Sky War Soul

Chapter 1155 master, please remember

After hearing the voice, the demon night suddenly flashed a flash of surprise in his painful eyes. He looked up sharply, with a look of shock: "Chu Chu Yun, is that you? "

This voice is very familiar, demon night can never forget.

That's my brother, Chu Yun!

I saw a figure standing on the sky. He grabbed a woman and landed quickly.

Not Chu Yun, who else?

Chu Yun put Zhu Fu Si down with a bright smile on his face, and then came up to him: "brother demon night, long time no see!"

"Chu Yun, you You can show him that he has been dreaming strange dreams these days, and often has hallucinations and a splitting headache! "

Han Qi stepped forward and said anxiously.

Chu Yun hears the words, looks a change, hurriedly walks forward, infuses the spirit spirit spirit to probe in the demon night body.

The spirit of the demon night was faint, but he forced out a smile: "chuyun, I didn't expect you came back..."

"Don't open your mouth, elder brother. Let me probe for you."

Chu Yun was silent. After a long time of exploration, he frowned and said, "there is no scar in his body. He knows the sea and his soul are intact."

"But your eldest brother has a headache. It's almost like a split."

Han Qi can't find out the reason after hearing Chu Yun, and her expression can't help but be gloomy.

Chu Yun was the only emperor in the whole land of Taiqian, and he rose to the heaven. His fighting power was very strong and beyond their understanding.

Even Chu Yun can't find out the reason. What else can we do?


The demon night took a breath of cold air, then opened his eyes and said with relief, "that pain has finally passed. Every time there is no sign, it's a kind of torture!"

Later, he grinned: "junior sister Zhu, long time no see!"

"Elder martial brother Yaoye, he is really natural and unrestrained. He married such a beautiful wife."

Zhu Fu Si chuckles, seeing that her old friend can live happily at the beginning, she will also be very happy in the bottom of her heart.

Chu Yun took back his aura, frowned and asked, "brother demon night, what symptoms do you have when you have a headache? Can you tell me?"

The demon kneaded his hands on his temples at night and said in a low voice, "I often have strange dreams, which are more serious recently. Even in the daytime, those visions will come to my eyes. Seven days ago, there was no sign! "

"What kind of illusion? Tell me if I can solve the problem for you!"

Chu Yun's expression was very serious. He noticed something was wrong.

Seven days ago, after deducting some miscellaneous and trivial time, it should be the day when I understood the sky map of Shengui town.

From that day on, the demon night began to have a headache and wanted to split. Countless ghosts and pictures appeared in front of him, and he often had strange dreams.

Is there a necessary connection between them?

"I can see clearly in my dream, but it's a pity that every time I wake up, my memory will become scattered. Even if I want to remember, I can't remember anything."

"But I can vaguely remember the heavy shadows and pictures before me."

The demon frowned at night and said, "it seems like a huge shadow that blocks out the sun. He called me 'master' in a low voice..."

Chu Yun's expression suddenly became excited and hurriedly asked, "what else, brother demon night, go ahead."

"Sister in law, let's walk around."

Zhu Fu Si is a smart woman. She knows that Chu Yun is going to discuss something with the demon night at the moment, so she opens her mouth with a smile.

Han Qi was worried, but Zhu Fusi quickly said, "don't worry, sister-in-law. Chu Yun is the strongest existence in the whole Taiqian continent. He will have a way."

"That's good."

Han Qi is relieved to hear this.

The two women held each other and walked out.

In the courtyard, only Chu Yun and demon night are left.

"He also asked me when I could get back to the peak. He had been waiting for me for a long time..."

Demon night scratched bare scalp, memories are very hard.

"Do you have any specific impression of that figure?"

Chu Yun asked.

"No, I only know that he is so big that he can compete with the sky, as if there is no margin."

Demon night helplessly smiled: "I can only think of these now, unless you let me dream again, but I can't guarantee how much I can remember after waking up."

Chu Yun repressed the excitement, touched the sky map of Shengui town from the space ring, spread it out, pointed to the turtle and said, "is it him?"

The demon night looked down and looked at it carefully. His expression suddenly became shocked: "OK What a familiar feeling! "

There's a play!

Seeing this, Chu Yun was more excited.

It seems that this matter is not so simple.

Maybe today I can find out the relationship between the demon night and the title!

"Let me have another look."

Demon night some can't wait to sit in the body, the turtle town sky map in front of the stone table, carefully look, every inch of the details are not let go.

When his pupils were opposite to the tortoise's eyes, the tortoise seemed to come back to life. His eyes turned and he opened his mouth and said, "master, do you remember?"


Just as the voice sounded, the surrounding space became fragmented because it could not bear the huge force.

The earth trembled wildly, as if a meteorite had fallen.

Chu Yun almost didn't stand up when he shook his body.


That turtle, actually speaking!

The demon night pupil contracts violently, eyes stare at the turtle, voice hoarse way: "who are you, why do I have the familiar feeling to you?"? Partner, that's the feeling of partner... "

"Master, please think of it quickly."

The tortoise spoke again, and when he had said that, he lost the spirit color again.

It's like a living animal transformed into a statue.

Chu Yun stood aside, stunned.


How could the tortoise call the demon night the master?

What's the situation?

Can it be that in the eyes of the tortoise, the title is the supreme rage, is it really the demon night?


At this time, the sky map of Shengui town suddenly burns and turns into flying ash in the blink of an eye.

Chu Yun's heart suddenly seized the Tiantu of Shengui Town, which is worth 700 or 800 war product pills. How can it be that it's gone?

I also want to rely on this painting to find and cherish the dynasty!

"Master? Call me master? "

The demon night completely froze and muttered to himself.

He doesn't know what happened, let alone how to face it.

Who is this turtle?

The familiar feeling in my heart won't be fake, but I don't remember seeing this turtle at all!

Demon night pupil more confused, but at this moment, there is no sign of gold behind him, at first it is only weak, but soon shine up.

Demon night ignored, still sat there, some trance muttering: "who am I, am I not demon night?"? What does the tortoise have to do with me? Why does he call me master? Have I lost my memory? Why don't I remember all this? Strange, curious! "

Chu Yun took a deep breath and calmed down. Then he said seriously, "brother demon night, don't worry. Think slowly. If you really can't remember, don't force yourself!"

The golden light behind the demon night rises suddenly and devours him completely.

Chu Yun took a step back and looked surprised. However, he soon found that the golden light came from the demon's body at night, and there was no harm.

He breathed a sigh of relief and immediately stared at the demon night.

The truth of the matter has gradually surfaced.

Demon night is likely to be the title of the supreme, or the reincarnation of the title of the supreme.

Otherwise, he would not have these memories.

Otherwise, the tortoise can not call him master!

It's just that there must be a deeper secret, but it's not something you can know.

Unless the demon night itself, awakens the memory.

Chu Yun looked at the golden light in front of him, but he couldn't help being a little stunned.

It turned out to be too big for him to react for half a day.

"Brother demon night, no matter what you are, we are brothers."

Chu Yun's eyes are firm, looking at the demon night swallowed by the golden light in front of him, muttering to himself.

Brotherhood, no identity, no strength.

Before, when the demon night was just guarding the general, Chu Yun still regarded him as his brother.

Even if he suddenly transformed into the title of supremacy, that kind of friendship will not change, and will not be mixed with any impurities.

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: tomorrow, three days in a row! Absolutely satisfy everyone! Flowers! Flowers! Flowers!

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