Sky War Soul

Chapter 1265 taking a stand

When sun zhe realized that he had come to a strange world again, he was surrounded by a strong sense of despair.

Even if they want to pull people back, they can't do it?


He wanted to shout out the word to express his unhappiness at the bottom of his heart. However, his spirit, which was repressed beyond the limit, began to burst, and the light rose to the sky, devouring his distorted figure.

There was no chance to say regret.

Sun Zhe's body is blown to pieces, and together with the small world around him, it turns into powder.


The floating painting in front of Chu Yun separated and disintegrated after a violent tremor.

However, it was only a slight noise, not the destruction of the heaven and earth in the imagination.

Chu Yun was on his way here. In order to prevent accidents, he drew a magnificent picture of mountains and rivers. His purpose is simple. No matter who is in danger, he can earn his life in the picture of mountains and rivers.

This move is called "heaven and earth in painting".

As the name implies, there is a universe hidden in the painting, and the mystery is deep.

In the painting, Chu Yun did not succeed several times in all, so he had a try mentality before. Unexpectedly, it really became!

After arriving at the Imperial City, I happened to see sun zhe explode himself and want to pull Bai Zai to die together.

Chu Yun hurriedly put out his hand and locked sun Zhe in the painting of mountains and rivers.

Sure enough, sun Zhe's self explosion destroyed the whole mountain and river painting, but there was no storm outside.

It's amazing!

In the distance, Bai Zai kept panting. He was covered with blood and still had some lingering palpitations.

In the past, he had a walk at the gate of hell.

If it is affected by the explosion, Bai Zai knows that he has no reason to survive.

Fortunately, Chu Yun put his hand in time and resolved all this.

"Thank you very much, Lord Chu!"

Although his official position is superior to that of Chu Yun, Bai Zai looks very sincere. If it wasn't for Chu Yun, he might have been killed.

Such great kindness is beyond words.

Chu Yun put out his hand to wipe the sweat on his forehead, put away the Jiufang purgatory tower, and grinned: "fortunately, I came in time, or that guy would succeed!"

"Before I think Lord Chu included him in a painting. Is this the unique skill of the painting school

At the thought of Chu Yun's methods, Bai Zai couldn't help being surprised.

Chu Yun is just a reincarnation. He can have such horrible means. Compared with his peers' Tianjiao, he really jilted others too much, which is not at the same level at all.

As for reincarnation Tianjiao, even a hundred or a thousand of them may not be Chu Yun's opponents.

That's the gap!

Quality gap!

"Yes, it's what I learned in the painting school."

Chu Yun nodded his head. It took him a lot of effort to defend himself. However, the previous scene was really breathtaking. If he had a little one thousandth of a second in the evening, he would have a broken ending.

First, sacrifice the sabre Qi to cut down sun Zhe's arm, SMASH him open with the nine square purgatory tower, then hold the demonic flag, and take him to a height of 10000 meters, so as not to expand other people into the mountain and river map by mistake.

Finally, it ends with a picture of mountains and rivers, trapping sun Zhe in it.

At that time, sun zhe had reached the limit, and there was absolutely no way to fight back. He could only watch himself explode in another strange space, without hurting anyone.

It is expected that the mountain and river map will be broken.

"Chu Yun?"

I saw the wind and dust figure step from ten thousand meters away, frown and ask: "Bai adult, where is sun Zhe, the anti thief?"


Bai Zai smiled and described what had happened before: "if it wasn't for Lord Chu, I might have been led to the yellow spring by sun zhe!"

At the end, he smiled bitterly and shook his head.

FengChen suddenly raised his eyebrows and said excitedly, "Chu Yun, it's really thanks to you!"

"I came here as soon as I heard about the rebellion of the sun family. Fortunately, I was lucky enough. If I came later, the consequences would be unimaginable!"

When Chu Yun thought of these things, he was still frightened.

When he rescued Bai Zai, he didn't hesitate at all, but in fact, he was not so calm on the surface.

"The sun family has been copied. Sun Zhe is dead! Sun Zhan and sun long are also caught and immediately beheaded! "

The wind and dust show a smile and pick up the eyebrows to Chu Yun.

Others don't understand the meaning of wind and dust, but Chu Yun's heart is very clear.

This is thanks for what I have done in the thick soil world.

If it wasn't for his arrogance, Sun Wei would not suddenly lose control, let alone say such treacherous words!

Even if he is on the side of the Grand National Division, even if he is really willing to rebel, he can't say such words so arrogantly.

This is no brain!

No brains!

After seeing Sun Wei say that, Fang Wujing naturally felt happy and went along with the cane to find out what he had said. He pulled out the radish and brought out the mud, and directly encircled and exterminated the sun family, covering nine families in Zhulian.

It's also thanks to the opportunity given by Sun Wei. Otherwise, there's no reason to target the sun family?

You know, sun zhe has been in the position of Taibao for many years. His power is complex. It's not easy to move him in a positive and bright way.

The appearance of Chu Yun makes all of this easier.

Chu Yun smiled bitterly at the corner of his mouth. He didn't know what to say, so he had to bow his hand.


You are the old fox. I can't match you.

I thought I could break away from all control, but I didn't expect to be used by Fang Wujing in secret. Fortunately, I am in the same camp with Fang Wujing. I don't have to be so afraid. Otherwise, I'm afraid I will be killed by the old fox Fang Wujing!

"Rebel, kill!"

Chu Yun echoed.

"There must be more conspiracies among them. How dare you plot against them only by relying on the sun family? This matter, I must thoroughly investigate in the end, no matter who is involved in it, don't talk about killing it! "

The eyes of the wind and dust are cold and fierce, saying some mighty words.

Chu Yun smiles again.

Don't you pretend to be confused?

Who is the mastermind behind it? The three-year-old knows it!

It's the big country's teacher who loves the fire!

The reason why FengChen said such a thing is that there is no evidence for the time being. When we find all the evidence, we will directly start towards mu Liuhuo.

From this point, we can see Fang Wujing's determination.

This is to fight with mu Liuhuo?

He would not have fought so hastily without absolute confidence!

Below, a lot of cultivators go out, pupil contracts violently, can't believe looking at all this.

They all felt the terrible battle here before, but no one dared to approach.

Now that the fighting is over, they dare to show up and see what happened.

Unexpectedly, this is the scene.

What about sun zhe?

Was it killed?!

To kill him is Chu Yun?

They were shocked, swallowing and spitting. Their faces were as white as paper.

"Chu Yun, would you like to go back to the palace with me to see the Holy One? It's a great feat for you to save Bai Taiwei. I must ask your majesty to give you a reward. If the reward is not enough, you will get a great reward! "

Feng dust smiled and said to Chu Yun in public.

Chuyun laughed bitterly in his heart. He wanted to stay out of the business, but with the wind and dust, he was also involved.

However, it's OK to guess the clue of the thick soil world with the wisdom of the big country.

When he guesses it, he'll do it to himself.

In this case, why don't I start first?

Anyway, I've been on your side for a long time, and I'm not bad at this formal statement.


Chu Yun nodded and smiled.



In the Imperial City, Qian Fu.

Qian Yiqian is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, pacing back and forth constantly. He didn't expect that, in just one hour, there would be such a shocking shock.

First of all, on his own side, all Tianjiao who went to the thick earth was killed.

Dozens of people, no one alive!

Sun Wei went mad and scolded the dog emperor. Fang Wujing came out and killed him.

Not only that, Fang Wujing also followed the trend to issue a decree to wipe out all the Suns who were involved in the rebellion.

Now sun zhe gets the news, he has run away, and he doesn't know what the situation is.

Qian Yiqian has sent people out to inquire, but there is no news all the time. He is worried and afraid.

Fang Wujing is obviously crazy. There are no worries. There is only one word to kill!

Although I have collected all the horse feet, I can't guarantee that your majesty won't make trouble on purpose.

What should they do if they come to their house on purpose to find fault?

The Grand National Division has received the news now, but it will take some time to come here. Can it be absolutely safe during this time?

"What should I do?"

Not far from Qian Yiqian's side stood a beautiful woman, her eyes showing pain and her body shaking.

She is Qian Yiqian's wife, sun Shi, and she also has an identity as sun Zhe's cousin.

Sun's family was Zhulian's nine tribes, so she could not escape.

"Don't worry, they just take one form. Can they really come to my house and kill you?"

Qian Yiqian hurriedly comforts Sun family. They have been loving each other for many years, so he swore in his heart that he would protect her anyway.

Of course, Qian Yiqian is not very afraid. Sun family has been married to his family for hundreds of years. It can be said that they have been money family. Can they really break into his family's house without reason and seize Sun family?

Sun shuddered and shrank into a mass: "I I'm still scared. "

"Don't worry, ma'am, I am everything!"

Qian Yiqian put out his hand and hugged sun Shi, comforting him constantly.

However, in an instant, a man rushed in, kneeling on the ground in fear: "report, Mr. Sun failed to escape, and was killed by Bai Zai, FengChen and chuyun in the west gate of the imperial city!"

After hearing the news, Qian Yiqian's pupils contracted violently.

Sun's face was white, and he fainted directly.

The author Tuoba Liuyun said: Recently, the plot has been written very well and very tired. I really have no energy to break out. Please forgive me. Brothers who think it's good to write, please bring fresh

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