Sky War Soul

Chapter 1285 selling the golden Grottoes

Fortunately, Xianran residence is relatively low-key, and has no idea of expanding and competing with the palace of Changsheng emperor.

Emperor Changsheng's palace is the first force in the ancient world, but only the real strong know that xianranju is the real bully!

Unless, the martial arts myth drives the crane West.

Otherwise, looking at the whole ancient world, no forces dare to provoke xianranju, even the immortal palace!

That is to say, xianranju will not sell the face of Changsheng emperor hall at all.

You told me not to sell. Who are you?

If you go to xianranju, you may buy those three kinds of miraculous medicines.

But in fact, the consumption of xianranju is very terrible. Many big forces will be hollowed out after going there several times.

Because the residence of Xianran receives not only the guests from the ancient world, but also many powerful forces from other higher levels in the night circle. Because of the relationship between the martial arts myth, there will always be the flying immortal to join us.

Most of them are the most powerful people from Taicang war world!

In this way, Lin Guangji can occasionally go to Xianran and live in a natural place.

Of course, even his identity as the head of the palace of longevity Emperor may not be able to book the top-level courtyard.

It's not that they can't afford to spend, but this kind of courtyard has long been ordered by the supreme flying fairyland in advance. Their strength is terrible one by one, so they won't sell the face of Changsheng emperor hall.

However, even the lowest courtyards require a high level of identity to book.

Simply put, Xianran house doesn't accept guests with insufficient identity at all.

Chu Yun comes to xianranju with the stone breaking the sky and the sun golden and black.

The towering peaks are continuous, such as waves, lush trees, and various spectacular wonders, which make people sigh the uncanny workmanship of nature.

The mountains are towering, independent and precipitous. They are separated from other mountains like knives and axes. They are different and unique.

In the middle of the mountain, where the clouds cover the fog, there is a group of ancient buildings, which is called Xianran house.

As the name implies, the place where immortals live.

In addition to the delicacy of the building itself, there are also many secret lines and arrays here. Entering one of them is equivalent to taking an extraordinary pill, bathing in the comfortable spirit and holy light, as if floating like a fairy.

This is just one of the highlights of Xianran. It's nothing.

But we can imagine how terrible the consumption of xianranju is.

As long as you enter Xianran house, you can meet all your requirements here. As long as you can afford it, even the stars in the sky can be picked for you.

Of course, it's a bit exaggerated, but it doesn't reduce the charm of xianranju.

It is said that Li Yaoxing once lived here for a period of time. The courtyard he lived in was directly isolated, which was called the immortal's courtyard.

Xianran's Fairy house doesn't accept any guests, no matter how terrible your identity is, because Li Yaoxing is the only one here!

In addition to the immortal house, the courtyard of Xianran house is divided into people, earth and heaven. Among them, the Tianyuan is the most precious. It only receives the flying fairyland supreme without saying. It has to be booked several years in advance. No matter who it is, they can only come according to the rules and can't jump in the queue.

Chu Yun came to Xianran's house and looked at the ancient and fragrant plaque. He felt a sense of wonder.

This xianranju is a perfect work of art!

No matter how you feel from any angle, you can perceive the elaborate layout everywhere.

Chu Yun takes out the token and wants to step into it.

"Do you have a reservation?"

Before entering Xianran residence, Chu Yun and others were stopped.

I saw a fairyland old man standing there, Hu Zihua white, ha ha smile.

"I don't have a reservation."

Chu Yun shook his head: "I want to get into it and buy some panacea."

"Ha ha, xianranju only accepts the guests who have made advance reservation. Since there is no advance reservation, please come back."

The old man smiled and refused, at the same time, his eyes swept over the stone sky and the sun, and his eyebrows crossed quickly with surprise.

This is the son of whose family, who can raise dari Jinwu as a pet!

This is a powerful beast with ancient blood!

As for stone breaking, he ignored it directly.

After all, a stone man, no one will be interested.

"I have this."

Chu Yun held up the token and said, "the person who sent me the token said that I can consume in Xianran residence at will, without restriction."

"Oh, how could it be."

The old man shook his head and thought it was funny.

With a token, can you spend freely in Xianran residence?

Isn't that a joke?

Where do you think this is!

This is the immortal residence that has received countless flying fairylands!

The first gold cave in ancient times!

The old man glanced at the token at will, and his smile froze.

Then, he stepped forward and was very close. His eyes were fixed on the word "Star" on the token. His eyes almost had to be pasted.

"Here This... "

The old man's eyes were completely stupid, his whole body quivered, and he took back his eyes in a shock. He said: "this is The owner's token? "

Before the voice fell, the old man hurriedly walked around the token. He did not dare to touch it with his own hands, so he only dared to look aside and identify whether it was Li Yaoxing's token or not.

"Really It's really the token of the owner! "

The old man suddenly burst into tears, could not help but prostrate on the ground, shouting: "master, you finally think of returning to xianranju! The little one is called Quan Lekang. The little one who followed his master was the little great grandfather! "

Chu Yun's expression was startled. Unexpectedly, the old man in front of him, who is the master of Xianran residence, was Quan Lekang, the most powerful man in the fairyland.

At that time, the founder who followed Li Yaoxing, that is, xianranju, was named Quan Xianran, while Li Yaoxing called him Xiaoquanzi.

"Please! Hurry up! "

Quan Lekang suddenly climbs up and leads the way for Chu Yun in front.

As he walked, he called out, "hurry up, open the forbidden area of the immortal's house, and welcome the guests to the door!"

"The fairy house is about to open?"

Xianran is in the middle. Everyone takes a breath of cold air, as if they are dreaming.

They have been living in Xianran for many years. Naturally, they know for whom the immortal house is reserved. Only Li Yaoxing, a martial arts myth, can live there!

In the past, there was a sovereign who wanted to enter the immortal's palace for a visit, but was refused by Quan Lekang.

Even the title is supreme, you are not qualified to enter it!

Who is this kid?

Actually, Quan Lekang is willing to open the fairy house and let him enter it, enjoying the same treatment as Li Yaoxing.

Chu Yun is calm, at most, he is shocked by Quan Lekang's attitude.

Unexpectedly, in the past many years, Quan Lekang was still loyal to Li Yaoxing. It was just a token, but it was like his own visit.

Because it's obvious that Li Yaoxing hasn't been here for many years.

Chu Yun did not know the concept of xianrenyuan.

He only knew that the courtyard he entered was very ordinary and not as luxurious as he imagined.

I don't know why, those people around me make such a fuss.

Quan Lekang stood in front of him respectfully and said, "I've come to buy some miraculous medicines before. What kind of miraculous medicine is it? As long as you speak, I will find it for you! "

He didn't know Chu Yun's identity, but since he could come here with Li Yaoxing's personal token, it was definitely not simple.

Once the token arrives, it's like Li Yaoxing's presence!

Chu Yun touched his nose and said, "I need these three kinds of miraculous medicines: iris, centrifugal grass and Baizu Wangchong leaf. Remember that they can't be less than 80000 years!"

"80000 years?"

Quan Lekang has some idiots. How can he ask so low?

He thought it was a panacea for at least 150000 years!

80000 years!

Isn't this a shame?

At present, Quan Lekang firmly clapped his chest and said, "don't worry, young master. In an hour, you must put these three kinds of miraculous medicines in front of you!"

When the voice fell, he hurried to prepare.

Then, dozens of tall, fat and thin women came in. They all seemed to have the top looks of all ethnic groups and different temperament. They all stood around respectfully to meet all the requirements of Chu Yun at any time.

Later, someone brought the plate.

There are all kinds of delicious food in all the noodles.

Many super pills, like candy, are filled with the plates, obviously the dessert before the meal.

As for the plates, glasses, kettles, etc., they are all extraordinary soldiers.

Take the super pill for dessert?

Take the extraordinary spirit soldiers and pour wine?

Chu Yun's eyes are almost straight.

Is there any such operation?

"How do you feel?"

Stone broke the sky, he smiled, holding four women of different temperament in his arms, it was brilliant.

Chu Yun took a deep breath, and then slowly said, "I feel the same in my dream."

The four women kneaded their shoulders and beat their legs for Chu Yun. They worked hard and never complained. There was always a smile on their face. They were very obedient, as if Chu Yun could strip them away anytime and anywhere as long as he wanted.

"Come on, young man, let's drink some Qiong syrup and jade dew to wash our mouth first!"

A woman held up her glass and reached to Chu Yun's lips.

Qiongjiang Yulu is brewed by several hundred thousand years' efforts of the most top winemakers. It is made of several hundred thousand years' juice and the purest dew in the world.

Even if it's just a drop, it's worth as much as the elixir!

Even in the courtyard, there is only one glass of jade dew.

However, in front of Chu Yun, there is a bucket full!

If all of this is drunk, even Chu Yun's horrible body can't bear it!


Chu Yun raised his neck and dried it. Then he saw a light in front of his eyes: "this wine is good to drink. It's not bitter or spicy at all. It's extremely sweet!"

"Is it?"

The woman's eyes brightened: "just like it, young man."

"What's the point of drinking alone? Come and drink together!"

Chu Yun patted the table and asked for a dozen cups.

Those servants are completely stupid and stupefied.

Even if it's just a drop, it's a precious precious jade dew, which is not stingy to give to these women!

You know, even if it's a noble guest of Tianyuan, you can only taste one cup!

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