Sky War Soul

Chapter 1214 Mausoleum

"Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

Take care of the smile, smile can not say the bitterness: "my life, full of legend, can not say the magnificent. I don't know how many people envy me and yearn for my life However, it's ironic that I always wanted to live out myself. In the end, I found that a page of ancient sheepskin scrolls the size of palms could do my whole life... "

"In my life, no matter how hard I try, I can't escape this so-called prediction."

"I desperately want to live a different life from others. I have considered many choices in my life, but I finally embarked on such a path in this way."

"The remnant page of the ancient volume of Tianshu"

Chu Yun looked down at the ancient scroll of sheepskin the size of a palm, reached out and pinched it, and found that it was no different.

It's a very common ancient scroll of sheepskin. I have to say something different. Maybe the font on it has a breath of eternal vicissitudes, which ordinary people can't imitate.

"You know, the ancient volume of the heavenly script in my hand is only a small piece of broken pages. I have estimated that the complete ancient volume of the book of heaven is definitely much larger than this one, but I don't know why it is divided into so many pieces. "

"Each piece can have a prediction."

"Maybe this is the magic of the ancient volume of Tianshu!"

He shook his head and folded up the remnant pages of the ancient book of heaven.

"Overthrow the prophecy of heaven?"

Chu Yun frowned and said something casually.

"What do you say?"

Take care of the face of the dynasty, like thinking to open up, hurriedly ask.

"It's nothing. I just said it. Since the heavenly way is so aimed at you, it certainly means that you have something special. Is it because of the ancient volume of the heavenly book? It may be the key to overthrow the heavenly way! "

When Chu Yun said these things, he didn't have much confidence.

Because, he just talks nonsense.


Who would have expected, caress toward nodded, expression is very serious.

"There will also be competition between heaven's ways. If it's not convenient to do so, it's a good way to secretly make ancient books of heaven and spread them. It's really a good way to kill people with a knife!"

The more he thought about it, the more likely he felt it, and even a flash of light flashed in his eyes, nodding in succession.

"Heaven, there are many more?"

Chu Yun opened his mouth wide as if he had found a new continent, which was inconceivable.

"That's nature!"

He nodded and said seriously: "the so-called" heavenly way "is actually the embodiment of some powerful beings on the higher plane of consciousness. They are not illusory, but real; only they are higher than us, so we can't speculate with common sense. There will also be fights between heaven and Taoism. There are many ways. If the purpose of ancient books of heaven is to kill heaven, it makes sense! "

Chu Yun opened his mouth in shock and didn't close it for half a day.

I didn't expect that I could get the recognition of cherishing the DPRK with a casual remark.

It seems that his mouth is really magical, a word into a prophecy.

"These are too far away, not what you will consider now. In the next year, I will try my best to teach you what I have learned all my life. I hope you will not lose the reputation of my painter."

Take care to smile at the corner of his mouth, no matter when his smile is so warm.


After that, he raised his hand and saw the prosperity around him again.

Chu Yun knew that he was in the picture again.

Looking at the disciples of many painters who come and go over the sky, Chu Yun's heart is filled with emotion.

It seems that all the people are lifelike, no different from the ordinary practitioners, but who can think that they are just the tip of the iceberg on the hundred meter painting?

It's better than Li Qing, kill Po Tian and Hisense. They are all just fabricated figures.

At the same time, Chu Yun was deeply impressed by his ability to cherish the dynasty.

To be able to make such a painting, he can be said to be extraordinary and out of the ordinary. His painting skills are astonishing!

If I study with him modestly, can I reach this level?


Take care of the dynasty to raise a hand to catch a figure.

Nine Princess some don't touch the head, looking left and right for a long time, beautiful Mou this just fixed focus again.

She looked at Chu Yun and looked after him. She was surprised and said, "master, do you want to see me?"

However, he didn't explain to the nine princesses, but said lightly: "from today on, I will pass on all the inheritance to you, just in this dream peak!"

"What's the matter? Chu Yun is not Didn't you go to learn from the painter? "

Nine princesses don't know so, she still thought in front of standing, or Gu Mengsheng.

"Yes, he is a painter, and you are a painter."

When he said that, Zhan Yan smiled: "because I am the saint of painting!"



Outside Luofu, in the underpass.

When they entered the door, they looked at the scene before them and all stayed in the same place.

Their pupils contract violently, and they can't help but draw air conditioner. No one thought that the picture in the stone gate would be like this.

In front of us is a vast plain, as if in another world, on which there are more than ten tombstones, each of which has a tombstone.

More than ten tombs are very tall, standing in front like that, making people involuntarily have a sense of awe.

Everything is calm, as if even the mood can be purified.

A few people take a deep breath, quickly step forward, eyes swept over many tombstones.

They want to find out exactly where it is.

"The great emperor of the human race, the infinite tomb in the sky?"

"Emperor renzu, Tomb of Jenning?"

"Emperor of the human race, Tomb of the rebellious Qingtian?"


Several people looked down all the way. There were many small characters engraved on the tombstones in front of each of these ten tombs.

Most of these small characters record the life of these characters, and of course, various glorious deeds.


Tang Haoran's pupils contracted, and some of them couldn't believe it. "Did you find that all the epitaphs in front of these tombstones are called the emperor of the human race?"

"That is to say, are all the strong buried here the great emperor of Nirvana?"

The great saint frowned and asked.

"Yes, that should be it!"

Mutu nodded: "I can feel the breath inside the tomb. Even after so many years of death, there is still a dense fog spreading, which is extraordinary If you look at the tombstone carefully, you will find that it is made of tianwai steel and rock. It's not easy to make a mark on it, at least it must have the strength of Nirvana peak! "

"What's more, the characters on it are vigorous and powerful in every stroke, which means that the sculptor is extraordinary!"

Cheng bining said slowly, "if I expect it to be good, it should be the best brush in fairyland!"

All were silent.

On this plain are all the tombs of the great nirvana. The tombstones are probably carved by the supreme of fairyland.

Just think about it, you can feel the vastness and magnificence in it, which makes people feel inferior to themselves.

"Wait, this There's something wrong here! "

Finally, it was Tang Zixian who had a sharp eye. There was a low mound in front of her.

The mound is covered with moss, a scene of dilapidation.

Even there is no tombstone in front of the mound!

"Is this also a grave? Why is it so simple?"

Tang Zixian goes to the grave and ponders for a while, unable to figure out why.

Others also came together and watched the mound carefully.

"It's a nice grave, with a coffin in it."

Cheng bining's perception is more acute, but after a look, he comes to a conclusion.

"It's strange that all the other tombs are buried by the emperor of the human race, but this mound is very low, there is no sense of existence, the location is not obvious, and even there is no tombstone. Why on earth?"

Mutu frowned, racked his brains and thought, but he still had no clue.

"All the people who can be buried here are great emperors. Although it's not clear who the people in the tomb are, they are definitely not ordinary. As for why there is no tombstone, this is not the level we can know. "

Cheng bining sighed and waved his hand and said:" don't look around here, it's very disrespectful for the ancestors resting in the tomb. "

After the voice fell, everyone felt it was reasonable, and they all dispersed.

They walked around the plain, looking for more clues.

Only Tang Zixian stood in front of the low mound, stupefied.

"Look, there are words on this boulder!"

All of a sudden, the great saint made a new discovery. He shouted loudly and called for everyone to come quickly.

It's a huge stone half way into the land. There are only two big characters on it - imperial mausoleum.


Cheng bining's pupil shrank and couldn't help but say, "it's a name of bullying. No wonder the strong people buried here are all the great emperors of the human race. It's called the imperial mausoleum."

"Imperial mausoleum..."

Other people have deep eyes and keep them on.

There seems to be a special magic power on the stone, which can't be moved.

"Do you remember the cave outside the passageway, where there are stone tables, stone benches and stone beds, which shows that someone has lived there and seems to have lived for many days?"

Cheng bining suddenly opened his mouth and his eyes flashed a fine light.

"Of course, the temple master, what do you mean?"

The other several people all showed doubts.

"Since it's called the imperial mausoleum, all of them must be the great nirvana, so who buried them all here and who carved tombstones for them? It's very simple. It's obviously the tomb keeper who lives in the cave! He is very likely to have the strength of fairyland. He buried many great emperors here, painted tombstones for them, and kept them outside

"Those sealed demons may be the opponents they met at the beginning."

"Most likely, these great emperors fell in that war!"

Cheng bining is clear-minded and articulate clearly.

Although it's just speculation, it's also reasonable.

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: sitting in front of the computer today, I wrote five chapters desperately. These five chapters can be said to be very wonderful. Each chapter has many points of view. Please have a good taste and experience. I really worked hard, but I still failed to achieve the seven more, there is no way, the two less can only be made up tomorrow, tomorrow to continue the five more! Excuse me!

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