange competition.

"We have 20 places in the holy land of yaochi."

Gao Gonggong looked at Chu Yun, and then his voice changed: "only under the realm of life and death can you enter it."

As soon as this remark came out, many scholars of taicollege were all excited and exclaimed.

They are all living and dying.

A large number of Tianjiao in yaochi saint's country have come to the realm of life and death.

For example, Fang Luo, fan jinlang, Lu Xianying, etc. were promoted several months ago.

If it is not for suppressing the realm to attend the Longmen conference, they may be able to come to the realm of life and death earlier.

Obviously, they were disqualified.

"Your Majesty has decided that you will be prepared to choose 15 people from Taiji college, and the remaining five places will be given to you."

Mr. Gao has a bright smile.

"To me?"

Chu Yun is surprised, some are unbelievable.

Your majesty, I can't believe that you can give me such a reward.

However, I have no credit. Why do I get paid?

With a grin, Fang Zhi whispered, "you killed Qian Yan and asked me to beat sun Yeqi half dead. What's the credit?"

Chu Yun hears the words and smiles.

Your majesty, if the rewards and punishments are clear, they are actually Mingjun!

"Yes, Lord Chu can choose five people to come in and rush to the daomen together."

Duke Gao shakes the dust and says with a smile: "Lord Chu hasn't returned to Luofu city for a long time, isn't it better for me to accompany you?"

Chu Yun's heart is burning.

Gao Gonggong's intention is to escort himself back to Luofu city.

After all, there are too many people who offend themselves. If they are not escorted by others, they are not sure what accident will happen.

"Then I'm tired of my father-in-law."

Chu Yun is in a good mood. Take these five places to Zixian and leave them.

"Five of you, automatically selected."

Gao Gonggong looked at the local chronicles and others, and then said lightly: "big sacrifice wine, you choose ten scholars from Tai college, no selfish feelings."

The last sentence is a warning.

Sun Wei gnawed his teeth, but he could only lower his head and answer.

At the same time, he scolded himself in his heart: it's just a dog beside the emperor. What's his look?

No way, who let Grandpa Gao be the dog beside his majesty?

Even a dog depends on its owner.

"Lord Chu, let's go."

Gonggong Gao bent his fingers and swept the dust in his hands. He stood on the top with his hands on his back.

If it wasn't for frivolous hair and running together, there would be a real sense of immortality.

"Lord Chu, do you want me to take you with you?"

Gao Gonggong asked.

"Thank you for your kindness."

Chu Yun shook his head politely, then smiled a little and offered up the Buddhist lotus in the Qing Dynasty.

At the moment of the appearance of the lotus in the Qing Dynasty, the full-bodied Buddhist deposits were released and the golden light was shining. It seemed that there was also the Buddha's voice.

Chu Yun is half lying in a comfortable position among the Buddhist lotus in the Qing Dynasty.

Feeling the spirit coming from the lotus and the warm Buddhist power, Chu Yun is very comfortable.


Gao Gonggong looked at his eyes carefully, then his expression changed slightly.

It's not only a battle product, but also a Buddha thing.

Chu Yun, where did you get this treasure?

If it's just war products and spirit soldiers, it's just enough.

If lingbing has strong Buddha spirit, there is only one possibility. Its former master is a real eminent monk.

With the help of the Buddhist voice and scriptures, it naturally becomes a Buddha with great significance.

There seems to be a monk around Chu Yun.

Add this lotus.

Is it hard that chuyun and Foshan in the West have a relationship?

Sun Wei's pupil contracted violently in his eyes.

Chu Yun's life experience has always been a mystery.

He has the spirit of the devil and the Buddha, and his actions are both good and evil.

This is very similar to the legendary "red man" in Foshan, the West sky.

It is said that every few years, the Western Foshan will send "red men" to travel around the world, travel thousands of miles, and experience everywhere. When the Buddhism is successful, they will rush back to the Western Foshan, engrave all their experiences into books, and provide them for future generations to read.

If the posterity can understand the Tao experience from the book of "the world of mortals", it is personal creation.

In a word, the status of red men in Foshan is very high, even above the ascetic monks.

And the number is extremely rare, everyone is taken care of as treasure.

Difficult or not, Chu Yun is the "red dust Walker" of Foshan in the west?

It's very possible to see the spirit of magic and Buddha in him.

Although it is not clear why he was possessed by the devil, only the eminent monk with Buddhist heart can be qualified to gather the spirit of the devil and Buddha after being possessed by the devil.

From this point of view, Chu Yun is also very consistent.

As for Buddhist lotus, it's a battle product and spirit soldier. It's also a Buddhist thing.

Maybe it was from chuyun's master.

It's not easy to turn the fighting spirit soldiers into Buddhas. At least it's only for the monks at the level of abbot.

Thinking of this, Sun Wei takes back his thoughts and clenches his fists slightly.

"In that case, there will be some trouble."

Sun Wei's expression was grim.

This matter must be reported to the grand master, who will decide.

If Chu Yun is really a "red man", he will never be able to move!

Otherwise, it would be terrible for Foshan to retaliate!


Gonggong Gao rose from the sky and disappeared into the sky like a meteor.

Chu Yun didn't need to control the Buddhist lotus in Qing Dynasty. When he thought about it, he followed Gao Gonggong closely.

Lying in the Buddhist lotus in the Qing Dynasty, enjoying many benefits, not only absorbing spirit faster, but also spiritual power.

Most of all, it's comfortable to lie in it!

"What a Buddha thing!"

At first, Duke Gao spoke highly, and then asked, "where is this Buddha from, Lord Chu?"

Chu Yun replied without hesitation, "from a senior."

Gao Gonggong is silent. He doesn't doubt Chu Yun's words, because he also thinks of the people of the world in Foshan.

Walking in the world, after thousands of things, walking thousands of miles.

It's not a common coincidence that all conditions of Chu Yun can be met in combination with various performances.

The only problem is that he has the spirit of magic Buddha, not the pure Buddha power.

But who knows, can this be the West day Foshan arranges deliberately?

In this way, Chu Yun refused his Majesty's marriage for a reason.

People of the world of mortals can't marry or be fettered by the secular world.

As for the two beautiful Fairies in Luofu City, they are probably the cover of his identity.

In this way, everything will make sense.

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