Sky War Soul

Chapter 106 fighting for the enlightenment platform

"Are the disciples of all the major sects gathered there to fight for it? If so, it means that it's really precious! "

Chu YunRuo thinks.

Most of the disciples are very low-key, not everyone likes to show off. Especially on Yuhuang Island, if you find one or two important treasures, you are eager to hide them tightly, for fear that they will be robbed by others, how can you join in the excitement?

Now it is about to reach the deadline of three months. Some disciples of the clan who know that they are not strong enough have gone out early. None of the people who are still here are ambitious!

Such a group of people together is enough to show the value of that thing.

"That's what I mean!"

The demon nodded his head at night, and then he couldn't wait to say: "it's time for us to go out after so long training here!"

Chu Yun looked up at the ape. After more than two months of being together, they had deep feelings. Suddenly, he said that he was reluctant to leave.

"Great saint, we are leaving."

Chu Yun sighed: "if there is a chance in the future, I will come back to see you!"

The great sage is the name Chu Yun gave to the ape. Some of it is out of bad taste.

"I I want to go with you! "

The great sage scratched his head and said with a little embarrassment, "I came to the island a hundred years ago and found the fruit tree. Out of greed, I have been guarding the fruit tree. Now that the fruit is all gone, I don't want to stay here. Where are you going? Take me with you! "

"You're going with us?"

Chu Yun was a little surprised. He didn't expect the great saint to say so.

"Well, I've had enough here."

The great sage laughed.

"Elder martial brother Yaoye, are we going to go out to the transmission array? If we take the great sage, can we go through the transmission array? "

Chu Yun asked suddenly.

Demon night is also very unexpected. After thinking about it for a while, some of them think: "the great sage's body shape is too large, I'm afraid that the transmission line-up can't lower it!"


The great sage thumped his chest. Then, he saw his huge mountain like body suddenly shrink at the speed visible to the naked eye. In a moment, it shrank a hundred times and became only two meters high.

The body is maned and looks like a human. Its muscles are swollen. Although it's only two meters tall, it still gives people great pressure. A tail swings behind him, full of wild and unruly.


The demon night was shocked completely, and then took a cold breath: "only the magical beast can change its size at will. If it is because of the nectar berry that the great sage spits out his words, how should we explain it now? "

"I don't know what the magical realm is. Body shape change is the way I grew up. I don't think it's great. "

The saint scratched his head, and his face was simple and honest. He could not see that it was a powerful monster with great fighting power.

"The power of the great sage is about the same as that of zhenwujing. It can't be a magical place."

Chu Yun shook his head. The magical realm was too far away to even think about it.

The demon night restrained the excitement in his heart and nodded: "the great sage is in such a shape that he can use the transmission array to go out. But Chu Yun, do you really want to take the great sage back to the sect? "


Chu Yun nodded without hesitation.

"Well, since you have made up your mind, no matter what happens, please, I will bear it with you!"

Demon night is very righteous.

"Then let's go!"

Chu Yun clenched his fists, and his eyes were full of excitement. He was beaten by Da Sheng for more than two months in the valley. He could not wait to find someone to practice.

Two people and one beast, galloping toward the valley.

"I've been on the island for decades and I know what's here. Although there are annoying guys guarding, if you want, I can take you to find it. "

The great saint said earnestly as he galloped.

Chu Yun's eyes brightened. If so, it would be a worthwhile trip!


In the center of Yuhuang Island, there is an underground ruins.

More than 30 disciples of the clan are fighting desperately in the ruins under the ground. But no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't kill them. There were dozens of powerful monsters under the ground together to resist the attack of these disciples and kill them again and again!


A sharp arrow shot through a disciple's chest.

The disciple Mu Lu was shocked and fell to the ground. He couldn't believe that he had been shot before he died.

"Junior brother!"

One person wanted to break his heart and rush to pick up the disciple's body, but he was severely pulled by several people around him.



The roar of animals, the shaking of heaven and earth, make the scalp numb. The frightening weather is like a raging rough wave, which forms a terrible storm and encircles the entrance. Every time you enter or leave, you have to pay a huge price.

More than 30 disciples of the clan, all with dignified faces, retreated in succession.

The atmosphere was very depressing for a time. The disciples of each sect gathered together in twos and threes, each of them was the main one, holding each other, and no one spoke.

Yin Hanwen stood in the middle and said without expression: "this is the fifth time we have attacked, and finally we failed. No one ever thought about why? "

"Bah, it's so light. Just now you are very close. Why don't you help my younger martial brother? How easy is it to block that arrow with your strength? "

One person glared at Yin Hanwen badly.

They are the disciples of Yaodong sect. They have instinctive hatred for Tiandao sect.

Yinhan ignored him and said: "we have found this thing for more than ten days. There are many casualties, but we still haven't been able to take it. Why? It's because we are too disunited, each of us is the main body, and everyone cares about himself and has no one else in mind. We are all scattered. Is it possible that we are the opponents of these monsters? "

Many disciples didn't speak, but some of them began to agree with Yin Hanwen's words.

What he said is really good. We are all focused on each other, and there is no cohesion at all.

When dealing with monsters, we should always be on guard against those around us. Everyone is afraid, so we can't play our real strength naturally. If they are all twisted into a rope, these monsters are not afraid at all!

"We can unite first, kill these monsters, and then distribute the ownership of the treasure. It's only a few days before the March deadline. We'll continue to argue. I'm afraid all the monsters have been transmitted before we kill them all! "

It has to be said that Yin Hanwen's words are very provocative. Many disciples nodded their heads to show their approval.

"No way! Our Aoyun sect and your Tiandao sect are not in harmony. Who knows if you Yin Hanwen will kill us! "

With a long and handsome feeling, meimou looks at Yin Hanwen coldly.

"Oh, when do you want me to talk about it? Why are you talking about it? We unite to kill all the monsters and beasts. Everyone has the possibility to get the treasure. If we don't unite, no one will get it! "

Zhu Fu Si's voice is very soft and soft.

Du Yuqing stood by, holding a long sword, still expressionless.

"That's right!"

Many disciples of the clan stood up to express their support.

Changqing is not angry, and obviously wants to continue to say something. He is held by the people beside him and whispers: "stop talking, she is right. If we don't unite, no one will want the treasure!"

Long feeling is very helpless, but can only nod.

Zhongnan and Aoxue are not here. She is not close to other disciples of the clan at all.

"Good! In order to set an example, I'm willing to take the lead and hope everyone can keep up with me! "

Yin Hanwen stood out with a dead face. In fact, he played well in his mind. Apart from him, other people don't know that the treasure here is wudaotai. Because Yuhang has gained a lot of benefits, he must not get this wudaotai, otherwise Yuhang will not let him go!

After killing all these monsters, Yin Hanwen has a back hand!

There is no accident. The monkey board must be his!

Other people saw that Yin Hanwen dared to take the lead, and the tense atmosphere was relieved a lot. A disciple of aoyunzong came out and said: "Yin Hanwen, although we aoyunzong and tiandaozong are not the same, if you want to be a gentleman, we will certainly not delay! The hatred between clans can be put down first, and then kill these monsters! "

Yin Hanwen nodded. There was a flash of sword light in his hand, and his figure rushed into it.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The sword light cuts all directions, splits the storm of essence at the entrance, and the figure rushes in.

Many disciples of the clan were moved. It seems that Yin Hanwen really wants to join hands with you!


The rest of the disciples rushed in quickly.

Yin Hanwen is surrounded by several sword lights. In the twinkling of his figure, the sword lights are slashing the surrounding monsters at an incredible speed. Those monsters scream and are forced to retreat.

In order to be able to kill in, Yin Hanwen really did his best.

Du Yuqing's figure floated to him. His white clothes were cool and unrestrained. His sword was like fog, poem and painting. He rowed in the air, leaving only white light.

In the white light, there are always monsters falling down.

More than 30 people, although some of them have different ideas, all of them put aside their prejudices temporarily and fight with monsters and beasts.

After these disciples united, the arrogance of the monsters was immediately suppressed, and the death and injury were severe. It was only a matter of time before they were completely annihilated.

Just then, three figures came quickly from afar.

It is Chu Yun, demon night and great sage.

Chu Yun stood at the entrance, listening to the roar below, and said with a smile, "it's not too late for us to come. It seems that they haven't got it yet!"

"Then shall we go down?"

The demon night's eyes are full of eager light.

"No hurry, we'll stay here and wait for the rabbit!"

Chuyun laughs.

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