Sky War Soul

1166. This is blasphemy

Hearing this sound, countless eminent monks turned their heads and looked at the people in confusion.

It is clear that there is a Buddhist barrier made outside. How can this young man come in?

The speaker is naturally Chu Yun.

"Chu Yun?"

When Abbot Baojing saw Chu Yun, he was surprised.

He is in the bottom of his heart and has always been very respected for Chu Yun.

In his opinion, Chu Yun's understanding of Buddhism, as well as some views, is even better than his own chanting for many years.

Chu Yun, in particular, has the power of magic Buddha, which is rare for thousands of years.

In addition, it was Chu Yun's strong protection that enabled his disciples to survive when he explored the Tianquan realm some days ago.

Although they lose the possibility of promotion, their mood has been improved rapidly, which has reached a level beyond the current level. Even if they can't be promoted in the future, they still have more than enough to be a abbot.

It's a blessing in disguise.

"Master Baojing."

Chu Yun hugged his fists and smiled: "I don't understand what you are doing, but it seems that the progress seems to be stagnant. If possible, I want to try."

"Amitabha, so many abbots have failed to appease the white horse. Why can you?"

A young monk frowned and questioned.

"Minmei, shut up."

The broad, smiling Bodhisattva said, "benefactor is Chu Yun? I've heard about Daming for a long time. When I saw him today, he was really full of Buddha nature. He was very special. "

"Yes, master."

When the young monk heard the words, his face suddenly appeared frightened. Then he apologized: "I was too impatient for a big mistake! Amitabha! "

"This is yanshe Bodhisattva, one of the Bodhisattvas with a very high status."

Abbot Baojing took the initiative to introduce Chu Yun, for fear that he would offend him.

After all, Chu Yun's free and easy mind, he is aware of, although he does not care, but perhaps the Bodhisattva will care?

"See Bodhisattva!"

Chu Yun was shocked and immediately saluted.

Bodhisattva, whose status is above the abbot, is second only to the existence of Buddha.

In other words, yanshe Bodhisattva's position is even higher than that of the Taoist.

Because the number of Bodhisattvas is less than the view, the natural status is slightly higher.

"It doesn't matter. I've heard from Baojing for a long time that you have a very clear understanding of Buddha's heart, and even have many different opinions. To tell you the truth, benefactor Chu's opinions even make me blush when I listen to them. They contain too much Buddha nature. Benefactor Chu is born to be like one of our Buddhists! "

Yan she Bodhisattva was also interested in Chu Yun, he said.

Chu Yun hurriedly waved his hand, but he could not afford such praise.

In fact, the reason why he came in was that he wanted to join in the fun. If possible, he had better be able to get a few more Buddhist gifts.

It's really easy to use the Buddha to fight against foreign demons!

In the future, I will definitely use it.

Who knows, after coming in, I saw so many abbots and Bodhisattvas with my own eyes.

Chu Yun's heart was a little flustered. Naturally, he didn't dare to say too much. If he didn't do it, wouldn't he be more embarrassed?

"This is a white horse. It is recorded in the Sutra. It comes from an unknown source, but it carries a profound Sutra. If it can be used for cultivation, it will be very helpful for the development of Foshan in the West Unfortunately, the Sutra doesn't record how to tame the white horse. We can only guess by our own way... "

Abbot Baojing takes the initiative to tell Chu Yun about these things. Chu Yun belongs to the kind of existence that often brings surprises.

Although I have no way, I can't guarantee that Chu Yun will have it?

Just like at the beginning, Chu Yun's words were astonishing, which made him fully understand, and his mood improved a lot.

Today's self, benefiting from those words of Chu Yun, will soon become one of many Bodhisattvas.

"I don't know how to tame it?"

Chu Yun turned to look at the white horse, and there was confusion in his eyes.

The great saint has been squatting in a short distance, and inserted a word: "this white horse is not a monster, but just an ordinary horse. Although I don't know how it carries scriptures, I can't go up and take them directly."

"No, it's a big disrespect to the white horse!"

"Yan she Bodhisattva smiled and shook his head:" we must let it take it willingly


Chu Yun thought for a moment and couldn't help laughing and said, "what's the difficulty?"

"Almsgiver Chu has a way?"

After hearing this, Bodhisattva yanshe, abbot Baojing and monk Mingmei all showed an unbelievable look.

I have been here for three days, but I haven't tamed the white horse. How could Chu Yun come up with an idea so quickly?

"I have a way, of course, but maybe a little disrespectful."

Chu Yun smiled and immediately shouted, "great sage, release your animal power!"

Hearing this, the great sage jumped up instinctively and suddenly revealed his body. His mane was just strong. His scarlet pupils were very fierce. He bared his teeth and let out a roar: "Ow!"

"Dong Dong!"

Then he beat his chest with his fists and made a dull voice.

Between heaven and earth, suddenly occupied by fierce animal power, it sends out incredible terror.

For a moment, it was as if a mountain had fallen down, making those practitioners in the distance all look terrified.

All the people here are eminent monks. Their strength is terrible, so naturally they don't feel anything.

But that white horse, but ordinary white horse!

After such a scare, the white horse's four hoofs were soft, and he fell down on his knees, shivering all over, and the ground under his hip was wet.

Unexpectedly, Sheng Sheng was scared to pee!

Many eminent monks, all with a look of horror, were shocked beyond measure.

Open Are you kidding me?

This is a white horse carrying a high and deep Scripture!

The white horse carrying Sutra is a record in the Sutra of Buddhism. The white horse in it symbolizes supreme dignity. How can we use this rude and barbaric method?

"Ouch, ouch!"

The saint grinned a few times. He deliberately controlled his murderous spirit, which did not frighten the white horse to death on the spot.

Otherwise, the white horse, which is regarded as a noble holy thing by these eminent monks, will be scared to death on the spot.

The white horse trembled all over, but it seemed to realize the meaning of the great sage. He hurriedly shook his body, and the scriptures which were regarded as treasures by many abbots and Bodhisattvas fell on the ground and scattered.

Bodhisattva Yan she's smile is frozen on her face, and her eyes almost pop out.

Such a profound Scripture, unexpectedly fell on the ground at will, and was scattered like this.

Blasphemy! Blasphemy!

The abbot of Baojing also cried out in agony. He rushed forward to collect the Scriptures, just like a treasure in his arms, for fear of damage.

There were even tears in his eyes.

Heartache, really good heartache!

As if the whole heart were held by a giant hand.

Seeing this behind the scenes, both Chu Yun and Da Sheng are not happy.

It's just an ordinary white horse, but it's just some scriptures.

As for this?

The other eminent monks, too, were all blindfolded and couldn't believe it.

They tried their best to coax the white horse away. They were afraid to disturb it, but they didn't dare to use Buddhist power. What was the result?

For three days in a row, he failed to tame the white horse.

Chu Yun came, only a word, let the white horse obediently hand over the Scriptures.

Although the process is a bit presumptuous and blasphemous, at least the outcome is good.

The Bodhisattva yanshe took a deep breath and smiled awkwardly: "benefactor Chu is really extraordinary. He can think of this It's such a brilliant way to open my eyes. "


Chu Yun almost laughed. Where is the subtlety? How can I not see it?

Frankly speaking, you monks are too pedantic to believe what you believe, or even have no simple discrimination.

But it's just ordinary white horse. It must be regarded as auspicious omen and holy thing. It can't be disrespectful.

But what happened?

As a result, you failed to take the Scriptures for three consecutive days!

If not, the Scripture would have been in hand long ago. Would it have taken so much effort?

Those cultivators around, with twitching corners of their mouths, only felt a thousand alpacas galloping through their hearts.

You are the eminent monk of Foshan in the West. Each of you has the kind of Nirvana cultivation, but how can you look like NIMA's retarded? Is it silly to recite the Sutra?

Can't you turn your head on such a simple question?

You have to think in accordance with your own rotten thinking. It's strange that you can succeed.

Abbot Baojing carefully cared for the Scriptures in his arms. He was angry and happy. Finally, his cheek twitched a few times. He sighed helplessly: "chuyun little friend, you are so wonderful, though Although I have some disrespect for the white horse, at least I have got the Scriptures. "

"White horse..."

When it comes to white horse, many eminent monks all smile awkwardly.

They thought that the white horse was noble and could not be desecrated, but now it seems that it is just an ordinary horse.

"Come on, show me the Scriptures!"

Yanshe Bodhisattva waved to Abbot Baojing. Abbot Baojing hurriedly stepped forward and took out the Scriptures in his arms.

The Bodhisattva Yan she just glanced at them at will, and her pupils contracted violently. She couldn't help but gasp: "these Buddhist methods are really exquisite, which are scriptures I have never heard before. Although some of my thoughts are similar to them, they are different from each other! With these scriptures, we will be able to write them completely and live forever in Foshan, the Western Heaven! "

Seeing the astonishment of Yan she Bodhisattva, other abbots also smiled.

So long as we planned for this, we didn't fail at last.

Although the white horse is an ordinary horse, the Scriptures are not ordinary. That's enough.

"Benefactor Chu, you are very kind to me, Foshan in the West!"

Yanshe Bodhisattva took a deep breath, put his hands together, read the Buddha's name in his mouth, and bowed.

"Bodhisattva, can you afford it?"

Chu Yun sees a form, hurriedly stretches hands to help, in the heart is actually Tucao Dao -

, do not worship me, worship me, how do I still manage to manage your Buddha matter?

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