Sky War Soul

Chapter 1115 ghost killing general

"Back off."

When Lin Yan was almost in despair, a voice rang in his ear.

He can recognize it. This is the voice of Chu Yun.

Now faced with a desperate situation, Lin Yan had no time to think too much, and hurriedly took up the only physical strength in his body and ran away to a distance.

He didn't know if he could get out of the trouble, he only knew that he had run out of oil and the light was dry.

If there is no action, I am afraid I will be trapped and killed in the demon group.

"Still want to run?"

The demon who has never been able to fight will see this behind the scenes. He starts a sneer from the corner of his mouth, and the figure rushes out like lightning, leaving a shadow in the air.

"Get out of my way!"

The demon stared at Lin Yan, and the demon family quickly gave way to the peak of the life and death situation along the way, leaving enough space for him.

His hands are open, his five fingers are sharp, and he can easily tear the void.

Lin Yan desperately retreats, and the demon will follow closely, don't want to let him go like this.


In the distance, the light is shining, and there are countless secret patterns flying in an instant. They are combined into various magic arrays in the air, just like swimming fish in the water, covering the demons.

Dozens of demon families at the top of the world of life and death all failed to dodge and were all covered by the secret pattern array.

For a moment, all the demons disappeared.

"Thank you."

Lin Yan's body is slightly stiff. Looking at Chu Yun in the distance, he nods.

If it's not for the other party's timely hand, he is likely to die under the encirclement of these monsters!

Chu Yun smiles quietly. Lin Yan is such a proud man. If he dies, it's a pity.

"Ouch, ouch!"

In the secret pattern array, the demon will roar wildly and distort the void constantly, almost escaping from the trap.

These demon generals are much more powerful than the reincarnation monsters in the dragon's gate conference, and there is no comparison at all.

Therefore, a secret pattern array can not trap him at all.

Chu Yun turns the emperor's disk and adds a secret pattern array again.

Double secret lines array, even if the demon will how terrible, in the absence of external help, it is difficult to escape.

Sure enough, under the cover of two layers of secret pattern array, the demon will no longer struggle and lose all life inside.

After that, Chu Yun glanced across the field, looking for the disciples of the tour hall and taicollege.

Since they were brought in by themselves, they must be taken out.

In their realm, it's not easy to protect their lives in the battlefield. We must help them.

In the distance, Tai college and the students of the tour hall huddled in front of a cliff, constantly resisting the invasion of the outside ghosts, and the situation seemed precarious.

The GUI nationality has to break through the defense line several times. If it wasn't for the local ambition, fengyanzhe and other people to resist desperately, it would have collapsed like a mountain.

Bai Kong is sitting on the ground with pale expression, recovering his injury rapidly.

Beside her lies Huo Yunan.

Huo Yunan's spirit is broken by the ghost. Now he is seriously injured, and his breath is almost empty.

If it wasn't for Ding Qiudong to take out the elixir in time to renew his life, he would have been seriously injured and died.

He is not a strong exerciser, so he is not so strong in bearing the injury. If he loses too much blood, he is likely to fall into a coma.

Outside the cliff, Ding Qiudong, with the help of huojiahuoxun, fought against the ghost generals.

After opening the distance, her means will be able to play out, all kinds of cold light cut through the sky, firmly lock the body of the ghost general.


The ghost has broken the armor and turned the body into air flow, which is even more strange.

If the spirit is not strong enough, you can't find out his whereabouts at all.

As for the disciples of patrol hall and taicollege, although the dead and injured parts are relatively light compared with other positions.

Chu Yun's eyes narrowed, his hands grasped the water moon sword, and his mouth roared.

All of a sudden, the sword light suddenly across the sky, towards the ghost will hit.

"The fourth move of Dayan's sword technique is to cut off the sky with one sword!"

The sword came so suddenly that no one had any reaction.

Huojiahuoxun didn't even make the instinctive avoidance. He saw a flash of sword light in front of him. The ghost had split his body in two.

"Do you want to die?"

The ghost will split into two parts of the body to heal quickly, revealing a ferocious face and roaring loudly.

Chu Yun's face is expressionless, and his figure comes at a gallop. His move is the killing move.

"Compress sword Qi!"

The sword Qi is in Chu Yun's hands, compressed to the size of his fingertips, and suddenly ejected, tearing the sky to pieces.

The horrible atmosphere changed everyone's expression.

Ding Qiudong looks at Chu cloud, and has some doubts in her beautiful eyes.

His strength seems to be higher than that of Lin Yan, Han Si and others.

Too dry, when did such a character appear?

I don't know who is stronger or weaker than Chen Jingxuan.


Compress the sword energy to shoot through the body of Guijiang again, and tear the spirit that he finally gathered together again.

The ghost will be a little annoyed and roar: "what's the use of such means for me? Unless you suppress me with Buddhist power, I can recover without limit! "

In his roar, he obviously had some fierce internal quarrels.

"Is it?"

Chuyun sneers, but he doesn't believe it.

The Dongtian sword is sacrificed, the swords are combined, and the dense net of Swords is interwoven in the air.

The meaning of sword is released, which shakes the void for a while.

In the net of swords, no matter how the ghost struggles, it is hard to escape.

His body, again and again was torn up, again and again reorganization, repeated the process.

Chu Yun never believed that the ghost would be able to recover infinitely. Isn't that invincible?

He uses the net of swords to trap the ghost in it. He doesn't believe that you are not exhausted that day!

After recovering for more than ten times in a row, the ghost will finally roar loudly: "I've been trapped here. What's my ability? Let me out if I can. Let me fight you hard!"

Seeing the ghost would be so angry, Chu Yun couldn't help smiling.

Sure enough, his guess is good, he can recover, but it must be limited.

At present, he obviously can't hold on any longer, which is why he is so fierce.

After being cut up more than ten times, the ghost will finally show fear.

If other cultivators, the internal Qi machine can not support such a long time consumption.

But the boy in front of him is clearly not in a high state, but he feels that his spirit is like a torrent.

Because of this, the ghost will feel a strong fear.

Can't I die here?

"Kill! What are you still doing? I will kill him! "

The ghost will roar loudly, and command the surrounding ghost families to surround Chu Yun.

Chu Yun turns around and tries a color for everyone.

Ding Qiudong takes the lead in shooting. He shoots more than a hundred arrows in a row to tear up the void.

Those ghost families were shot by a round of arrows, which caused severe damage.

Huo Jia and Huo Xun, with red eyes, are fighting with the ghosts.

Huo Yunan was defeated by Wu Hun, which made them very upset.

Chu Yun is here. Even if the spirit of Wu is broken, it can be cultivated. But that doesn't mean that they can accept the fact calmly.

"Hiss! "Sneer!"

A flash of light flashed by, only to see the white sky shine do not know when to stand up, slightly panting.

Obviously, she had a good rest and recovered some strength.

Chu Yun's eyes were fixed on the ghost general in the net of swords, and a cold smile was raised at the corner of his mouth.

On the strength of war, although ghost will also be reincarnation, it is far less than Kong Yin and dark.

Secondly, he attacked secretly and cut him to pieces. He was lucky to get involved in it.

Now there is a chance to kill him completely, so Chu Yun will not let it go.




The net of Swords is very horrible. There is no gap at all. Even if the ghost wants to escape, there is no escape.

Every time the body just recovers, it will be cut up by the dense Sabre Qi and sword Qi and start again and again.

"No! No! "

"Save benjiang, a group of rubbish, come to save benjiang!"

Ghost will be more and more faint breath down, he issued a roar, ordered all the ghosts to rescue themselves.

The ghosts were restless, their pupils were scarlet, and they attacked the defense lines arranged by dongqiudong and huojiahuoxun in turn.

Under the impact of the ghost clan, the situation of the three people was not very good, and they became a little precarious.

"Brother Yun, we can't hold on any longer."

"Kill him as soon as possible!"

Huo Jia and Huo Xun clenched their teeth. There were large scars on their bodies, which were obviously very difficult.

Chu Yun nodded, carrying the power of the devil and Buddha in his body, and there was an image of the devil and Buddha behind him.

"The power of magic and Buddha?"

That ghost will see this behind the scenes, the pupil contracts violently, some can't believe it.

"The hand of the cloud!"

In the heart of the cloud palm of Chu, there is a flicker of black Sanskrit, with the breath of both good and evil, which is very frightening.

The next second, he raised his hand and clapped it, almost twisting the void.

The huge palm of his hand flattened the net of the sword, and the huge force fell down on the ghost general.

"This is a chance for me!"

Ghost will see this behind the scenes, the bottom of my heart quickly flashed a touch of excitement.

He took all his breath and was ready to escape when the net of the sword was crushed.

However, the facts made him despair.

The sword net is only flat under the suppression of the cloud turning hand, and there is no sign of collapse at all.

Not only did he have no chance to escape, but his space was being compressed.

In the end, the hand of the cloud is clasped down, and the body of the ghost is pressed to death on the earth.

With a bang, the ghost will be completely destroyed, and there will be no breath left.

All the ghosts around showed their horror.

Dead, dead!

Ding Qiudong took the opportunity to pull open the snow covered bow, and shot out a trail of arrows, which pierced the chest of several ghosts.



Those ghosts, whose bodies are full of aura, die with their ferocious faces.

Chu Yun takes back his sword, looks across the battlefield and lands on the other side.

Under the joint efforts of Hansi and Lin Yan, another demon will obviously be unable to hold on.

In the world of heavenly spring filled with murderous spirit, it suddenly fell into a bloody rain.

There are no signs.

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