Sky War Soul

Chapter 1078. That's the chance

"It's so strong."

Monk luanlai looks at the back of Chu Yun. He is a little distracted. Later, he writes yearning.

If at first he was just a little bit moved, then now it's like a seed planted in the bottom of his heart, starting to take root and sprout.

Chu Yun, who has the power of magic and Buddha, is so strong. If he can have it himself?

Will strength force us to take a higher step?

Thinking about it, in the eyes of monk luanlai, there is a black air again.

Only this time, the black gas didn't disappear so quickly, but circled in the bottom of the eye for a long time, and then gradually dissipated.

Disorderly monk's eyes are no longer clear, like a layer of light black fog.

He frowned, muttered to himself, muttered something in a low voice.

"What's the matter with you?"

Tang Haoran is a little surprised to find the strange appearance of the disorderly monk.


The monk shakes his head and recovers his color: "I just think Chu Yun is so strong."

"Yes, he was strong."

Tang Haoran looks proud: "my brother, can you not be strong?"

"You don't understand what I mean. He's really strong..."

Disorderly monk lowered his eyes and muttered to himself.

"Just say some strange things."

Tang Haoran smiled and shook his head, then stopped paying attention to the monk, but looked forward to the war situation.

Faced with the siege of many thunderbolts and dragons, Qin Xiao panicked.

Because he didn't know how to fight back.

Racking one's brains to think, there seems to be no way to solve it. One's just like falling into a dead end and can't think of a way to break it.

He has never experienced such a situation before. It was clear that he was taking the initiative, but who could have expected that the moves of the other side would suddenly produce such a change, devouring his blood, and then falling into danger.

In Qin Xiao's pupil, a flash of astonishment passed quickly.

It's amazing that Chu Yun is so strong.

Even if he did not sacrifice the ghost, he was not an opponent.

It's appalling that in this war, all the prestige will be lost. Chu Yun is like a climber stepping on his own mountain and climbing over his head to get to the top of the mountain.

A strong sense of frustration rose from his heart, which made his eyes dim and unable to mention his desire to fight back.

All pride was destroyed in an instant, and pride was easily trampled to pieces.

This is unacceptable pain for Qin Xiao, who is always proud.

In the face of the siege of seven or eight Jiaolong, Qin Xiao seems to have completely fallen into a low point, without any intention of fighting back.

"Brother Qin Xiao!"

Ning Hongling sees this, yells, and rushes to the Thunder Dragon.

Jiang Nan also angrily scolds, mentions the speed to kill toward Chu cloud.

Almost instantaneously, the two women showed their love for Qin Xiao, even regardless of their own safety.

"Local records, teachers will not really want to..."

When Bai Kong spoke, he was a little hesitant.

It's not a small thing to kill Qin Xiao with one move.

The holy kingdom of Ziyuan will be crazy about it!

Qin Xiao has the spirit of heaven level nine level martial arts, and his talent is extremely terrible, and he is a strong body builder, so he has almost no weaknesses.

In Ziyuan Shengguo, Qin Xiao is the target of cultivation.

If he died here in the hands of Chu Yun, the relationship between the holy state of yaochi and the holy state of Ziyuan would certainly become tense.

"I I don't know... "

The voice of local chronicles is a little hard, but I feel my throat is a little dry, and I laugh bitterly.

What should I say?

If Chu Yun is determined to kill Qin Xiao, what can he say?

I can't stop it.

But if he did, he would be killed!

At that time, will the father protect Chu Yun?

Qin Xiao looked at the thundering dragon coming in, and closed his eyes painfully.

The taste of failure is really hard.

He was even ready to die.

However, those Jiaolong of Chu Yun stopped in the void strangely after they were surrounded and killed.

Qin Xiao is only a meter away from his body. He can smell the strong thunder and lightning in front of him. Even his cheeks are numb by the electric light.

After a few moments, the destruction in the imagination did not come. Qin Xiao opened his eyes incredulously and looked at several disappearing Jiaolong, his voice hoarse: "why not kill me?"

"I have no enmity or enmity with you. If you provoke me, I will fight back. It's so simple that I can't take your life."

Chu Yun smiled and waved, and the demons and Buddhas disappeared completely.


Qin Xiao clenched his fist and growled angrily, "are you pitying me?"

With his pride, how can he be allowed to be so despised by others?

I lost to you, you didn't kill me, you want to pity me, ridicule me?

Chu Yun's eyes were cold. He pointed to the sandstorm and said, "if you want to die, you can break through the realm and make sure that you will die happily."

After that, he turned and left: "let's go."

Local chronicles and other scholars came to realize this and quickly followed the steps of Chu Yun.

In fact, the reason why Chu Yun didn't kill Qin Xiao was that he thought his identity was really difficult.

The second prince of Ziyuan Shengguo may be the prince. As the first day of Taiyuan college, he has a high prestige in Ziyuan Shengguo.

If I kill him, I will face the endless pursuit of the holy kingdom of Ziyuan when I am tracked down.

Chu Yun doesn't think Fang Wujing is willing to tear his face with Ziyuan for himself.

Now that he has offended mu Liuhuo, he must not set up a new enemy. Otherwise, he will be unable to move in the future.

Chu Yun is not a fool, or a decisive reckless man. He has brains and wisdom.

It's no good killing Qin Xiao, but it will cause a lot of trouble.

It's better to leave him a life, with his pride, after being defeated by himself, the heart will certainly give birth to the devil.

For at least ten years, don't worry about his revenge

Looking at the back of the sages of yaochi, Qin Xiao suddenly pinched his fists and his eyes were bloodshot.

He was so angry that he began to speak out, but failed to win.

Even, want to be furious.

"Brother Qin Xiao!"

Ning Hongling and Jiang Nan are surrounded by some heartache and want to comfort him.

"Leave me alone."

Qin Xiao waved his hand and immediately sat on the rocks in the distance. He was a little distracted.

Even if he has a state of repression, which is the peak of the creation state, he is still not Chu Yun's opponent.

At the same age, they are almost invincible, so they create a rebellious, arrogant character.

Now after losing to Chu Yun, Qin Xiao forces himself to calm down and silently thinks a lot.

After all, I'm still young. Even if I encounter some setbacks, I can get out of it soon.

"This time you beat me, you left me a lesson. Next time you meet, I won't lose again."

Qin Xiao clenched his fist and muttered to himself.

The pride of his heart forbids him to bow down and be soft.

It's also the Wuhun of heaven level. Why can you defeat me without Wuhun?

I don't agree!

This time back, I will try my best to cultivate myself. When I meet next time, I will defeat you completely!

Think of here, Qin Xiao fiercely stood up, high voice way: "everyone listen to my order, continue to find reincarnation territory monster, we then go hunting monster!"

Ning Hongling and Jiang Nan are relieved when they see Qin Xiao's recovery.

The fear is that he is deeply hit and never recovered.

Fortunately, he didn't go down.

The existence of Chu Yun made Qin Xiao find out his goal and significance.

As long as they strive to become stronger, sooner or later, they will be able to defeat Chu Yun completely!



"Teacher, why didn't you kill him?"

The local chronicle asked curiously. With Chu Yun's character, after others humiliated him, he would never have given up color.

Like Qian Yan.

Is your identity high enough? Didn't you get shot in the end?

Chu Yun is free and unrestrained.

Why did you stop this time?

Chu Yun did not laugh and scolded angrily: "you think I'm you. You don't have any worries about my behavior. If I were you, I would never have left my hand just now. In any case, the royal family of the holy state of yaochi will take care of what happened."

"It's also said that Qin Xiao, as the second prince of Ziyuan, is quite unusual."

Fang Zhiruo thought: "it's said that the emperor of Ziyuan holy Kingdom even handed over his guards to Qin Xiao's commander. You can imagine how much he attached importance to him."

"But the identity of Huang Ye you killed just now is very high. It's said that he is the son of a general of Ziyuan holy kingdom."

Local chronicles turned around and said.

Chu Yun's face stiffened, and then he quickly waved: "the identity of the taxi here is not low; if you can knock down dozens of family children, I don't care so much, as long as it's not the emperor's son."

Ye is the son of the general, so how can he compare himself with Qin Xiao?

"Teacher, shall we go out?"

Baikong asked after him.

"Get out, get out of the mountains and give them this place."

Chu Yun's eyes narrowed. Due to the fusion of dragon blood, his perception ability also improved a lot.

In the violent sandstorm, three fierce battles are going on.

I think it's the scholars who are besieging the reincarnation monsters.

Kill one by yourself, and one by the holy kingdom of Ziyuan. There are three more. Only one is left.

However, these have nothing to do with themselves.

Anyway, I already have a dragon crystal. It's better to leave the mountain as early as possible, so as not to get involved in the battle again.

After I got Longjing, I left the mountain ahead of time. Even if the daomen found that the inheritance in the cave was passive, I would not doubt myself.

I came out so early, there was no time to commit a crime.

Under the leadership of Chu Yun, the team of yaochi Shengguo finally walked out of the mountains.

Looking back, I found that the whole mountain was surrounded by sandstorm, which was just a step away.

After stepping out, there was no cloud in the sky.

"As soon as we came in, we were in the mountains."

Tang Zixian's eyes swept over the mountains and came to a conclusion.

"Yes, others are outside. We were born in the mountains."

Chuyun's smile is meaningful: "maybe, this is the chance."

author Tuo Ba Liu Yun said: 250-300 flowers plus more, the brothers are too strong, but I will not encourage! Then write!

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