Sky War Soul

Chapter 1059 dragon vein group

Under the leadership of Wu Chengzi, all the people of the holy kingdom of yaochi walked towards the interior of yuxu mountain.

Many scholars around saw this scene, and their hearts were filled with endless envy.

It is also an early arrival, I can only stand outside and wait, but the holy land of yaochi can take the lead to enter.

But I can't help it. Who can make people one of the four holy countries? Their status is here. They can't envy them.

Wu Chengzi flicks the dust in his hand, and one mountain after another in front of him is moved away, revealing the road behind him, which is the famous "mountain moving skill" of Taoism.

There are not only obstacles of mountains, but also many secret patterns which are portrayed in the mountains and forests, which makes people not understand at all.

In short, the whole yuxu mountain is as complex as a maze.

"Yuxu mountain range, it's really ups and downs, layers of ups and downs, if no one leads the way, surely can't find the direction."

Chu Yun was deeply moved.

"Ha ha, we Taoists like quietness, so we have to make the mountains more complex to avoid being harassed by people all day long."

Hearing the words, Wu Chengzi smiled.

"Why did you call on all the ancient countries to explore the ancient Longshan mountain

Deadwood asked casually, but not very strong purpose.

However, Wu Chengzi immediately shut up and said with a wry smile, "don't ask me about these things. Ask the Lord to go."

"If I can ask the Lord, I need to ask you?"

The rotten wood rolled its eyes and didn't care too much.

Originally, this is a secret, which can not be easily explored by oneself.

"Chuyun, this yuxu mountain range contains a main dragon vein!"

Tang Zixian came up and whispered.

This is the first time she has seen the main dragon since she left Taiqian.

"More than one?"

Chuyun's eyes narrowed and he said softly, "at least three!"


After hearing the words, Tang Haoran, monk luanlai and others all took a breath.

When Wu Chengzi heard this, he said with a smile: "chuyun Taoist friends are really insightful. Yuxu mountain range is one of the three largest groups of dragon veins in the Taiqian area. It contains three main dragon veins, and there are dozens of first-class dragon veins outside, forming a huge mountain situation..."

"What are the other two groups of dragon vein groups?"

Chu Yun was curious.

"TianChao, and many ancient countries in the East."

Wu Chengzi said that he was a little proud: "chuyun Daoyou, the dragon vein group of many ancient countries in the East, although there are four main dragon veins, but you, the sage state of yaochi, only occupy one of them."

Each of the four holy nations occupies a main dragon vein and countless first-class dragon veins.

Chu Yun nodded repeatedly, so it is.

Although it's majestic, it can't be compared with the daomen with three main dragon veins.

"Eh, what about Foshan in the west?"

Chu Yun suddenly thought that in the past, in the Taiqian continent, Buddhism had a dragon vein.

"In the west of Foshan, we believe in the Buddha and carry out the whole Foshan with Buddhist power. Naturally, we don't need dragon veins."

Wu Chengzi explained a sentence casually.

What's the point of luanlai monk's heart wandering? The Buddhism in Taiqian continent still needs dragon pulse to maintain its Qi, while Foshan in the West doesn't need it?

It shows that the cultivation of Buddhism in Taiqian is not good at all.

Believing in Buddha, nature should be protected by Buddha's power, which needs the blessing of dragon's Qi?

"The cultivation environment of Taoism is one of the best in the whole Taiqian world. If the Taoist friends of Chu Yun have a mind, it's OK to enter our Taoism practice!"

Wu Chengzi's remark is half joking and half serious.

Chu Yun waved repeatedly: "thank you for your kindness, Taoist priest. I'm just used to living in yaochi holy land, and I don't want to change."

The dead wood immediately aroused, pulled up his face and said, "don't take my brother Chu Yun's advice, you ox nose. He is a super arrogant man in the holy land of yaochi. Your majesty attaches great importance to him. What are you doing here? It's hard not to be successful. Your Taoist position is to give up to my brother Chu Yun? "

Wu Chengzi choked on the rotten wood and couldn't speak. He just smiled bitterly and said, "let's go first."

The team continued to March, after climbing several mountains, and finally came to a large area of open space.

In the open space, there is a Taoist temple, which looks very magnificent.

Before the Taoist temple, some Taoists and Taoist nuns were practicing swords. When they saw Wu Chengzi coming, they hurriedly collected the swords and saluted: "I have seen the master."

Wu Chengzi turned around and said, "you will have a rest in my Taoist temple. In two days, the transmission array to ancient Longshan will be opened!"

"Why, don't you take us to see the Lord?"

Rotten wood frowns, Wu Chengzi brings these people to his Taoist temple, is this over?

Wu Chengzi said with a wry smile: "it's really because the Taoist can't get away from him. He's studying a complex algorithm. He can't get out without three years and five years."

Daomen is famous for its amazing arithmetical derivation, wonderful sword technique, secret pattern depiction and elixir refining.

They claim to be able to calculate all the heavens and practice the Tao by calculating Yin and Yang, five elements and eight trigrams.

Therefore, the disciples of Taoism are all proficient in good swordsmanship, and they are also good at deduction and alchemy, with huge spiritual strength.

A little Taoist was sitting cross legged on the ground, showing a slight frown.

In front of her, there was a chessboard.

It's not go, it's chess.

She is playing chess with herself, but she is in the bottle neck. She can't go out of the next step.

Seeing this, Chu Yun smiled and pointed out: "the car is five in three, the heavy gun is on, don't live on the horse's feet, the Red Prince will kill if he is bored!"

With only a few words, I can see through the follow-up routine of the two chess pieces.

Hearing this, the worried little Taoist suddenly surprised her big eyes. She went on according to the way pointed by Chu Yun, and finally formed a dead end within five steps.

As the saying goes, chess should take ten steps at a time, but it's just an understanding of how to play chess on your own side.

If one person plays two corners, the difficulty will increase in geometric multiple, because you are playing chess with yourself.

It's hard to keep the black side invincible while trying to make the red side win.

So the little Taoist girl stuck in the bottleneck before she could go any further.

"More Thank you. "

The little Taoist was overjoyed and hurriedly looked up to thank her.

Chu Yun waved, but he was also interested in the algorithm of daomen.

The best way to exercise algorithm is to play chess.

The way to get started is abacus.

The higher one is chess.

If the algorithm is perfect, go will be used.

Go, take a step, in my mind will have insight into the whole board trend.

It's a great way to improve your mental strength.

As for the melody, it is also one of the very important preconditions for the arithmetic to cultivate the tranquility of mind and the tranquility of mind.

Calculation is a very boring thing. With the huge and incomparable numbers, there are no mistakes, and it often takes a long time to deduce the calculation.

If during this period, the state of mind produces waves, even if it is very small, it is enough to make people fall into the mire and go more and more biased.

Therefore, temperament is also a must for Taoist disciples to learn.

After entering the Taoist temple, Chu Yun found that the interior of the Taoist temple was very spacious, divided into rooms one after another.

Some rooms, filled with dandelions, are obviously places for preaching and dispelling doubts.

Some rooms are dotted like a huge chessboard.

In some rooms, there are many dummies standing on their bodies, which are densely covered with the directions of acupoints with a brush.

Chu Yun is walking through it, and some puzzles at the bottom of his heart are gradually solved.

It turns out that inside the Taoist temple, it is like this.

The so-called daomen is the general designation of the whole yuxu mountains.

There are many Taoist temples in the mountains. Each Taoist temple has its own leader, who is used to recruit disciples and pass on the firewood.

"Everyone, everyone who comes to this temple is a distinguished guest. There is a furnace of elixir just refined by the poor way. Everyone can share one gourd."

Wu Chengzi walked out of the Taoist temple with dozens of elixir gourds in his hands and a smile on his lips: "this elixir is called thirty six way summoning elixir, which can stimulate all mental power for a short time, and has the effect of refreshing and refreshing, and has no side effects. You can use it safely and boldly. If it's not enough in the future, even if you come to ask for help, I will never be stingy! ”

"thank you, Taoist

Everyone thanked each other. Unexpectedly, just came here, there was such a good gift.

According to the division of pills, the thirty-six ways of calling Shendan is at least a top-grade pill. Each person gives a gourd of it, which is really not small.

Chu Yun takes over a gourd, pulls out the cork and sniffs it. He just feels refreshed and bright.


It's a pure and flawless elixir.

"Martial Uncle Wu, where is chuyun?"

Fang Han's voice came from outside the Taoist temple. He was obviously very interested.

There are so many scholars in the holy land of yaochi, including local ambition, fengyanzhe, rotten wood and Gusu.

However, Fang Han came and asked Chu Yun directly.

Chu Yun looked around and saw Fang Hanzheng coming in front of the Taoist temple.

"I didn't expect you to come."

Fang Han laughed and said, "recently, I have been studying chess hard and have made great progress. I'm not as good as you if you can break the three dragon gathering, but I still want you to give me some advice, so that I can continue to improve. "

Chu Yun once heard, hurriedly waved his hand: "it's not instructive. I'm not in a good mood recently. I don't want to play chess, so I'd better spend some time."


The three dragon gathering was accidentally broken by itself. Although it can be repeated, if there are more, it will definitely show up.

You should know that you are not proficient in go at all, let alone compete with experts like Fang Han.

Therefore, Chu Yun can only vaguely say the past.

"Broken three dragon gathering?"

Wu Chengzi's pupils contract violently, and he looks at Chu Yun in surprise.

After Fang Han came back last time, he just said that his chess skills and melody were completely suppressed by Chu Yun, and there was no chance.

But he didn't say that Chu Yun broke the three dragons gathering!

The gathering of three dragons is an inevitable chess game created by the Taoist master. Once all the three sons are down, there is no way to break it.

Unless you launch a series of attacks before the third son is finished, forcing him to fail.

As soon as the three sons fall, the three dragons gather, and there is no way to break them.

This has become a consensus in the field of dryness.

However, Fang Han said that Chu cloud broke the three dragons gathering!

The so-called broken three dragon gathering refers to the one that can still break after the three sons fall.

This How is that possible?

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