Sky War Soul

Chapter 1163 prophecy ten thousand years ago

The feeling of guidance is too obvious. It's a little worried in Zhu Fusi's heart, but he's still curious.

What's in it?

That kind of calling feeling is too obvious. It's instinctive to go down and find out.

Just as she was about to go down, she seemed to think of something suddenly. She turned around and said with a smile, "stone, you are here all the time, and you must have witnessed the whole process. Now that the passage is open, who is underneath?"

The stone shuddered, but could not say a word.

"Well, that's boring."

Seeing that the stone didn't speak, Zhu Fusi curled his mouth and jumped down.

Walking in the long channel, Zhu Fusi's eyebrows were frowning all the time. She looked left and right, always feeling where the patterns around her had been seen. She felt familiar from the bottom of her heart, which was very wonderful.

"I haven't been here, why do I feel familiar?"

Zhu Fuci frowned a little and could not think of the answer.

That kind of brand in the bones of the familiar feeling, how can not wipe.

As if I had lived here for a long time.

At the end of the passage, the two tall bronze doors were pushed open, and the two ferocious statues glared at each other.

Zhu Fu Si's beautiful eyes swept over the statue, suddenly shocked, as if something in his heart had been severely touched.

"Familiar feeling..."

Zhu Fusi mumbles to himself, but he can't figure out why.

So she stood there, staring at the statue.

There are always some things in my mind, but I still don't know what to say. If I want to explore them carefully, those memory fragments will become very vague, and they can't be combined at all. It seems that there is a kind of power in the dark that is suppressing myself from exploring the truth.

Gradually, Zhu Fu Si fell into a strange state of mind, like being hypnotized.

In a flash, the two statues came alive. Suddenly, the eyes turned a few times and fell on Zhu Fusi.

"Dongming has seen the master!"

"Xi Ming has seen the master!"

The two statues slowly opened their mouths, and their voices were heavy, as if they were hitting the ground with a hammer.

Zhu Fu Si smiled, the voice with absolute temptation, as tempting as peaches: "these years, you always stay here, it's really hard."

"We are willing to work for our master."

"A hundred deaths, the heart is also sweet!"

The two statues said in a hurry, even with a look of fear on their faces.

"What has happened over the years?"

Zhufusi raised her eyebrows, her voice was like scratching people's itch, full of charm.

"There are many great emperors of Nirvana who want to break in without knowing their lives. They are killed by us. Their heads are cut off and soaked in the jar."

Dongming opens his mouth. He is a round faced general. He has dragon horns on his forehead, a red upper body, and strange black lines on his back. He holds a long knife and has great momentum.

As for Ximing, it has a long face and a long sword. Its breath is stronger than that of Dongming.

The two men are 100 meters tall, just like giants. In front of them, Zhu Fusi is just a little ant, who can die at will.

But even so, they were still trembling in front of Zhu Fu Si, as if they were frightened.

"It's true that these people dare to rush here even though they don't know what to do."

Zhu Fu Si's pretty face has a stronger smile, and she is charming.

However, hearing her voice, the two statues turned white.

"And has the man who prophesied ten thousand years ago ever come?"

Zhu Fu Si continues to ask.

"Back to the master, he's in there." West Avenue.

Zhu Fusi nodded, smiled, and turned out of the underground palace: "you stay, suppress that thing, and never let it escape from the seal! As for me, it's still difficult to restore all my memories. It's up to him... "

After leaving the underground palace, the stone trembled and said in a hoarse voice, "Lord Master! "

"Little stone, have you said what I want you to tell him?"

Zhu Fuci's eyes are curved like crescent moon. It's tempting to laugh.

"Say Said, but he still insisted on opening the golden pot! "

The stone shivered for a while. Although the woman in front of him smiled brilliantly, he even thought the other side's means were terrible.

Offended her, you don't even know how to die!

"It's a good job. Dongming and Ximing can't get out. You'll be with him when it's time Do you understand? "

Zhu Fusi reached out and touched the stone, which scared him away. He moved several steps without moving his body.

"I I know, but master, I'm in such a state that I can't help at all! "

There was a bitter smile on the stone face.

"Well, I'll give you freedom first."

Zhu Fu Si pointed to the stone with a light touch of gold.


The stone felt light all over again. It couldn't help jumping a hundred meters high and shouting: "ten thousand years! Ten thousand years! Your brother Shi is finally free! It's great! "

"Don't forget your mission."

Zhu Fu Si has a strong smile. After leaving this sentence, he turns around and leaves.


When the stone fell on the ground, some of them stared at Zhu Fuci's back and said, "master is terrible. Your brother Shi has been suppressed for thousands of years. This time, he is going to restore his freedom and do what the master has arranged."

Back in her room, zhufusi's face was a little pale. She frowned and said to herself, "in my present state, it's not suitable for me to come out for a long time. If I don't get rid of that evil spirit, I will never be able to really recover my memory Chu Yun, you are the person predicted in the fragmented script of the heavenly script ten thousand years ago. All my hopes can only be placed on you! "

"I hope you don't let me down!"

After that, Zhu Fusi fell down on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

When she wakes up, she will forget what she has done.

Unless, really restore memory.



"It's impossible!"

Chu Yun's voice was hoarse, his body trembled and blood appeared in his pupils: "it's impossible. How could it be her? She just came back not long ago. Here There's no reason! "

Ye Xuan took a long time to look away. Her lips were pale and she whispered, "Chu Yun, don't think about it. Maybe it's just the same appearance?"

"No, there can never be such a resemblance."

Chu Yun shook his head. He thought of the title that he saw at the beginning of the tortoise town sky chart, which was exactly the same as the night of the devil.

However, it turns out that he is the forelife of demon night.

It's not a mistake to say it's a person. The head of Zhu Fusi in front of the golden jar is exactly the same as that of Zhu Fusi!

I have to say that there are two dragon horns on her forehead.

Why is zhufusi's head here?

It's impossible!

Chu Yun can't figure it out. He's racking his brains.

"It won't be her. How could it be her that this underground palace has existed for thousands of years?"

Ye Xuan comforted: "after we go out later, we will find out! If zhufus goes back to the clan, we will be able to find her! "

"That's right."

Chu Yun nods, is Zhu Fu Si, wait for oneself to go out to investigate to know.

is just the head inside. Why is it exactly the same as Zhu Fusi?

Even the position of the mole on the corner of the mouth is unique.

There can never be such a coincidence in the world.

Even if she is not Zhu Fuci herself, she must have a lot of relationships.

"Look at the corner of her head!"

Ye Xuan pointed to the two young horns and said, "this is similar to the legendary dragon horn."

"Is it?"

Chu Yun's eyes narrowed and he called three thousand with his spirit.

"What's the matter, master?"

Three thousand souls are connected with Chu Yun through talin.

"Three thousand, look if this is Longjiao."

Chu Yun's eyes were fixed on Zhu Fusi's disclosure in the golden jar, and he whispered.

After a look at 3000, the pupil contracts violently, and the channel cannot be set: "master, this This is the Dragon horn, no doubt! "


Chu Yun takes a breath of cold air, which is unbelievable.

Longjiao, it's actually Longjiao!

There is a dragon horn on the top of Zhu Fuci!

What's going on?

"The stone must know!"

Chu Yun suddenly remembered that before he came in, the shameless stone had reminded him not to open the golden pot.

However, he did not resist the temptation and opened the white cloth to see this scene.

That stone seems to know a lot about it. You must ask him when you go out later!

Ask him what's going on!

Chu Yun's mind was heavy. He covered the white cloth again, and many complex emotions were born in his heart.

There are too many things to think about.

When did it start?

From the picture!

Start from understanding the charm in the sky map of Shengui town!

The source of all this is Tiantu, Shengui town! Is to cherish the dynasty!

Whether it's the reincarnation of the demon night, the dream of Ye Xuan, the words of the strange stone, or even the palace A series of strange things, accompanied by their own understanding of the beginning of the painting, then rushed to.

However, when the white cloth was covered again, there was a brilliant light around the golden pot.

The light is very dazzling. It sets off the whole golden pot as a small sun. The stabbing people can't open their eyes.

Many of the small characters engraved on it appear, projecting into the air.

The eyes of Chu Yun and ye Xuan are straight.

"This is a prediction from the fragmented script of the book of heaven --"

"ten thousand years later, there will be a man of heaven's choice who is born out of nowhere. His soul has a complex origin, but he has a perfect soul He has a strong fighting power. He is invincible! He will shoulder an unprecedented task and lead the people to fight against the strong enemy! "

"He rose from the micro to the wider world."

"He has the blood of youth and the heart of a child."

"He can bring hope and despair."

"Good and evil are in his mind!"

"His name is -"

"Chu! Cloud! "

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