Sky War Soul

Chapter 1074 chance encounter

However, the more you want to avoid, the more likely it is to have an intersection.


A fierce roar of the beast came out, only to see a golden tiger leaping up from under the mountains, fiercely towards the local ambition of the leader.

The local chronicles secretly cried bitterly. The golden tiger had been crawling on the ground before, and all his attention had been focused on the battle ahead, so he didn't notice it at the first time.

Unexpectedly, it gave the beast a kind of confidence.

It thinks it can kill itself!

"I'm dying."

The local chronicle was a little annoyed. He raised his hand to summon the soul breaking cold gun, which was a very sharp move.

The gun that must be killed!

The golden tiger came at once without any back-up. He was stabbed in the head by the local chronicles and killed instantly.

However, the roar of the golden tiger has attracted the attention of the Academy.

"Who is hiding there?"

Lu Ningning, who is fat, is very alert, but blinks.

His spirit, the white crane in the sky, belongs to the type of quick attack and is extremely fast.

To fight with him, usually you have won the game before you have any reaction.

Lu Ningning is very alert at heart. Now his team is fighting with reincarnation monsters until the critical moment. If other teams want to sneak attack, it will be troublesome.

So when he realized that someone was approaching, he didn't have any left hands at all, and rushed towards this side crazily.

As soon as the local chronicle's expression was cold, it was obvious that he didn't leave any face when looking at the posture of the other party.

Since you are indiscriminate to me, then why should I be polite to you?

Think of here, local ambition a throw break soul cold gun, mercilessly toward Lu Ningning draw past.


The void was directly shattered by this gun, making a deafening sound.

The attack of local chronicles is very strange. It avoids the front and takes out the attack from a strange angle.

Lu Ningning was obviously surprised. He recognized the identity of the other side when he saw the soul breaking cold gun.

Actually, it's local records.

If the local records are here, many scholars in the holy country of yaochi must be here.

Chu Yun, here, too.

While he was thinking about this, he suddenly realized that the gun was coming from the side, fast and fierce.

Lu Ningning is a little surprised that he can't avoid it with his horrible speed?

At this time, it's too late to think. He can only block his hands in front of him, and Sheng Sheng takes the shot.


Lu Ningning is not famous for his physical strength. With a single blow, he broke his arms, snorted and stepped back dozens of steps.

The local ambition takes back the broken soul cold gun, the pupil is a little cold: "I just passed by halfway, since you are so merciless, then why should I give back your face?"

Lu Ningning's expression is very ugly. He is proud of his speed. He failed to avoid the attack of local chronicles. He really lost his adult.

What he didn't expect was that after Chu Yun pointed out the local chronicles, the insight was amazing.

If you do, you must kill!

It's almost impossible to avoid!

That is to say, he used the broken soul cold gun as a stick to fight. Otherwise, Lu Ningning would definitely have another blood hole in his body.

"Passing by halfway, ha ha, a grand speech!"

Lu Ningning's face is gloomy: "the mountains are so big, how can it be so coincidental? When we were fighting with reincarnation monsters, you happened to pass by? When we are all three-year-olds, how can we coax them? "

"Why, do you mind being so broad?" the local chronicle raised his eyebrows

Lu Ningning looks back at the distance. The scholars headed by Qin Xiao are fighting with the reincarnation monsters.

Although it has occupied an absolute advantage, there is still a distance to win.

"Local chronicles, do you want to play the game of Mantis catching cicadas and yellow finch after that?"

Lu Ningning frowned and spoke in a very rude voice.

"You have a lot of imagination, but I'm too lazy to talk to you."

The local chronicle glanced at the battle in the distance, then said to the people behind him, "let's go."

Seeing this, Lu Ningning first showed a puzzled look, and then saw that local chronicles and others seemed to really want to go, and he was relieved.

At this time, things will become extremely complicated if they interfere with each other.

No matter what kind of conspiracy they have, they are gone.

"Open the sky and seal the gods!"

With only one roar, Qin Xiao, holding a huge axe, chops the reincarnation beast head-on.

A dozen other scholars are holding back the reincarnation monsters with their lives, leaving him no time to escape.

"Get out of here!"

The reincarnation beast roared angrily, sweeping its tail and crushing the bodies of four or five scholars.

Later, he broke free and took all his strength to deal with Qin Xiao's axe.

However, it is too late.

Qin Xiao, together with the whole world, was shaking. His power was like an opening-up. A ditch with a width of tens of meters was created in the void.

The body of reincarnation beast is split into two parts under this axe.

Qin Xiao fell to the ground with a bang, smashing countless cracks on the ground. He gasped heavily, obviously consuming extremely.

That axe just now is fierce and sharp.

Even reincarnation monsters are hard to resist.


Qin Xiao carried the axe on his shoulder, his eyes cold.


Suddenly, several scholars rushed to the body, carefully searching for the crystal in the fur of reincarnation.

After some searching, a scholar called out pleasantly: "brother Qin Xiao, here!"

In his hand, he held up an emerald like crystal, which could not be covered by the sand.


Qin Xiao took over the crystal, obviously in a good mood.

"This is for your reward."

Ziyuan's body respected Gao Xiao's expressionless face and threw out two pills. Then shizidon was ecstatic: "more Thank you very much, brother Qin Xiao! "

"Brother Qin Xiao, just now all the people of the holy kingdom of yaochi are sneaking around here. I don't know what an's heart is."

Lu Ningning hurriedly ran up to him and said, "I didn't take advantage of the encounter with local chronicles."

"The holy kingdom of yaochi?"

Qin Xiao's eyebrows slightly wrinkled when he heard it.

"The holy kingdom of yaochi?"

"Where are they?" he said

"I have just walked towards that side, just before a few rest, I should not go far."

Lu Ningning pointed in one direction.

"Brother Qin Xiao!"

Huang Ye turns around and stares at Qin Xiao excitedly: "I want to revenge!"

Qin Xiao glanced at his team and lost seven scholars in the battle with reincarnation monsters.

However, Qin Xiao didn't pay attention to the lives of these scholars at all.

"Want revenge, yes."

Qin Xiao nodded. In fact, he also wanted to see Chu Yun's strength.

In addition, yaochi Shengguo won the first place, which made him very upset. This tone should be expressed naturally.


After receiving Qin Xiao's signal, Huang Ye is overjoyed and rushes to chase out.

"Keep up."

In Qin Xiao's eyes, there was a faint expectation, and his heart was burning.

Chu Yun, what is your strength? Let's have a good fight!

"There is a breath approaching."

The local records have left for tens of kilometers, but the breath behind is catching up faster and faster: "it's the people of the holy kingdom of Ziyuan."

"Instead of provoking him, they came to us."

Feng Yanzhe sneers.

"We don't have to cut corners when the teacher is away."

"Speed up, maybe we can get rid of them," the local chronicle repeated

"No, I can't. It's disgraceful to admit that I've been riding on my head."

Huo Yunan frowned, and some did not agree with the order of Local Chronicles: "if you meet them, you will not lose the reputation of running away even if you are not the enemy!"

"That's right. Besides, they don't dare to take us."

White sky also opened.

Tang Haoran, Tang Zixian, Yi Lili, mu Baixiu and monk luanlai didn't comment on this scene.

Since it is based on local records, it is natural that all should obey his orders.

In fact, he didn't want to quit. It's said that Qin Xiao is so talented and terrible, which makes him itchy.

Qin Xiao is the second prince of Ziyuan Shengguo and the 18th Prince of yaochi Shengguo. There is not much difference in his status.

If you really want to fight, you have nothing to worry about.

"Well, just wait for them to catch up and see what it means."

The local people nodded and made up their mind.

Anyway, they didn't dare to do too much. At best, they just dueled with each other, which was to make up for the regret that they couldn't get on with each other.

Soon, the scholars of Ziyuan, led by Qin Xiao, came to the front.

"Qin Xiao, what do you mean?"

The local chronicle's eyes narrowed, and there was a trace of coldness in his pupils.

Before I met them, it was an accident. I obviously took the initiative to retreat. They were still chasing after each other.

What do you want to do?

"Where is Chu Yun?"

Qin Xiao glanced at the crowd and said lightly, "I want to find Chu Yun."

"What did you ask him for?"

Tang Haoran picked up his eyebrows and said with a sneer, "look for him, do you want to learn a lesson?"

Qin Xiao's eyes were cold, and he fell on Tang Haoran. He immediately raised a arc, shook his head and said, "you are rubbish, you are not worthy to talk to me, Gao Xiao."


Gao Xiao stands out, pinches his fists and suddenly smashes them at Tang Haoran.

The blow was quick and sharp, which was beyond everyone's expectation.

How can you say fight it?

Tang Haoran was caught off guard. He could only form a round shield in front of him with the Chinese alpine rush and carry the fist.


Under the impact of huge force, Tang Haoran's face was flushed with blood, and his face was pale.


Gao Xiao laughed and sneered: "you are the only one who dare to shout with brother Qin Xiao?"

Tang Zixian's face is cold, and she is ready to fight.

"Sister, let me."

Yi Li's eyes narrowed slightly from meimou, and stepped forward. Her white dress was even more amazing.

"I heard that you are called the body respect, the purple kite body respect?"

Yi Li raises Yang Xiumei: "who gives you self-confidence, such a self proclaimed?"

"You want to come up and die, little Niang Pi?"

Gao Xiao smiled grimly on his face. He didn't take the other side seriously.

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