Sky War Soul

Chapter 1231 the kiss of nine Princesses

Nine princesses happily, hands raise skirt, light voice way: "then you follow me."

Looking around at the strange eyes, Chu Yun smiled helplessly and followed up.

He didn't explain, and didn't bother to explain.

Think what others want, then think what they want.

Fang Wujing looked at this scene thoughtfully, reaching out to feel his chin, and all kinds of light twinkled in his eyes.

"Jiu'er has grown up after all."

Seeing them go far, Fang Wujing sighs, but there is no worry in his tone.

If nine princesses can come together with Chu Yun, as a father, Fang Wujing will never stop her.

Although he often married other daughters, he was extremely fond of the nine princesses. After all, Chu Yun is the first pride in the world. No matter who married him, he would not disgrace himself.

If Chu Yun is not worthy of the ninth princess, no one in the whole too dry world is worthy.

"Princess nine, what do you want to give me?"

Chu Yun followed the nine princesses and went out for a long time. She didn't stop until she reached the rockery group in the pear garden.

I saw nine Princess turn around, pretty face some red, beautiful eyes with shame and joy, hands entangled together.

Chu Yun is less than half a meter away from nine princesses. Just when he wants to ask again, nine princesses suddenly step forward and lean forward. The birds peck at Chu Yun's face. Then she quickly steps back and giggles.

Chu Yun touched his cheek, and for a moment he felt a bit confused.

"I like this poem very much, very much."

"And This is my gift for you... "

The ninth Princess summoned up her courage and said, "the first poem is also a good one, but I I don't like it very much. I always feel that the idea of that poem is not good. You are not a monk in Foshan, the West. Why do you care about the rules in Buddhism? "

"Not to be burdened by the Tathagata, not by the Qing."

The ninth Princess murmured to herself, and then raised her face: "what can I do if I have a negative Tathagata? As long as you don't have a negative attitude Just... That's enough... "

In the end, her face was hot, but she still raised her head boldly and looked at Chu Yun.

At this moment, Chu Yun is in a mess.

At the beginning of the first poem, he did not think too much.

However, today's poem is from the bottom of my heart that I want to give to Princess nine.

And she, indeed, is worthy of the poem.

Yaochi has beautiful people, peerless and independent.

Once you look at the city, then you look at the country.

It's better not to know the city and the country. It's hard for a beautiful woman to get any more.

Every paragraph, every sentence, every word, even every word, is full of praise for nine Princesses' looks, which is different from the one that was sent to Tang Zixian at the beginning. That one describes beautiful looks with clouds and flowers, while this one is a side contrast.

There are not many adjectives, only description.

With its great charm, it is extremely beautiful.

As long as a little understanding of poetry, people will sincerely thumbs up.

Nine princess this time, is also really happy, so will keep for many years the first kiss, to Chu Yun.

Courtesy goes hand in hand.

The nine princesses themselves love poetry, painting and Fu, and are a talented woman. Naturally, they have different palpitations about it.

If Chu Yun had attracted her at the dragon's gate conference at the beginning, then the later process, like the abyss, kept her deeply in it; as for the end, she was totally trapped in it and couldn't extricate herself.

Of course, Princess nine never wanted to escape.

At the beginning, although she was just an ordinary person, her vision was always high, and no Tianjiao was in her eyes.

When you wake up, you will have a higher vision because of the different levels.

However, from beginning to end, only Chu Yun can enter into eyes of the nine princesses.




After Chu Yun left the pear garden, he saw Gao Gonggong standing there, smiling.

"Well, it's just a few words, you smile so meaningful..."

Chu Yun coughs twice, covering up his embarrassment: "then, what about the pills?"

"I know you are impatient and can't wait too long, so I went to huangku to get it for you. It's five samsara pills, many of them."

Gao Gonggong handed a box to Chu Yun, and then said, "today, you are really in the limelight at the party. You have killed him well. You didn't see him eat shriveled. You can't say a word. It's ridiculous."

Chu Yun opens the box and takes out a pill.

"Next, I will stay in the palace for three days until the transmission array to Houtu kingdom is opened. Please, Duke Gao, after I leave, send four samsara pills to the patrol hall and give them to Zixian......"


Mr. Gao didn't talk much nonsense and nodded.

Chu cloud calculated that one purple immortal, one Li Li, one Tang Haoran, and the remaining one for brother Wang boqian.

In this way, we can all enter the reincarnation.

After entering the realm of reincarnation, even if it is just beginning to show its splendor, when entering the realm of Nirvana, it will be a strong one.

The tour hall has all the preconditions to become a huge force, and what is missing now is only time.

When these people enter Nirvana, the situation will be completely different.

"Don't wander around these two days. There are so many people in the imperial city. If Sun Wei and other people know that you haven't left, they may guess your purpose. Then things will become troublesome and dangerous."

When Gao Gonggong left, he said a word.


Chu Yun has no nonsense. He knows the situation is extraordinary.

After mixing into the thick earth, all the so-called cultivators will become their prey.

Half a year, enough to kill them all!

This is the revenge on the grand master.

Will I let you do what you want to do if you are serious about killing me?

No revenge, not my style.

I'm going to let you die miserably!

When I enter Nirvana, Sun Wei, sun Zhe, Qian Yiqian, Huafu, Xu Fu Kill all!

Chu Yun never showed kindness to the enemy.

The next day, Chu Yun was bored and wandered back and forth in the palace.

Because his identity is well known, as long as he doesn't enter some taboos, he can walk around the palace arbitrarily.


There was a sound in the distance, turning his head, it was the local chronicles.

"I didn't have time to reminisce with you when you were called away by sister Jiujie that day."

The local chronicles are all dressed up, but they look extremely handsome. It seems that they are going to attend some grand events.

On that day, many princes and princesses were unable to enter the main hall. They could only go outside. Local chronicles wanted to go to Chu Yun to narrate the old days after the end of the event. However, Chu Yun was called away by nine princesses and didn't come back for half a day.

Therefore, local aspirations can only be stopped.

But I didn't expect to meet you here today.

"Teacher, I didn't expect you and nine elder sisters..."

When Fang Zhi said this, he blinked and smiled with a smile that men all know: "nine elder sister's face, you look at the whole world, you may not find the second place, and she is incomparable in talent, proficient in strategy, chess, calligraphy and painting, and now she wakes up to the top ten martial spirits of heaven level, and has become a painter No matter what, it's the best in the world. Really, it's only the teacher you deserve to be the ninth sister! "

"All right, all right."

Although chuyun was secretly happy, he couldn't show it on the surface: "where are you going?"

"He Shou, on behalf of the holy country of yaochi, goes to congratulate the ice emperor."

When Fang Zhi said this, he shook his head: "it's said that Binghuang has a strange temper. I'll go there and ask for nothing but merits."

"Ice king?"

Chu Yun has some doubts.

"Yes, the ice queen."

The local chronicle said: "ice emperor is the most powerful flying fairyland in the Taiqian area. This is his 6000 year old birthday. All the famous forces in the whole Taiqian area send people to congratulate him. Just as many brothers are idle, I'm ok. The father gave it to me..."

Chu Yun suddenly thought that Chen Luohua had told Ling Caiyun some days ago that they were going to congratulate a powerful being on his birthday, which should be ice emperor?

"Teacher, why don't you go with me? It's said that Binghuang will choose one of the many young talents to give him the elixir that has been watered for many years. If you go with me, we will have more chances together."

In fact, he drew Chu Yun forward, not really for that probability, but to contact Chu Yun more to learn more.

Chu Yun naturally saw his purpose, smiled and shook his head. "I have some private affairs these days, so I will not go."

"Those who go to congratulate Binghuang on his birthday are all arrogant. Don't you have a look, sir? With your current fame and reputation in Taiqian, I don't know how many talents want to make friends with you. How can you miss such a great opportunity to attract people? "

Local aspirations continue to pester Chu Yun and want to go with him.

"A lot of people want to make friends with me?"

When Chu Yun heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

A few days ago, I just owe lingcaiyun a favor.

"On what day and for how long will the feast last? How far is it? "

Chu Yun asked casually.

"Today, the birthday party lasts for three days. Because of the existence of the teleportation array, you can go back and forth for at most one hour."

"If you want to go, don't worry about the time," said Fang Zhi with a smile

"Is that so?"

After Chu Yun's calculation, it's really in time.

Anyway, I have no interest in the imperial city these days. I'd better go to see Tianjiao.

As for making friends, Chu Yun didn't think so much.

When he makes friends, he always looks at his feelings.

I don't feel right. Even if you are strong, I won't bird you.

With Chu Yun's talent and fame, he doesn't need to attach himself to others. As long as he can grow up smoothly, he can always stay in the position of the first day of arrogance!

Even if they make friends, they are also friends with others.

"OK, I'll go with you."

After all, Chu Yun is not willing to be lonely. He decides to go to see the ice emperor's birthday party.

The birthday feast of Tianjiao, which gathers most of the forces of Taiqian, must be grand.

It's not a bad thing to see.

Anyway, as long as within three days, it's good to be able to rush back to the imperial city.

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: it's late today, I'm sorry

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