Sky War Soul

Chapter 1257 shackles of the strong

diamond cut diamond.

Encounter a strong enemy in battle.

"Ha ha, come again!"

Chuyun chuckles and punches again.

The fierce and unmatched waves mingle with countless momentum, like sweeping giant hands, covering one side of the void.

Yuankun stands proudly in that void, with a burning flame under his eyes. Although there are many injuries on his body and even blood oozing from the corners of his mouth, these do not reduce his fighting spirit at all, but make him become a hungry wolf drinking blood. Only under the stimulation of blood can he burst out the ultimate combat power.

It can be said that Yuankun has never met such a super Tianjiao as Chu Yun for so many years. He has rarely been defeated by his peers. Almost none of them can make him feel frustrated.

He once, in private with Chen Jingxuan hand in hand, disguised, launched a surprise attack in the wild.

As a result, both were seriously injured.

Although Yuankun didn't take much advantage of it, he was proud of the war.

After all, Chen Jingxuan is the most famous super Tianjiao in the Taiqian area. The senior brother of daomen is very likely to be a Taoist in the future.

Of course, today's way is Fang Han.

Because Chu Yun's reason.

"Tianxing battle leg!!!"

Yuan Kun suddenly turned over his body and kicked out dozens of legs at an incredible speed. Each stroke was full of dazzling illusions. Qi and energy were mixed in it. It was very torrential.

The two strikes collide with each other, completely counteracting the force.

The two figures, once again rushed together.

Every punch Chu Yun made was accompanied by a strong power of magic and Buddhism, which set off the sky in a golden and dazzling way.

There are also many Sanskrit in the power of magic Buddha, which originally belongs to the higher means of Buddhism. Few people can easily master it, but Chu Yun has been able to do whatever he wants without any restrictions.

Sanskrit can increase the power of war skills and magic Buddha.

It's amazing that ordinary monks can understand several Sanskrit, but Chu Yun is not affected at all.

Yuankun frowned tightly. In the close fight, he struggled very hard. He was obviously the best, but he felt that he was falling into the downwind gradually.

As if, it was unacceptable to him.

Close fight is the most powerful way to defeat Tianjiao.

But now, in front of Chu Yun, it fell into the downwind.

How can he bear it?

"I don't believe it!!!"

A roar came from Yuankun's throat. He realized that he was in the downwind now. He had to turn the situation around early. Otherwise, if it continues like this, he would lose miserably.

Voice falls, from Yuan Kun to the body and soul as a weapon, toward Chu Yun severely hit the past.

All the power between the heaven and the earth converges in one place in an instant, just like the falling meteorite from the void, and the power carries out the eternal.

"Hiss, this kid's strength is terrible. If I get him, I'm afraid I can't get him."

Big day gold Wu sees this scene, instinctively shrank neck.

It is enough to prove his strength to be able to pick Tuoba Liuyun and dongfangshu.

But dairijinwu has a disadvantage: its close combat ability is too weak. Once it is approached by a strong physical exerciser, it will automatically disorder its formation. Just like when it was against chuyun, those who were beaten by chuyun's random fist couldn't find the north. They were dizzy and lost all their hair. They were stunned and didn't escape from chuyun's hands.

But it's not easy to win if you open up the distance and simply compete with Reiki.

After all, dairijinwu has an absolutely hot flame, which can melt everything in the world, plus its own talent and skills. Although it's only the strength of reincarnation, it's not easy for the emperor of nirvana to win.

However, Yuankun is also a good hand at close combat.

Therefore, the sun, the golden and the black will be a little afraid.

"This boy is really good. Even compared with the ancient times when the demons came out in large numbers, he is a super arrogant. As for the future achievements, the lowest is the peak of nirvana. As for whether he can enter the fairyland, it depends on the nature..."

The stone breaks the sky to see the appearance, the light way.

"Even so, can't you say that you must come to fairyland?"

Big day gold Wu hears speech, cannot help but look surprised.

For monsters, especially those like him, it is not difficult to enter fairyland.

Usually when the time comes, it will naturally enter fairyland, so he never thought it was a problem.

I didn't expect that it would be so difficult for human cultivators to enter the fairyland.

Tianjiao, such as Cong Yuankun, is one of the few in the whole Taiqian area.

Even he doesn't have the possibility to enter fairyland, so Who else?

"That's nature. There are so many human beings, and there's a high probability of super arrogance. If every super Tianjiao can successfully step into fairyland in the end, is fairyland still valuable? "

"For example, there are at least five Tianjiao who are too dry to lose to Cong Yuankun," Shi explained patiently? Isn't there hundreds of stars in the whole night circle? In a few hundred years alone, hundreds of flying fairyland lords can be born. Can they survive for a long time? Therefore, it is extremely difficult for the human cultivators to enter the fairyland, especially for the strong cultivators! "

"And That's the way it's said? "

On the surface, it's amazing. In fact, the bottom of my heart is as sweet as honey.

It's hard for the strong to enter the fairyland?

Too Cool!

Doesn't that mean that when I enter fairyland, no one who is the supreme body training strongman of fairyland will beat me?

"It's true that the stronger the cultivator is in the body training, the more difficult it is to enter the fairyland. What is fairyland? It's a fairyland that transcends all worldly realms and becomes immortal! Those who practice physical strength are equal to those who go against the sky. If their combat power is higher than that of those who practice in the same realm, how can they enter the fairyland so easily

It seems that Shi Liaotian thought of something. He sighed: "ten thousand years ago, there was a little girl with a strong body and a strong spirit. She almost cracked down on the immortals. She could beat the supreme of fairyland by her body alone. She could not find the southeast, Northwest How terrible would it be if such an existence succeeded in entering fairyland? "

"So, my lord?"

Dairi Jinwu frowned and then asked.

Such a strong person, just think about it, it makes the heart tremble.

"So, after thousands of years, the little girl has tried all kinds of chance creations and failed to enter the fairyland! She claims to be a female emperor. She's overbearing and unmatched. She's the only one in the kingdom of Taiqian to defeat the existence of the supremacy of the title! She has a long life and a young face, and I don't know if she is still alive now, and if there are any legends about her in taiqianjie... "

When stone breaks the sky to talk about these, he inevitably feels a little sad.


Too dry No, there is only one "female" as the emperor in the starry field of the night, or even in the starry sky!

Without too many appellations, it's called empress.

No one dares to call them that, because they can't afford it, and they will be crushed by it.

Look at the world, who dares to call himself "the male emperor"?

No one dared.

No one can afford it.

But she dare to call herself the empress!

This shows how terrible she is.

Perhaps her terror shocked the heaven, so that she did not touch the threshold of fairyland for thousands of years.

But in the end, no one knows the inside, only she knows.

"Lord Chu..."

When Dayi Jinwu thinks of it, he inevitably has some worries.

Isn't Chu Yun also a super genius known for his physical strength?

Is it difficult for him to fight against fairyland in the future?

Even like the empress, there is no clue about her hard pursuit for thousands of years.

"You know shit!"

Stone sky is very disdainful to stare at the sun, gold and black, shook his head and said: "Chu Yun is the arrogance predicted on the remnant page of the ancient volume of the book of heaven. His future has no limit, and even the way of heaven may be overturned by him! How could the shackles of flying fairyland limit him? He is the son of God! Do you understand? "

Dairi and Jinwu nodded as if they didn't understand, but in fact they didn't understand. They only knew that Chu Yun would be very aggressive in the future.

In fact, that's enough.

In fact, stone's guess is not good.

The traces of the avenue owned by Chu Yun can make him smooth on the road of promotion.

There is nothing to hinder his promotion unless heaven himself casts down the punishment.

The trace of the road is a gift from the supreme war spirit to Chu Yun.

It's also the benefit of Wuhun's promotion to the top ten.

Chu Yun's body collided with Yuankun again, and a loud roar broke out between the two sides.

Yuankun was hit for thousands of kilometers, and his body broke more than ten thick tree trunks in succession. Finally, he fell deeply into the mountain and made a huge dent.

As for Chu Yun, he is much more calm than yuan Kun.

He was knocked back three steps in succession. Every step he took out, he was crazy to move his whole body and offset the impact.

In addition to the three steps, the counter impulse was completely eliminated.

"Master Chu won?"

I'm a little excited.

"No, but Chu Yun's skill is better."

Shi Liaotian's eyes narrowed: "Cong Yuankun is a very horrible opponent, it's very difficult to deal with it, but it's a pity that what he meets is not someone else, but Chu Yun. If someone else, even you, can't resist his stormy attack, but who is Chu Yun? He is not only strong willed but also endurable. He doesn't need to rest for ten days and nights in a row If you want to defeat Chu Yun head-on, this kid has miscalculated! "

"I can't stop it, my Lord. I think I can burn him to cinders!"

Big day gold Wu hears stone to break the sky to depreciate oneself, dare not show dissatisfaction, but some are not convinced.

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