Sky War Soul

Chapter 1095 move the internal Aura


In the end, Huo Yunan couldn't help but laugh: "Miss Song San, the Qin Xiao you said was the defeated general of our teacher's staff; what's Ann's mind when you compare him with the teacher when he was directly defeated in the face-to-face battle?"

"Why is Qin Xiao defeated by you?"

Song Ziqi's eyes were wide, and he said with some disbelief: "how could it be that Qin Xiao is the first day proud of Ziyuan shengguotai college. His talent is that many ancient countries can be ranked in the front row, the spirit of heaven level Jiupin......"

"Teachers are also the top nine."

Before Song Ziqi's voice fell, local chronicles interrupted her with a smile.

In this way, song Ziqi is completely silent.

She gave a cold Snort and stomped with rage.

"Why do so many excellent women have an affair with Chu Yun?"

"Envy others, grandma's legs."

"These women, any one of them, are fairies that ordinary practitioners need to look up to."

"Well, that's life."

When many practitioners saw this scene, they all sighed together.

If you want to envy, you can't envy.

Gradually, more and more cultivators gathered around yingqitan, coming from all over the world.

Only in many ancient countries, there are more than 100000 practitioners present.

If you look down in the sky, it's completely dark and overwhelming. It's so spectacular.

"More than one hundred thousand cultivators are going to the world of spring together."

Chu Yun smiled quietly. It seems that the Tao Lord's reminder is still very useful. Compared with hundreds of thousands or millions of cultivators in the past, this time it's a lot less.

Some people pay more attention to the strength of their own realm, while others value their lives and choose different ways from each other.

Just like this time, everyone knew that there was danger, and it was a very strong danger, but it came.

Some people want to become stronger, so as to improve the cultivation speed and save the original aura.

Some people want to have a long life.

Some of them just want to take risks and train themselves.

In a word, there are many kinds of ideas, but they all have something in common.

Not afraid of death!

In the first three times, Tianquan world was opened, and millions of cultivators swarmed into it. Eventually, all of them died, none came out.

Evil, absolutely evil!

But even so, there is no stopping these people's determination to become stronger.

Sometimes, courage is such a wonderful thing.

Perhaps, they all think that in the face of danger, they are the most special one.

"Chu Yun!"

Among the crowd, there are many practitioners with gloomy eyes.

They are the dead men who were painstakingly trained by grand master Qian. They are proficient in numerous assassination methods. They are very horrible to you.

Although the realm is only the peak of the realm of creation, they can kill the real king of the peak of the realm of life and death without precaution.

When they are combined, they have unexpected means of killing.

This time, Grand Master Qian sent them to kill Chu Yun in Tianquan.

There are millions of cultivators entering the Tianquan world, and they will be closed for a year. Even if Chu Yun died in it, how can we find out? Who will check?

Not too many people die in the heaven spring world. Even if Chu Yun is gifted, what can he do?

Just then, someone came forward and whispered a few words.

The head of the dead man pupil a shrink, take a deep breath, calm asked: "really?"

"Not bad."

The mysterious man nodded, then calmly said: "if you can kill him best, if you can't kill him, you should investigate his identity as much as possible."

After saying that, the mysterious man turned around and left.

The leader of the dead man's face suddenly became grim.

I thought it was just a simple assassination task, but I didn't expect that there were so many things designed in it, which was really a little tedious.

There are more and more cultivators gathering, not only many ancient countries, but also daomen and Foshan in the West.


Some monks in monk robes are pious and stand in one place.

In total, there are hundreds of them, all of them are full of brilliant Buddha's deposits, which is very extraordinary.

"Oh, here comes the donkey."

"Don't say that. Watch out for their trouble."

"It's said that monks have already been out of the ordinary world. How could they come across such an opportunity and fight with us

"Yes, you can get powerful power if you believe in Buddha alone?"

Some cultivators come forward to have fun with the monks.

On weekdays, monks in Foshan spend most of their time practicing in temples and rarely walk in the secular world. Therefore, every time they gather together, they can cause a sensation.


The monks were calm all the time. They didn't want to argue.

After seeing these monks, Chu Yun suddenly rings the monk in disorder, and I don't know if he has arrived at the Western Foshan.

Thinking of this, Chu Yun went forward and asked smilingly, "master, I dare to ask, but it's from Foshan, the West heaven?"

"It's you, chuyun!"

Among the many monks, several recognized Chu Yun and immediately stared with excitement.

"How do you know me?"

Chu Yun is a little confused. He seldom contacts with monks on weekdays. Is it hard that his fame has been spread to Foshan?

"Chuyun Er, how are Uncle chuyun?"

The monks bowed respectfully and answered, "when Uncle Chu Yun was talking to our master, we used to cook water and tea outside. It's a pity that we didn't see Uncle Chu Yun with our own eyes."

"Whose disciples are you?"

When Chu Yun heard the words, he couldn't help but want to laugh. It's really a coincidence.

At the beginning, when talking with the abbots of Baojing, Baoda and Baorui, there were dozens of little monks in the temple.

But at that time, I was in a hurry and didn't pay close attention to the faces of the little monks.

"This is the Chu cloud that several martial uncles especially admire?"

Some monks were shocked, and then folded their hands respectfully: "I have seen uncle Chu Yun."

The "martial uncle" here is just an honorary name.

The leader of the dead man, pretending to have nothing to do, came up and saw that Chu Yun was very happy with many monks, but his pupils contracted.

He pretends to pass by, passes by Chu Yun, and secretly raises his ears to listen.

If you wander back and forth several times, you will surely find yourself with Chu Yun's keen insight, so there is only one rest time.

However, in the passing moment, the leader of the dead heard two words vaguely - "martial uncle".

His pupils contract suddenly.

So it is.

He could hardly control his breath because of the sudden shock.

Chu Yun, are they the martial uncles of these donkeys?

It seems that the matter of the world of mortals is almost certain.

If he is not a red man, how can he have the power of magic and Buddhism?

If he is not a red man, why do these monks call him "martial uncle"?

How could he have been so powerful if he had not been a red man?


Everything is pointing to one place.

Chu Yun is a worldly traveler dispatched by Foshan in the West.

"Damn it."

The leader of the dead man clenched his fist and was very angry at the bottom of his heart.

If it's really a man of the world, it's not easy to kill him.

But if we don't kill him, we won't have all kinds of rewards promised by the owner, and we won't be able to break through the existing realm.

He clenched his teeth, thought for a while, and finally made up his mind.

In any case, do it yourself!

As long as you make some concealment and don't let the West heaven Buddha find out, it will become a mystery without a clue.

It is impossible to find out that it was made by oneself unless the Buddha of the Western Heaven went to find the Taoist master to deduce.


The leader of the dead man clenched his teeth and clenched his fist.

He assassinated Chu Yun in Tianquan, and at the same time, someone would deal with the patrol hall. If both sides took action at the same time, it would easily be confused.

At that time, these things will become extremely complex, and it is not easy to trace them to yourself.


At this time, there was a buzzing sound in the sky, a strong aura filled the sky, and the whole Eagle Tam shook.

The skeleton, which had not been damaged for thousands of years, suddenly vibrated, and suddenly a brilliant beam of aura rose from the pool under the skeleton, like a god pillar, into the sky.

The whole skeleton, penetrated by the beam of light!

"What a terrible storm!"

Many cultivators took a breath to cool down. They knew the hardness of the skeleton. But they didn't expect to be penetrated by the light in an instant, just like a thin piece of paper.

"Is there going to be a passage to the world of spring?"

Chu Yun raised his head, felt the thick waves ahead, and smiled at the corners of his mouth.

After the beam of light rose to the sky, it formed an illusory gate of light and shadow in the air.

The door is open, which exudes a strong aura, making people want to completely immerse in it, unable to extricate themselves.

The door of light and shadow is open. It is 100 meters wide. Inside the door is a dazzling beam of light. I can't see what's going on inside.

"Why does this smell make me warm?"

"Well What a comfortable breath. "

Many practitioners contract their pupils. Under the light of the light, they feel their pores open and immersed in them.

"What can I do? I don't want to move."

"It's so comfortable to shine."

Many cultivators all show their enjoyment.

However, in the next second.


"Boom! Boom! Boom! "

"Boom --"

countless explosions sounded, deafening, as if suddenly falling thunder.

At least hundreds of cultivators, in the same moment, the state of ascension.

"Here What's the matter? "

"I can't control my body."

"Somehow it broke through."

Many cultivators looked surprised and couldn't understand what was going on.

The last second is still immersed in warmth, and the next second suddenly improves, which is completely subconscious.

At first, it was just a few hundred.

Later, there were hundreds of cultivators.

"Basically It's out of control! "

"All the aura in my body is overflowing!"

Many cultivators shouted loudly, their expressions were very angry.

They all belong to the kind of depressing their own state. They wanted to enter the Tianquan bath, and then make a breakthrough by using the inner Reiki, so as to maximize the inner Reiki.


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