Sky War Soul

Chapter 1105 that's the answer

"Where is the world of shimuang?"

"There are thirty-two high planes, but they are short of stone light!"

"It seems that there is no one in the world of shimuang."

These cultivators look left and right, one after another, and at the end of the day, they find the little place, which is called the stone light world.

This region, called the night appendix region, consists of 23 higher planes, one battle field and countless lower planes.

The lithosphere is the higher plane near the edge of the night appendiceal region, which is also far away from the battle boundary.

They have been keeping a low profile. Since they declared to block the potential plane ten thousand years ago, they have almost never been in contact with other potential planes.

In the past ten thousand years, there have been many plane disputes in the night appendiceal region, which has never been participated by the shimuang community.

By reason, this is a strange thing.

The world of war had also been suspicious, and went to explore the world of shimuang for many times, but no difference was found.

Now, all planes are here, but there is less stone light.

It's a bit intriguing.

"Don't you ask how foreign demons came in?"

Chu Yun raised his head, flashed a sharp color in his eyes, and said, "this is the answer!"

"No way, stone light is a high level, how can foreign demons easily capture it?"

"If that's the case, why didn't we get the slightest information?"

"Yes, every few years, the world of war will go to every major level, and no difference has been found in the world of shimuang!"

Chu Yun's words immediately attracted many practitioners' refutation.

"It's very simple. If I am a foreign evil, I will replace it with the magic method after killing the top strong in the shimuang world, so that I can not only completely control the shimuang world, but also let others see no flaws. In addition to the illusory method, there are other ways to achieve the same effect, such as occupying the body. There is a kind of extremely difficult creature in the ghost family called "ghost". If they are strong enough, they can directly occupy the body of the human race! "

Lin Yan is well-informed. From Chu Yun's words, he has calculated everything.

Chu Yun's eyes flashed with praise. He nodded: "brother Lin is right. This is my idea."

"It's also It's crazy! "


Those cultivators all looked at each other. Lin Yan said this through his mouth, and they believed half instinctively.

"There is also the simplest way. If you don't believe it, you can go to Tianquan mountain with me, but you should prepare for the battle in advance."

Chuyun smiled, which is the simplest and direct verification method.

All these words are silent.

Even those practitioners who used to taunt Chu Yun now all bow their heads and can't speak.

Although there is no substantial evidence, all these speculations point to one point.

The mastermind behind the scenes is a foreign evil.

Some practitioners didn't have time to play the retreat drum.

How terrible are the foreign demons? Their hearts are very clear. The first three annihilations are the best examples.

Now, this kind of thing comes to me.

It's not easy to mention courage to work with foreign demons.

Chu Yun, the disciples of the parade hall, and many scholars are all enthusiastic. They are eager to fight with foreign demons and safeguard the dignity of the human race.

But not everyone thinks so.

Many practitioners have their own small abacus in mind.

First of all, will all present be opponents of foreign demons?

If not, what's the point of uniting?

Get together and die?

No one who can come here can be an ordinary person. We all attach great importance to our lives.

I came here for the chance, but now I have to face such a crisis.

This makes many practitioners murmur at the bottom of their hearts.

Chu Yun saw the nine nineties in these people's hearts, and said lightly: "of course, you can not go with us. This is your freedom, but now the world of spring is open to you. You can't leave until one year later. If you feel that you can escape the pursuit of foreign demons in this year, you can do everything Take refuge. "

This is very straightforward.

Almost all the back roads of those cultivators are blocked.

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became strange. Everyone looked at each other, and no one was the first to speak.

In such an atmosphere, nature seems very strange.

"I'd like to be with you."

Finally, Lin Yan, the first to speak.

What he said is not "I", but "the palace of my eternal life".

This is the difference between the two situations when it comes to people's ears.

Lin Yan is making a decision for the palace of longevity!

After hearing Lin Yan's words, the disciples in the hall of the emperor Changsheng were very excited, one by one, like beating chicken blood: "since the son said to do it, we naturally follow the son's order!"

To be able to enter the palace of longevity, every state of mind is tempered, there can be no cowards.

So when Lin Yan agreed to come down, the instinctive reaction of many disciples in the hall of Changsheng emperor was not fear, but excitement.

There are many forces in the ancient world. They were meditating to see if they could refuse.

But Lin Yan's words, directly put them on the sword mountain fire sea.

Even Lin Yan has agreed. How about you?

Those cultivators smiled bitterly. Under the eyes of all cultivators, they couldn't say anything to refuse at this time, so they could only promise.

"Heaven, Helian City, I would like to fight with you."

A young man with wild spirit walked out. He had open chest, red hair and fierce eyes like a wild animal. He

he looked up at Chu Yun and felt like a hungry wolf.


Chuyun smiled. Although he didn't know his status in the heaven, he was definitely the leading one in the heaven.

The combat power is not much worse than Lin Yan.

"Hiss, it's Helian city."

"He always likes to fight. It's no surprise that he promised to come down."

All the cultivators in the heaven are talking about this in a low voice.

"What's the matter? How did the young master agree?"

There are thousands of cultivators standing behind Helian city. Their faces are slightly white, obviously reluctant.

"Those who don't want to fight with me can choose to quit. I hate cowards the most in my life."

Helian city turned around, his eyes full of cold and disdain.

"Young Lord, can we be that kind of people?"

"Yes, we must fight together with the young Lord!"

"No matter what demons or demons, we will fight with the little Lord to the death!"

The cultivators seen by Helian city all extended their hands to show their loyalty.

Helian City snorted coldly and turned around.

"Land rights, Hansi."

Another young man came out with a light smile on his lips, rather cynical.

His face is handsome and angular.

"Hiss, Hans, he is the youngest Regent in the field of land rights."

"Is he going to fight, too?"

"It's busy, it's busy!"

Many cultivators are so passionate that they even have many expectations.

Who's next?

"Renyuanjie, Ding Qiudong."

I saw a young girl standing out with a cold face. Like Hansi, she didn't introduce herself too much.

Because most practitioners know them.

"Ding Qiudong?"

"It's a tough part, too!"

"A few decades ago, she lost to Lin Yan in a single move in the battle for a higher position in the night sky, which was a pity."

"Yes, I am very impressed by her spirit."

"The sky level nine grades, snow full bow."

See Ding Qiudong stand out, many practices this, again is a whisper.

These Tianjiao stand out one by one, they do not only represent themselves, but also represent the forces behind them.

Chu Yun has a single smile on his lips. It's obvious that this kind of development meets his expectation.

Then, the rest of those positions, also have super Tianjiao out.

"Brother Qin Xiao, how do we choose?" Asked Ning Hongling.

Qin Xiao rarely asked, "what do you think?"

"Well, I think it's better to wait and see what happens; they won't notice us because there are so many people."

Lu Ningning didn't advocate to fight with foreign demons, but he was embarrassed to persuade Qin Xiao to quit.

"I think we should also take part in it. The holy kingdom of yaochi is not afraid. What's the fear of our holy kingdom of Ziyuan?"

Ning Hongling didn't want to shrink back.

"You can tell how dangerous it will be when you open your mouth and speak softly."

Jiang Nan sneers and shakes his head. "Brother Qin Xiao, before we make a conclusion, let's not make a rash decision to avoid the difficulty of riding a tiger."

"There's nothing difficult. Since I'm here, I'm going to try the hardest challenge. Chu Yun dare. Why can't I?"

Qin Xiao rarely said a lot of things, but at the same time his perception of Jiang Nan at the bottom of his heart also dropped a lot.

Rather, Ning Hongling, in recent years, has been able to understand his mind when talking and doing things. It should be good to be a concubine.

Jiang Nan doesn't know. In Qin Xiao's heart, he has lost to Ning Hongling.

"Since elder brother Qin Xiao said that, we will support you to the end."

Lu Ningning smiled, but in the smile, he felt a little bitter.

"We also support brother Qin Xiao's decision."

The scholars of Ziyuan shengguotai college said something.

"We clear the frost world..."

"We Da'an"




Many super Tianjiao have expressed their opinions.

Of the nearly one million practitioners present, most decided to go with Chu Yun on the spot.

Fight with foreign demons!

Let them also know that our people's cultivators are not easy to provoke!

There are only some practitioners who have never made a choice. They frown tightly and dare not make a conclusion easily.

In fact, Chu Yun may not care about their opinions.

Now it seems that there are a large number of people. In fact, only one percent of them, or even less, really want to fight and play a key role.

The rest of the cultivators, even though they are fighting in name,

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