Sky War Soul

Chapter 1098 command on the spot

"Not bad."

After hearing the words, the head of the eagle's body demon, named Kong Yin, his eyes narrowed slightly: "in the past, the Tianquan world was opened three times, and we slaughtered the human race three times, with a scale of 35 million. I didn't expect that they didn't know how to repent at all. They would rather come here with great risks. It's so brave! "

"To put it bluntly, it's greed."

The leader on the other side of the ghost family, who is in the shadow, is a ghost without face.

His whole face, all twisted together, is full of wrinkles, no facial features, giving a sense of horror and gloom.

"Tianquan is too important for them. It's a great opportunity to smoothly enter the life and death situation! Whether it's the pride of the human race, or the old men who are destined to never go further in this life, they will want to enter the spring of heaven to bathe, and thus rise to the realm of life and death. "

The leader of the ghost family, whose name is Yin you, is also an ancient clan of reincarnation.

No matter demon or ghost, they are all races in the boundless starry sky and boundless sky. Naturally, they can't compete with human race, even if they are united.

However, the emergence of foreign demons made the two ethnic groups seem to have found the backbone, and the three ethnic groups began to form a cooperative relationship.

In fact, it is dominated by foreign demons, supplemented by demons and ghosts.

They planned a series of ways to attack the human plane and tried their best to reduce the influence of the human race.

Tianquan is one of many actions.

"When they arrive, we will go out and surprise them."

With a sneer, KongYin shows two wings behind him, and fans them wantonly, beating out the endless whirlwind.

"All the space channels have been opened, haven't they?"

Dark without pupils, no mouth, the voice is like from nine days above, very cold.

"Lord Hui, the thirty-one space channels connecting the human plane to Tianquan world are all open. All the human disciples have come in and are coming here."

There are several ghosts kneeling in front of the dark and quiet, opening their mouths and answering, "ten days at most, they will come to the Tianquan mountain!"

"Very well."

Dark you is satisfied with nodding, strange and twisted face on a touch of arc, it is very proud.

He can't wait to draw blood from all directions.

The blood of Tianjiao, especially the young and beautiful women, tastes so sweet that they can make themselves happy for a long time.

"With the experience of the first three times, they will surely be more alert and make more preparations. Unfortunately, under the red nothing array, they are all in vain!"

KongYin laughed and said, "you are leading the way in front of us, so that we can avoid the secret pattern array and enter Tianquan mountain. You follow them closely and ambush them near Tianquan. You walk in every valley until the battle begins and you are ready to encircle them at any time. You can't let go any of them... "

After arranging these, KongYin turned around and said to him, "brother Yinyou, I'm going to trouble you about chiwudaan."


The dark voice is very erratic, it is clear that he is standing in front of you, but the voice comes from all directions.

"To which the ghost belongs, set up the array!"

Dark and quiet issued an order that tens of thousands of ghosts in the valley rose to the sky. Their nearly transparent figures melted together, and the gathering momentum gradually became terrifying.

Soon, they melted into a little black light in the void, just like a little sun, releasing the monstrous spirit of terror.

The so-called red no big array needs the lives of tens of thousands of enemies as the energy basis for the array. Under the command of darkness, they will not turn back.

As tens of thousands of ghosts gather, the smell becomes more and more terrifying, almost covering the whole Tianquan mountain.

The next second, this horrible ghost gas comes to the ground fiercely, and melts into the ground at the speed visible to the naked eye. It's like a river flowing into the sea, and disappears in a blink of an eye.


Huge waves are surging in all directions at a very fast speed. In the blink of an eye, they are all over the world.

There are many lines floating in the land, crisscrossing each other.

The whole Tianquan world is covered.

Chiwu array can block all means of communication and ensure that nothing happens here can be transmitted back.

It is through the red array that the demon and ghost families can kill all the human cultivators in the past nine thousand years without any message.

The human cultivators who didn't come in all felt very strange.

Those people in it clearly have a lot of means of communication, but why didn't they get any information back when they died?

Without information, there is no way to start, there is no way to deduce what happened inside.

It is not omnipotent to deduce the natural opportunity. Only with the help of media can we calculate it more accurately.

The other end of the universe.


Chu Yun's pupil shrank and he looked around his feet.

I can only see that everywhere is covered by this strange energy, which seems to completely integrate into the ground and play a role of barrier.

After seeing many corpses, Chu Yun himself was extremely vigilant. Now, seeing this scene, he has various guesses in his heart.

This breath is strange.

Absolutely not belong to the breath of Tianquan world itself!

"Eh, what is it?"

Many cultivators looked down at the energy breath under their feet, puzzled.

"Is it the breath of the heavenly spring world?"


"But I didn't feel any change in Reiki."

Those cultivators are also knowledgeable, but no one can recognize the breath.

In fact, it's not their fault, because the ghosts themselves are mysterious, have strange whereabouts, and there are not many, few practitioners have dealt with them.

Chu Yun has never met a ghost family, nor seen ghost gas, so he just feels treacherous in his heart, but he can't tell what happened.

I don't know. It's getting heavier and heavier.

Finally, when those lines appeared, Chu Yun's pupils shrank and his brain hummed, showing a shocking mood.

This is the secret pattern!

No, it's not just secret lines.

It should be said that it is not the secret pattern of human beings!

As for the effect of secret pattern, it should be something like barrier and isolation.

Something's up?

"Take out the communication crystal and see if it can be used normally!"

Chuyun shouted, he has gradually found out something, now it must be verified.

Many cultivators were puzzled, but they still listened to Chu Yun's words and found their own communication crystal.


In the communication crystal, there are all kinds of noise and dim light, which can not be used normally at all.

Not only can the communication crystal not be used, for example, flying swords and aura communication are all invalid.

"I can't subpoena."

"I So do I. "

"What's going on?"

Many cultivators are all in panic.

Before they came, they were told by their elders to remember the means of communication. No matter what happened, they should report back immediately.

But now, no matter how hard they try, they can't get the message out.

"Sure enough."

Chu Yun's expression was slightly heavy, and he said, "besides the human race, there are other races in Tianquan. These races use the secret pattern array to block our contact with the outside world, that is to say, they don't want us to send any messages back..."

"Other races? But the access to this place is only for the higher level of the human race! "

The local chronicle's expression was a little surprised, and he couldn't help shouting: "if there are other races, how do they mix in?"

"Very simply, defeat a human plane, Hatoyama nest, can't mix in?"

Chu Yun's expression is cold, and the fact is not far from what he has speculated. It seems that the reason why no one returns it for three consecutive times here is not an accident, but a conspiracy.

"What do you mean, foreign demons?"

As the 18th Prince of the holy land of yaochi, Fang Zhi naturally knows more about it.

Most people don't have a concept of foreign demons, but their local aspirations are clear.


Chu Yun nodded.

All of them are killed and none is left, which is quite in line with the behavior style of those foreign demons.

They will attack the human plane and kill all the human beings by cruel means. They will pass through places like locusts, and will never leave a living.

As the local chronicles press the sound very low, it has not spread to other practitioners except for dozens of people around.

"What shall we do now?"

Feng Yanzhe clenched his fist and asked excitedly.

As the son of general Tiance, he had a belligerent gene, and was thoroughly inspired after being taught by Chu Yun.

Foreign demons?


"I guess that in nine out of ten, they will stay near Tianquan mountain. Let's not hurry to get there first."

Chu Yun glanced around, then said: "local records, fengyanzhe, baikonzhao, Tang Wudi, Tang Haoran, nature You will lead a group of disciples to find other Terrans and tell them my conjecture. On the eve of the race fight, we will unite all the forces we can unite! "

"Tang Zixian, easy to leave, you follow me."

Instead of letting the two women go, he decided to let them stay in place and protect himself.

As for myself, we should try to break this big formation.

As long as we can break the array, what happens in it can be transmitted to the outside world.

The secret that has haunted us for nearly ten thousand years will be completely broken.

Chu Yun did not know how powerful the opponent he was facing, so he did not dare to rush to Tianquan mountain.

After the information was sent out, a lot of powerful people from the outside discussed together, and surely they could come up with solutions.

"Brother Yun, what about the other cultivators?"

On the faces of Huo Xun and Huo Jia, they were all worried.

"Stop them, don't let them close to Tianquan mountain again; others should move fast, and don't let those same people die again!"

Chu Yun's leadership temperament is incisively and vividly distributed at this moment.

Now he is the backbone of all people.

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: mending. Today's Chinese Valentine's day, there is no guarantee that there will be more. At present, there are two chapters of fresh flowers.

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