Sky War Soul

Chapter 1132 Star River, the end of the world and the common

Although the body invades the extremely poisonous, it is not difficult for the scorpion devil emperor to separate some evil Qi to suppress the extremely poisonous.

Now he still has the power to fight back.

Chu Yun took a deep breath and quickly lost some pills to his mouth. He chewed them and stared at the front.

Apart from the poisoned silver needle and the relics, there are only nine purgatory pagodas and pure lotus left that can cause damage to the scorpion devil emperor.

The Buddhist lotus in the Qing Dynasty is not an attack type spirit soldier, but the Buddha implication contained in it cannot be underestimated.

The key is, can I have a chance to do it?


The golden glittering relic easily penetrates the withered palm and completely destroys the thick black fog.

Later, it still shot at the body of the scorpion devil.

The scorpion devil emperor wants to suppress the poison and can't move. He is also angry when he sees it: "how strong Buddha Yun can defeat this emperor's moves!"

The next second, he reached into the ground with one hand, and immediately in front of him rose a thick wall of black fog, standing in front of him.


Shariko hit the black wall and made a dull sound.

The walls were crumbling, but still did not collapse.

"Ha ha."

The scorpion devil laughed a few times, and his eyes were extremely ferocious: "when this emperor dispels the toxin, you will die!"

I planted a heel on a young generation, which made the scorpion evil emperor angry. I just wanted to kill him!

Who would have thought that the Buddhist relics would spin in the void, and then they would easily bypass the black fog wall and crash into the front door of the scorpion devil emperor with the power of thunder.


The front door is completely penetrated and turned into a thick black fog.

The scorpion devil screamed, and white gas rose.

He roared angrily, and suddenly turned into reality.

It was a figure made up entirely of black fog, with no concrete face and very fuzzy limbs.

On the face, a pair of red eyes are very fierce, just like two bright rubies inlaid in the night, suffused with blood.

"Ouch, ouch!"

heavy scorpion devil's half body is constantly boiling, the black mist is full of green foam, and it is booming.

It's the poison of the golden mumanta flower, which is eroding his body.

This poison is really fierce, even the great emperor of nirvana is hard to parry.

Seeing the miserable situation of the scorpion devil emperor, Chu Yun has lingering fear. If Hua Feilong used this silver needle to pierce his skin, he would die on the spot?

"Damn it!"

The heavy scorpion devil emperor covered his face and saw a hole in his face, which was emitting white smoke and hissing.

After the shariko passed through, he went back again.

The scorpion devil screamed again, and there was another hole in his face.

"How strong is this relic?"

Chu's eyes gaped, totally unexpected.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

In the next moment, the shariko bumped back and forth several times. Each time, he could penetrate the fog around the heavy scorpion devil emperor and cause damage to him.

The fierce scorpion and the evil emperor endure the sharp pain and keep suppressing the toxin with evil Qi.

the area of green foam is decreasing and toxins are dripping out one by one.

As for shirizi, although he can be hurt every time, it's just like this. It can't cause substantial damage at all.

Moreover, every time the Buddhist relics collide, they will be dimmed.

Obviously, the Buddha nature in it is consuming rapidly.

"If it goes on like this, I will be in danger if he forces out the poison or if the Buddhist relics are consumed."

Chu Yun frowns, and if he doesn't do it again, it's too late!

"Taling, come up!"

Chu cloud roared, offered up to the clear lotus, and rushed away.

Taling is caught by Chu Yun and reaches the lotus in the Qing Dynasty. It is sheltered by the Buddha light. Suddenly, it's dark and foggy.

"Hit him with the nine square purgatory Tower!"

Chu Yun said quickly, "only the fighting spirit soldiers can hurt him!"

Taling clenched his teeth and knew that the opportunity was rare. He quickly manipulated the Jiufang purgatory tower and hit the scorpion devil.


This attack, will be a heavy scorpion evil emperor stumbled, almost fell.

He raised his head and stared at the two men with grim eyes. He said one word at a time: "when I force out the toxin, it's your time to die!"

All the people in the cloud world covered their mouths in horror, which was unbelievable.

Chu Yun actually forced the scorpion devil emperor into such a field by sneaking attack.

It's still a fool's dream to win the battle, but it's more than the vast majority of practitioners who can hold on to nirvana for such a long time.

"Three thousand, do you have any way to get us out?"

Tang Zixian turned his head and looked at three thousand.

Lin Yan, Hansi, heliancheng and others are also enthusiastic about this. They growled in a low voice: "we have the strength of reincarnation. If we can fight with Chu Yun side by side, we may not lose!"

"Yes, even if it's death, it's willing!"

"Fight him!"

The nine newly promoted reincarnation ancient clans all showed a resolute look.

If we all try our best, we may not have a trace of vitality!

Looking at the crowd excited, 3000 eyes bleak, deeply sighed: "can arrange the space channel only two people, remove the master is the talling."

After the voice fell, all the people were gnashing their teeth: "can we only watch, is chuyun killed?"

"I can't do anything. It's really painful!"

"I don't want to live here!"

Many cultivators roared and hissed, and their eyes were red.

However, they can only stay here, there is no way.



The news of the arrival of foreign demons in the world of spring soon spread all over the night circle.

Dozens of high-level planes, all of them received the information.

Too dry.

Countless cultivators spontaneously gathered beside the eagle Tam, their eyes full of anxiety.

At a glance, there are millions of them.

They all came here on their own after they got the news.

Although, nothing can help.

"Have you heard?"

"I've heard that Chu Yun, together with other cultivators, resisted the demon clan and the ghost clan, and killed a bloody path!"

"That's great. It's just going to give us a lot of prestige!"

"It's too insidious for foreign demons to ambush in Tianquan for three times in a row, attacking and killing millions of our people's cultivators!"

"Yes, these are blood feuds. Chu Yun has avenged us!"

"My father, my uncle, was killed in the world of Tianquan. I hate foreign demons!"

"I'm really proud to fight this war!"

Those cultivators talk to each other, mention Chu Yun, and all of them raise their thumbs and praise each other.

"But I've heard that foreign demons have come to the world of spring."

A cultivator whispered.

When they heard this, they all looked sorry.

"The great emperor of Nirvana level of foreign demons, alas!"

"Now, Chu Yun is afraid that it will be more dangerous and less auspicious."

"It's a pity that such heroes should die of intrigue."

"Damned foreign demons, we will fight against them to the end!"

Inside the eagle Tam.

Fang Wujing stood there with his hands on his back, raising various emotions in his heart.

He didn't want chu Yun to die, Fang Yuying to die.

However, nothing can be done.

After so long, with their strength, how can they resist the terror of foreign demons?

More bad than good.

As soon as he thought of what might happen, Fang Wujing closed his eyes.

"Your Majesty."

General Tiance walked quickly, with a dignified expression: "the world of war had agreed to come long ago, but space source crystal was surrounded by foreign demons in the process of transportation, which delayed a lot of time..."

His whole heart is hanging in his throat, so is the wind!

"How is it now?"

Fang Wujing asked anxiously.

"It's just a delay. Fortunately, in the end, the space source crystal has been transported to the world of shimuang, and the law enforcers in the world of war should be coming soon."

FengChen takes a deep breath. He doesn't know what's going on inside. At the moment, he can only pray.

"I hope they're OK."

Fang Wujing is a little worried. Because of Tong Fei, he always likes local chronicles and Fang Yuying.

If this son and a daughter encounter something unexpected, it will definitely be a big blow to Tong Fei.

In addition, Fang Wujing is very concerned about Chu Yun.

You should know that such a Tianjiao as Chu Yun may not have one in a thousand years. He is likely to visit fairyland in the future!

What a pity it would be if such a super Tianjiao were lost in the world of Tianquan?

Fortunately, law enforcement is coming.

If they can survive this period of time, they will be safe when law enforcement comes.

In the distance, there stood a woman in a gorgeous long dress, with a delicate face, like an immortal.

It's Princess nine.

She looked up at the sky in some trance and murmured to herself: "recently the stars in the palace are very bright, the Milky way is vast, the new wind is cold, and every night, they fall into silence, even the birds and insects do not sing. Last night when I was walking in the Imperial Palace, I met a maid who wrote to her lover. It suddenly occurred to me that it was already the seventh night. "

"In the land of the Imperial City, the night is too long and the lovesickness is too long."

"Once upon a time, I only wanted to study, but I never noticed this special day. Now I realize that I hope it's not too late."

"I can't send this letter to you. In fact, it's nothing important. I just want you to know --"

"the Star River is bright, and the world is shared."

With that, she folded the carefully folded envelope in her hand and put it close to her body.



Tour hall.

Cheng bining locks himself in the hall, and no one is seen.

After hearing about the Tianquan world accident, she was not worried about those patrolling hall disciples.

Only, worry about cloud.

"Blame me. If I didn't insist on letting you go, how could I fall into danger?"

Cheng bining's tears are like beads of broken thread, dropping down.

It's a miracle to be able to defeat the demons and ghosts. Who would have expected that Chu Yun would have to face the coming foreign demons.

How to escape from such danger?

"If you can come back, I will never ask you to do anything again, I I swear! "

Cheng bining covers his head in the quilt and sobs in a low voice.

As the Lord of the temple, she didn't want her weak side to be seen by outsiders, so she would shut herself up in the hall and no one was allowed to approach.

On his own side, only Chu Yun has seen it.

In this life, she would not show it to a second person.

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