Sky War Soul

Chapter 1203 the prey of Hisense

Chu Yun and nine princesses are all looking at Gu Mengsheng.

They never thought that Shifu was so powerful.

Although they don't know where the two pictures in the void are, they can see from the expressions of Li Qing and Jiang Yuyan that a miracle that is obviously impossible to accomplish is finally displayed in Gu Mengsheng's hands.

So proud of them, like a bereaved dog, they left.

This can be easily seen.

You say I don't deserve to teach them?

Now, do I deserve it?


Gu Mengsheng smiled and waved. Two beautiful paintings in the sky drifted away with the wind.

He turned around and said lightly: "you, continue to practice."

After saying this, he walked into the hall, and soon there was a sound of the wine jar breaking.

Obviously, Gu Mengsheng went to drink again.

"Master is so deep."

Chu Yun took a deep breath, and a flash of excitement flashed across his eyes: "what Gao Gonggong said before is true. If this dream comes to peak, it really happens. I didn't expect that the leader of the last peak can show such a terrible and powerful means!"

"That's right. After all, this is the place where the master of painting taught his apprentices. There must be a lot of extraordinary things!"

Nine Princess beautiful Mou a bright, can't help but smile way: "still have so-called chance fortune, I also very expect, if luck is good enough, maybe we can meet."

"Practice first!"

Chu Yun takes a deep breath. The aura here is very abundant, even compared with the war hall.

Therefore, cultivation in this environment can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

After all, time is only three months, we must seize every minute!

After learning the basic knowledge, Chu Yun found that the art of painting and Taoism is very extensive and profound, which requires a lot of energy and time to really achieve mastery.

Chu Yun didn't want to have a comprehensive understanding, only wanted to reach the point of initial exploration within three months, and could successfully pass the third pass.

That's enough.



Blink of an eye, two months have passed.

During this period, Chu Yun and nine princesses did not close their eyes at all, almost all of them were practicing desperately.

The kungfu is not inferior to that of the intentional people. Chu Yun has made great progress. He has been able to draw some small animals to take part in the battle.

Unfortunately, the strength of these small animals is not strong.

But in addition, Chu Yun has developed some of his own routines. When he integrated sword and sword into his paintings, he could have unexpected effects!

Draw sword Qi in the air and blend it into sword spirit. The sword Qi suddenly splits, and can directly split a mountain!

That power is no less than that of the powerful Creator!

"It's a shortcut for you to integrate sword, but it doesn't help your overall progress."

Gu Mengsheng commented on this.

Chu Yun is not discouraged. He finds that he likes to draw, which is so mysterious that he can't help but immerse himself in it.

On the other hand, due to the reason of her realm, the power of nine princesses can't be compared with that of Chu Yun, but the understanding of pure painting is much higher than that of Chu Yun.

Maybe it's because of Wu Hun.

Warm jade pen, it's the material of learning painting by nature!



On the peak of killing, there is a great deal of murderous spirit. Once you get close to it, you will get goose bumps all over your body.

"Elder martial brother, I heard that there are two Tianjiao in menglaifeng, both of them are under test, breaking your record."

A man stood in front of him and suddenly opened his mouth.

"I heard that, I also heard that one of the two disciples awakened the spirit of Tianlv shipin Should it be the nine princesses of the holy land of yaochi? It's said that the beauty of the country is just like the beauty of the heaven in yaochi. I'm ashamed to say that I haven't seen it so far. "

Nowadays, although the speaker is not very handsome, he has a beautiful face and a refined style.

He raised a smile on the corner of his mouth, which made people feel like spring breeze.

It's the first of three generations of disciples. Kill senior brother Haixin!

"In that case, why don't you go and have a look?"

The disciple blinked and said with a smile.

In the past two months, the rumors about the nine princesses have never stopped, which makes them curious.

What kind of woman is it that can fascinate so many disciples?

In other words, it also made several people look forward to it.

"Go and have a look? Too frivolous. "

Hisense shook his head, smiled and said, "can I be like those laymen?"

"What do you mean, senior brother?"

The disciple took a deep breath and looked forward to it.

He knew that the elder martial brother was surrounded by flowers, but he was very elegant. He never tried to do things that were jealous. Instead, countless female disciples circled around the elder martial brother, which was called Yanfu extraordinary.

If the elder martial brother with such means wants to take a girl, it's obviously not difficult.

Besides, he wants not only your people, but also your heart!

Obviously, ordinary women have been unable to arouse Hisense's interest.

He has a higher goal.

"Since everyone says that Princess nine is very beautiful, I'd like to see it. I just went ahead rashly. It's too frivolous. It's not a simple thing to get such a woman. I want to enjoy it. Enjoy the whole process. "

Hisense raised his head and raised a curve at the corner of his mouth: "it's said that they are hitting the last hurdle. If they can reach the point of first glimpse in three months, they can be accepted as disciples by Shigong, that is to say, if they can reach the goal, they will be my little sister-in-law later."

The disciple rubbed his hands, and some looked forward to saying, "so what?"

"So, whether she can achieve it or not, this process is interesting! A few days later, it will be the exchange meeting of the new disciples of the painting school, and I will meet her for the first time at the exchange meeting! "

Hisense draws a confident smile from the corner of its mouth. This time, its prey is more interesting and difficult than ever before.

On weekdays, those female disciples of zongmen are proud of their association with themselves. They don't need to waste their time at all. They are like whales to the sea, like birds to the forest, throwing themselves into arms and arms.

Gradually, Hisense thought these were boring, and he needed more fun.

"This is a good opportunity for the exchange meeting of new disciples. At the beginning, the elder martial brother was in this exchange meeting to catch up with the elder martial sister!"

Disciple haha smiled. How glorious was that elder martial sister at the beginning, no matter who she was, she did not pretend to say goodbye. However, in the end, she was chased by Hisense?

"It's a top ten martial spirit. It's more talented than me. I'm really looking forward to it."

Hisense stands up with a strong smile.



The exchange meeting of new disciples was held on top of the kill peak.

This is the rule. Every time, it will be held on the first peak, so that all new disciples can witness the power of the painting school.

Hisense was walking in the crowd with his hands on his back.

No matter where he goes, people around him will take the initiative to separate a road and look at him with excited eyes.

This is absolute respect!

After all, Hisense is the undisputed first among the three generations of disciples, and no one can match him.

We are even thinking that if the painter abdicates, it is likely that he will take over as the leader of the painting sect, and Hisense's position will naturally rise to another level, even the whole killing peak will be his!

Because of this, all of us have great respect for Hisense. Even some disciples try their best to get close to him and please him.

In particular, those female disciples often showed their affection to Hisense and secretly sent their eyes off.

Hisense has a smile on her face and nods to her surroundings.

There are a lot of new female disciples, including those with superb looks. After all, these disciples are all from the great power of Taiqian, and their temperament is very outstanding.

However, Hisense doesn't care how beautiful they are.

His eyes searched the crowd for the dream peak.

However, after looking for a circle, there was no discovery. Hisense couldn't help but frown: "Uncle Gu, who is dreaming of coming to the peak, didn't come?"

Suddenly a disciple smiled and said, "Uncle Gu has never participated in this kind of exchange meeting. Did you forget it?"

"That's the same."

Hisense nodded. In the past few years, menglaifeng had no new disciples, so he never participated in the exchange meeting.

But this time it was different. This time, two disciples joined in menglaifeng. They were all gifted. Their performances in the first level and the second level even exceeded their own.

In this case, why didn't they come?

Among the many new disciples, Qin Hui is obviously the biggest one, the Grand Prince of Ziyuan, and has a very good talent. Wu soul is just a stroke of pen, which is perfectly integrated with the painting school.

Therefore, in more than two months, he cultivated at a very fast speed. No one in the same batch entered the peak of killing could match him.

Seeing Hisense from afar, Qin Hui could not help but speed up and come forward with a slightly flattering smile on his face: "Hello, elder martial brother!"

After all, he is the Grand Prince of Ziyuan holy kingdom. He is also a person of some status. It's impossible to kowtow to Hisense.

In that case, it would really damage the face of Ziyuan.

"Younger martial brother Qin."

Hisense turned around and nodded slightly: "Shifu recognizes your talent. People have praised you many times. I hope that younger martial brother Qin can live up to the expectations and become the backbone of our peak killing talent!"

Kill broken nature didn't say so, these are just the flattering words of Hisense.

That's why he is so popular.

"Yes, it's a great honor!"

Qin Hui's eyes brightened and he couldn't help smiling.

In the past two months, Qin Hui has tried a lot. Although he didn't say it in his mouth, he still preferred to worship under the holy gate of painting.

However, he found that he had tried his best to cultivate, but he was still far away from his first glimpse.

At the current rate, it would be very good to reach this level in five months.

However, Qin Hui is not discouraged. He can't do it by himself, on behalf of others.

Even senior brother Hisense has spent more than four months. Who can reach it in three months?

It's good to be a real disciple of zafeng even if you can't join the painting sect.

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