Sky War Soul

Chapter 1289 Xianran residence and closed Garden

A group of five people came to Xianran house.

At the beginning, Lin Yan came here once, so he was deeply impressed. The air here is mixed with sweet smell, and it seems to be in a fairyland.

There are several people standing in front of Xianran's house. They have hands on their backs and look very proud.

"I have already reserved your courtyard here. Why do you say cancel it?"

There were a dozen people around Xianran's house. One of them, the great emperor of Nirvana, was angry and spoke loudly.

"this is not my has the final say, this is boss's meaning. Moreover, the cancellation of the booking has been told to you all, whether you have received it or not, we have done all our obligations."

Xianran is in front of the gate. There are three flying fairyland Lords.

The rest are also the great emperors of nirvana.

They spoke with a bland air, without any emotion at all.

That's what the boss means.

Why is the garden closed?

The master is coming!

He is known as the myth of martial arts, one of the highest status in the night circle, and Li Yaoxing once walked out of the East imperial city!

The great Nirvana took a deep breath and went up to him and said in a low voice, "you should recognize me, everyone. I am the elder of danta, and I often come to your Xianran house for consumption. This time I pick up my friend, can you sell me a face? Otherwise, I can't get along with my old face! "

He spoke in a good voice. This time he was preparing to entertain his friends. He had already booked a courtyard. He had been making arrangements for several days, so he didn't receive the news of closing the garden from xianranju.

However, the xianranju people shook their heads and said coldly, "it's not that the brothers don't sell you face, that's what the boss means. The reason why the garden is closed is that there is a terrifying presence coming over, you know?"

The elder danta was shocked and said, "what is it that makes you live in a closed garden?"


The man gave an enigmatic smile and shook his head.

However, elder danta can only shake his head and turn back to explain to a group of friends behind him.

Fortunately, we all understood that this time we will not achieve the next time, we will all leave.

Seeing this scene, Lin Ying's heart was thumping, and there was a bad sign.

Although he didn't hear a few people talking, he could guess something from that picture.

He walked up conscientiously and barely smiled: "everyone, I booked one a few days ago..."

"All bookings are cancelled. Xianranju is closed these days. No one will accept it!"

Before Lin Ying's voice fell, the flying fairyland master waved impatiently.

Hearing this, Lin Ying's face was a little ugly.

Cai Qidong frowned and said, "I'm Cai Qidong, the young master of Fulai chamber of Commerce. He's Lin Ying, the son of Changsheng temple. Can't even our identity enter the garden?"

As if he had no brain, he came up to show off his identity, as if he wanted to force these people to let him in.

"Where's that idiot from?"

Xianran lives among the three flying fairylands. They all look surprised. These days, there are many idiots.

After hearing this, Wu Zhilan lost her pretty face.

I thought that this time, I could enter into xianranju to open my eyes, but who could have expected that it would be so unlucky that all the gardens were closed.

Lin Ying doesn't give up. After all, her cousin is on the side. He doesn't want to lose face in front of her cousin.

So he continued: "everyone, what we ordered is only the people's court. If there are big people coming, we will not meet them in the people's court Some of you have to be flexible. If you can use the hall of Changsheng emperor in the future, just open your mouth! "

In order to be able to put one in front of Wu Zhilan, he opened up completely.

This time, we must strive to enter Xianran residence.

Otherwise, there will be no chance next time.


Several people smiled. Although Changsheng palace was the first force in the ancient world, they didn't really pay attention to it.

At this time, suddenly a warship came across the sky, easily crushing the void and suppressing the surrounding areas.

This warship is very gorgeous, giving off a long and ancient atmosphere, with an extraordinary history.

In the head of the warship stands a huge tiger head. Although it has been dead for a long time, two eyes have given off brilliant light, one is green and the other is golden It's not a sculpture, it's not an ornament, it's a real monster's head!

Ancient monsters, blue eyes and golden eyes!

Those who can hang the heads of the ancient monsters in front of the warships will definitely have an extraordinary status!

This is a symbol of strength and identity!

"I have booked a Tianyuan to celebrate my granddaughter's birthday!"

A rumbling voice sounded from the warship. It was very thick, like a roar of thunder. The shocked people were blacked out and could not stand stably.

Xianran people's faces turned pale in an instant. Looking at the warship in the sky, they kept drawing air.

The title is supreme!

It's definitely a title!

The title from Taicang war world is supreme!

Lin Ying and others were also surprised. They decided to step back and watch.

When a person with the title of supreme comes here, do you dare to stand in the way of these people?

"Senior! We didn't mean to create difficulties, but we couldn't help it! "

"That's right. The boss has announced that no one can enter the park."

"Master, I'm sorry to say here. I'll come back to xianranju later. It's a great ceremony!"

Three flying fairyland supremacy, all give an explanation.

Their words are respectful and their voice is very light. After all, in front of them is a title. They can definitely rank in the top ten in the night circle!

Because of the night circle, there are only ten of them!

"What? Not even the title? "

When Lin Ying saw this, she was completely stupid.

At first, he thought that if the title came out, xianranju would surely open the garden under pressure.

But who could have thought that they were so stubborn that they didn't even give the honor of the title!

Isn't it dying?

The one in the warship snorted coldly: "I'll find the Tianyuan of quanle Kangding myself and call him out! I want him to give an explanation! "

"Holy wood, I'm so sorry. Let me explain to you myself..."

I saw an old man in white running out of Xianran's house. He swept himself up and walked into the warship.

For a long time, there was silence inside the warship, only the voice of Quan Lekang could be vaguely heard, but he did not know what he was muttering.

After a while, the voice of holy wood came out: "so it is. Naturally, I want to sell this face! But after this, you must make up for me! "

"That must be, must be!"

Quan Lekang wipes his sweat continuously. The supreme leader of lingmu is not easy to provoke. Fortunately, Li Yaoxing's fame is loud enough to stop him.

However, the supreme face of lingmu can't be brushed, and compensation will be given later.


The warship turned its bow and disappeared into the void in the sound of violent shock.

Lin Ying has nothing to say.

Even the supremacy of the title touched a snuff. I still don't want to lose face.


Lin Ying has some bitter words to explain.

It's not easy to book a reception banquet, but it's like this.

"Cousin Lin Ying, I understand. I'm not lucky. I can't help it."

Wu Zhilan quickly comforts Lin Ying and asks him not to blame himself too much. Of course, she is very disappointed, but she is too smart to show it.

"Well, bad luck. Go back, go back."

Cai Qidong also shrinks his neck and dare not say anything more.

Lin Yan in the distance, see this behind the scenes, also shook his head.

Looking at Wu Zhilan's gentleness towards Lin Ying, Lin Yan is in a complex mood and just wants to smile bitterly. It seems that her feelings in those days were indeed weak. Now her cousin has become a lot of reality. After she was deprived of the position of son of God, she didn't even talk to herself all the way.

"What are you still doing? Let's go!"

Lin Ying walked out a few steps, suddenly saw Lin Yan was still in place, can't help but scold fiercely: "don't look at their own virtue, I can at least reserve the courtyard of Xianran house, you don't even have the qualification to enter the door, understand!"

Wu Zhilan looks on coldly. She knows that Lin Ying's cousin is in a bad mood and needs to vent.

Lin Yan clenched her fists and taunted her all the way to show her face.

Since cousin has become so thorough, what can I say?

After that, right to be a stranger!

Just when he wanted to explode, Chu Yun slapped his hand on his shoulder and said with a smile, "do you want to go in?"

Lin Ying looked at Chu Yun with the eyes of a fool and said with a sneer, "why, do you have a way to let us in? Do you want to tell me that the boss here is your father? "

After saying this, he and Cai Qidong couldn't help laughing.

Wu Zhilan also covers her lips lightly and giggles.

"How dare you humiliate Brother Yun?"

Lin Yan is furious, like a fierce beast, roaring to rush up.

He was not so crazy when he was humiliated.

Chu Yun's eyes flashed a cold light, and then converged. He patted Lin Yan on the shoulder to show him calm.

Later, Chu Yun turned around and walked towards xianranju.

Lin Ying held her shoulders, her face full of ridicule.

Why can't you go in without the title?

Are you really a wild seed of Quan Lekang out there?

Chu cloud path straight forward, light said: "take us in."

"This kid got kicked in the head by the donkey?"

"You can't die."

Cai Qidong and Lin Ying all look at Chu Yun with pity.

Dare to speak to Quan Lekang in this tone?

Who does he think he is?

Wu Zhilan also shakes her head and despises Lin Yan even more.

Lin Yan's cousin has fallen into the company of such a person. He is really willing to fall down!

Quan Lekang looks a little unhappy. He looks up and finds that it's Chu Yun. His attitude turns 180 degrees: "so It's the son of Chu. Come in, please! No one is allowed to come in these days when the immortal lives in the closed garden, and the immortal house has been kept for you all the time! "

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